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This chapter presents the related theory, different related literature, related studies, and

framework that are relevant to the present study. The related literature and studies focus on the

student’s motivation and barriers towards online education of grade 11 students in Aquinas de

Escolar Academy. Also, it includes the conceptual framework.

Related Theory

Foundations of Educational Theory for Online Learning

According to Mohamed Ally (2004) using technology improves learning. It has long been

known that specialized delivery technologies can furnish effective as well as timely access to the

learning materials. However there are claims that technologies being used are merely vehicles

that deliver that instruction to the students and do not influence them to learn and achieve deep

understanding. As Clark notes, the meta-analysis studies on media research presents that student

can obtain important learning benefits from computer media or audiovisual, as opposed to

conventional instruction; but the same studies also proposed that the cause for those benefits is

not the medium of instruction, but it is the instructional strategies created into the learning

materials. He suggests that learning is controlled more by content and instructional strategy in

learning materials than by the type of technology applied to send instruction.

Review of Related Literature

This section presents literatures related about student’s motivations and barriers towards

online education.

According to Hira (2021) transition of the traditional schooling to online education by the

course of COVID-19 pandemic obstructed formal school education. Though at home, students

and teachers resumed teaching as well as learning in socially distant methods using different

online technologies. Several teacher surveys say only 60% of students in the United States

usually engaged with the learning activities. Teachers together with parents also show an

important need for help to maintain students to be motivated and engaged in their learning

activities. Throughout the pandemic, online learning left teachers and parents needing support for

learning activities that motivate and engage students.

Project-based learning is an increasingly known pedagogical practice centered around

students working cooperatively on projects while the teacher facilitates progression and learning

activities. It embodies some factors considered central to motivation in online education.

According to Senel (2021) universities decided to mandatory shift to distance education

due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All the higher education institutions in Turkey finished the 2019-
2020 Spring semester using online platforms. But most of these institutions were not on stand to

have all their courses be done online. Insufficiency of qualified online tools, inexperienced

instructors and students, and technical inadequacies. In this distance education emerged as major

issues that institutions must face. To seek the common assessment approaches used through

pandemic, it is significant to know how students perceive the quality of online education as well

as the pros and cons of using different ways of learning like online education.

The Internet is a significant innovative headway reshaping our society as well as the

colleges around the world. Considering this, colleges need to benefit from the Internet for

educating, and one moderate improvement of this is the utilization of online conveyance

strategies. This paper draws upon the consequences of a study directed among understudies

joined up with one web-based administration course at an Australian college. Three basic

achievement factors in web-based conveyance are distinguished: innovation, the educator, and

the past utilization of the innovation according to an understudy's viewpoint. We likewise

contend that the teacher will keep on assuming a focal part in web-based training, but their job

will become one of a learning impetus and information guide. (Thierry Volery & Deborah Lord,


In many situations, it may be the case that an individual's situation will determine

whether e-learning is the most effective means of having necessities, learning materials, and

having opportunities for students in their own workplace. It could be assumed that an absence of

such important factors for studying may represent barriers to effective implementation of
achieving successful e-learning. Literature in e-learning grounds, whether putting eye on

education or in the corporate world. It is significant to identify a range of factors for triumph to

range the potential barriers and takes the point of view of an individual as a learner in relation to

their acumen of barriers to successful e-learning.

Dependent Variable

This study's dependent variable is online education. It is one of the alternative or new

methods of learning in the context of COVID-19. Online education was already known before

but because of the pandemic it became popular and found to be another way for shifting

traditional classes to this online education. The factors that mainly affect the given variables

based on the review of the related literature are insufficiency of qualified online tools,

inexperienced instructors and students and technical inadequacies. These are also called barriers

in the field of online education. Teachers and parents also set significant support as they develop

project-based learning, and the teacher facilitates progression as well as learning activities. That

builds some factors considered to be the central motivation that also affects online education.

Independent Variable
This study's independent variables are motivation and barriers. Motivation is expressed in

different methods; it can also be a form of building different activities. It is a way of encouraging

and building engagement for the learners to actively perform and maintain their self-support to

cope up with passing requirements and continue learning in online education. Barriers are

defined to be the barricade to successfully achieve learning or having good performance during

online education. It comes with different forms to each individual or in a person's situation. That

holds the students or affects their good performance in online education.

Review of Related Study

Every fourth student when altering to online mode could not sufficiently adapt to the new

method of learning. It is deduced that the key risks of online education are connected to the lack

of smooth communication channels, the widespread practice of copying students' learning

activities in the circumstance of reducing the control function of the teacher. The absence of

readiness of students to support the level needed for self-organization led to a decreasing

students' requirements for themselves as an agile participation in the learning process. In terms of

online learning, students demonstrate the need for additional measures to maintain interest in

learning: network interaction in the "student-student" system. Frolova (2021)

According to Becker (2013) there is a widespread general agreement on the benefits

of e-learning and whether it is more likely to be effective than traditional forms of learning and

development in many situations. Many cannot afford the value of attaining online education.

However the efficiency, access, and flexibility amongst the benefits of adopting e-learning have

been raised by many others. It is reported that overall, it is hard to tell that e-learning is less, or

more equally effective at the learning level than traditional classroom-based training.

In addition, the engagement of students has become even more censorious with

COVID-19 pandemic, as institutions found out a swift change to remote learning. A body of

research presents an approach to engagement, which is to prioritize the frequent interaction of

students and instructors, also among students themselves. It is a critically significant part of

online instruction. the typical, synchronous forms of engagement will not suffice with superficial

interaction or engagement. Pattenaude (2020)

Also, there are findings of two obstacles from found including (1) geographical features,

(2) the socioeconomic status of the students, The results of Binary Logistic Regression testified

the negative impacts of obstacles in Learner Motivation are the Cost and Access to the Internet,

and Social Interaction on the prospects of online learning. Van (2021)

Conceptual Framework

Online Education

Motivation and Barriers (Academic Performance)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

This illustration presents the independent variable which is motivation together

with barriers and the dependent variable which is online education. It shows motivation and

barriers correlation to online education and how it is affected or how it affects the academic

performance of the students. The independent variables are motivations are methods used for the

student's strong engagement to learning. While barriers are the problems that hinders or affect

the student's performance in online education. Then the dependent variable is online education. It

is the new method of learning. Using different online platforms to be used as an instrument for

communication in aid for the absence of availability to have traditional classes due to COVID-19


The hypotheses formulated in this study are:

There is a significant relationship between motivation, barriers, and online class.

A student with motivation can increase their online class performance, while students that

experience online barriers lack in performance in online classes. The student's performance can

also be based on what circumstances they are in.

Definition of Terms

For the readers to fully comprehend the terms used in this research, the subsequent terms

are defined conceptually and operationally.

Conceptual - the learning supported by digital electronic tools and media (Wotto and Bélanger,


Operational - new method of learning in distance education


Conceptual - the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. (Kendra

Cherry, 2020)

Operational - projects and activities that promotes student's engagement towards learning


Conceptual - a natural formation or structure that prevents or hinders movement or action


Operational - hindrance that holds back the students to have active performance in discussions or

passing requirements.

Technical Inadequacies

Conceptual - technical competent, competitive disadvantage that leads to inefficient work.

(Baseline, 2021)

Operational- lacking in knowledge/experience about using technology.

Synchronous Forms

Conceptual - general term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that

occur at the same time, but not in the same place. (Merriam Webster, 2021)

Operational - the form of giving discussion or teaching using different platform to connect to

each other because of physical severance

Geographical Features

Conceptual - a phenomenon that exists at a location in the space and scale of relevance to

geography (Wikipedia, 2010)

Operational - situation or place where the students are from

Socioeconomic Status

Conceptual - is the social standing or class of an individual or group. Combination of education,

income, and occupation. (Wikipedia, 2021)

Operational - the students’ capability to afford requirements to access online education

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