Courses For Preparedness, Data Science

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Below, please find a list of courses offered by UT Austin that the online MSDS Admissions Committee
considers preparatory to coursework in the MSDS program. This course list offers a rough guide based on
what UT Austin offers its undergraduates. Similar courses offered by other institutions may have different
titles and numbering and/or may cover slightly different content.

Math (Calculus and Linear Algebra)

● MATH 408D and
● MATH 341 equivalent

● SDS 320E (formerly SDS 328M) equivalent

Programming experience in
● Python and
● R or C++
M 408D Sequences, Series, and Multivariable Calculus
Text: Stewart, Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 8th Edition

Prerequisite and degree relevance: A grade of C- or better in M 408C, M 308L, M 408L, M 308S or M
408S. Only one of the following may be counted: Mathematics 403L, 408D, 408M (or 308M). Math majors
are required to take both M 408C and M 408D (or either the equivalent sequence M 408K, M 408L, M
408M; or the equivalent sequence M 408N, M 408S, M 408M). Mathematics majors are required to make
grades of C- or better in each of these courses.
Course description: M 408C, M 408D is our standard first-year calculus sequence. It is designed for
students in the natural and social sciences and engineering students. The emphasis in this course is on
problem-solving, not on theory. While the course necessarily includes some discussion of theoretical
notions, its primary objective is not the production of theorem-provers. M 408D contains a thorough
treatment of integration techniques, a survey of first-order differential equations, and an introduction to
multivariable calculus including parametric equations, partial derivatives, and multiple integrals.
Overview and Course Goals: The following pages comprise the syllabus for M 408D, and advice on
teaching it. Calculus is a service course, and the material in it was chosen after interdepartmental
discussions. Please do not make drastic changes (for example, skipping techniques of integration). You will
do your students a disservice and leave them ill-equipped for subsequent courses.
This is not a course in the theory of calculus; the majority of the proofs in the text should not be covered in
class. At the other extreme, some of our brightest math majors first found their passion for calculus; one
ought not to bore them. In general it is fair to say that M 408D students will do better than M 408C
students; on the other hand, M 408D is a more difficult course. Please keep in mind that students who pass
this course meet the prerequisite for M 427K, where it is assumed they have good calculus skills. The M
408C/D sequence is the fast sequence for students with good algebra skills; students who cannot maintain
the pace are encouraged to take either the M 408N/S/M or the M 408K/L/M sequence.
Timing and Optional Sections: The syllabus contains material for 38 days; this allows some time for
testing, reviews, and optional material. In the spring semester, you will have more time to cover optional
38 Class Days As:

● 7 Techniques of Integration (eight days)

● Substitution Review
● 7.1 Integration by Parts
● 7.2 Trigonometric Integrals
● 7.3 Trigonometric Substitution
● 7.4 Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions
● 7.5 Strategy for Integration (use as a reference with good problem set)
● 7.8 Improper Integrals

● 9 Differential Equations (six days)

● 9.1 Modeling with Differential Equations
● 9.2 Direction Fields and Euler’s Method
● 9.3 Separable Equations
● 9.4 Models for Population Growth
● 9.5 Linear Equations
● 9.6 Predator-prey Systems (optional)
● 10 Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates (four days)
● 10.1 Curves Defined by Parametric Equations
● 10.2 Calculus with Parametric Curves
● 10.3 Polar Coordinates
● 10.4 Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates
● 10.5 Conic Sections (optional)
● 10.6 Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates (optional)
● 11 Infinite Sequences and Series (twelve days)
● 11.1 Sequences
● 11.2 Series
● 11.3 The Integral Test and Estimates of Sums
● 11.4 The Comparison Tests
● 11.5 Alternating Series
● 11.6 Absolute Convergence and the Ratio and Root Tests
● 11.7 Strategy for Testing Series
● 11.8 Power Series
● 11.9 Representations of Functions as Power Series
● 11.10 Taylor and Maclaurin Series
● 11.11 Applications of Taylor Polynomials
● 14 Partial Derivatives (three days)
● 14.1 Functions of Several Variables
● 14.2 Limits and Continuity
● 14.3 Partial Derivatives
● 14.5 The Chain Rule
● 15 Multiple Integrals (five days)
● 15.1 Double Integrals over Rectangles
● 15.2 Double Integrals over General Regions
● 15.3 Double Integrals in Polar Coordinates
● 15.4 Applications of Double Integrals (optional)
● 15.9 Change of Variables in Multiple Integrals (if time permits)
M 341 Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory Syllabus
Prerequisite and degree relevance: Mathematics 408D, 408L, or 408S with a grade of at least
C-. Restricted to mathematics majors. Only one of the following may count: Mathematics
340L, 341, Statistics and Data Sciences 329C, or Statistics and Scientific Computation 329C. Majors with a
'math' advising code must register for M 341 rather than for M 340L; majors without a 'math' advising code
must register for M 340L. Math majors must make a grade of at least C- in M 341.
Primary Text: Andrilli & Hecker, Elementary Linear Algebra fourth edition
Overview and Course Goals: This course has three purposes and the instructor should give proper
weight to all three. The students should learn some linear algebra - for most of them, this will be the only
college linear algebra course they take. This is one of the first proof courses these students will take and
they need to develop some proof skills. Finally, this is, for almost all students, the introductory course in
mathematical abstraction and provides a necessary prerequisite for a number of our upper-division
courses. To teach this course successfully, the instructor should establish modest goals on all three fronts.
On one hand, a student should not be able to pass this course simply by doing calculational problems well,
but on the other hand, overly ambitious proof and abstraction goals simply discourage teacher and student
To teach proofs, the instructor should cover Section 1.3 thoroughly to introduce various proof techniques.
Afterward, a liberal (but not overwhelming) number of proofs should be sprinkled in the lectures, homework,
and tests.
In teaching abstraction, it is critical to remember that almost no students are capable of becoming truly
comfortable with it in a single semester; it is self-defeating to establish this as a goal. The study of abstract
vector spaces is a unified treatment of various familiar vector spaces and students in this course should
never be taken very far from the concrete. Linear algebra is the perfect subject for teaching students that
abstraction can be a friend. For example, it underlines nicely how the solutions to a homogeneous system
are better behaved than the solutions to a non-homogeneous system. However, amusing examples of
unnatural algebraic systems that may or may not be vector spaces should be avoided.
A warning should be given concerning the calculational homework problems. The authors, intending the
students to take full advantage of technology, have made no effort to make problems come out neatly.
Suggested Coverage:
Chapter 1 Nine or ten lectures.
The first two sections provide necessary definitions for Section 1.3. The entire chapter should be
covered. Generally, move quickly but cover 1.3 meticulously. Three or four lectures should be devoted to
this section.
Chapter 2 Six or seven lectures.
Cover all sections but again move reasonably to have enough time for Chapters 4 and 5.
Chapter 3 Three lectures.
Row operations are easy for them and you can go quite quickly here. Cover Sections 3.1 and 3.2.
Section 3.3 is optional - you might also choose to cover parts of this section. Section 3.4 is a fairly
reasonable attempt to introduce eigenvalues before introducing linear transformations. It is an interesting
and important part of this chapter, at least in my opinion. The instructor should cover at least part of this
section, all if desired.
Chapter 4 Fourteen or fifteen lectures.
This chapter is the meat of the course and the instructor should plan to take a good deal of time here.
Sections 4.1-4.6 should be covered thoroughly. Section 4.7 is optional and should probably be skipped to
provide more time for Chapter 5.
Chapter 5 About five lectures.
In a perfect world, the entire chapter should be taught, but 5.5 is probably too much to hope for.
Realistically, at least Sections 5.1 and 5.2 should be covered.
SDS 320E: Elements of Statistics

Course description: Introduction to statistics. Topics may include: probability; principles of observational
study and experimental design; statistical models and inference, including the multiple linear regression
model and one-way analysis of variance. R programming is introduced. Only one of the following may be
counted: Statistics and Data Sciences 320E and 328M. Flags: Ethics, Quantitative Reasoning,
Independent Inquiry. Core: Math.

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