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Relationship Statement - Marie Aubertin

My name is Marie Susanne Aubertin. I am 32 years old and originally from France. I am currently living with
my fiancé George Walter Kelly, in Brisbane, Australia. I am writing this relationship statement to support
my Australian Partner visa application with the help and sponsorship of George.

I got in contact with George back in July 2017, through an online dating app (Bumble). What I liked about
him from the start was his wit - he made me laugh and he made effort to write in French. We had daily
conversation trying to know each other until I finally decided to ask George to meet in person.

On Saturday 8 July 2017, we had our first date at the Brisbane French festival, at Southbank. We spent the
whole afternoon together eating some delicacies and explaining him the French culture. I had a great day
and was very happy to finally meet him in person. He asked if we could see each other again to which I
answered a big YES! We had several dates after that one, pretty much every weekend that follow.

August came and I had plan to go to France on the 12 August 2017 to see my family. George decided,
before I leave for over two weeks, to introduce me to his family and friends. On the 5 August 2017, I came
for dinner at George’s home and met his mum, Kerry White. George cooked a delicious roast and I was
happily chatting with his mum. I stayed overnight as the following day we went to meet Adrian (his best
friend) with Adrian’ wife and son, for lunch.
George has two Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs: Alvie, an adult male and Phie female puppy. George was aware
that I have been attacked by dogs as a kid and that I was not confident around them, so he took extra care
when I was around. I knew being approved by the dogs will be essential to the continuity of our
relationship, so I soldier on and took on myself. The first time I met Alvie at the dinner, we both, Alvie and
myself, got overwhelmed and Alvie with his imposing build and deep bark got me frighten. It took couple
of weeks for me to be left alone with him (without George in the same room) and less than a month for
Alvie to stop barking at me when I was coming down the stairs in the morning. Now we are the best friends
ever and he loves to come for scratches.

My departure for France was coming up and George dropped me off at the airport. During the whole
holiday, we kept in contact daily via text or video call. I told my family about him.
When I came back from France, on the 29 August 2017, George took the day off and picked me up. I think
we both realised when I was away in France, how much we liked each other, and we became inseparable
after my return. I started living at his place from my return from France but kept the room I was renting
somewhere else as a safety until early December 2017 when I handed back my keys.
Early September 2017, we went to Bribie Island to meet George’s dad and his step mum, Gordon and Ritta
Kelly. I finally met all the important people (and pets) in George’s life and I am pretty sure I got appreciated
by everyone.
While we went for a walk to the Curtis falls at Mount Tamborine, in the Gold Coast hinterland, on the 28
October 2017, for the first time George told me “I love you” and of course I said it back.
We talk for a while to go on holiday together and both of us was asked to take time off. We finally decided
to go to Tasmania in May 2018. It was our first trip away together and longtime due holiday away from
home for George. We flew to Hobart the 19 May 2018 where we hired a car to travel around. We drove
from Hobart, then along the East coast to Launceston, Cradle Mountain and back to Hobart to fly back
home to

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Brisbane on the 28 May 2018. We really enjoyed this trip together. We didn’t realise at first but this trip
was sort of a test: being 24/7 together, away from the comfort from home and the routine, and having to
work together as a team to make the best of it. Our favorite sites: Port Arthur Historic site and Cradle

Regarding our daily life, we are currently living together with George’s mum Kerry. They both own the
house. We are all, the three of us, sharing household expenses (water, electricity, internet, food). Monthly,
we split the bills. At the start on 2018, we started using an Excel spreadsheet to split the cost and track our
expenses. Each month we all transfer individually the amount due into the household bank account. We
recently changed the household Telstra account to include my name as we are splitting the expenses.
The 29 July 2018, we finally opened a joint bank account to make it easier for the expenses on the daily
basis and holidays, this way we don’t have to ask who is paying for what. So far, we used it for going out,
do shopping and weekends away.

Since I moved in, we bought some new furniture and appliances like a new fridge and a new lounge as they
needed to be replaced.

Regarding the housework, by preference George usually does the cooking for us and I do the cleaning, but
we happily step up when the other one is busy or unwell. We do our laundry together. We go food
shopping together. We all look after the dogs.
We have also done a lot of Spring cleaning in the house and the garden since the beginning of the year. We
talk about one day having our own house/home together where we could raise our family.


We have been attending all events together and both our families, our friends and work colleagues know
we are together. Since we started our relationship, we have been to many events together.

We celebrated Christmas 2017 with George’s family. Adrian and his wife invited us to their son, Peter,
baptism on the 1 October 2017 (we had a giggle when we received the invitation as Adrian, not knowing
my full name at the time, used my Facebook nickname on the invitation). We also have been to Peter’s first
birthday on the 31 March 2018.

We have attended family and friends’ birthdays. George came to my work Christmas party last year and we
have recently been to a couple of after work drinks/dinner with George’s work colleague.

We like going to the movies once a month and we regularly go have lunch or dinner, we love Grill’d! On the
monthly basis we go to Bribie Island to see Gordon and Ritta, George’s dad and step mother to enjoy a
game of darts or a walk on the beach.

We are looking into going overseas next time preferably to France, so George could see where I grew up.
We are in the process of getting George's first passport! My family is coming over in April 2019 to visit us.
They are really keen to meet George; my mum is a big fan of him!

In July 2018, we discussed a bit more about getting our relationship registered and 7 August 2018 our Civil
partnership was registered with Queensland government. We also recently become engaged.

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The 9 September 2018, George asked my hand to my dad via video call then later that day he asked if I
wanted to marry him. Of course, I said yes! We don’t know yet when we will get married but we thought
about having a wedding in Australia and one in France. We got asked many times by family and friends
when we will get married and have kids. We both want children and talk about it; but they will come when
we are ready, and it feels right.

We are very supportive of each other, even early in the relationship. Last year in September, when I have
been offered a career move in my company and I had to make a quick decision. George was the first and
only person I called to ask his opinion. George is always listening and taking on board my comments. He
also makes me laugh every day and can sense when I am upset even if I try to hide it at first. I believe I help
him with his anxiety and encouraging him to explore outside of his bubble. We communicate a lot and
always make important decision together.

Voilà, this is in short our relationship. Thank you for taking the time to read this statement. Just know
George and I are very happy together and very much in love and we are booking forward to grow our
relationship and our life in Australia.

Marie Susanne Aubertin

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