Anomaly Based Detection of Black Hole Attack On Leach Protocol in WSN

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This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

Anomaly based detection of Black Hole attack on

leach protocol in WSN
Vishali Bansal Krishan Kumar Saluja
Department of Computer Science and Engineering Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus Shaheed Bhagat Singh State Technical Campus
Ferozepur, India Ferozepur, India

Abstract— Wireless sensor network is one of the developing protocols have been proposed for WSN to address these issues.
ranges of research in present situation. A Wireless sensor The routing protocols are divided into flat and hierarchical
network comprises of geographically dispersed self-governing based on the network structure.
tiny sensor nodes with little battery life to screen and control over
the physical parameters or ecological conditions, for example,
temperature, sound, pressure, humidity and so on and this data is
gone by the sensor nodes in the network to a next area. Amid
transmission, the sensor nodes devour impressive measure of
energy. There are numerous requirements on these sensor nodes,
for example, constrained memory, restricted battery power, and
constrained processing capacity. At the point when sensor nodes
send the data to the base station (BS), routing protocols assumes
critical part to convey the data at the BS. Low Energy Adaptive
Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is the surely understood
distributed and centralized clustering routing protocol. Wireless
Sensor Networks are inclined to different attacks. Black hole a
sort of Denial of Service attack is extremely hard to identify and
protect. Black Hole attack happens, when a intruder catches and
re-programs a set of nodes in the network to block the packets as
opposed to sending them towards the base station in wireless
sensor network. In this paper, we show the effect of black hole on
LEACH protocol researched by the dynamic authors. Likewise
we have proposed an algorithm for the identification of the black
hole attack.

Index Terms— Wireless Sensor Networks, Black Hole Attack, Fig. 1: General system model for clustered WSN.
Network Security, LEACH
As huge quantities of sensor nodes are utilized, it is
I. INTRODUCTION difficult to dole out the identity to every node in flat routing.
Wireless sensor network (WSN) is a type of heterogeneous Consequently there is a need of data centric routing protocols,
network that consists of a large number of tiny; cost effective where BS gets information from a gathering of nodes.
sensor nodes deployed in a geographical area for monitoring Clustering comes under hierarchical routing protocol where
the environment. Each sensor node has restricted processing, nodes are sorted out into clusters in view of a few
storage capacity, computational power. Each sensor node is measurements. For every cluster a pioneer is chosen known as
equipped with transducer, microcomputer, transceiver, and cluster head. The CH accumulates all the data from nodes,
battery power. The main function of transducer is to generate totals the data and sends the packed data to the BS. This
the electrical signal and it is processed by the microcomputer maintains a strategic distance from data redundancy,
and is stored in the output of the sensor node. The parameters contention for accessing the channel, and increased network
monitored by sensor nodes ranges from humidity, temperature, lifetime. In LEACH, the energy is evenly dispersed among all
pressure, wind direction, power line voltage etc. Further WSN the sensor nodes. The CH is chosen in light of pre-defined
are deployed in a adverse environment where replacement of threshold value. At beginning of each round, nodes having
battery is nearly impossible. So there are many different issues remaining energy higher than the threshold worth are chosen
like routing, fusion and localization need to be focused. as CHs. LEACH amplifies the system life time and decreases
Routing is the main challenging issue in WSN. Various routing the energy dispersal by compacting the data sent to BS. The

978-1-4673-9338-6/16/$31.00 2016
c IEEE 1924
This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

primary drawback of LEACH is, as CH is chosen arbitrarily energy when contrasted with the ordinary nodes to have
among the quantity of nodes, a node with less lingering energy maximum lifetime amid network operation. We have utilized
might be chosen as a CH in a few rounds. In this way the hub appropriated Energy Efficient Clustering, so that nodes with
with less lingering energy might die first. high starting energy and remaining energy in the further
rounds will have a larger number of opportunities of becoming
II. OVERVIEW OF BLACK HOLE ATTACK cluster head than the nodes with low energy nodes.
WSNs are considered as an extraordinary Subsequently attacker node will have more opportunity to be
classification of ad-hoc networks and infrastructure less, and the cluster head and gets more data and influence the network
keep running without human participation. Thus they are more. In our network there are two sorts of nodes attacker
inclined to numerous sort attacks, for example, jamming, nodes and ordinary or normal nodes. Assume E0 is the
worm hole, sink hole, black hole and Sybil attack.. Be that as it beginning energy of normal nodes than the energy of malicious
may, here we have concentrated just on black hole. Along node is considered as E0*(1+x). In this way total energy will
these lines, other attacks are not examined in this paper. be:-
E = (N-1)*E0+E0*(1+x)
A, Black Hole Attack Cluster-head selection
In Black Hole Attack, compromised node tries to pull Let ni denote the number of rounds then Pi=1/ni will be the
in all the traffic from its encompassing nodes. The average probability of a node I to be a cluster head during ni
compromised node creates false directing data to neighboring rounds. If Popt be the optimal probability for a normal node to
nodes. This occupies all the traffic to the malicious node. Here, be cluster head than probability of malicious node will be:-
the malicious node publicizes that it has high remaining
energy. By publicizing this, malevolent node gets to be CH at Pmal=Popt/(1+x)
each round. All the nodes send packets to the malicious node To calculate threshold following formula is considered:-
as it goes about as a CH. The malicious node gathers all T (n) = {Pi/1-Pi*(r mod1/Pi) if ni ‫ א‬G
packets and does not forward to BS. {0 otherwise
From this formula it is clear that attacker which is having high
initial energy have higher probability to end up a cluster head.

To analyze the performance of LEACH protocol
under black hole attack, we have used NS-2. We have
considered 50 nodes in a sensor field. The proposed WSN field
is shown in Fig. 3. The BS is located at (x=884, y=590) in
1100m*1100m field. For easy simulations, the parameters of
interest have been provided in Table1. In our simulations,
number of nodes in a cluster depends upon the position of
nodes and we have taken maximum 6 clusters. Cluster heads
are selected based on the residual energy of a node. One
malicious node has been considered to perform the black hole
Fig. 2 shows the example of WSN, where malicious node captures all the Table1. Simulation Parameters
packets and do not forward the packets to the BS
Simulation Area 1100*1100
III. RELATED WORK No. of nodes 50
Karlof et al. [3] was first one to describe the various Channel type Wireless Channel
vulunerabilities to WSNs. They mention various possible Simulation time 45 seconds
attacks such as Sybil attack, HELLO FLOOD attack along Initial energy of nodes 50j
with Black Hole and Gray Hole attack in LEACH. Padamalya
et al. [10] have shown the performance of LEACH protocol Energy Model Battery
under the black hole attack and sinkhole attack. Meenakshi et Communication Channel Bi-directional
al. [14] investigated the performance of WSN under the Black Antenna Model Omni-directional antenna
Hole and Gray Hole attacks and proposed the detection of Radio Propagation Model Two ray ground
these attacks. To the best our study none of the previous works Simulation Time 45 sec
have shown the anomaly based detection of black hole attack
Duration of attack 20-35 sec
in LEACH based WSN.
We consider that the attacker nodes are having higher

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.


We have implemented the following stepss to get a clear
understanding and analysis of the attack:
• Examine normal LEACH under vaarious network
parameters as above.
• Examine the LEACH with Black Holle attack under
same network parameters
• Detect the black hole node using beelow described

A. Performance Metrics
a) Packet delivery ratio

The ratio of the number of delivered data packet to the Fig.4 Black hole attack is implemented in thee network. Packet loss occur in
destination and the total number of packetts sent to the the network due to atttacker
destination. This illustrates the level of deliveered data to the
destination. C. Performance Analysis for Black Ho ole LEACH
Packet delivery ratio=™ Number of packet receiive / ™ Number Figure 3 demonstrates to one o preview of network
of packet sent (Packets dropped+ packets receivved) topology utilized for the simulattion. Distinctive colors
represent the diverse clusters. At the point when no malicious
a) Throughput node arrives in the system, base statioon gets great measure of
Throughput can be defined as the number of bits successfully packets and the outcomes are exh hibited in Figure 4 for
received through a network per unit of time. LEACH, without malicious node aand in the presence of
malicious node, subject to the reqquirements of prediction
Throughput = ™ number of bits received/Time precision. It is watched that in the evvent of malicious node in
the network number of data packetts came to base station
b) Remaining energy diminishes subsequent to the maliciouus node is dropping every
one of the packets of its group in thiss way the bend of packet
It is defined as the residual energy of the nodees after sending delivery ratio (PDR) amid the length of time of attack drops.
data to the base station during the network lifetim
me. Figure 5 demonstrates the effect of thee Black Hole attack to the
throughput. The general residual energy of the nodes
B. Performance Analysis for LEACH in Normal Scenario additionally increments because of B Black Hole impact when
Firstly, we have done our simulations withouut any attacker contrasted with that without the impaact of Black Hole attack
node. In second step, we have simulated LEAC
CH with Black since black hole node is not expendin ng the energy in sending
the packets to the station. From Figgure 6 it is watched that
Hole node with other nodes. effect of the attack is not colossall if there should be an
occurrence of aggregate residual eneergy in the system, it is
because of the way that in spite of the fact that the attacker is
not sending the information to the base station but rather still it
is taking an interest in every single othher activity in the system,
which consumes energy. We differ thhe quantity of the nodes
and take the outcomes.


ϭ WZͺďůĂĐŬ
ϭ ϳ ϭϯϭϵ Ϯϱ ϯϭ ϯϳ ϰϯ WZ


Fig.3 Network Topology for simulation Fig.5 Packet delivery ratioo

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.


ϭ ϲϭϭϭϲϮϭϮϲϯϭϯϲϰϭ ͺďůĂĐŬŚŽůĞ

Fig.6 Throughput


ϰϬ ƌĞŵĂŝŶŝŶŐͺ
Ϭ ƌĞŵĂŝŶŝŶŐͺ
ϭ ϲ ϭϭϭϲϮϭϮϲϯϭϯϲϰϭ ŶĞƌŐLJͺďůĂĐŬ

Fig. 8 Flow chart of detection algorithm

Fig.7 Remaining energy of all the nodes

In this thesis work impact of black hole attack against
In the absence of attacker node
LEACH protocol on WSN is analyzed using identified
metrics and detection of attack is done using an effective
Cluster formation according to signal strength. algorithm. The contribution of this thesis work is manifold
Simply initiate leach protocol in the next section.
Observed maximum how many times a particular The whole work is done in three steps in first step various
metrics are identified which are suitable to declare the black
node became a cluster head (CH) in the total
hole attack. Analysis of service degradation due black hole
duration. attack is quantified in terms of throughput, packet delivery
ratio, residual energy of nodes. In the second step we
In the presence of attacker node modified LEACH protocol to simulate black hole attacks on
If CH repeats more than the maximum limit: WSN. The impact of black hole attack is analyzed using
identified metrics. The resultant effect of the attack has
network under black hole attack indicated the need of detection of such attacks. In the third
{ step black hole attack is detected. Our experiments have
Base station sends an alert packet to the sensor shown the effect of black hole attack using different
nodes performance metrics.
There is no end of the technology so any work can be
{ further improved or used for new work. Similarly this work
Data transmission across network successfully has lot of scope in new work and expansion of same work.

This full-text paper was peer-reviewed and accepted to be presented at the IEEE WiSPNET 2016 conference.

• This work helps in mitigation approach on black hole

attack in WSN.
• Same work can be extended by using different protocols,
different topology and different simulation parameter
because most of the parameters are tunable.
• Same work also can be done by using different simulator.
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