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Goiânia, 14/06/2023.

Anhanguera Prof.:

Conteúdo para prova: Está descrito no final da

Lista de Inglês P2 II Bimestre lista .
A lista será corrigida em duas datas 09/06 /2023 e 13/06
É obrigatório estar com a lista em sala para as devidas Série: 7º Ano Valor: 1,0

Aluno (a): Nº

 Observações:
 Responder a lista de forma organizada com letra legível;
 Evite rasuras;
 Não dobrar ou amassar a folha;
 Preencher cabeçalho com nome completo e turma;
 Essa lista deve ser entregue no dia da prova ao aplicador de sua sala;
 A folha de respostas deve ser anexada junto a folha de questões da lista;
 A prova só será realizada após a entrega da lista de exercícios;

1) Write the opposite of the adjectives below.

a) big ______________ b) cheap_________________ c) cold______________ d)dirty____________

e)fast ______________f) boring__________________g)light ______________________

h )noisy___________________________i)new ___________j)safe ______________________

Now, choose four adjectives from exercise 4 and write sentences with Superlative Forms.



b) _____________________________________________________________________________________


c) ______________________________________________________________________________________


d) _____________________________________________________________________________________


2) Write sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives given.

a Rio de Janeiro / noisy / Paraty


b Porto Alegre / big / Ouro Preto

c Brasília / modern / Tiradentes


3) Circle the correct (ENEM QUIZ 2014)

A: The neighbors _________ French.

B: No, they ________ French. They _______ both from Europe, but just

the woman _______ French. The man________ Italian.

a) were – weren’t – were – was – was

b) were – weren’t – weren’t – were – were

c) was – weren’t – were – was – was

d) was – weren’t – were – wasn’t – were

e) were – were – were – was –was

Circle the correct words.

1 He was / were a teacher in the 1990s.

2 Her parents wasn’t / weren’t dancers.

3 We was / were in New York in July.

4 It wasn’t / weren’t sunny today.

5 I was / were in bed at 6:30 a.m.

4 ).Agora vamos fazer alguns exercícios sobre você e seus amigos nas férias, onde eles estavam?

Complete com: WAS ou Were.

Jessica ____________ at home during her vacation.Israel __________________ in

Bragança.Alexandre and Lucas _____________ in Europe !Isaura _______________ in

her aunt´s house.I___________________ in Mato GrossoYou ________________ at

home.The teachers ___________________at home preparing this exercise.Miassumi

5) Look at the picture. Fill in the blanks with the past progressive form of the verbs in parenthesis.
It (1) was not raining (not/rain). The sun (2) ____________________.(shine) A man (3)
________________________(run) for a bus. He (4) _____________________ (carry) a suitcase. A girl (5)
__________________________(play) the guitar, and a boy (6) __________________________(sing). They
had a dog with them. It (7) __________

_________________(sleep) Some students (8) __________________________(sit) next to a tree. They (9)

___________________________(not/work). They (10) _____________________(have) lunch.

________________ in Russia.Prof. Marcos and Gustavo _________________________ in Argentina.

6) Read the dialogue. Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false sentences.

Officer: What were you doing yesterday at 12:30?

Jason: I was at home. I was watching a TV show about criminals. It was very interesting. I was eating my
lunch, too – a hamburger and French fries. It was delicious.

Officer: I see. And were you alone in your apartment?

Jason: Yes, I was. My girlfriend, Donna, was in town. She was shopping, and my brother was meeting
his friends at the bowling alley.

Officer: What was your girlfriend buying? Clothes?

Jason: No, she wasn’t. She doesn’t have much money. She was buying some food from the store.

Officer: Were you in town at 2:30 yesterday afternoon?

Jason: No, I wasn’t. I was in the apartment all afternoon. I was waiting for Donna.

Officer: Look at this picture from a security camera. Yesterday afternoon, you were shopping with your
girlfriend. You were buying her some very expensive earrings.

Jason: So what? It was her birthday yesterday. They were a present for her.

Officer: Well, here’s another picture. At 12:30 yesterday you were robbing a bank! Come to the police
station with me, please!
Jason: What?!

Read the dialogue. Then circle the correct words.

1 The police officer wants to know what Jason was doing last night / yesterday afternoon.

2 Jason said that he was at home with his brother / alone.

3 He said that at 2:30 he was having lunch / waiting for his girlfriend.

4 The police officer said that at 2:30 Jason was shopping with his girlfriend / robbing a bank.

5 The police officer said that at 12:30 Jason was robbing a bank / going to the police station.

7) Read the dialogue. Are the sentences True or False? Correct the false sentences.

1 Jason said that his lunch wasn’t good. T/F


2 He said that there weren’t any people with him at home. T/F


3 He said that he was waiting in the apartment for his brother. T/F


4 The police officer has three pictures of Jason. T/F


5 The police officer asks Jason to go to the bank with him. T/F


8 ) Observe as frases e assinale com (C) se a estrutura do Past Continuous estiver certa e (E) se a
forma estiver errada.

a) ( ) I was studying to the English Test.

b) ( ) Neymar were not playing soccer yesterday.

c) ( ) Alessandra and Bruna were walking in Salvador.

d) ( ) She was not singing Pop Music.

e) ( ) Anita was danceing funk.

9 ) Write How much or How many:

a) ____________ honey is there in your toast?

b) ____________ days are there in January?

c) ____________ milk in the fridge?

d) ____________ water is there in the bottle?

e) ____________ packets of chips are there on the table?

f) ____________ jugs of water are there in the fridge?

A sequência correta é:

a) How many – How many – How much – How much – How many – How many.

b) How many – How much – How many – How many – How much – How much.

c) How much – How many – How much – How many – How much – How much.

d) How much – How many – How much – How much – How many – How many.

e) How much – How many – How much – How much – How many – How much.

10) Choose the correct alternative for each item. (Escolha a alternativa correta para cada item)

a) How many _____________________________ do you need?

( ) Water ( ) paper ( ) coffee ( ) apples ( ) time

b) How much _____________________________ are you going to use?

( ) bars of chocolate ( ) cups of tea ( ) milk ( ) pears

c) There is a little _____________________________________________.

( ) books ( ) glasses of milk ( ) cars ( ) water ( ) ice cream cones

d) There are few _____________________________________________.

( ) eggs ( ) money ( ) coffee ( ) tea ( ) wine

e) We have many _____________________________________________.

( ) milk ( ) friends ( ) water ( ) salt ( ) sugar

11) Write the words from the box under the correct category. Then add one more word to

each list.

butter – bread – chocolate – candy bars – oil – banana – cream – ruler – oranges – time –money

milk –magazine – car– city – spoon

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns

1- 1-

2- 2-

3- 3-

4- 4-

5- 5-

6- 6-

7- 7-

8- 8-

12 ) Complete the table .

13) Exercícios de adjetivos comparativos

Thomas plays football _________________ (good) than Rick. (Thomas joga futebol melhor do que Rick).

Arnold was___________________ (strong) than other bodybuilders in Los Angeles. (Arnold era mais forte do
que os outros fisiculturistas em Los Angeles).

The situation is_________________________ (bad) than it looks. (A situação é pior do que parece).

Diana was ______________ attractive _________ any other girl in the school. (Diana era mais atraente do
que qualquer outra garota na escola).

The cheetah is _________________(fast) than the fox. (O leopardo é mais rápido do que a raposa).

The truck is _____________________ (heavy) than the car. (O caminhão é mais pesado do que o carro).

It is __________________________ (warm) inside than outside. (É mais quente dentro do que fora).

14) Complete as frases utilizando a forma comparativa dos adjetivos.

a. He isn’t very tall. You are taller than him.

b. She isn’t very old. You’re _____________________________________________her.

c. I don’t work very hard. You work ____________________________________________ me.

d. I’m not a very good cook. You’re _____________________________________________ me.

e. I can’t run very fast. You can run ____________________________________________me.

f. She hasn’t been here very long. You have been here _______________________________________her.

g. They didn’t get up very early. You got up ____________________________________________them.

h. He wasn’t very susprised. You were ____________________________________________ him.

15 ) Complete as frases abaixo utilizando o superlativo dos adjetivos.

a. This Building is very old. It’s the oldest Building in town.

b. It was a very happy day. It was ____________________________________________ of my life.

c. It’s a very good film. It’s ____________________________________________ I’ve ever seen.

d. She is a very popular singer. She’s ____________________________________________ in the country.

e. It was a very bad mistake. It was ____________________________________________ I’ve ever made.

f. It’s a very pretty village. It’s ____________________________________________ I’ve ever seen.

g. It was a very cold day. It was ____________________________________________ of the year.

h. He’s a very boring person. He’s ____________________________________________I’ve ever met.

Conteúdo da Avaliação : Página 71 Past Continuous/ There was / were Verb to be SimPlePast /
Páginas 78 até 85

Quantifiers Páginas 91 ,92 /100 Comparatie and Superlatives of Adjectives / Exploring Nature Páginas
: 93 até 107 . Estude a LISTA DE REVISÂO , TAMBÈM

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