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A research paper presented in this faculty of Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc.

Luwasan, Catmon, Santa Maria, Bulacan

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

subject of Practical Research 2

Submitted by:

Amper, Lawrence

Bautista, Arlan

Eugenio, Frittzy B.

Francisco, Joyce Ann C.

Gojo Cruz, Aliyah Francine D.R.

Umali, Jouliriez R.

April 18, 2022




Education helps to build a person's knowledge, perspective, and mind. That is why the

schools as well as the educators give their best to furnish an excellent quality of education for

each student. With the ever-changing world and its innovative technology, education can be

easily accessed by every student by the means of online classes using different online platforms.

With the help of high-tech gadgets, access to the internet or data connection e-learning is

possible. Online learning became more popular and known when the unexpected pandemic

(COVID-19) generated a big impact on many aspects in people's lives. Specifically in school

therefore the safest and convenient way to continue learning or another alternative way is online

education. Distance learning, also called distance education, e-learning, and online learning, is a

form of education including physical severance of the teachers and students during instructions

and the use of different platforms of communication to ease student-teacher and student-student

communication (Berg 2016). Nonetheless, even if online education is a convenient way to

continue learning. There are factors needed to be considered using this method: the motivation

and barriers; how does it affect the online education of the students. According to Merriam

Webster Dictionary, barrier; something material that blocks or is intended to block passage and

motivation; the condition of being motivated.

The number of students who did not enroll for the school still has a huge number.

According to Rappler, two million of last year’s students have yet to enroll. As of September 13,

data from the Department of Education (DepEd) show that a total of 24,603,822 public as well as

private school students have registered for the meantime. The figure is 93.8% of last school

year’s over 26.2 million students. According to ABS-CBN news reports (2021), groups say

students are losing interest in studies amid distance learning. Many students continue to lose

their motivation and morale every day that they study through this online mode. The hashtag

#AcademicBreakNow also made the list of top trending topics on Twitter Philippines, who were

presumably students, expressing their exhaustion from remote learning.

Statement of the Problem

The methodology of new developments is outfitting teachers with opportunities to build

up an arrangement of suitable learning conditions; nevertheless, various understudies still incline

toward ordinary, academic settings. This exploration expects to decide the relationship of

understudy's inspiration and hindrances towards online schooling of Senior High School

Students of Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc. in the A.Y. of 2021-2022.

Specifically, it means to respond to the accompanying inquiries:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age; and

1.2 level and strand

2. What barriers do students encounter towards online education?

3. What motivates the students to attend online classes?

4. What is the students’ academic performance in their first semester?

5. Is there a significant correlation between student’s motivation and barriers towards

online education?

Significance of the Study

In view of this, the research deemed its necessary and valuable to provide benefits to the

following entities:

School Administrators. This study would help them to be aware of how the students

feel, and to know the barriers that they are facing for them to create a school activity that will

help the pupils on their studies.

Teachers. This study would help them know the motivation that the student like and

know the barriers that separating the teachers and the students from each other. Also, for them to

be more aware about their students point of view.

Parents. This study would benefit the parents in a way that they will know the situation

of their children, this study will also serve as a guide for the parents to know what support and

encouragement their kids need.

SHS Students. This study would benefit the senior high school students because they

will be more aware on what barriers are they experiencing and what motivation they have, and

they need as a student.

Upcoming SHS Students. This study would give them idea on what kind of barriers they

will face when they enter senior high school.

Future researcher. This study would serve as a useful reference for the future researcher

who would plan to make any related study.

Scope and Delimitation

This study only focuses on the motivation and barriers of the students towards online

education. It only concerned the student’s motivations and barriers. That affects academic

performance in first quarter general average, in first semester of Senior High School students in

Aquinas De Escolar Academy towards online education of the Senior High School students in

Aquinas De Escolar Academy.

The respondents are 40 students from the Senior High School in Luwasan, Catmon, Santa

Maria, Bulacan namely: Aquinas De Escolar Academy.

The sampling method that will be used is systematic sampling.

The researcher will use Likert scale using Google Forms which will distinguish the

correlation of the motivation as well as barriers of the senior high school students towards online

education. The questioner will only consist of 15 questions

The study was conducted during the school year 2021-2022.

Definition of Terms

For the readers to fully comprehend the terms used in this research, the subsequent terms

are defined conceptually and operationally.


Conceptual - the learning supported by digital electronic tools and media (Wotto and Bélanger,


Operational - new method of learning in distance education


Conceptual - the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. (Kendra

Cherry, 2020)

Operational - projects and activities that promotes student's engagement towards learning


Conceptual - a natural formation or structure that prevents or hinders movement or action


Operational - hindrance that holds back the students to have active performance in discussions or

passing requirements.

Technical Inadequacies

Conceptual - technical competent, competitive disadvantage that leads to inefficient work.

(Baseline, 2021)

Operational- lacking in knowledge/experience about using technology.

Synchronous Forms

Conceptual - general term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that

occur at the same time, but not in the same place. (Merriam Webster, 2021)

Operational - the form of giving discussion or teaching using different platform to connect to

each other because of physical severance

Geographical Features

Conceptual - a phenomenon that exists at a location in the space and scale of relevance to

geography (Wikipedia, 2010)

Operational - situation or place where the students are from

Socioeconomic Status

Conceptual - is the social standing or class of an individual or group. Combination of education,

income, and occupation. (Wikipedia, 2021)

Operational - the students’ capability to afford requirements to access online education



This chapter presents the related theory, different related literature, related studies, and

framework that are relevant to the present study. The related literature and studies focus on the

student’s motivation and barriers towards online education of Senior High School Students in

Aquinas de Escolar Academy. Also, it includes the conceptual framework.

Related Theory

Foundations of Educational Theory for Online Learning

According to Mohamed Ally (2004) using technology improves learning. It has long been

known that specialized delivery technologies can furnish effective as well as timely access to the

learning materials. However there are claims that technologies being used are merely vehicles

that deliver that instruction to the students and do not influence them to learn and achieve deep

understanding. As Clark notes, the meta-analysis studies on media research presents that student

can obtain important learning benefits from computer media or audiovisual, as opposed to

conventional instruction; but the same studies also proposed that the cause for those benefits is

not the medium of instruction, but it is the instructional strategies created into the learning

materials. He suggests that learning is controlled more by content and instructional strategy in

learning materials than by the type of technology applied to send instruction.

Review of Related Literature

This section presents literatures related about student’s motivations and barriers towards

online education.

According to Hira (2021) transition of the traditional schooling to online education by the

course of COVID-19 pandemic obstructed formal school education. Though at home, students

and teachers resumed teaching as well as learning in socially distant methods using different

online technologies. Several teacher surveys say only 60% of students in the United States

usually engaged with the learning activities. Teachers together with parents also show an

important need for help to maintain students to be motivated and engaged in their learning

activities. Throughout the pandemic, online learning left teachers and parents needing support for

learning activities that motivate and engage students.

Project-based learning is an increasingly known pedagogical practice centered around

students working cooperatively on projects while the teacher facilitates progression and learning

activities. It embodies some factors considered central to motivation in online education.

According to Senel (2021) universities decided to mandatory shift to distance education

due to the Covid-19 pandemic. All the higher education institutions in Turkey finished the 2019-

2020 Spring semester using online platforms. But most of these institutions were not on stand to

have all their courses be done online. Insufficiency of qualified online tools, inexperienced

instructors and students, and technical inadequacies. In this distance education emerged as major

issues that institutions must face. To seek the common assessment approaches used through

pandemic, it is significant to know how students perceive the quality of online education as well

as the pros and cons of using different ways of learning like online education.

The Internet is a significant innovative headway reshaping our society as well as the

colleges around the world. Considering this, colleges need to benefit from the Internet for

educating, and one moderate improvement of this is the utilization of online conveyance

strategies. This paper draws upon the consequences of a study directed among understudies

joined up with one web-based administration course at an Australian college. Three basic

achievement factors in web-based conveyance are distinguished: innovation, the educator, and

the past utilization of the innovation according to an understudy’s viewpoint. We likewise

contend that the teacher will keep on assuming a focal part in web-based training, but their job

will become one of a learning impetus and information guide. (Thierry Volery & Deborah Lord,


According to Joerns (2006) it’s presented that there are promissory notes and concerns

associated with college-level online education as reflected in educational literature. It’s asserted

that, to value the potential and limitations of online education, we significantly must recognize

and trace the issues that bind online education with distance education. The article presents the

previous history of distance education with the view of three historical topics. First, liberal

education, democratization, and educational quality also as this scene of online education in

three educational visions includes innovation of online initiatives like presentational view,

performance-tutoring view, and epistemic-engagement view. The article highlights the potential

contributions of online education to democratization and therefore the development of teaching.

Dependent Variable

This study’s dependent variable is online education. It is one of the alternative or new

methods of learning in the context of COVID-19. Online education was already known before

but because of the pandemic it became popular and found to be another way for shifting

traditional classes to this online education. The factors that mainly affect the given variables

based on the review of the related literature are insufficiency of qualified online tools,

inexperienced instructors and students and technical inadequacies. These are also called barriers

in the field of online education. Teachers and parents also set significant support as they develop

project-based learning, and the teacher facilitates progression as well as learning activities. That

builds some factors considered to be the central motivation that also affects online education.

Independent Variable

This study’s independent variables are motivation and barriers. Motivation is expressed

in different methods; it can also be a form of building different activities. It is a way of

encouraging and building engagement for the learners to actively perform and maintain their

self-support to cope up with passing requirements and continue learning in online education.

Barriers are defined to be the barricade to successfully achieve learning or having good

performance during online education. It comes with different forms to each individual or in a

person’s situation. That holds the students or affects their good performance in online education.

Review of Related Study

Every fourth student when altering to online mode could not sufficiently adapt to the new

method of learning. It is deduced that the key risks of online education are connected to the lack

of smooth communication channels, the widespread practice of copying students’ learning

activities in the circumstance of reducing the control function of the teacher. The absence of

readiness of students to support the level needed for self-organization led to a decreasing

students’ requirements for themselves as an agile participation in the learning process. In terms

of online learning, students demonstrate the need for additional measures to maintain interest in

learning: network interaction in the “student-student” system. Frolova (2021)

According to Becker (2013) there is a widespread general agreement on the benefits

of e-learning and whether it is more likely to be effective than traditional forms of learning and

development in many situations. Many cannot afford the value of attaining online education.

However the efficiency, access, and flexibility amongst the benefits of adopting e-learning have

been raised by many others. It is reported that overall, it is hard to tell that e-learning is less, or

more equally effective at the learning level than traditional classroom-based training.

In addition, the engagement of students has become even more censorious with COVID-

19 pandemic, as institutions found out a swift change to remote learning. A body of research

presents an approach to engagement, which is to prioritize the frequent interaction of students

and instructors, also among students themselves. It is a critically significant part of online

instruction. The typical, synchronous forms of engagement will not suffice with superficial

interaction or engagement. Pattenaude (2020)

Also, there are findings of two obstacles from found including (1) geographical features,

(2) the socioeconomic status of the students, The results of Binary Logistic Regression testified

the negative impacts of obstacles in Learner Motivation are the Cost and Access to the Internet,

and Social Interaction on the prospects of online learning. Van (2021)

In many situations, it may be the case that an individual’s situation will determine

whether e-learning is the most effective means of having necessities, learning materials, and

having opportunities for students in their own workplace. It could be assumed that an absence of

such important factors for studying may represent barriers to effective implementation of

achieving successful e-learning. Literature in e-learning grounds, whether putting eye on

education or in the corporate world. It is significant to identify a range of factors for triumph to

range the potential barriers and takes the point of view of an individual as a learner in relation to

their acumen of barriers to successful e-learning.

In the study of Abdulmajeed (2020) education has traditionally been administered via

physical interactions between teachers and students in classrooms. With technological

developments in terms of communications and digital devices, online education has been

enhanced with potential to scale education, creating it affordable and also accessible. With

internet connection and laptop or mobile phone, learners can access huge open online courses.

However, opportunities to scale education and advantages of online learning are always not

fulfilled because of specific challenges. In this work, with different factors that serve as

challenges holding back adoption of online learning in Nigeria.

According to Simuth (2010) studies showing the impact of cognitive styles preference

and achievement motivation on the perception in online learning was tested on 234 universities.

The outcome or result of the research do not indicate any significant statistical correlations

between the two variables achievement motivation and on-line learning barriers perception.

Results also show very low correlation of analytic-intuitive and category width cognitive styles

as well as online learning barrier perceptions. The results showed that students faced restricted

opportunities to communicate easily or face to face with classmates and teachers that resulted as

a barrier to online education. Students as well received typically text-based study materials as

potential barriers to online learning.

Conceptual Framework

Online Education

Motivation and Barriers (Academic Performance)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. The Conceptual Model of the Study

This illustration presents the independent variable which is motivation together with

barriers and the dependent variable which is online education. It shows motivation and barriers

correlation to online education and how it is affected or how it affects the academic performance

of the students. The independent variables are motivations are methods used for the student’s

strong engagement to learning. While barriers are the problems that hinders or affect the

student’s performance in online education. Then the dependent variable is online education. It is

the new method of learning. Using different online platforms to be used as an instrument for

communication in aid for the absence of availability to have traditional classes due to COVID-19



The hypotheses formulated in this study are:

There is a significant relationship between motivation, barriers, and online class.

A student with motivation can increase their online class performance, while students that

experience online barriers lack in performance in online classes. The student’s performance can

also be based on what circumstances they are in.

Definition of Terms

For the readers to fully comprehend the terms used in this research, the subsequent terms

are defined conceptually and operationally.


Conceptual – the learning supported by digital electronic tools and media (Wotto and Bélanger,


Operational – new method of learning in distance education


Conceptual – the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. (Kendra

Cherry, 2020)

Operational – projects and activities that promotes student’s engagement towards learning


Conceptual – a natural formation or structure that prevents or hinders movement or action


Operational – hindrance that holds back the students to have active performance in discussions or

passing requirements.

Technical Inadequacies

Conceptual – technical competent, competitive disadvantage that leads to inefficient work.

(Baseline, 2021)

Operational- lacking in knowledge/experience about using technology.

Synchronous Forms

Conceptual – general term used to describe forms of education, instruction, and learning that

occur at the same time, but not in the same place. (Merriam Webster, 2021)

Operational – the form of giving discussion or teaching using different platform to connect to

each other because of physical severance

Geographical Features

Conceptual – a phenomenon that exists at a location in the space and scale of relevance to

geography (Wikipedia, 2010)

Operational – situation or place where the students are from

Socioeconomic Status

Conceptual – is the social standing or class of an individual or group. Combination of education,

income, and occupation. (Wikipedia, 2021)

Operational – the students’ capability to afford requirements to access online education



This chapter presents the research methodology used to determine the student’s

motivations and barriers towards online education in Aquinas de Escolar Academy. It covers the

methods and techniques, research instrument, data gathering procedure as well as data processing

and statistical treatment.

Methods and Techniques

Correlational research was used in this study. Correlational research is a non-

experimental research method. In this research method, there is no manipulation of an

independent variable. In correlational research, the researcher studies the relationship between

one or more quantitative independent variables and one or more quantitative dependent

variables. In other words, it can be said that in correlational research, the independent and

dependent variable are quantitative. This method is relevant to determine the relationship of

student’s motivation and barriers towards online education for the respondents.

Population of the Study

All Senior High School Students in Aquinas de Escolar Academy are the target

population in the research study. In total of 40 senior high school students will be the

respondents in the research study.

Research Instrument

The Likert scale is the instrument used in this study. Likert scale questionnaire was

designed by the researchers. The questionnaire is divided into two parts, the first part was created

to collect the demographic information of the respondents, including the respondent’s name but

it is optional, grade level and strand. The purpose of gathering the demographic data of the

respondents was to increase rationality of the study. The second part of the questionnaire was the

research questions that aimed to gather answers to obtain better comprehension about student’s

motivations and barriers. Respondents were asked to carefully answer all the questions.

Furthermore, it is categorized into two subtopics containing data needed for the study. The first

subtopic contains data from other students’ circumstances that they have encountered the barriers

towards online education. Researchers formulate situations that specify barriers and reasons why

online education is not still enough for satisfying the learning needs or still on demand for rants.

The collected responses provide researchers better understanding of all barriers experienced in

online education as the new way of learning. The second subtopic contains motivations that are

adapted by the students to keep themselves positively thinking and keep motivated in difficult

situations. Researchers created scenarios that state the motivations that exist for the students to

pursue online education. Both subtopics given information helps with this study. Students were

asked to rate various scenarios from Likert Scale ranges from one to five with following values:

1= Strongly Disagree; 2= Disagree; 3= Neutral; 4= Agree; 5= Strongly Agree. Each item should

put a check on a specific column that is aligned to the following values that they think suits each

question based on their experience and knowledge about online education.

Data Gathering Procedure

The information for this research were gotten between the primary seven day stretch of

September and the third week of November after the review was approved by the researchers’

adviser. The study was sent as a connection contained in an email supported and dispersed by the

researchers to 40 senior high school students of Aquinas de Escolar Institute (N=40).

The email to the recipients furnished acquaintance with the objective of the review,

which contained an approved consent statement. The consent statement additionally informed the

recipients about the researchers’ name just as the name of the researchers’ counsel and contacts

details. This data permitted students the chance to contact either the researchers or the

researchers’ academic counselor if they had any different kinds of feedback regarding the

overview. The assertion likewise clarifies that interest in the review is voluntary or optional.

Recipients who started the survey were educated that they could stop taking part whenever

without any outcomes. The email message likewise noticed that the researchers would not be

gathering or acquiring distinguishing information. This data was made accessible to study

recipients before they could settle on the choice to follow the overview connect to partake in the

review. Gathered information were kept in the researchers’ data set. This record was

administered by the researchers.

Data Processing and Statistical Treatment

The data gathered through the questionnaires will be analyzed and interpreted using the

following statistical techniques:

1.) Weighted Mean was used to determine the correlation of student’s motivations and

barriers of senior high school students towards online education.


x= Weighted Mean

Ʃ= Summation of the frequency

n= Total number of respondents

Scale Description

90 - 100 Outstanding

85 - 89 Very Satisfactory

80 - 84 Satisfactory

75 - 79 Fairly Satisfactory

Below 75 Did not meet the expectations

2.) Percentage – use to determine the student’s learning style and academic performance

according to their sex and strand, Percentage was used.


p= Percentage

f= Frequency of Respondents

n = Total number of Respondents

3.) Pearson’s R was used to determine the correlation of Student’s barriers and

motivations towards Online education.


N= number of pairs of scores

∑ 𝑥𝑦 = sum of the product of the paired scores

∑ 𝑥= sum of x scores

∑ 𝑦= sum of y scores

∑ 𝑥2= sum of squared x scores

r Verbal Interpretation

± 1.00 Perfect Correlation

± .81 – 99 Very High Correlation

± .61 – 80 Substantial Correlation

± .41 – 60 Moderate Correlation

± .21 – 40 Low Correlation

± .01 – 20 Negligible Correlation

± .0 No Correlation



This chapter presents the information acquired from 40 Senior High School Students of

Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc. who addressed the Likert scale questionnaire with 18

arrangements of articulations. To determine the Student’s motivations and barriers which have 9

each statement served as the basis in determining the Online education.

The chapter is separated into three sections which involve the response to the inquiries in

the Statement of the Problem. Section one examines the profile of the respondents as far as

name, age, and sex. While section two examines the Student’s motivations and barriers that

respondents experience and really like to embrace. Section three examine the connection

between Student’s motivation and barriers towards Online Education.

I. Profile of the Respondents

This part discusses the distribution of the respondents in terms of:

A. Age

Table 1.1

Age Frequency %

19 2 5%

18 5 12.5%

17 19 50%

16 14 32.5%

Total 40 100%

The table shows the distribution of the respondents according to age. Out of 40

respondents, 5% of the respondents are comprised of 19 years old students, while 12.5% stake in

the respondents of 18 years old students. On the other hand, 32.5% account for 16 years old

respondents, and 50% of the respondents make up for 17 years old respondents.

This indicates that the majority respondents in terms of age are 17 years old students.

B. Level and Strand

Table 1.2

Grade and Strand Frequency %

Grade 12 - ICT 1 2.5%

Grade 12 – TVL/HE 2 5%

Grade 12 – GAS 4 10%

Grade 12 – STEM 7 17.5%

Grade 11 – GAS 2 5%

Grade 11 – ABM 11 27.5%

Grade 11 – HUMSS 3 7.5%

Grade 11 – STEM 10 25%

Total 40 100%

The table shows that 27.5% or 11 of the respondents are Grade 11 – ABM students, while

25% or 10 of the respondents are Grade 11 – STEM students, on the other hand 17.5% or 7 of

the respondents are from Grade 12 – STEM students, then the 10% or 4 of the respondents are

Grade 12 – GAS students, and the 7.5 % or 3 of the respondents are from Grade 11- HUMSS, the

first 5% or 2 of the respondents are from Grade 12 – TVL/HE, the other 5% or 2 of the

respondents are from Grade 11 – GAS, and the last 2.5% or 1 of the respondent is from Grade 12

– ICT.

This indicates that the greatest number of participants is from Grade 11- ABM, and the

least number of participants is from Grade 12- ICT.

II. The Barriers encountered by students towards Online Education.

Table 2

Item. Variables SA A N D SD Mean Verbal

No. Interpretation

1 Lacking in comprehension skills in learning through online.

45 28 42 16 2 3.325 Neutral

2 Lots of significant interruptions or distractions.

45 68 33 6 0 3.8 Neutral

3 Lacking in technical skills.

20 24 63 12 3 3.5 Neutral

4 My online education environment is not inherently motivating.

20 32 51 18 2 3.075 Neutral

5 It cost too much time and money.

15 20 60 14 5 2.85 Disagree

6 Lower quality of internet access and limited data connection.

60 48 30 6 2 3.65 Neutral

7 Lack of self-motivation and support from family.

40 20 48 10 6 3.1 Neutral

8 Lack of gadgets can be used for online learning.

20 36 39 12 8 2.875 Disagree

9 Can’t engage myself to online learning it seems impersonal.

20 28 48 16 5 2.925 Disagree

Total. 57 76 138 55 29 3.233 Neutral

SA- Strongly Agree, A- Agree, N- Neutral, D- Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree

Table 2 Displays the level of most experienced barriers of the students in online

education. The item that scored the highest is item number 6, stating “Lower quality of internet

access and limited data connection.” With the corresponding weighted mean of 3.65 and

interpreted as “Neutral”. On the other hand, the item that scored the lowest is item number 5,

stating “It cost too much time and money.” With the corresponding weighted mean of 2.85 and

interpreted as “Disagree.”

Meanwhile, the overall mean of barriers encountered by students with corresponding

weighted mean of 3.233 verbally interpreted as “Neutral.” Alike to Senel (2021) with mandatory

shift to distance education due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Higher education institutions in

Turkey finished 2019-2020 semester by online platforms. But most of these institutions were not

on the stand to have all their courses be done online. Insufficiency of qualified online tools, slow

internet connection, inexperienced instructors and students, and technical inadequacies are faced

as barriers. Moreover, in line with the study of Abdulmajeed (2020) with technological

developments in terms of communications and digital devices, online education has been

enhanced with the potential to scale education, creating it affordable and accessible.

III. The Motivations encountered by students towards Online Education.

Table 3

Item. Variables SA A N D SD Mean Verbal

No. Interpretation

1 I consider myself to be knowledgeable about the internet and technologies.

40 64 48 2 0 4 Agree

2 I enjoy joining online classes to participate.

35 64 48 2 0 4 Agree

3 I feel comfortable on online platforms.

20 56 60 4 0 3.5 Neutral

4 I enjoy learning with engaging activities

15 52 54 8 2 3.275 Neutral

5 I make excellent school project and activities because I have a lot of time and extra money.

25 32 57 12 2 3.2 Neutral

6 I find online education easier compared to face-to-face class.

25 20 51 16 5 3 Neutral

7 I am responsible and can understand lessons through online education.

40 52 51 0 0 3.575 Neutral

8 I am more motivated to take online education because I have advantages.

15 44 51 14 2 3.15 Neutral

9 It’s convenient for me to pass this year with the help of online education.

35 60 54 0 0 3.725 Neutral

Total. 50 111 158 28 11 3.493 Neutral

SA- Strongly Agree, A- Agree, N- Neutral, D- Disagree, SD- Strongly Disagree

Table 3 Displays the level of most experienced motivation of the students in online

education. The items that scored the highest are item number 1 and 2, stating “I consider myself

to be knowledgeable with internet and technologies.” And “I enjoy online class to participate.”

With a corresponding weighted mean of 4 and interpreted as “Agree” On the other hand, the item

that scored the lowest is item number 6, stating “ I find online education easier compared to face

to face class.” With the corresponding weighted mean of 3 and interpreted as “Neutral”.

Meanwhile, the overall mean of motivation encountered by students with corresponding

weighted mean of 3.492 and verbally interpreted as “Neutral.” In line with the study of Hira

(2021), Though at home, students and teachers resumed teaching as well as learning in socially

distant methods using different online technologies. Several teacher surveys say only 60% of

students in the United States usually engaged with the learning activities. Because of the

pandemic, online learning left teachers and parents needing support for learning activities that

motivate and engage students. These motivations become one of those important reasons why

students keep trying and adjusting to our new way of learning which is online education.

IV. Academic Performance in 1st Semester

Table 4.1

Scale Frequency % Description

90-100 20 49 Outstanding

85-89 14 37 Very Satisfactory

80-84 6 14 Satisfactory

75-79 0 0 Fairly Satisfactory

Below 75 0 0 Did not meet expectation

Total 40 100

Table 4.1 Displays academic performance in 1st semester. 49% (20) of the students had

90-100 Outstanding academic performance in 1st semester, 37% (14) had 85-89 (Very

Satisfactory), and 14% (6) had (Satisfactory). None of the senior high school students registered

below 75, this means that most of the students obtained an "Outstanding" academic performance

in the first semester. The minimum data obtained is 82 and while the maximum obtained data is


Table 4.2

Mean Description

Overall Academic Performance 92.52 Outstanding

1st Semester

Table 4.2 Shows the students' overall academic performance in the first semester with a

mean of 92.52 that corresponds to "Outstanding" grades.

V. Correlation of Student’s Motivations and Barriers towards Online Education

Table 5

r P – value Correlation Decision

Student’s Barriers -0. 225 0.162 Low Reject Ho


Student’s Motivation 0.190 0.240 Negligible Reject Ho


Interpretation: The table 5 presents that there is a low correlation of -0.225 between student's

barriers towards online education (academic performance). The table also shows that there is

negligible correlation between student's motivation and online education (academic

performance) Therefore, there is no significant relationship between the variables rejecting the

null hypothesis of the study. In line with the study of Simuth et. Al (2010) between the

motivation and on-line learning barriers perception, do not show any statistically significant

correlations. Indicating that students perceive restricted opportunities to speak face to face with

classmates and teachers. Students also perceived the typically text-based study materials and on-

line activities as potential barriers to on-line learning. Frolova (2021) also states in study that

every fourth student when altering to online mode could not sufficiently adapt to the new method

of learning. Students demonstrate the need for additional measures to maintain interest in

learning like network interaction in the learning process. In terms of online learning as

motivation. Which resulted in that barrier and motivation do not have a relationship when it

comes to online learning.



This chapter presents the summary of findings of the study, the conclusions drawn, and

the recommendation made.

Summary of Findings

Analysis of the data collected reveals the following findings that answered the specific

problem in chapter one.

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

Based on the results in distribution of respondents in terms of age, the majority of the

respondents of senior high school in Aquinas de Escolar Academy are 17 years old Students.

While the least number are 19 years old students.

1.2 level and strand

Based on the result in terms of level and strand it presents that the greatest number of

participants is from Grade 11- ABM, on the other hand the least number of participants is from

Grade 12- ICT.

2. What barriers do students encounter towards online education?

The barrier most experienced by some of the respondents that get the highest score is

item no.6 “Lower quality of internet access and limited data connection.” it has 3.65 verbally

interpreted as "neutral." While the lowest score is item no.5 "It cost too much time and money.”

With a weighted mean of 2.85 interpreted as "disagree." Moreover the overall mean of barriers

encountered by students corresponds to a weighted mean of 3.233 verbally interpreted as


3. What motivates the students to attend online classes?

The things that motivate respondents that attain the highest scores are item number 1 as

well as 2 “I consider myself to be knowledgeable with the internet and technologies.” and “I

enjoy participating in online classes.” with the same corresponding weighted mean of 4 and

interpreted as "agree." On the other hand the lowest score is attained by item number 6 “I find

online education easier compared to face-to-face class.” with a weighted mean of 3 and

interpreted as "neutral." Meanwhile, the overall mean of motivation encountered by students

with a weighted mean of 3.492 verbally interpreted as "neutral."

4. What is the students’ academic performance in their first semester?

The highest percentage and majority of the students have the scale average of 90-100,

which was described as outstanding. On the other hand, the scale average of 80-84 had the

lowest percentage, which was described as satisfactory.

Moreover the general academic performance of the respondents in 1st semester had a mean of

92.52 which is described as an outstanding grade.

5. Is there a significant correlation between a student's motivation and barriers towards

online education?

There is no significant correlation between student’s motivation and the barriers towards

Online education of senior high school students in Aquinas de Escolar Academy Consequently,

all of the barriers students experience can never have a relationship to their motivations toward

online education.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The age 17 years old had greater number than 16 years old and 18 to 19 years old

students in Aquinas De Escolar academy. Majority of the respondents are 17 years

old which is suitable age for Senior High School students.

2. Most of the respondents are Grade 11- ABM students which has greater number than

any other stands in both grade 11 and 12 in Aquinas de escolar academy.

3. The barriers encountered by the students are lower quality of internet access and

limited data connection, and lots of significant interruption or distractions. It presents

that most SHS students in Aquinas De Escolar Academy agreed that they experience

those barriers especially since the online education started.

4. The motivation encountered by the students are them considering themselves to be

knowledgeable with internet and technology, and that they enjoy online class to

participate. Most respondents agreed that this is their motivations toward online

classes. However, some of the students disagree in the statement that Online

education is easier than face-to-face class and did not consider it as a motivation

towards online education.

5. There is no significant correlation between student's motivation and barriers towards

online education of Senior high school students in Aquinas De Escolar Academy.

Therefore, it explains that no matter how many barriers the respondents has

experienced it will never affect their motivation towards online education.


Based on the results and conclusion, the current study humbly suggests the following:

1. Students often encounter slow speed internet connection. They may check the right

stations for them to have high speed internet connection before attending an online


2. Teachers may choose the least consuming of mobile data when conducting their

classes for the sake of all the students especially those who are using mobile data.

3. A short survey before teaching an online class to determine the students’ experiences

and motivations for taking the course may help teachers provide a better online


4. For students who do not want to take an online class in the future but must enroll in a

required online course, the teacher should keep course organization very


5. The current research shows a meaningful difference between students who would like

to take an online course and students who do not want to take one. Knowing the

difference between groups of students accepts more successful learning environments

to be created.

6. Parents should know the arrangement of new educational program proposed on

current school year, so it is easy for them how to help and guide their kids particularly

while taking online classes. They must assist their kids with surpassing the hindrances

and assist with being encouraged.

7. For the future researchers, the current study is to oversee future research with larger

samples of graduate and undergraduate students as the current study contained mainly

undergraduate student responses. In addition, conducting a focus group with select

students might provide a more affluent set of data. A focus group can allow the

researcher to explore more distinct questions about various tools and online class



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Appendix A: Letter to the School Directress

Aquinas de Escolar Academy

Catmon, Santa Maria, Bulacan

Senior High School Department

A.Y. 2021-2022

January 20, 2022

Mrs. Emeliza G. Laurenciana

School Directress

Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc.

Dear Ma'am,

The undersigned, students of Academic Track with the strand of Accountancy Business

Mathematics (ABM) in Aquinas de Escolar Academy, is currently processing a study entitled:



the requirement of Practical Research 2. This study will be focused on determining the students

motivation and barriers upon taking online education.

In line with this, the researchers would like to ask for your permission to conduct the said

study at Aquinas de Escolar Academy, Senior High School Department in your advisor class

Grade 11 and 12. Rest assured that all the information gathered will be treated with utmost


We are highly anticipating your kind approval regarding this matter. Thank you very

much and God bless you!

Respectfully yours,


Lawrence Amper

Arlan Bautusta

Frittzy B. Eugenio

Joyce Ann C. Francisco

Aliyah Francine D.R. Gojo Cruz

Jouoliriez R. Umali

Noted: Confirmed by:


Research Adviser School Directress

Appendix B: Letter to the Adviser

Aquinas de Escolar Academy

Catmon, Santa Maria, Bulacan

Senior High School Department

A.Y. 2021-2022

January 20, 2022

Ms. Mhie A. Mariano

Class Adviser of Grade 11 and 12

Senior High School Department

Dear Ma'am,

The undersigned, students of Academic Track with the strand of Accountancy Business

Mathematics (ABM) in Aquinas de Escolar Academy, is currently processing a study entitled:



the requirement of Practical Research 2. This study will be focused on determining the students

motivation and barriers upon taking online education.

In line with this, the researchers would like to ask for your permission to conduct the said

study at Aquinas de Escolar Academy, Senior High School Department in your advisor class

Grade 11 and 12. Rest assured that all the information gathered will be treated with utmost


We are highly anticipating your kind approval regarding this matter. Thank you very

much and God bless you!

Respectfully yours,


Lawrence Amper

Arlan Bautista

Frittzy B. Eugenio

Joyce Ann C. Francisco

Aliyah Francine D.R. Gojo Cruz

Jouliriez R. Umali

Noted: Confirmed by:


Research Adviser Class Adviser of Grade 11 and 12

Appendix C: Questionnaire

Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc.

036 Luwasan, Catmon, Santa Maria,

3022 Bulacan, Philippines

January 20, 2022

Dear Respondents,

We, the ABM Group, are Senior High School students from the 12th grade who is

currently conducting research. This study seeks to identify the student's motivation and barriers

towards online education. This research requires respondents in order to gather further data that

will assist us to verify our study.

Through this letter, We would like to humbly ask for your cooperation to be one

of our respondents. Your involvement in this study is entirely voluntary but is also beneficial to

the success of the study. In addition, if the researcher wants more information, needs to explain,

or clarify the data you have provided, an interview may be conducted. Rest assured that the

answers to all the questions in the questionnaire will be kept with utmost confidentiality and will

only expose them with your consent. Furthermore, your anonymity and all the information will

be treated with maximum secrecy unless you agree to reveal such information to the researcher.

We look forward to receiving your positive response to this request. Thank you for your

kind consideration, support, and cooperation!

Sincerely yours,

Amper, Lawrence

Bautista, Arlan

Eugenio, Frittzy B.

Francisco, Joyce Ann C.

Gojo Cruz, Aliyah Francine D.R.

Umali, Jouliriez R.

Profile of the respondents

Name ( Optional):

Age :

__ (15-16)

__ ( 17-18)

Sex: __ Male

__ Female

The following statement indicates the motivations and barriers of Grade 11 students in Aquinas

de Escolar Academy. Rate each item from 1-5.

Legend: 5= Strongly Agree; 4= Agree; 3= Neutral; 2= Disagree;

1= Strongly Disagree

Student's barriers towards online education 4 3 1

5 2

Lacking in comprehension skills in learning through online.

Lots of significant interruptions or distractions.

Lacking in technical skills.

My online education environment is not inherently motivating.

It cost too much time and money.

Lower quality of internet access and limited data connection.

Lack of self-motivation and support from family.

Lack of gadgets can be used for online learning.

Can't engage myself to

online learning it seems impersonal.

Student's motivation towards online education 4 3 1

5 2

I consider myself to be knowledgeable with internet and


I enjoy joining in online classes to participate.

I feel comfortable learning on online platforms.

I enjoy online learning with engaging activities.

I make excellent school projects and activities because I have a

lot of time and extra money.

I find online education much easier compare to face-to-face


I am responsible and can understand lessons through online


I am more motivated to take online education because I have


It's convenient for me to pass this school year with the help of

online interaction.

Appendix D: Tabulations

Respondents Student’s Barriers Student’s Motivation Academic Performance

(Mean) (Mean) in first semester

1 2.11 3.67 95

2 1.67 3.22 93

3 4.78 2.11 94

4 3 3.33 87

5 2.89 3.22 87

6 2.11 4 92

7 3.89 3.22 93

8 3.44 3.67 88

9 3.22 3.22 87

10 2.89 3.33 93

11 3.56 4.78 91

12 2.89 2.89 89

13 3.44 3.33 90

14 3.67 3.78 84

15 3.67 3.78 85

16 3.78 3.22 94

17 2.67 2.56 83

18 4.22 3.11 85

19 2.22 3 90

20 3.22 3.78 93

21 1.33 3.22 92

22 3.33 4.11 95

23 2 3.33 95

24 3.11 4.33 91

25 2.78 3.66 84

26 2.67 3.11 89

27 2.67 3.33 82

28 3.67 3.66 83

29 4.22 2.88 86

30 2.11 3.33 93

31 1.22 4.77 92

32 4 4.22 92

33 4.11 3.33 91

34 4.33 3 93

35 3.11 3.11 91

36 3.11 3.55 87

37 3.11 4 85

38 3.67 4.22 88

39 4.11 3.33 84

40 2.33 3.11 86

Appendix E: Letter to Research Adviser

Aquinas de Escolar Academy

Catmon, Santa Maria, Bulacan

Senior High School Department

A.Y. 2021-2022


Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Aquinas de Escolar Academy, Instructor

and Teacher of Sta. Maria National High School

Dear Ma’am:

Greetings! We, senior high school students of Accountancy Business

Management Strand of Aquinas de Escolar Academy currently enrolled in Practical Research 2

(PR 2). The course is designed to hone the student’s research skills, highlighted by the inclusion

of thesis requirement to facilitate, and enhance the knowledge and skills of students in the field

of research geared for practical application in various industries and in preparation for tertiary


In connection to this, we are humbly requesting your good self to be our research adviser

in our research endeavor. We believe that your expertise and educational background will surely

be of help in the completion of this academic requirement.

We are hoping for your utmost consideration to this request.

Sincerely yours,

Amper. Lawrence

Bautista, Arlan

Eugenio, Frittzy B.

Francisco, Joyce Ann C.

Gojo Cruz, Aliyah Francine D.R.

Umali, Jouliriez R.


Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Research Instructor

Appendix E: Validation Letter

Aquinas de Escolar Academy

Catmon, Santa Maria, Bulacan

Senior High School Department

A.Y. 2021-2022


Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Aquinas de Escolar Academy, Instructor

and Teacher of Sta. Maria National High School

Dear Ma’am:


We, senior high school students of Accountancy Business Management Strand of

Aquinas de Escolar Academy, we are currently writing our research entitled “Student’s

Motivation and Barriers Towards Online Education of Senior High School Students in Aquinas

de Escolar Academy.” Students from Aquinas de Escolar Academy will be the respondents of

our study.

This semester, we are about to start gathering data for our study. To enable this, we are

humbly requesting your expertise for the validation of our questionnaire. Your participation is of

great importance to our academic endeavor and will be highly appreciated. We are looking

forward to your positive response.

Thank you very much!

Very truly yours,

Amper. Lawrence

Bautista, Arlan

Eugenio, Frittzy B.

Francisco, Joyce Ann C.

Gojo Cruz, Aliyah Francine D.R.

Umali, Jouliriez R.


Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Research Instructor

Appendix F: Certification

This is to certify that the survey questionnaire for the practical research entitled “

Student’s Motivation and Barriers Towards Online Education of Senior High School Students in

Aquinas de Escolar Academy.” by students of Accountancy Business Management Grade 12 –

St. Jude had been reviewed and analyzed to improve it as an instrument that can be used by the


Issued this ____ day of ________ 20______ at Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc.

Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Research Instructor, Department


Appendix G: Certificate of Editing and Proofreading

This is to certify that the chapters one (1) to five (5) of the senior high school research

entitled “Student’s Motivations and Barriers Towards Online Education of Senior High School

Students in Aquinas de Escolar Academy” by students of Accountancy Business Management

Grade 12 – St. Jude has been edited for coherence, organization, and correct language structure.

Issued this ____ day of ________ 20______ at Aquinas de Escolar Academy Inc.

Mrs. Rachel F. De Castro

Research Instructor, Department


Appendix H: Letter to the Respondents

Date: January 23, 2022

Dear Respondents:

We, senior high school students of Accountancy Business Management of Aquinas de

Escolar Academy, are currently conducting research entitled “Student’s Motivations and Barriers

Towards Online Education of Senior High School Students in Aquinas de Escolar Academy” A

correlational study focuses on the barriers and motivation of the students towards online


In line with this, may we invite you as participants for our research undertaking.

Participation in this study will require few minutes of your time. You will just be asked to

answer survey questionnaire regarding your knowledge on the field of the study. Hoping that you

will answer the questions to the best of your knowledge.

There are no anticipated risks or discomforts related to this research. The information

gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Rest assured that only the researchers will

have the access to the data gathered. Your names and any other identifying details will never be

revealed in any publication of the results of this study.

Your participation in this research is completely voluntary. If you refuse to participate,

the researchers will wholeheartedly understand your decision. Also, you have the right to avoid

any questions that might discomfort you and may withdraw from participating in this study at

any time for any reasons.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to ask the researchers by


Jouliriez R. Umali

Aliyah Francine D.R. Gojo Cruz

Joyce Ann C. Francisco

I have read the above information regarding this research and I am giving my consent to

participate in this study.

_______________________________ (Name)

_______________________________ (Signature)

_______________________________ (Date)


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