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University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines

Alubijid | Balubal | Cagayan de Oro | Claveria | Jasaan | Oroquieta | Panaon | Villanueva



Name: Ramos, Jeck P. Course & Section: BSGE-4B

I. Introduction:
A land allocation is a crucial aspect of urban planning and development, as it determines
the distribution and utilization of land resources within a given jurisdiction. Various
government agencies play a significant role in this process, each with its own set of
priorities, policies and strategies.

A land allocation maps play crucial role in urban planning and development, ensuring the
efficient use of land resources and promoting sustainable growth. These maps are
managed by various governmental bodies, which are responsible for overseeing land use
regulations and ensuring that land is allocated appropriately. The governmental bodies
are responsible for identifying suitable areas for residential, commercial, industrial and
recreational purposes. By allocating land based on its potential and characteristics, these
bodies can prevent haphazard development and promote the optimal use of available land

II. Group task

This laboratory exercise involved several tasks, and each member of the group was
responsible for different aspects of the procedure. The individual tasks are outlined below:
1.) Task 1 - Data Collection and Compilation (carried out by all members)
 Identify and gather relevant geospatial data (i.e., shapefiles) from various
sources or online web portals.

 Compile the collected data into a standardized format suitable for integration
into QGIS / ArcGIS.
2.) Task 2 – Data Integration and Map Creation (carried out by all members)
 Integrate the compiled data into QGIS / ArcGIS layers, ensuring accuracy and
spatial integrity.
 Collaboratively utilize QGIS / ArcGIS software to create an accurate and
visually informative land allocation map.
3.) Task 3 - Quality Assurance and Documentation (carried out by all members)
 Conduct comprehensive quality assurance procedures to guarantee the
precision and coherence of the generated map.
 Document the methodologies, data sources, and procedures followed during
the mapping process.

III. Materials used

 QGIS & ArcMap Software
 Laptop
 Geoportal Philippines (web portal)

IV. Procedure
This laboratory exercise was divided into specific tasks, with each member of the group
taking responsibility for different aspects of the project. The procedure included the
following steps:
I. Data Collection and Compilation:
1. Go to

2. Select a layer from the available layer list to add it on the map display.

3. Click the ‘Download’ button. Then, a display note will appear and click

4. From the ‘Download’ dialog box, select a layer from the dropdown menu
then click ‘Add layer’ button.

5. Provide the following information:

 Official Email
 Name
 Sex

 Address
 Office/Agency
 Purpose
 Official Contact Number
6. Click the checkbox for the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and the certification re
the correctness and accuracy of the information provided in Step 5.

7. Click the ‘Send Link to Email’ button.

8. Go to the email provided in Step 5 and check mail from then click the link to download the spatial data.

9. You will be redirected to the ‘Geoportal Download’ page. Click the ‘Layer’
button. The file/s will then be saved in zip format.

II. Data Integration and Map Creation
Using QGIS Software:
1. Open QGIS software then click ‘New Project.’

2. In the Menu bar, click the ‘Layer’ toolbar, then click ‘Add Layer’ and ‘Add
Vector Layer’ to load a layer from the downloaded geospatial data.

3. In the dialog box, click the button, click the file recently downloaded in
Part 1- Step 8, then click the ‘Add’ button.

4. The shapefile / vector dataset will appear as follow in the Map view.

5. Go to ‘Project’ > ‘New Print Layout.’

6. You will be prompted to enter a title for the layout. You can leave it empty
and click OK.

7. Now we would have to bring the map view that we see in the QGIS Canvas
to the layout. Go to ‘Add Item’ > ‘Add Map.’ Once the Add Map mode is
active, hold the left mouse button and drag a rectangle where you want to
insert the map. Lastly, add all the other map elements (i.e., title, scale bar,
legend, grid, and north arrow).

8. Save map layout. Click ‘Layer’ > ‘Export as Image’ or ‘Export as PDF.’

9. Also, by saving the QGIS file click ‘Project’ > ‘Save as.’ Save the file to
your desired folder / filename.

Using ArcGIS Software:

1. Open the ArcGIS software & Click “New Project”

2. In the menu bar, click “connect to folder” from “catalog”
window to find the shape file extracted. Drag the shape file
(Philippine Shape file) to data view.

3. Right click the Philippine’s layer, then click its “Properties”

4. From the properties, select the “Definition Query”, Click
“verify” then “OK”

5. Drag the shape file/s downloaded and extracted from the

Geoportal Philippines website to data view and repeat step 3.
6. For layout, click “Lay-out view”. You can design the map by
clicking “insert” in the menu bar to start adding necessary
information in the map.

7. Save the file in the “File” menu bar and select save.

8. You can also export the map into several file types such as
jpeg, png, pdf and etc. Just click “export”.

III. Output

1. Land Use Land Cover Map of Region X (NAMRIA)

2. Ground Control Map of Region X (NAMRIA)

3. Covid-19 Testing Laboratories 2022 of Region X (DOH)

4. Mining Tenements of Region X (MGB)

5. Delineation of Municipal Waters of Region X (NAMRIA)

6. National Bridges of Region X (DPWH)

7. National Integrated Protected Area System of Region X (BMB)

V. Conclusion
In conclusion, the land allocation maps produced by different government agencies reflect
their distinct priorities, policies and strategies. While similarities can be identified,
differences in land use patterns and allocation strategies can lead to conflicts and
challenges in urban planning and development. To ensure sustainable and equitable land
allocation, enhanced collaboration, coordination and public participation are essential. By
integrating sustainable development principles government agencies can work towards
achieving urban growth, social cohesion and environmental conservation.


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