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When I was five years old I traveled to Ayacucho to visit my grandmother, during the trip I saw

many beautiful landscapes. In Ayacucho there are many farmlands where fruits and vegetables
are grown, for example (tomato, cocoa, prickly pears, potatoes, carrots, etc.). In Ayacucho I
was so happy because there were many animals but there were animals that were scary, for
example (monkey, donkey and pig) in Ayacucho the climates are hot and cold, in the morning
and at night it was cold and in the afternoon it was hot. The most that I like about Ayacucho
are its traditions because they are so great and amazing, for example its dances and music,
they are many beautiful but difficult to learn.

Cuando tenía cinco años viajé a Ayacucho a visitar a mi abuela, durante el viaje vi muchos
paisajes hermosos. En Ayacucho hay muchas tierras de cultivo donde se cultivan frutas y
verduras, por ejemplo (tomate, cacao, tunas, papas, zanahorias, etc.). En Ayacucho estaba tan
feliz porque había muchos animales pero había animales que daban miedo, por ejemplo
(mono, burro y cerdo) en Ayacucho los climas son cálidos y fríos, en la mañana y en la noche
hacía frío y en la tarde hacía calor. Lo que más me gusta de Ayacucho son sus tradiciones
porque son muy buenas y sorprendentes, sus músicas son bonitas como el huayno que son
tocadas con varios instrumentos y sus danzas son muy hermosas pero difíciles de aprender
solo hay que ponerle práctica.

When I was five years old I traveled to Ayacucho to visit my grandmother, during the traveled I
saw many beautiful landscapes. In Ayacucho there are many farmlands where fruits and
vegetables are grown, for example (tomato, cocoa, prickly pears, potatoes, carrots, etc.). In
Ayacucho I was so happy because there were many animals but there were animals that were
scary, for example (monkey, donkey and pig) in Ayacucho the climates are hot and cold, in the
morning and at night it was cold and in the afternoon it was hot. What I like the most about
Ayacucho are its traditions because they are very good and surprising, its music is beautiful like
the huayno that is played with various instruments and its dances are very beautiful but
difficult to learn, you just have to put it into practice.

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