Fisiología. Respiratory System Pathologies

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Pathologies of the respiratory system

Pathology Definition Causes Symptoms Prevention

• Prolonged exposure of the lungs to

• Frequent coughing or
irritating substances
Lung disorder in which progressive • Substances such as nicotine and
• Cough that produces a lot of Emphysema and chronic
damage is generated in the marijuana
mucus. obstructive pulmonary disease
alveoli. The alveoli inflate • High air pollution
Chronic pulmonary • Shortness of breath, especially if cannot be cured, but there are
abnormally, resulting in a • Chemical vapors, fumes and dust
emphysema you are physically active. treatments that can help relieve
permanent enlargement of the existing in certain work environments
• A hissing or grinding sound symptoms and slow the
air spaces, their obstruction, and • Use of coal and firewood in poorly
when you breathe. progression of the disease.
the destruction of their walls. ventilated places
• Sensation of pressure in the
• there is a minimum percentage of
genetic risk factor

• Blockage of the airway

• Anxiety
• Stress It depends on the cause that
• Bronchospasm • Discomfort when breathing. causes it.
It is respiratory distress or shortness • Hypoxemia • Difficulty breathing.
of breath. Mental anguish occurs For this reason, when faced with
• Fluid between the lungs and the • Inability to get enough air.
Dyspnea associated with the inability to a picture of respiratory distress,
chest wall • Sensation of suffocation,
ventilate sufficiently to meet the an assessment by a specialist is
demand for air. • Pneumonia or infection oppression, suffocation or important to find the cause and
• Inflammation of the lungs after suffocation. apply the appropriate
radiation therapy treatment.
• Low red blood cell count
• A blood clots
• It occurs when not enough oxygen
reaches the brain. It depends on the cause, severity
It's the lack of oxygen. There is • Confusion or altered
• Irregular heart rhythm and health condition of the
depletion of the oxygen-carrying consciousness
• Suffocation person, however, in most cases it
Hypoxia capacity of the blood or • Cyanosis
• Strangulation consists of oxygen administration
envenomation of intracellular • Tachypnea
• Asthma attack through masks or orotracheal
oxidative enzymes. • Tachycardia and diaphoresis
• Poisoning intubation.
• Trauma to the trachea or lungs

It depends on the cause. Mild

It is the collapse of the alveoli; can
• Obstruction of the airways (bronchi or atelectasis may go away without
be localized or generalized. When • Difficulty breathing
bronchioles) due to mucous plugs or treatment. Sometimes
the lung is flexible enough, only a
cancer • Agitated and shallow breathing medications are given to loosen
Atelectasis collapse of the alveoli occurs and
• Pressure on the outside of the lung • Wheezing and thin the mucus. If the
when it occurs in the entire lung it
• Lack of a surfactant secreted by • Cough condition is due to an
is called massive collapse of the
specialized epithelial cells obstruction, surgery or other
treatments may be required.

• Chest pain when breathing or Specific treatment depends on

coughing the type and severity of
It is a pathological process where • Cough that can produce
there is a bacterial invasion of the pneumonia, your age, and your
phlegm general health. Options include
lung parenchyma that causes • Bacteria, viruses and fungi from the
Pneumonia • Fatigue the following:
exudative consolidation of the air we breathe.
viscera. The form it takes depends • Fever, sweating, and chills with
shaking - Antibiotics
on the specific etiologic agent. - Cough medicines
• Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
- Fever reducers/analgesics
• Difficulty breathing
• Tobacco smoke • Shortness of breath
• Dust mites • Chest pain or tightness
This usually involves learning to
• Atmospheric pollution • Wheezing on exhalation, which
recognize triggers, taking steps
It is a disease characterized by • Pets is a common sign of asthma in
to avoid them, and monitoring
increased irritability of the children
• Mold your breathing to make sure
Asthma bronchial tree due to paroxysmal • Trouble sleeping caused by
• Smoke from burning wood or grass medications are keeping
narrowing of the bronchial shortness of breath, coughing or
• Sinusitis symptoms under control. In the
airways. wheezing
• Allergies event of an asthma attack, a
• Coughing or wheezing that is quick-relief inhaler may be used.
• Excessive physical exercise made worse by a respiratory
• Medicines virus, such as a cold or flu

It is a blue coloring of the lips, Oxygen therapy is the first

fingers and toes. Blood circulates • Significant cooling of the body • Bluish discoloration of the lips, treatment that is administered,
abnormally, so oxygen-poor • Decreased stroke volume fingers, and toes as in other situations that occur
Cyanosis blood from the right side of the • Local alterations of the arterial system • Dyspnea with low levels of oxygen in the
heart goes directly to the left side, • Vasomotor disturbances • Chest pain blood. Surgery is also an option,
instead of first going through the • Worsening venous return • Tiredness or weakness depending on the type of birth
lungs for more oxygen. defect.

It is a disease caused by the

• Severe cough that lasts 3 weeks
bacterium Mycobacterium Drug treatment, this procedure is
or more
tuberculosis. These bacteria • It is caused by a bacterium called followed especially with people
• Chest pain
Tuberculosis usually attack the lungs, but they Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It who have HIV/AIDS or other
can also attack other parts of the spreads easily in crowded places. • Coughing up blood or sputum factors that increase the risk of
body, such as the kidneys, spine, (phlegm that comes up from the contracting active tuberculosis.
and brain. bottom of the lungs)
1. Tratamiento causal
2. Tratamiento sintomático
(solamente en personas sin
• Utilizar ansiolíticos o
Hypocapnia is defined as a • Hyperventilation • Alterations of consciousness
depresores del centro
Hypocapnia deficiency of carbon dioxide • Anxiety • Symptoms of cerebral ischemia
respiratorio (benzodiazepinas,
(CO2) in the arterial blood. • Fever • Paresthesia barbitúricos)
• Indicar la respiración en
una bolsa de plástico (para
aumentar el espacio respiratorio

• Reddened skin
• Decreased central nervous system • Drowsiness or inability to Limites tu exposición a vapores o
It is a type of respiratory failure. respiratory drive concentrate sustancias químicas si han
Occurs when there is a large
Hypercapnia • Anatomical defects • Mild headache causado hipercapnia
amount of carbon dioxide (CO2)
• Decreased neuromuscular response • Feeling short of breath relacionada con la EPOC.
in the bloodstream.
• Increased dead space within the lung. • Feeling abnormally tired or

There are risk factors:

• Loud snoring
• Overweight
Potentially serious sleep disorder • Episodes where breathing stops Recomendar cambios en el estilo
• Deviated nasal septum
in which breathing repeatedly while you sleep de vida, como bajar de peso o
• Very large tonsils
stops and starts again. These • Gasping for breath while dejar de fumar. Podría ser
Apnea • Be of the male sex
interruptions can last from a few sleeping necesario que cambiar la
seconds to minutes and can occur • Family background posición en la que duermes.
• Waking up with a dry mouth
more than 30 times per hour. • Advanced age
• Headache in the morning
• Use of alcohol, sedatives or
• Insomnia

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