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ACCOUNT : A form in which financial data are
accumulated and summarized.
ACCOUNT BALANCE : Difference between the total
debits and the total credits to an account.
ADJACENT ROOMS : Rooms close to each other,
such as rooms across the hall.
ADVANCE DEPOSIT : A type of reservation that
guarantees reservation which requires the guest
to pay a specified amount of money to the hotel
in advance.
AMERICAN PLAN : A billing arrangement
under which room charges include the
guestroom and three meals. Also called
full pension

ARRIVAL DATE : The date guest plans to

register at the hotel.
AVAILABILITY REPORT : A report that contains
expected arrival and departure information for
the next several days, typically prepared as part
of the night audit.
BLOCK : An agreed-upon number of rooms asset
aside from members of a group planning to stay
at a hotel.
BOOK: To sell or reserve rooms ahead of time.
CANCELLATION : A reservation invalidated at the
request of the guest.
CANCELLATION HOUR : The hour after which the
property may release for sale all unclaimed non-
guaranteed reservations, according to property
CHAIN HOTEL : A hotel owned by or affiliated with
other properties.
CHECK OUT : The procedures involved in the
departure of a guest in a property, including
settlement of a guest’s account and returning
room keys.
CHECK-OUT TIME : The hour by which departing
guests must check out of a property.
CLOSED : The status of a date for which a
reservation system will not accept additional
COMMERCIAL RATE : Room rates for
businesspeople that represent a company and
have infrequent or sporadic patterns of travel.

CORPORATE RATE : A special room rate agreed on

by a company and a hotel for frequent guests.
COMPLIMENTARY : A room status term indicating
that the room is occupied, but the guest is
assessed no charge for its use.

CONCIERGE : An employee whose basic task is to

serve as the guest’s liaison with both hotel and
non-hotel attractions, facilities, services and
CONFIRMATION LETTER : A letter sent to a guest
to verify that a reservation has been made and
that its specifications are accurate.
type of reservation guarantee in which a
corporation signs a contractual agreement with
the hotel to accept financial responsibility for
any no-show business travelers it sponsors.
DNCO : A room status term indicating that the guest
made arrangement to settle his or her account
but has left without informing front office.
DUE OUT : A room status term indicating that the
room is expected to become vacant after the
following day’s check-out time.
EARLY ARRIVAL : A guest who arrives at a property
before the date of his/her reservation.
EMERGENCY KEY : A key that opens all
guestrooms, even when they are double-locked.
EUROPEAN PLAN : A billing arrangement under
which meals are priced separately from rooms.
EXPECTED ARRIVAL S LIST : A daily report showing
the number and names of the guests expected
to arrive.
showing the number and names of guests
expected to depart as well as the numbers of
FAMILY RATE : A special room rate for parents and
children in the same room.
FOLIO : A statement of all transactions affecting the
balance of a single account.
FORECASTING : The process of predicting future
events and trends in business.
coming to the hotel as an individual, and not as
part of a group. Also called a transient guest.
FULL HOUSE : A condition in which every room of
the hotel has been booked.
GOVERNMENT RATE : A special room rate available
at some hotels for government employees.
GROUP RATE : A special room rate for a number of
guests who are affiliated with one another.
assures the guest that a room will be held until
check-out time of the day following the day of
GUEST ACCOUNT : A record of the financial
transactions that occur between the guest and
the hotel
GUEST FOLIO: A form used to chart transactions on
an account assigned to an individual person or
GUEST HISTORY FILE : A collection of guest history
record, constructed from expired registration
GUEST HISTORY RECORD : A record of personal
and financial information about hotel guests
for marketing purposes and information should
he/she return.
GUEST ROOM KEY : A key that opens a single
guestroom door if it is not double-locked.
HOUSE COUNT : The forecasted or expected
number of guests for a particular period.
HOUSE USE : A room status indicating that the
room is being used by someone on the hotel
staff at no charge.
prepared by the HK Dept. that indicates the
current HK status each room based on a
physical check.
INCENTIVE RATE : A special room rate for
guests affiliated travel and tourism
organizations because of the potential
referral business they can generate for the
INFORMATION RACK : An alphabetical index of
registered guests, used in routing telephone
calls, mails, messages and visitor inquiries.
KEY RACK : An array of numbered compartments
used to store guestroom keys.
LATE ARRIVAL : A guest with a reservation who
expects to arrive after the hotel’s designated
cancellation hour and so he notifies the hotel.
LATE CHECK-OUT : A room status term indicating
that the guest is being allowed to check out
later than the hotel’s standard check-out time.
LATE CHECK-OUT FEE : A charge imposed by
some hotels on guests who do not check-out
by the established check-out time.
LOCK-OUT : A room status term indicating that
the room has been locked so that the guest
cannot re-enter until he/she is cleared by a
hotel official.
LOGBOOK : A journal in which important front
office events and decisions are recorded for
reference during subsequent shifts.
MASTER FOLIO : A folio used to chart transactions
on an account assigned to more than one
person or guest room, usually reserved for
group accounts.
MASTER KEY : A key which opens all guestroom
doors which are not double-locked.
arrangement under which the daily rate
includes charges for the guestroom and two
meals – typically breakfast and dinner.
reservation arrangement in which the hotel
agrees to hold a room for the guest until a
stated reservation cancellation hour on the
day of arrival.
NO-POST STATUS : A term used to indicate a
guest who is not allowed to charge purchases
to his/her room account.
NO SHOW : A guest who made a room reservation
but did not register or cancel.
OCCUPANCY PERCENTAGE : An occupancy ratio
that indicates the proportion of rooms sold to
rooms available for sale during a specific
period of time.
OCCUPANCY REPORT : A report prepared each
night by a front desk clerk that lists the rooms
occupied that night and indicates those guests
expected to check out the following day.
ON CHANGE : A room status term indicating that
the guest has departed, but the room has not
yet been cleaned and readied for resale.
OPEN : The status of a date for which a reservation
system can still accept reservations.
OUT-OF-ORDER (OOO) : A room status term
indicating that the room cannot be assigned to
a guest.
OUTSTANDING BALANCE : The amount the guest
owes the hotel.
OVERAGE : An imbalance that occurs when the
total of cash and checks in a cash register
drawer is greater than the initial bank plus net
cash receipts.
OVERBOOKING : Accepting more reservations
than there are available rooms.
OVERSTAY : A guest who stays after his or her
stated departure date.
PACKAGE PLAN RATE : A special rate for a room
as part of a combination of events and
pays his/her room charges in cash during
POSTING : The process of recording transactions
on guest folio.
PRE-REGISTRATION : A process by which sections
of a registration card or its equivalent are
completed for guests arriving with
telephone switchboard equipment.
PROMOTIONAL RATE : A special room rate
offered to promote future business
RACK RATE : The standard rate established by
the property for a particular category of
REGISTRATION :The procedure by which an
incoming guest signifies his or her intent to
stay at a property by completing and
signing a registration card.
REGISTRATION CARD : A printed form for a
registration record.
RESERVATION : An agreement between the
hotel and the guest that the hotel will hold a
specific type of room for a particular date and
length of stay.
written verification of the information
contained in a reservation record.
RESERVATION RECORD : A collection of data that
identifies a guest and his or her anticipated
occupancy needs before arrival at the property
designed chart that displays hotel rooms
vertically and days of the month
ROOM ASSIGNMENT : The identification and
allocation to a guest of an available room in
a specific room category, finalized as part of
the registration process.
ROOM NIGHT : One room occupied for one
ROOM RACK : An array of metal file pockets
designed to hold room rack slips arranged
by room numbers.
ROOM RACK SLIP : A form that contains guest
name and other relevant information,
completed during the registration process
and placed in a room rack slot
corresponding to the room number
assigned to the guest.
ROOM RATE : The price the hotel charges for
overnight accommodations.
ROOM STATUS : A code or description
indicating the occupancy and housekeeping
status of a room.
ROOM STATUS REPORTS : A report that allows
front desk clerks to identify vacant and
ready rooms.
ROOMING : The procedures involved in greeting
a guest, assigning a room and escorting or
directing the guest to the room.
SKIPPER : A room status term indicating that
the guest has left the hotel without making
arrangements to settle his or her accounts.
STAYOVER : A room status term indicating that
the guest is not checking out yet and will
remain at least one more night.
THIRD-PARTY CHECK : A check made out to
someone who has then signed check over to
the person presenting the check.
TOUR GROUP : A group of people who have
had their accommodations, transportation,
and related activities arranged for them.
TRAVELER’S CHECK : A prepaid check sold by
banks and other financial institutions which
is considered equivalent to cash.
UNDERSTAY : A guest who checks out before
his or her stated departure date.
remaining in a guest account after the guest
has left the hotel.
VACANT and READY : A room status term
indicating that the room has been cleaned
and inspected and is ready for an arriving
WAITING LIST : A list of guests desiring rooms
who cannot be accommodated because the
hotel is full.
WALK-IN : A person who arrives at a property
without a reservation and who requests a
WALKING : Turning away a guest who has a
reservation because of lack of rooms.
ZERO OUT : To settle in full the balance of a
folio account as the guest checks out.

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