Myp Unit Plan g9 (Perspective)

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Teacher(s) Teacher Okello Subject group and discipline Language and literature

Unit title What is the different perspective you have with others around MYP year 4 Unit duration (hrs) 20
the world?
Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Perspective Purpose Identities and relationships

Statement of inquiry
Our decisions and actions shape our identities and relationships, impact our ability to thrive and succeed, and allow us to communicate our sense of purpose.

Inquiry questions
What are you interested in? What are your skills? What are your goals? What courses do you need to take to achieve your goals? What is
a gap year? What forms of communication allow us to connect with others?

Conceptual— Where will your talents take you? How do you define success? How and why are people defined by what they do? How do
our identities and relationships impact our communication styles?

Debatable— Should you be practical and realistic or passionate when pursuing future options? Should our decisions and actions align with our
situational contexts even if they conflict with our personal values?

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

Objectives Summative assessment
The student: Outline of summative assessment task(s) Relationship between summative assessment
including assessment criteria: task(s) and statement of inquiry:
i. uses a wide range of vocabulary
Interactive Oral These summatives aim to focus on accessing
ii. uses a wide range of grammatical the students’ abilities in speaking and writing.
structures generally accurately Goal: Your goal is to compare two photos They both assess the students’
related to the topic of a Gap Year, discussing communication skills orally and in written
iii. uses clear pronunciation and intonation
similiarities and differences with your teacher work. The speaking summative allows
which makes the communication easy to
and your opinions on the topic. students to opportunity to demonstrate
connections between two images and express
iv. during interaction, communicates all or Role: You are a student tasked with providing their ideas on the topic as well as identifying
almost all the required information clearly an analysis of the photos and presenting your similiaries and differences. The writing
and effectively. insights to your teacher. summative allows students to be reflective
about their decisions after high school and to
Audience: Your audience is your teacher, who analye the pros and cons of such a decision.
The student: will be evaluating your speaking skills and the
depth of your analysis.
i. use a wide range of
Situation: The situation you find yourself in is
ii. use a wide range of a classroom setting where you are expected to
grammatical structures discuss the provided photos related to a Gap
generally accurately Year.
iii. organize information
effectively and coherently Product, Performance, and Purpose: You
in an appropriate format will produce a 3-4 minute oral discussion,
using a wide range of where you will compare the two photos,
simple and complex highlighting their similarities and differences,
cohesive devices and provide a personal response based on
your own experiences and knowledge,
iv. communicate all or including what you've learned in class. Your
almost all the required
information with a clear
sense of audience and
Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2
purpose to suit
the context.

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purpose is to engage your teacher with a well-
structured, informative, and thought-provoking

Standards and Criteria for Success: Your

presentation will be judged by the following
standards and criteria for success: Criteria C,
strands i-iv

Writing task: Advantages vs. Disadvantages to

taking a gap year
Goal: Your goal is to write a 350-word
response to the prompt, evaluating whether
students should take a gap year before
attending university. Discuss the advantages
and disadvantages of taking a gap year.
Role: You are a student writing a well-
structured and reasoned written response to
the prompt.
Audience: Your audience is your teacher who
will assess your ability to present a clear and
persuasive argument.
Situation: You are in the classroom and are
asked to provide a written response to the
given prompt.
Product, Performance, and Purpose: You
will produce a 350-word written response from
the prompt. You will need to utilize your outline
and discuss the advantages and
disadvantages as well as your opinion on the
subject. Your purpose is to persuade and
inform your teacher as well as demonstrate

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

knowledge from class and your own
Standards and Criteria for Success: Your
written response will be judged on criteria D,
strands i-iv

Approaches to learning (ATL)

ATL skill: Communication skill.

Cluster: Communication

In order for students to [use a wide range of vocabulary], students must [Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a
variety of audiences}

Skills students will learn are:

Key vocabulary related to interests and skills, goals, gap year and their meanings
Subject-verb object structure for clarity and cohesion
Synonyms for a gap year
Action verbs for creating SMART goals.
Context awareness, recognizing the situation they are in and their audience for informal vs. formal speaking
Idioms or other expressions related to a goals, gap year.

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

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Find out about Learning experiences and teaching Formative Assessment Differentiation
methods of getting to strategies
1. Instead of a discussion,
know ourselves better 1. Students will watch the
1. Students will begin by identifying students can write out their
and about the options TedTalk by Sir Ken
what are their interests, skills, and responses to these questions or
that exist to help us Robinson: Life is Your
goals. Students will complete an create a visual word wall about
set goals. Talents Discovered and
interest inventory list, personality key concepts from the video.
engage in a discussion about
test and write down what they are
Explore our potential, the following questions: 1)
good at, what are their skills and
our strengths and How can you develop your 2. Students can visually display
talents. After completing these they
weaknesses, how to talents? 2) How can your SMART goals with a timeline or
will watch a TedTalk video to apply
make informed school support your interests another visual such as a
their own information to the talking
choices and reflect on and help you to discover your collage.
points in the video.
these, and how we passions?
can apply these to an 2. Students will take notes about long-
unknown future. term vs short term goals. Students 2. Students will read an article
will practice writing SMART goals. about creating SMART goals
Take action by Students will be introduced to and respond to questions 3. Students can focus on one
synthesizing the SMART (Specific, Measurable, from the reading. Students country or specific aspect of
information we know Achievable, Relevant, and Time- will then apply their learning working trends like “how did
about the future with Bound) goals. They will list out three and write 3 SMART goals. technological advancements
what we discover by goals and structure it through the impact the 1970s.”
reflecting on our own SMART format. 3. Students will create a 5-
skills, and then using minute presentation outlining
3. Students will be introduced to the
this information to topic of working patterns and have working trends from a chosen
create our own they have changed. Students will decade. They will include
personal path and explore working trends from a information on how the
goals. decade of their choice. Students will working day has changed
create summaries of their findings over the years, popular jobs
Learner Profile from their research and then create during their decade and jobs
Attribute: Principled - a presentation. that have become obsolete
we are proud of who from that decade.
we are and are
respectful of others

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 6

Keywords: interests,
skills, goals, purpose,
decision making, future,
gap year, success


“Life Is Your Talents Discovered | Sir Ken Robinson |

TEDxLiverpool.” YouTube, YouTube, 16 Sept. 2014,

“Personality Test - 41 Questions. 1 Personality. 100% Free.”

Personality Test English, Accessed
27 Oct. 2023.

Barile, N. (2022, March 10). 10 tips for setting successful

goals with students (opinion). Education Week.

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 7

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 8

Teacher(s) Teacher Okello Subject group and discipline Language and Literature
Unit title Our Body MYP year MYP-1 Unit duration (hrs)
(Phase1-2) Emergent

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key concept Related concept(s) Global context

Connection Function and Purpose Identities & Relationships

Statement of inquiry

The exploration of the human body reveals that its intricate connections, rooted in function and purpose, shape our understanding of self-identity
and relationships with a particular focus on the choices we make for 'Health & Well-being' and 'Lifestyle Choices. '
Inquiry questions

Factual— What are the fundamental connections within the human body that serve specific functions and purposes?
Conceptual— How do the connections in our body serve their purpose, and why is understanding these connections important for our health and
Debatable— Does our understanding of the connections within our body influence the lifestyle choices we make, and should it?
Objectives Summative assessment

Objective C: Speaking Outline of summative assessment task(s) including Relationship between summative assessment task(s)
assessment criteria: and statement of inquiry:
i. use a wide range of vocabulary
Summative Assessmnet Task: Students will The assessment task directly aligns with the
ii. use a wide range of grammatical create a guide or presentation that explores the statement of inquiry. Students will work
structures generally accurately connection between the body and mind individually or in small groups to create a
iii. use clear pronunciation and intonation in GRASPS TASK: guide
a comprehensible manner / presentation that explores the connection
between the body and mind and its role in
self- identity and well-being. They will
explain the intricate connections between
the body and

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 1

iv. communicate all or almost all the required G (Goal) - The connection between our body and mind, focusing on self-identity and well-
information clearly and effectively mind serves the purpose of identifying oneself. being, and to emphasize the importance of
making health-conscious lifestyle choices.
R (Role) - You are health advisors tasked with Students are expected to apply these
Objective D: Writing creating a guide / presentation for individuals to understandings when creating their guide or
enhance their well-being by understanding the presentation
i. use a wide range of vocabulary
connection between the body and mind.
ii. use a wide range of grammatical
structures generally accurately A (Audience) - Audience is individuals seeking
to improve their health and well-being by
iii. organize information effectively and
understanding the connection between the body
coherently in an appropriate format using
and mind.
a wide range of simple cohesive devices
iv. communicate all or almost all the S (Situation) - Lifestyle choices greatly impact
required information with a clear sense of health; you are creating a resource to help people
audience and purpose to suit the context make informed choices by understanding the
connection between their body and mind.

P (Product, Performance & Purpose)

- Develop an informative guide or presentation
that illustrates the intricate connection between
the body and mind, highlighting its role in
shaping personal identity. Include practical tips
for individuals to make health-conscious lifestyle

S (Standards & Criteria for Success)

- Criterion C (Speaking) & D (Writing)
Approaches to learning (ATL)

ATL Skill: Communication

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 2

ATL Cluster: Communication Skill

Strand: Communication skills How can students communicate through interaction?


• Use a variety of speaking techniques to communicate with a variety of audiences

• Use a variety of media to communicate with a range of audiences

Strategy: Role-Play, Multimedia Projects

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning process

Learning experiences and teaching Formative Assessment Differentiation
Understanding the strategies
Human body and Learning Experience 1: Healthy vs. Learning Experience 1: Healthy vs. Learning Experience 1: Healthy vs. Unhealthy food
Health. (functions of Unhealthy food debate Unhealthy food debate debate
the human body,
how do they Objective: Develop communication skill
contribute to our by engaging in a debate about healthy
and unhealthy food choices. Assess students based on their Provide support for students who may struggle with
overall health and
participation in the debate, including their peruasive language and by offering sentence starters or
well-being?) Activity: ability to express and defend their templates for constructing arguments. For advanced
1. Divide the class into two groups, one opinions clearly. Provide feedback on students, challenge them to provide more elaborate
Promoting Health representing advocates for healthy their use of peruasive language and their reasons and evidence.
and Wellness food and the other for unhealthy food. ability to respond to counterarguments.

2. Each group prepares arguments and

(How can we
evidence to support their stance in a
takecare of our body
debate about the impact of food choices
and make healthy
on health.
lifestyle choices to
maintain good
health? What are

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 3

the benefits of these 3. During the debate, students take turns
choices?) presenting their arguments and
countering the opposing group’s points.

Healthy Vs. 4. Encourage students to use peruasive

Unhealthy choices language and clear communication
Learning Experience 2: Healthy Learning Experience 2: Healthy Lifestyle Campaign
(What are healthy Learning Experience 2: Healthy Lifestyle Campaign
Lifestyle Campaign  Allow students to choose their preferred role within
and unhealthy food,
 Evaluate the effectiveness of their the group (eg., writer, presenter)
and what are the Objective: Enhance student’s campaign materials like poster,
benefits of making communication skills by having them  Offer options for creating visual materials,
balanced food work in groups to create a campaign verbal presentations, or written reports.
choices?) promoting a healthy lifestyle.  Assess their ability to convey key  Provide language support through peer editing
messages about health and or teacher guidance.
 Encourage peer evaluations based
on the clarity and impact of the

Learning Experience 3: Cultural Perspectives on

Learning Experience 3: Cultural Learning Experience 3: Cultural Lifestyle Choices
Perspectives on Lifestyle Choices Perspectives on Lifestyle Choices
 Allow students to choose the cultural perspective
Objective: Foster communication skills  Assess the quality of their research they want to explore, giving them ownership
by having students investigate and and understanding of cultural of their learning.
present on lifestyle choices from perspectives.
different cultural perspectives.  Pair students with similar cultural backgrounds to
 Evaluate their ability to encourage sharing and cooperation.
communicate the nuances of
lifestyle choices in different  Offer extra guidance or resources to students who
cultures. may need additional support in researching and
presenting their findings.
 Encourage class discussions
where students can ask
questions and seek clarification.


Middle Years Programme Unit planner 4

Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Middle Years Programme Unit planner 5

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