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Paola: Hi, Ernesto, how have you been?

Ariana: Hi Luana, I'm so good. Do you know? Last weekend we talked about professions. I
was thinking about what profession I would like to have and I already thought about what
profession I want to get in the future.

Paola: It Sounds fantastic! What’s the profession that you want to have? I got an idea, well i
guess. I have seen that you show a major high order thinking skill and you also understand
diagrams so, may you want to be a system engineer?

Ariana: Yes, you're right! I really was thinking about that profession. A systems engineer is a
person who performs technology tasks, they even make programs.If I’m a system engineer i
have to study very hard and learn all about the profession.

Paola: ¡Exactly! Also, if you are a system engineer, you can work independently and think
that you have a special vision of your job. I realized that you are thinking a lot about the job
and you really have the motivation.

Ariana: Oh, thanks Luana! I just want to be part of this beautiful job, now I have to think what
I can do to be the best engineer ever.

Paola: Right, we have to calm down a bit and go step by step. Alright, let's see. If you want
to be a system engineer you will have to pay attention to your class and get a career, don’t
forget to take notes.

Ariana: If I get a career I will earn a lot of money as well as knowledge. For me that’s
enough, however, if I don't get a good motivation, I won’t be able to achieve my goal.

Paola: Remember that if you become a system engineer you will be in control of many
applications and software and handle any other activity related with math things in only
hours or days.

Ariana: Yes, the ideas are excellent, definitely this job is for me, it also is important because I
can show my skills to the system.

Paola: I have never met a person who wants to have a career with your motivation.

Ariana: Great! Well, I have to go! I need practice for my exam, if i don’t take that be an
engineer will be more difficult.

Paola: Ok Ernesto, see you tomorrow!

Ariana: See you later.

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