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My name is Alejandro Gomez, I’m 33 years old mechanical engineer from

Colombia. In 2015 I migrated to Australia thanks to an offer from the
company that I work for (Weatherford). I’m writing this statement to support
my partner’s Gabriela Salome Rodriguez visa application, to which I’ve been
on a romantic relationship since 2013.


In 2013 after visiting my parents in Bogota and been promoted to a new

position inside the company, I returned to Barrancabermeja to take charge of
the flush by operation without knowing that I was going to meet a new
beautiful girl that was recently transfer. At the beginning a game of looks
started and constantly our eyes find each other. One day I decided to put an
end to the game, I walked to her looking at her eyes and introduce myself.
Since we worked at the same place, we expend a lot of time together at the
office and shared a table at lunch time at the restaurant in front of the office.

One night after a long day work (24 of march 2013), I went out to one of the
local bars to have a beer or two with Harold (a friend from the office). We
seat and have a few drinks and after a while I saw Gabriela coming into the
bar with a couple and they decided to seat next to us and I remember
thinking “this is a very interesting coincidence”, half an hour later my friend
got a call and had to leave, after that Gabriela turn around and invite me to
seat with her and in my mind I tough “this is not coincidence, this is
something else”. I joined her table, seat next to her, we chat, laugh and
dance little bit and at the end of the night she kissed me in the most tender
way. I instantly feel a connection.


After that night, we started to talk more often not only at the office but
outside of it also, I wanted to take her out on a date, a proper date just the
two of us but my work make it harder, I was still adapting to new position,
getting the tasks done was taking me longer, so after 2 weeks I finally got a
break on
my duties and took her out for dinner and drinks. We had a great night
however at the beginning it was a secret since we were coworkers and the
company had policies that restricted relations between coworkers so we
didn’t want anyone to know about it. After three months everyone at the
office already knew about us, the HR girl at that time called me to her office
and told me that it was ok to have a relationship with Gabriela since we were
not in the same product line or report to each other, this mean by 1 June
2013 that we could introduce ourselves as a couple and enjoy the different
events of the company as a couple.

One day at the end of that year (2013), I had to stayed working late and out
of nowhere I found a hurt cat (Shay) inside the office, which I instantly
decided to help out, I took it to the vet so it could be threated and once it
was OK I decided to adopt her and gave it to Gabriela.

In 2014, Gabriela move to an apartment next to mine, that made the relation
to flow easily since we could past more time together and look after Shay.
Later on that year, Gabriela was redundant from the company, it was hard on
both of us, but she show me that she could handle it and that she is a strong
women, she didn’t give up, she finalized her studies in accounting and move
forward to a new job.

On the 27 of September 2014 Gabriela obtain her Accounting degree, for that
date as a present for her efforts, I flew her sisters Mariana to attend the
ceremony, it was also a good opportunity to interact with some of Gabriela’s
family, we visit one of the local oilfields to learn the history, when for lunch
at the local yeti and show her some of the local landmarks of the city, it was a
great weekend.

In January 2015 I received an offer from Weatherford to move to Australia, it

was a mix of feelings, on one side happiness since this is a good opportunity
inside the company but on the other hand leaving Gabriela behind, it was a
har decision and at the end of the month I moved to Australia. The
relationship continued as a long distance one, we constantly keep in touch
trough video calls or whatsapp calls and messages, it was hard but it
strengthen us as a couple.
On May 2016 I took some days off and went back to Colombia to expend
some quality time with Gabriela and after that time she decided to move to
Australia to learn English. On July 21 of 2016 she arrived to Brisbane Airport
and since that day we’ve been living together in Gold Coast. I introduce her
to my closest friends, we share moments and we have built so many good
memories with them.


Since Gabriela’s arrival in July 2016, I decided that I wanted her to mainly
focus on her studies to learn the language properly thus I was the one
looking after our daily expenses. In 2017 Gabriela started casual working and
since then she’s been contributing with a percentage of the groceries. In June
2018 we signed a financial agreement, move to a new house and open up a
joint account, we bought all our furniture and white goods together, as well, I
have Gabriela as my 100% superannuation beneficiary.

We are now starting to save money for Gabriela further studies; she wants to
go to Griffith University to obtain her Master’s degree in Accounting in the
short future. Gabriela and I pool our finances as any mature adult
relationship should and we both contribute to our daily financial expenses
and obligations as a couple which is dependent on our individual salaries and
what is comfortable within our circumstances.


Since I do a drive in/out work (2 weeks work — 1 week off), each one of us is
responsible for our own laundry and I rely on Gabriela to keep the house tidy
and organize, however, when I’m on my days off we try to spend as much
time together as we can, that means that I will drive and pick up Gabriela on
the days she works, we like to do our cooking together (usually I’ll grilled and
she will do the salads), for the house cleaning we usually assign each other
tasks, we have our morning coffee together, on the weekends we like to go
out for a walk at the beach, or at one of the shopping centers as well we like
to catch a movie at
the theater. We usually do our grocery shopping for that week the next day
when I return and the day before I have to go back to work.


Since I move in back in 2015 I was lucky because some of my older friends
were already settle in the Gold Coast area for several years and with Gabriela
moving in also it was even better, they introduce us into their circle of
friends, since then we go together as a couple to parties, birthdays,
Christmases and local events, as well, we visited our friends and my cousin in
Sydney, we enjoy going out and have a taste of the local cuisine, constantly
we stay in touch with them and they are always asking me for Gabriela.

As well, when our friend come to visit we like to go out and show them the
surrounding areas, visit the mountains, go to the beaches or have some fun
at the theme parks. When I have long hitches at work or when my days off
don’t match special dates like Christmases or New Year ’s Eve, Gabriela will
travel to Roma to spent that time with me, this has gave me the opportunity
to introduce her to my co-workers and when we drive back home we like to
stop at some of the towns to check them around.

I kept in touch with my brother who lives in the USA and with my sister who’s
back in Colombia and they constantly ask me for her and her career
development. We have plans to visit my brother in 2019 or before if possible
so that I can properly introduce her to him.


On The 20th of July of 2018 we registered our relationship at Queensland

births, deaths and marriages as symbol of our commitment to each other.

Gabriela and I have plans of getting married in the future, adopt a cat or 2
and start a family here in Australia (at least 2 children). We also have plans of
buying an investment property some years from now and since Gabriela is on
the process of getting her Learners license we will purchase a small car over
the next year, however our priority for the time being is for Gabriela’s visa
status to be secured before we moved on emotionally and financially invest
into the next natural phase of our relationship together
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read our relationship statement,
Gabriela and I are very committed to each other and we are looking forward
to continue contributing to the community and building a future together in


Alejandro Gomez

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