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On March 2, 2023, the president of the United Nations of America Joe Biden announced to

offer an amount of $1.2 billion to extend the life of distressed nuclear power plants. He believes that
nuclear power is a significant source to achieve pure clean electricity in 12 years. According to what
Jennifer Granholm, the Energy Secretary of USA has said, this measure benefits the local
communities by providing cheaper and safer energy resource.

It seems to know that the measure above cannot tackle the problems of energy depletion in
a long run since they are dangerous and vulnerable. Nuclear plants are complex and sensitive in
industrial installations, which produce tons of radioactive waste each year. The emission of these
harmful substances can greatly contaminate the aquatic wildlife, causing an imbalance in the marine
system. Moreover, the Chernobyl disaster and Fukushima Daichi accident have both shown how
serious the consequences of the meltdowns could be. We should draw the lessons from the past to
prevent a more severe accident from occurring.

In addition, nuclear energy delivers too life to matter. According to scenarios from the World
Nuclear Association and the OELD Nuclear Energy Agency, doubling the capacity of nuclear power
worldwide in 2050 would only decreases greenhouse gas emissions by 4%. 37 nuclear reactors are
needed to be brought to the grid every year. As a further concern, spending a high cost of $1.2 billion
on nuclear plants is apparently worthless.

To sum up, we believe that alternative resources like wind and solar power can be utilised in
order to lower the risk and cost, so that to build a more resilient and delightful community for our
future generations.

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