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Hello! I am Adi Kurniawan. You can call me Adi. I live in Yogyakarta. I am a student of State Vocational High
School 4 Yogyakarta. People said that I am confident and talkative. In my free time, I like reading comics
and drawing. I love apples. People said, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. I eat apples every day. I also
like to eat noodles. Iced coffee is my favorite drink. When I study, read comic, or do my homework, I like
to make a glass of iced coffee. It gives me more energy and better mood. However, I don’t like milk. It
makes my stomach aches. In the future when I grow up, I want to be a comic writer. In my life, I have a
motto. Start your day by being the better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

1. What is the topic of the text?

A. Adi’s life motto
B. Adi’s introduction
C. Adi’s favorite things
D. Adi’s life
2. How old is Adi?
A. He is around 16 years old.
B. He is 30 years old.
C. He is around 7 years old.
D. He is in his fifties.
3. What is Adi’s personality?
A. He is independent.
B. He is diligent.
C. He likes to talk.
D. He is shy.
4. Which food is Adi’s favorite?
A. Coffee
B. Milk
C. Chicken
D. Apple
5. Which one is Adi’s habit?
A. He eats apples every day.
B. He drinks iced coffee every time.
C. He reads comic and draws the pictures in it.
D. He doesn’t like milk.
6. What is the meaning of English proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”?
A. Apples can make the doctor happy.
B. Eating apples will make you a doctor.
C. Eating apples can make you healthy.
D. Doctors suggest people to eat apples.
7. What can we conclude about Adi?
A. Adi is fat because he likes to eat.
B. Adi wants to be a doctor.
C. Adi doesn’t have siblings.
D. Adi likes to eat apples but he doesn’t like milk.
8. What is the synonym of the word “talkative”?
A. Noisy
B. Chatty
C. Tidy
D. Calm
9. Sally and Deni …. from Bandung.
A. is
B. are
C. do
D. does
10. I …. lazy.
A. am not
B. is not
C. do not
D. does not
11. …. you from Japan?
A. Is
B. Are
C. Do
D. Does
12. …. they your friends? They …. very kind.
A. Are, are
B. Is, is
C. Do, are
D. Are, do
13. They …. my friends. They …… from Bali.
A. do not, are
B. are, comes
C. are, come
D. are, does not come
14. My friends …… mathematics.
A. likes
B. does not like
C. do not likes
D. like
15. I always …... before 11 p.m.
A. sleeps
B. sleep
C. not sleep
D. does not sleep
16. …. she like fried rice?
A. are
B. is
C. does
D. do
17. …. your mother cook?
A. is
B. do
C. does
D. are
18. …. they buy the meat in a supermarket?
A. Do
B. Does
C. Are
D. Is
Anya : Hey, do you like watching movies?
Dany : ………….…. (19)
Anya : Let’s watch Barbie. It is in cinema now.
Dany : Okay. …………………………..…………. (20)
Anya : How about tomorrow night?
19. What is the best phrase to complete number 8?
A. No. I don’t.
B. No. I doesn’t.
C. Yes. I does.
D. Yes. I do.
20. What is the best phrase to complete number 9?
A. When does the movie start?
B. When will we watch it?
C. Why do you want to watch it?
D. Where do you want to watch it?
21. My mother likes cooking. ….. always cooks vegetables.
A. He
B. She
C. It
D. They
22. Yesterday, I met Siska, Melly, and Dodi. I met …… to study English together.
A. Them
B. They
C. We
D. Us
23. My uncle and my aunt are from Surabaya. ……. are very kind and funny.
A. We
B. Them
C. They
D. He
24. My sister and I love singing and dancing. ……. like to sing and dance together.
A. She
B. Her
C. We
D. They
25. My father drinks coffee every morning. I always make a cup of coffee for ……
A. Her
B. She
C. He
D. Him

The following text is for number 26 – 30.

I have a close friend. She is my classmate. She is beautiful, attractive and trendy. She always wants to be a
trendsetter of the day. She always pays much attention on her appearance. Recently, she bought a new
stylist foot legs from blowfish shoes products. The shoes really match on her.

Her new blowfish women’s shoes are wonderful. When she is walking on those shoes, all her friends,
including me, watch and admire that she has the most suitable shoes on her physical appearance. The
style, bright color, and brand represent her as a smart woman of the day. She really has perfect
appearance. I tell you this not just because her appearance is perfect, her grade at school is also
unbelievably great.

She is really mad on those shoes that she bought. She said that the products covered all genders. The
products provide varieties of choice. Ballet, casual, boot athletic shoes are designed in attractive way. The
products are international trader mark and become the hottest trend. That is why she likes it like crazy and
save up money to buy their product again.

26. What does the text mainly discuss?

A. The writer’s friend in ballet class.
B. The writer’s close friend and her new shoes.
C. Blowfish shoes product bought by the writer’s friend.
D. A perfect woman who is beautiful, attractive, trendy, and smart.
27. Who is telling the story?
A. A model
B. A teacher
C. A shoes collector
D. A student
28. What is the writer’s opinion about her close friend?
A. She is mad.
B. She is a perfect model for a shoes product.
C. She has perfect appearance and intelligent brain.
D. Her shoes make her grade unbelievably great.
29. Why does the writer admire her friend?
A. Because she is her classmate.
B. She buys shoes of the hottest trend.
C. She is genius in choosing shoes products.
D. When she is walking, her shoes match on her style.
30. Which statement is true according to the text?
A. Blowfish shoes products are for women.
B. The writer and her friend attend ballet class.
C. The writer’s friend plans to buy shoes again.
D. The writer and the one she describes are family

David : Hello, I’m David Garza. I’m a new international club member.
Beth : Hi. My name is Elizabeth Silva, but please call me Beth.
David : OK. …….. (31)
Beth : Brazil. How about you?
David : I’m from Mexico.
Beth : Oh, I love Mexico! It’s really beautiful.
David : Thanks. So is Brazil!
Beth : Oh, good. Sun Hee is here.
David : ……. (32)
Beth : She is my classmate. We’re in the same math class.
David : …….. (33)
Beth : Korea. Let’s go and say hello. Sorry, what’s your name again? Devy?
David : Actually, it’s David. D-A-V-I-D.
Beth : Sun Hee, this is David. He is a new club member from Mexico.
Sun Hee: Nice to meet you, David. I am Sun Hee Park, from Korea.
David : Good to see you, Sun Hee. Guys, do you know where to buy cheap and quality books?
Beth : …… (34) I usually buy books in Perapaya Online Store. …….. (35)
David : I want to buy some novels.
Sun Hee: …… (36)
David : Yes, I do. I love reading novels.

The following answer choices are for number 31-36.

A. Yes, I know.
B. Do, I don’t.
C. Where do you buy books?
D. What do you want to buy?
E. Where are you?
F. Who are you?
G. Do you like reading?
H. Where are you from?
I. Who is Sun Hee?
J. Do you want to buy books?
K. Where is she from?

37. I spend all day to learn about baking.

A. How many time do you spend to learn about baking?
B. How much day do you learn baking?
C. How much time do you spend to learn about baking?
D. How many time do you learn baking?

38. My sister is angry because I annoy her.

A. Why are your sister angry?
B. Why does your sister angry?
C. Why do you annoy your sister?
D. Why is your sister angry?

39. I play basketball twice a week.

A. When do you play basketball?
B. How many times do you play basketball?
C. What do you play twice a week?
D. Where do you play basketball?

40. I cook the spinach by blanching it.

A. Why do you cook the spinach?
B. How do you cook the spinach?
C. Where do you cook the spinach?
D. Who cooks the spinach?

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