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Philosopher Philosophy on aim/s and method/s of Classroom/school application


John Locke To produce virtuous and useful men and The goal of education, according to Locke, is to
women, whatever their station in life. produce a person with a sound mind and a
sound body who can better serve his country.
Locke believed that the substance of education
should be determined by one's social status.
Moral, social, and vocational knowledge were all
that was required of the average man.

Herbert Spencer Spencer promoted automatic learning Herbert Spencer was an English social scientist
based on students' interests and who made a significant contribution to
emphasized the importance of interest in education by emphasizing the importance of
the educational process. science in education systems.

John Dewey All goals, according to Dewey, start off as Dewey felt that in order for pupils to remember
a "mere tentative sketch." Teachers' goals information and modify it for personal use, they
for students, as well as students' own needed to feel connected to it in the classroom.
goals, should be fluid because new Increase student motivation by emphasizing how
information may lead to refinement or subject matter may be applied in the actual
revision of the goal while working toward world

George Counts John Dewey's philosophy was also an George S. Counts challenged teachers and
influence on Counts' educational teacher educators to use school as a means for
philosophy. Both men believed that critiquing and transforming the social order.
education had enormous potential to
improve society and that schools should
reflect life rather than being separate
from it.

Theodore Brameld Reconstructionist educators focus on a Brameld believed the creation of a new social
curriculum that emphasizes social reform order through education would fulfill the basic
as the aim of education values of society and harmonize with the
underlying social and economic forces of the
modern world.

Paulo Freire According to Paulo Freire, the goal of Freire felt that the classroom might be a catalyst
education is to free human potential. for social transformation. Freire, like Dewey, felt
Problem-posing education is a teaching that rather than being passive consumers of
technique that promotes critical thinking knowledge, students should take an active role
for the sake of liberation, coined by in their own education.
Brazilian educator Paulo Freire in his 1970
book Pedagogy of the Oppressed.

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