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231BTHEF3AMICE1002E00CB Hotel Conference Operation

Final Group Project: Develop A Marketing Plan

For this assignment, you are asked to create a comprehensive marketing plan for a hotel
located in China (either Mainland China or Macao) focusing on MICE-related (meetings,
incentives, conferences, and exhibitions) customers.

Specifically, your final submission – the written report, needs to do the following:



 Times New Roman, double-spaced, 7 – 15 pages

 Include a title page, main body, and references (appendix is optional)
 The final paper should be an integrated report. Finally, it is very important for you
to pay attention to your writing. Your assignment should be professionally
prepared with appropriate citations (must cite all sources used) and free from
grammar and spelling errors.
 You can check PPT – Chapter 2 for references


Step 1: Conducting market research

 Specify the company's background: mission, vision and goals; information about
general facilities and their meeting-related facilities; their current target markets
(e.g., market size, the profile of users – both demographics and psychographics).
 Conduct a SWOT analysis to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and

Step 2: Select target markets and positioning the property

 Based on Step 1, decide at least three priorities (i.e., positioning strategies) that
highlight the unique features and needs of the hotel.
 Specify market segments that solve the above priorities and create a
"priority/market segments" chart.

Step 3: Establish objectives and action plans (detailed!)

 Establish measurable marketing objectives aligned with the hotel's business goals.
 Create action plans using at least 3Ps of the marketing mix (7Ps) outlining the
strategies and tactics to achieve the objectives.

Step 4: Reviewing and monitoring the marketing plan

 Since you cannot determine whether the marketing is effective, simply specify a
"what-if" scenario for reviewing and monitoring the marketing plan.



 Each group is required to give an oral presentation for 20 - 25 minutes plus 5

minutes Q&A session. One or two lessons will be scheduled for presentations, and
all students are required to attend the whole session. The order of presentation
will be determined at a later stage.
 Slide Content: The presentation should be structured logically and include the
following key sections: introduction, and four steps of your marketing plan
Table of Contents Example:

Step 1: Conducting market research

A. Overall summary of hotel background
B. Mission, vision, and goals
C. Current target markets
D. Meeting-related facilities
E. SWOT Analysis
Step 2: Select target markets and positioning the property
Similar to the following …

Step 3: Establish objectives and action plans

A. Marketing objectives
B. Action plans (i.e., the 7Ps marketing mix)
Step 4: Reviewing and monitoring the marketing plan

Appendix (if you have)

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