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Module #8 Solutions
Task list
 Read course and learning outcomes
 Read study guide prior to class attendance
 Read required learning resources and watch the videos; refer to terminologies for jargons
 Perform easy to do experiments at home
 Proactively participate in classroom discussions
 Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
 Answer and submit course unit tasks

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:

1. Observe the solubility of different substances

2. Determine the effect of the temperature on the solubility of solutions
3. Identify the degree of saturation of solutions

Study Guide
Open Educational Resources:

 ADLC - Elementary Science: Solubility
 Supersaturared solution

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When a crystal of sugar dissolves in water the crystal is broken down by the water to individual
molecules. These molecules are so small they cannot be detected by the eye or even with the
most powerful microscope. Because they are so small they are held in suspension by water for
indefinite periods of time, and also cannot be removed by filtration. Because of the molecular
motion of the water and the sugar, the sugar solution remains mixed indefinitely and has the
same properties throughout. A mixture of substances like this is said to be homogeneous (one

The amount of sugar dissolved in a given quantity of water may be a little or a lot; sugar-water
mixtures may therefore have variable compositions. Any such mixture which is homogeneous
and whose composition is variable is called a solution. Sometimes the particles of a mixture are
not small enough to be invisible nor small enough to be held in suspension. When the particles
can be observed optically, or are large enough to settle out, the mixture is said to be
heterogeneous (two or more kinds of matter), and it is not called a solution but simply a
heterogeneous mixture. Sand and water or oil and water are examples of this. Occasionally
mixtures are prepared in which the particles are big enough to observe optically, by making the
mixture appear cloudy, but not big enough to settle out or to filter out. This intermediate type of
mixture is called a colloidal “solution” or a colloidal suspension. Sometimes it is just called a

The rate at which a solid solute dissolves in a liquid solution depends on a number of factors.
Solids can only dissolve at the surface that is in contact with the solution, thus factors which
effect this can cause a solid to dissolve at different rates. We will examine each of these factors
in turn:
• Particle size
• Temperature
• Concentration of solute
• Agitation or stirring.
Solubility is defined as the maximum amount of solute that will dissolve in a specific amount of
solvent under stated conditions (normally temperature). Solubility is often expressed qualitatively
as being soluble (will form an aqueous solution), slightly soluble (small amounts will form an
aqueous solution), or insoluble (the solute will not dissolve in the solution). Solubility can also be
expressed quantitatively as the grams of solute that will dissolve in 100 grams of water. Table 1
shows the solubility data for four different ionic salts in water.
To qualitatively describe the solubility of two liquids we use the term miscibility. A miscible
solution is one in which the liquids are soluble in each other and will mix completely, while the
term immiscible is used to describe two liquids that are insoluble in each other, thus will not mix,
and will show a visible line separating the two liquids (or phases). An example of liquids that are
miscible would be ethanol and water (beer), while the phrase “oil and water don’t mix” describes
two substances that are immiscible.

True solutions can be prepared from all possible combinations of physical states. That is, solids
dissolved in liquids, liquids in liquids, gases in liquids, gases in gases, solids in solids (alloys),
etc. The chemist is most often concerned, however, with solutions of solids, liquids and gases
dissolved in liquids. We will restrict our study in this experiment to these types.

In this experiment you will prepare solutions under several different sets of conditions to see
what factors affect the rate of dissolving, the degree of solubility of various substances and
finally the properties of solutions as contrasted to heterogeneous mixtures.

a.) Effect of Temperature on Solubility
Place one gram of table salt (NaCl) in each of two different test tubes. To one of these
tubes, add 5 mL of cold distilled water. To the other tube add 5 mL of distilled water that
has previously been heated to boiling. Suspend the second tube in a beaker of boiling
water. Compare the rates of solution in these two test tubes. Record your
observations. Keep these solutions.

b.) Supersaturated Solution

A solution that is in equilibrium with undissolved solute is called a saturated solution

(there is not net change in the amount of solute that dissolves). Under certain
circumstances a solution may be prepared that is more concentrated than a saturated
solution of the solute. This is called a supersaturated solution. This condition may
occur when the solubility of the solute is gradually decreased by lowering the
temperature. A supersaturated solution is not in equilibrium with the solute, and the
solute quickly begins to crystallize if the solution is distrubed, or if a crystal of the solute
is introduced.

Sodium thiosulfate: In a clean test tube, place 4 mL of distilled water and 15 grams of
sodium thiosulfate, Na2S2O3·5H2O (sodium acetate may be substituted for the sodium
thiosulfate; see procedure for sodium acetate below). Heat the contents of the test tube
gently until all of the sodium thiosulfate has dissolved, but do not boil the solution. Set
the tube and contents aside where it will not be disturbed, and allow it to cool to room

At the end of the laboratory period, see whether any crystallization has taken place. If
not crystals have formed, drop a single small crystal from the stock bottle of sodium
thiosulfate into the solution. What happens? Feel the test tube and not whether any
temperature change has occurred.

Sodium acetate: Clean a large test tube thoroughly with detergent and a test tube
brush. Rinse the test tube several times with tap water and then two or three times with
distilled water. Fill the test tube about one-half full of solid sodium acetate and then add
about 2 mL of distilled water (no more). Warm the tube as much as necessary to
dissolve all of the solid. Do not boil the solution and avoid shaking or tipping the tube.
Set the tube carefully in a beaker of cool water.

Examine the contents of the tube. None of the salt should have crystallized from
solution. Remove the tube from the water and add one tiny crystal of solid sodium
acetate. Watch for the formation of more crystals. Feel the tube as these crystals form.
Is this process exothermic or endothermic?

Solute - The substance which dissolves in a solution

Solvent - The substance which dissolves another to form a solution. For example, in a sugar
and water solution, water is the solvent; sugar is the solute.

Solution - A mixture of two or more pure substances. In a solution one pure substance is
dissolved in another pure substance homogenously. For example, in a sugar and water
solution, the solution has the same concentration throughout, i.e. it is homogenous.
Molarity – moles of solute / 1 liter of solution

Molality – moles of solute / kg of solvent

Mole - A fundamental unit of mass (like a "dozen" to a baker) used by chemists. This term
refers to a large number of elementary particles (atoms, molecules, ions, electrons, etc) of any
substance. 1 mole is 6.02 x 1023 molecules of that substance. (Avogadro's number).

Concentration - is a measure of how much solute is dissolved in a solution. It can be given

both qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively a dilute solution contains relatively small
amounts of solute in a given volume, while a concentrated solution contains relatively large
amounts of solute in a given volume of solution. The terms are not well defined, and are
normally only used to distinguish between two solutions.

Saturated solution - contains the maximum possible amount of solute dissolved in a solution
at a given temperature and pressure. For example a solution consisting of 42.6 grams of KCl
dissolved in 100 grams of water at 50℃ would be a saturated solution. A saturated solution is
an equilibrium solution in which the rate at which solute dissolves is equal to the rate at which
solute precipitates from the solution.

Unsaturated solution - is one in which less than the maximum amount of solute is dissolved
in the solution. For example at 50℃ any amount of KCl less than 42.6 grams dissolved in 100
grams of water would be unsaturated.

Supersaturated solution - contains more than the maximum amount of solid dissolved in the
solution. This may seem like a contradiction of the term “maximum amount”, but a
supersaturated solution is an inherently unstable state, and will form a saturated solution (with
excess solid precipitating out) if disturbed. An example of this would be making Jello, a
solution of Jello in water is made at a high temperature and then allowed to cool, as the
solution cools, the solubility of the Jello decreases, a supersaturated solution forms, and if
disturbed will form a solid.
Unit Tasks
Study Questions

1. What is the effect of temperature on solubility of the solute to the solvent?

2. How will you identify that a solution is saturated, unsaturated or supersaturated?

3. Why does oil and water do not mix? Explain.

4. Some communities add sodium fluoride to their water because of its benefits to the
teeth. What is the percent m/m of NaF if 64.6 mg of solute is dissolved in every 40,000
g of water. (Put answer in scientific notation)

5. Saline solution is often used in hospitals and by optometrists. It is a 0.92% (m/v)

aqueous solution of sodium chloride. How many grams of NaCl would be found in 1.59
liters of saline solution


Experiment 10 – Solutions and Solubility

Experiment 5- Preparation and Properties of Solutions

Solution Lab

Laboratory 12: Properties of Solutions

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