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1A Program to initialize the character as z & display the

character on the monitor.
1B Write a C program to read a character input from the
user and display its equivalent ASCII value.

Program to read N value and check that value is greaterthan
and equal to 50.

1D Write a C Program to convert lower case vowel letters

to upper case letters using the switch statement

1E write a program to find simple interest

1F Write a C program to check whether the given

year(For ex:2000) is a leap year or not using a
conditional operator..
1G write a C program to count the number of digits without using
a loop.

1H C program the input entered by the user is palindrome.

2A C program to display the value using auto storage class

Without using loop.
Write a C program to print the given number pattern series
of 1's and 0's at alternate columns using loop.
2C write a C program to print the given triangular Star pattern
using loop.

Write a C program to print rhombus pattern.

write a C program to check whether 625 is Perfect square or
not with return typewith arguments.

2F To Write a C program for addition and subtraction of

two numbers using functions

2G write a C program to check the input entered by the user

ispalindrome or not using Do while loop.

2H Write a C program to print the Addition table of 1 to

given input number from user using for loop

3A write a program to display the value using auto storage class

without using loopingstatements.

3B write a program to prepare EMI calculation for

251000,8.5,5years using function with return type with

3C C program for the following pattern

3D write C Program to print Armstrong Numbers between 1 and


3E write a program in C to read n number of values in an array .

3F Create a C program to read n number of elements and

check whether the first element is even or odd

write a C program to replace all odd elements by 1 in one
dimensional array.

3H Write a C Program to search a element in an 1 - D array.

write a C program to perform bitwise OR operation.
4B Write a C program to break the 70089 into smallest possible
number of bank notes.

write a C program to reverse the case using if else.

4D Write a C Program to print the two-digit number in words

using Switch case Statement

write a C program to find the length of the string.


4F write a Program to compare two strings using strcmp().

4G Write a C program to convert a string from

lowercase to uppercase without usingstring function
using Do-while loop.

4H write a c program to length of a given without using

strlen using Do-While loop.

5A Write a C program to print string 'COMPUTER' using

pointer .
5B write a C program for modulo operator using pointer.

Write a C program to calculate the GCD using Recursion.

5D To Write a C program to swap the three values m = 20, n =

45, 0 = 65 using function pointers (using a temporary

5E write a C Program to print the Opposite Diagonal Elements of

a Matrix[3x3].

5F Write a C Program to print the sum of elements in the Zigzag

sequence in a given matrix.

5G Write a program in C to check whether a character is

Hexadecimal Digit or not.

5H Write a program in C to count total number of alphabets,

digits and special characters in a string.

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