What Is Programming - ESL Worksheet

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Before Reading:

Look for the next vocabulary in your dictionary:

1. Programming ___________________________ 10. Outcome_____________________________
2. Task ________________________________ 11. Execute ______________________________
3. Step ________________________________ 12. Looping structure ______________________
4. Computing ___________________________ 13. Following ____________________________
5. Accomplish ___________________________ 14. Solve________________________________
6. Code________________________________ 15. Map out_______________________________
7. Operating system ______________________ 16. Flowchart____________________________
8. LiveCode's scripting language 17. Flow _______________________________
_______________________________________ 18. Component_________________________
9. Command ____________________________

In the most basic sense, programming means creating a set of instructions for completing some specific task. In this sense, many of
our daily activities can be described as programmatic—they involve specific steps that often follow a set order. For instance, if you
get home from school and want to make yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you know that you will have to get two slices
of bread, butter each piece, spread peanut butter on one slice and jelly on the other, and finally put the two together.

In the context of computing, programming means creating a set of instructions not for a person but for a computer, in order to
accomplish a specific task. To do so you use a set of directives—a programming language—known to both the programmer and
the computer operating system. The kind of things we program computers to do is different from what we “program” ourselves to
do. Usually a set of instructions, or program, for a computer is intended to complete a task that:

 is repetitious, and therefore would exceed human patience or capacity for long term attention to detail;
 controls machinery in conditions unsuitable for humans because of physical limitations, hazardous conditions, etc.;
 requires a high degree of accuracy;
 requires high speed.

Basic Programming Concepts.

Even though each programming language you use is unique, there are certain concepts common to all languages, including
LiveCode's scripting language. Let's look at three of the most common concepts and structures used in programming.
I. Sequence of commands (The right commands in the right order.)
It is important not only to give the right commands or steps—they must also be given in the correct sequence.
Conditional structures (Do certain things based on a true or false, yes or no decision.)
These provide for one outcome or sequence of events to be executed if a statement is true, and another outcome or sequence
of events to be triggered if the statement is false.
In most programming languages these structures take the form if . . . then . . . else.
The One Potato, Two Potato game uses lots of conditional decisions.
If the counter lands on your fist on the word "more" then you must remove your fist from the circle.
If both of your fists are knocked out of the circle then you are out of the game.
Computing examples:
Example 1:
If a word exists in a list, then print it out,
Else tell the user that the word does not exist.
Looping structures (A list of instructions to do more than once.)
Used to make the computer repeat a certain command or sequence of commands. The loop may run for a predetermined
number of times, until a certain condition becomes true, or as long as a certain condition remains true.
Here are some ways that looping might be done:
- Do the following 20 times.
- Do the following once for each word in the list
- Repeat the following until the user presses the option key
- Repeat the following as long as the option key is depressed.
Again, the One Potato game provides an obvious example of a looping structure. The rhyme is repeated and fists counted for
as many times as needed until just one person is left.
Another Example:
Given a list of party guests, assign everyone to one of three groups for "ice-breaker" games.
Programming Strategies
Programming can range in complexity from solving small problems—like setting an alarm time on your watch or cell phone—to
very sophisticated instructional or business applications. For more complex tasks, you can use these strategies to help you think
through the logic of your program before starting to write code.
Top-down design
Top-down design is a way of approaching a complex programming task by first mapping out the entire program and identifying
the major components that it will require. Then the programmer would use flowcharts and general statements to represent the
logical flow of your program. Once the major components are identified, the programmer then focuses on each component in
greater detail, finally culminating in writing the actual program code for creating each component.
Answer the next questions:
___________________________________________ BASIC PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS.
__________________________________________ 1. They are used to make the computer repeat a
2. What is programming in computing? certain command or sequence.
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
___________________________________________ 2. Give the right command in the correct sequence.
__________________________________________ __________________________________________
3. We program a computer to: 3. These provide a result if the statement is true or
___________________________________________ false
___________________________________________ __________________________________________
4. What is a livecode´s scripting language?

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