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This chapter presents the research methodology used to determine the student’s

motivations and barriers towards online education in Aquinas de Escolar Academy. It covers the

methods and techniques, research instrument, data gathering procedure as well as data processing

and statistical treatment.

Methods and Techniques

Correlational research was used in this study. Correlational research is a non-

experimental research method. In this research method, there is no manipulation of an

independent variable. In correlational research, the researcher studies the relationship between

one or more quantitative independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent

variables. In other words, it can be said that in correlational research, the independent and

dependent variable are quantitative. This method is relevant to determine the relationship of

student’s motivation and barriers towards online education for the respondents.
Population of the Study

All grade 11 of any strand in Aquinas de Escolar Academy are the target population in

the research study. 12 ABM, 3 GAS, 4 HUMSS, and 11 STEM students. In total of 30 grade 11

student will be the selected respondents in the research study.

Research Instrument

The Likert scale is the instrument used in this study. Likert scale questionnaire was

designed by the researchers. The questionnaire is divided into two parts, the first part was created

to collect the demographic information of the respondents, including the respondent's name but it

is optional, sex and their age. The purpose of gathering the demographic data of the respondents

was to increase rationality of the study. The second part of the questionnaire was the research

questions that aimed to gather answers to obtain better comprehension about student’s

motivations and barriers. Respondents were asked to carefully answer all the questions.

Furthermore, it is categorized into two subtopics containing data needed for the study. The first

subtopic contains data from other students' circumstances that they have encountered the barriers

towards online education. Researchers formulate situations that specify barriers and reasons why

online education is not still enough for satisfying the learning needs or still on demand for rants.

The collected responses provide researchers better understanding of all barriers experienced in

online education as the new way of learning. The second subtopic contains motivations that are

adapted by the students to keep themselves positively thinking and keep motivated in difficult
situations. Researchers created scenarios that state the motivations that exist for the students to

pursue online education. Both subtopics given information helps with this study. Students were

asked to rate various scenarios from Likert Scale ranges from one to five with following values:

1= Strongly Disagree; 2= Disagree; 3= Neutral; 4= Agree; 5= Strongly Agree. Each item should

put a check on a specific column that is aligned to the following values that they think suits each

question based on their experience and knowledge about online education.

Data Gathering Procedure

The information for this research were gotten between the primary seven day stretch of

September and the third week of November after the review was approved by the researchers'

adviser. The study was sent as a connection contained in an email supported and dispersed by the

researchers to 30 chosen Grade 11 students of Aquinas de Escolar Institute (N=30).

The email to the recipients furnished acquaintance with the objective of the review,

which contained an approved consent statement. The consent statement additionally informed the

recipients about the researchers’ name just as the name of the researchers’ counsel and contacts

details. This data permitted understudies the chance to contact either the researchers or the

researchers’ academic counselor if they had any different kinds of feedback regarding the

overview. The assertion likewise clarifies that interest in the review is voluntary or optional.

Recipients who started the survey were educated that they could stop taking part whenever

without any outcomes. The email message likewise noticed that the researchers would not be
gathering or acquiring distinguishing information. This data was made accessible to study

recipients before they could settle on the choice to follow the overview connect to partake in the

review. Gathered information were kept in the researchers’ data set. This record was

administered by the researchers.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The data gathered through the questionnaires will be analyzed and interpreted using the

following statistical techniques:

1.) Weighted Mean was used to determine the correlation of student’s motivations and

barriers of grade 11 students towards online education.


x= Weighted Mean

Ʃ= Summation of the frequency

n= Total number of respondents

2.) To determine the student’s learning style and academic performance according to

their sex and strand, Percentage was used.


p= Percentage

f= Frequency of Respondents

n = Total number of Respondents

3.) Pearson’s R was used to determine the correlation of Student’s barriers and

motivations towards Online education.


N= number of pairs of scores

∑ 𝑥𝑦 = sum of the product of the paired scores

∑ 𝑥= sum of x scores

∑ 𝑦= sum of y scores

∑ 𝑥2= sum of squared x scores


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