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I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. If I were you, I _____________ for a new car to buy.
A. would look B. will look C. look D. looking
2. If Jenny _____________ ill, she would go out with us.
A. isn't B. aren't C. wasn't D. not been
3. If there _____________ fewer cars on the road, there would be less accident.
A. is B. were C. are D. be
4. If people really cared about environment, they _____________ waste into rivers.
A. didn't dump B. don't dump C. shan't dump D. wouldn't dump
5. You _____________ so tired if you went to bed earlier.
A. won't be B shan't be C. couldn't be D. wouldn't be
6. If you really _____________ me, you would buy me a diamond ring.
A. loved B. love C. loves D. loving
7. If I knew where she lived, I _____________ and see her.
A. will go B. would go C. should go D. went
8. If I _____________ taller, I would buy this dress.
A. am B. are C. were D. being
9. Filters do not remove all _____________ from water.
A. contaminate B. contaminants C. contaminating D. contamination
10. _____________ is found under the ground in soil, rocks, etc.
A. sea water B. salt water C. groundwater D. hot water
11. If I won a lottery, I _____________ a lot on charity.
A. spend B. spent C. will spend D. would spend
12. If the supermarket is open, I _____________ some food there.
A. will buy B. would buy C. bought D. has bought
13. I will talk to her if you _____________ to do it.
A. won't want B. didn't want C. don't want D. doesn't want
14. If I _____________ more money, I would buy a better car.
A. have B. had C. will have D. would have
15. The farmer had put down some rat _____________.
A. poisoning B. poisoner C. poisoned D. poison
16. _____________ loss can be caused by noise pollution.
A. sound B. hearing C. listening D. audio
17. Ships spill oil in oceans and rivers. This leads _____________ the death of many
aquatic animals and plants.
A. to B. in C. from D. at
18. Households pollute water sources by _____________ waste into ponds, lakes, and
A. damaging B. dumping C. losing D. leading
19. This month’s electricity bill is too high _____________the air conditioner is turned on
all the time.
A. since B. due to C. although D. because of
20. The government has come _____________ a solution to the water problems of the
A. up to B. up with C. to with D. on to
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21. All the aquatic plants and animals will die if the factory_____________ dumping
poison into the lake.
A. will keep B. to keep C. kept D. keeps
22. A lot of fish has died recently because of the _____________ water in this lake.
A. contaminating B. contaminated C. contaminate D. contaminant
23. If the air was clean, we _____________ have to wear masks when going out.
A. wouldn’t B. won’t C. would D. will
24. If I _____________ you, I _____________ water from that dirty tap.
A. am - will drink B. am - won’t drink
C. were - would drink D. were - wouldn’t drink
25. If he _____________ trash around his garden, the garden would look very nice now.
A. will throw B. would throw C. didn’t throw D. doesn’t throw
26. Price and availability are the _____________ factors that will determine product
A. critical B. musical C. physical D. medical
27. If it rains, we _____________ the match.
A. cancel B. will cancel C. cancelled D. cancelling
28. If I were a tree, I _____________ the rain.
A. love B. loved C. will love D. would love
29. The decor inside the house was very_____________.
A. fantastic B. electric C. mechanic D. artistic
30. If she _____________ late, we will go without her.
A. am B. is C. was D. were
31. If I _____________ where she lived, I would go and see her.
A. know B. knows C. to know D. knew
32. We need to be more _____________ about this problem.
A. scientific B. majestic C. domestic D. alphabetic
33. The election campaign has been focused mainly on _____________ issues.
A. dialectical B. energetic C. domestic D. conical
34. If I _____________ the lottery, I would be a millionaire.
A. win B. wins C. winning D. won
35. I will discuss that problem with him if I _____________ him tomorrow.
A. see B. sees C. to see D. seeing
36. If I knew Chinese, I _____________ for job in China.
A. will apply B. would apply C. will be applied D. would be applied
37. She was unable to find a _____________ job.
A. important B. importantly C. permanent D. permanently
38. Any company found to be breaking these rules will be heavily _____________.
A. fined B. done C. made D. got
39. These figures are for _____________ purposes only.
A. illustrate B. illustrating C. illustrative D. illustration
40. I would go jogging with Mark if he _____________ here today.
A. is B. will be C. were D. would be
41. Many species of wildlife are becoming extinct, _____________ the rainforests are
being destroyed.
A. therefore B. since C. consequently D. so

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42. Hemp can be used to make paper, _____________ it could reduce the need for
A. consequently B. due to C. so D. since
43. _____________ logging provides jobs and profits, the government is reluctant to
control it.
A . So B. Consequently C. Since D. Due to
44. Hemp was grown throughout history_____________ its versatility; it can be used to
make many different things.
A. due to B. because C. since D. as a result
45. Hemp is related to the marijuana plant; _____________ it is illegal in many countries.
A. so B. due to C. as a result D. because
46. The polluted chemical waste was dumped into the ocean; _____________,the mass of
fish died.
A. because B. as C. because of D. consequently
47. It was guessed that the fish died_____________ a powerful toxin in the sea water.
A. because of B. because C. since D. as a result
48. Many species in BC are threatened _____________ logging.
A. so B. because C. since D. due to
49. Smoking can_____________ heart disease.
A. lead to B. create C. causes D. due to
50. Radioactive pollution is increasing _____________ the increased use of radioactivity.
A. as B. since C. because of D. because
I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Carlos is going to be famous one day. He _____________in three movies already.
A. appears B. is appearing C. appeared D. has appeared
2. My mum doesn't mind _____________ me from school every day.
A. pick up B. picking up C. picks up D. to pick up
3. There is no more cheese. I _____________ it all, I'm afraid.
A. eat B. am eating C. has eaten D. have eaten
4. It'll soon get warm in here. I _____________ the heating on
A. have turned B. has turned C. have turning D. has turning
5. Using computers too much may have harmful effects _____________ your minds and
A. at B. on C. in D. with
6. Her French was excellent, without a trace of a/an _____________.
A. sound B. voice C. accent D. tone
7. Sandra has become a style _____________ for the fashion world particularly,
A. icon B. image C. item D. category
8. She _____________ in Hanoi for 2 years.
A. lives B. is living C. have lived D. has lived
9. How _____________ your sister _____________ to school every day?
A. is - going B. has - gone C. do – go D. does – go
10. At present they _____________ to New York.
A. traveling B. are travelling C. travelled D. to travel
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11. My father _____________ some flowers in the garden.
A. waters B. has watered C. is watering D. water
12. I’ll come home _____________ 8.30 and 9.20.
A. between B. from C. with D. at
13. Vietnamese people are always proud _____________ their traditions and customs.
A. on B. in C. of D. at
14. Many visitors _____________ to Ho Chi Minh's Mausoleum every day.
A. come B. comes C. is coming D. has come
15. I'm trying to fit everything into my busy _____________.
A. missions B. schedule C. program D. tasks
16. I _____________ Paul today, but I saw him last Sunday.
A. will not see B. will not be seeing
C. have not seen D. has not seen
17. We have never _____________ another country before.
A. visit B. visited C. visiting D. visitor
18. At present, he _____________ a piece of music.
A. is composing B. has composed C. will compose D. composed
19. I have never _____________ such a good novel before
A. to read B. reads C. reading C. reading
20. Nowadays, viewers can watch a variety of local and international programs
_____________ TV.
A. on B. in C. at D. of
21. We _____________ a party tomorrow.
A. have B. are having C. have had D. were having
22. Danish _____________ to Japan next month.
A. go B. goes C. are going D. is going
23. The train _____________ at 7.30 tomorrow morning.
A. leave B. leaving C. leaves D. leave
24. I have got tour details here. We _____________ 4 days in Beijing.
A. to spend B. spends C. spending D. spend
25. The capital city of Canada is _____________.
A. Ottawa B. Montreal C. Vancouver D. Hamilton
26. The match takes place _____________ Saturday afternoon this week.
A. at B. on C. in D. of
27. He's living in Hanoi. He _____________ there since 2010.
A. lives B. is living C. has lived D. lived
28. They have been an English teacher _____________ many years.
A. for B. since C. in D. on
29. It rain a lot _____________ July.
A. at B. of C. in D. on
30. The official language in Australia is _____________.
A. Italian B. Greek C. Chinese D. English
31. I find it hard to understand that foreigner because of his _____________.
A. voice B. sound C. accent D. volume
32. Kangaroos and _____________are the iconic animals of Australia.
A. beaver B. koala C. eagle D. cheetah
33. Coming to New Zealand, you will be surprised by its many___________ views.
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A. breath-taking B. taking-breath C. breath-take D. take-breath
34.The Statue of Liberty in Upper New York Bay of America _____________the
A. presents B. shows C. symbolizes D. reveals
35.Singapore is an ideal destination for worldwide visitors because of its many
A. tour attractions B. attraction tours
C. attractive tours D. tourist attractions
36.Some beauty spots in this city _____________reconstructed to attract more visitors.
A. has been B. have been C. will have D. will been
37.The Louvre Museum _____________from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. every day except Tuesday
and Wednesday.
A. opens B. open C. will open D. will be open
38.They _____________to New York to join the Fashion show next week.
A. will fly B. will be flying C. flies
39.This annual festival _____________at the end of the March.
A. will hold B. will be held C. holds D. is held
40. I _____________Sydney Harbour twice, so this time I think I _____________to a
different place.
A. have visited - will go B. have visited - will be going
C. visited - will go D. visited - will be going
41. She can’t come to the phone now because she _____________ tomorrow’s test.
A. studies B. is studying
C. has studied D. has been studying
42. They must be at the sports ground now. They usually _____________ basketball on
A. play B. are playing
C. have played D. have been playing
43. I _____________ my work already. I’m ready to go for a walk with you.
A. finish B. am finishing
C. have finished D. have been finishing
44. I _____________ breakfast right now. Can you call a title later?
A. cook B. am cooking
C. have cooked D. have been cooking
45. I _____________this book. Can I borrow it for a week or so?
A. don’t read B. am not reading
C. haven’t read D. haven’t been reading
46. Maria is good at languages. She _____________ French, Spanish and German.
A. speaks B. is speaking
C. has spoken D. has been speaking
47. So far, he _____________ five stories for children.
A. writes B. is writing
C. has written D. has writing
48. We _____________ for their answer for two months already
A. wait B. are waiting
C. have been waited D. have been waiting
49. She _____________ since Monday.
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A. is sick B. is being sick
C. has been sick D. has been being sick
50. She _____________ since noon. Should we wake her up?
A. sleeps B. is sleeping
C. has been sleep D. has been sleeping

I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Justine was _____________ to John's birthday party last month.
A. invited B. inviting C. invite D. invites
2. Carlos _____________ home before we arrived.
A. is going B. will go C. has gone D. had gone
3. This new word is too difficult for me _____________.
A. remember B. to remember C. remembers D. remembering
4. Fiona is not interested _____________ politics.
A. at B. on C. in D. to
5. The government will build more comfortable _____________ for students.
A. accommodate B. accommodation
C. accommodating D. accommodator
6. Our teeth _____________ at least once a day.
A. should clean B. should cleaning
C. should be cleaned D. should be cleaning
7. They _____________ then they took a look around the supermarket.
A. had lunch B. have lunch C. having lunch D. to have lunch
8. He is old enough to get _____________.
A. marry B. marries C. marrying D. married
9. I’m a bit short _____________ money. Can you lend me some?
A. at B. with C. of D. on
10. Her body was returned home for _____________.
A. bury B. buries C. buried D. burial
11. Was this beautiful house _____________ by Mark?
A. buy B. bought C. buying D. buyer
12. After he _____________ everything clearly, we started our work.
A. had explained B. had explain C. has explained D. has explain
13. My boss's anger suddenly _____________ into furious shouting.
A. erupt B. erupted C. erupting D. eruption
14. These old pictures won't _____________ in the bedroom.
A. is hung B. are hung C. be hung D. been hung
15. Before my mother _____________ home, my father had prepared dinner.
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A. came B. come C. comes D. will come
16. This house and these doors are going to _____________ for Christmas day by the
A. painted B. be painted C. paint D. be paint
17. When I got up this morning, my wife _____________.
A. has already left B. already has left C. had already left D. already had left
18. It is time you _____________ your homework done.
A. has B. had C. have D. having
19. She was very angry _____________ Marcos.
A. to B. with C. about D. with
20. During 1942 _____________ started to arrive in the city.
A. evacuee families B. evacuate families
C. families evacuee D. families evacuate
21. The dogs _____________ fed before they went to the party.
A. has B. have been C. had been D. having been
22. The car was dirty. They _____________ it for weeks.
A. hasn't cleaned B. haven't cleaned
C. hadn't been cleaned D. hadn't cleared
23. It _____________ her 10 minutes to do this exercise yesterday morning.
A. made B. took C. cost D. lost
24. Frank is capable _____________ doing better than he is doing now.
A. of B. at C. with D. in
25. The scheme has been set up to help _____________ people.
A. home-made B. homeless C. house-style D. houseful
26. We're _____________ the evening around a Japanese theme.
A. organizing B. organizer C. organization D. organized
27. The pollution problems _____________ since last month.
A. has discussed B. have discussed
C. has been discussed D. have been discussed
28. When they got home last night. They found that someone _____________ into the
A. had broken B. had been broken
C. has broken D. has been broken
29. How many languages are _____________ in Chinese?
A. speak B. speaking C. spoken D. speaker
30. The woman sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She _____________
A. hasn't flown B. hadn't flown C. didn't fly D. doesn't fly
31. The earth’s weather is _____________ and we don’t know what will happen to us.
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A. dangerous B. serious C. predicted D. mysterious
32. Man has spent years and years trying _____________weather patterns but it is still an
inexact science.
A. predicting B. to predict
C. to predicting D. to have predicted
33. A drought occurs when a region receives consistently below average _____________
A. falling rain B. rain falling C. rainfall D. fallrain
34. When we _____________back to our home village last month, it _____________ so
A. had come - changed B. came - had changed
C. came - has changed D. had come - has changed
35. She _____________ in that town for 20 years by the time that historic earthquake
A. had live - occurred B. has lived - occurred
C. had lived - occur D. had lived – occurred
36. Some tents _____________ so that children and old people could sleep in.
A. was set up B. were set up C. set up D. setted up
37. People in Japan _____________ how to survive in an earthquake.
A. have been taught B. are taught C. were taught D. had been taught
38. Exactly 5 people got stuck and _____________ in that fire.
A. was death B. was died C. dead D. died
39. An earthquake is the _____________ a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust.
A. cause by B. consequence C. result from D. result of
40. The magnitude of an earthquake_____________ on the Richter scale.
A. reports B. is reported C. was reported D. reported
41. If I _____________ you, I wouldn't buy that kind of car.
A. am B. are C. was D. were
42. What does the forest _____________ like?
A. is B. be C. look D. looks
43. People will be _____________ to a safe place to live in the short run.
A. taken B. took C. takes D. to take
44. Is it _____________ to improve our speaking skill?
A. import B. importing C. importance D. important
45. The window needs _____________ today to prepare for our party.
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned
46. Before I was born, my father had _____________ a teacher.
A. be B. been C. being D. was
47. They are _____________ a team with two foreign friends.
A. on B. at C. in D. of
48. Have they ever visited English _____________ countries?
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A. speaking B. spoken C. speak D. speaks
49. I _____________ visit my grandmother on Sunday if I don't go to school.
A. would B. wouldn't C. will D. will not
50. _____________ is the most common disaster in Vietnam?
A. What B. When C. Where D. Which

I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Cutting trees down can _____________ to the soil erosion.
A. make B. lead C. cause D. trigger
2. The Earth _____________ around the Sun.
A. moving B. move C. moves D. is moving
3. People who live in different regions can speak their languages with different
A. accent B. accents C. voice D. voices
4. She thought that if they _____________ lots of money, they would go on holiday.
A. have B. are having C. had D. has
5. How long _____________ you studied English?
A. have been B. have C. has D. having
6. The little cat should be _____________ to be healthy.
A. cured B. cure C. cures D. curing
7. Disneyland is _____________ of the most interesting games.
A. a house B. houses C. home D. homes
8. Did the storm cause _____________ to the local in the middle part?
A. damaged B. damage C. damaging D. damages
9. When I came there, the highest building _____________ been destroyed by the storm!
A. have B. has C. had D. is having
10. She wouldn't go out if she _____________ the weather forecast.
A. listens to B. listened to C. listening to D. is listening to
11. My cousin said that she and her boyfriend would get_____________ in the following
A. marry B. marries C. married D. marrying
12. Why have they been _____________ to speak Spanish?
A. ability B. abilities C. abled D. able
13. How _____________ do you know about the United Kingdom?
A. many B. long C. much D. often
14. The first thing you see in her country is_____________ restaurants.
A. spacious B. Space C. spaces D. spacing
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15. The _____________ pollution happens when the radiation goes into the land.
A. radio B. radios C. radiated D. radioactive
16. What is the_____________ with you?
A. matters B. matter C. wrong D. fault
17. How_____________ going to the cinema?
A. at B. in C. on D. about
18. If I_____________ hard, I will get good marks.
A. will study B. study C. am studying D. studied
19. How can _____________ help the poor in this town?
A. governments B. a government C. the government D. government
20. She _____________ it difficult to understand their culture.
A. thinks B. learn C. finds D. realizes
21. A: Do you mind if I _____________a phone call?
B: No, of course not. The phone's in the living room.
A. answer B. send C. take D. make
22. After speaking on the phone, we knew we will have to see one another
A. hand-in-hand B. face-to-face C. head-to-toe D. toe-to-toe
23. We can use_____________ for talking only, not for sending text messages.
A. landline phone B. mobile phone C. smart phone D. video
24. Using signs is one kind of_____________ communication
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. multimedia D. written
25. I read about the accident _____________ the Internet.
A. on B. in C. to D. at
26. This time next week we _____________ around Africa.
A. are travelling B. travel C. will travel D. will be travelling
27. At three o'clock tomorrow, we _____________ a video conference in our office.
A. have B. will be having C. had D. are having
28. Lena enjoys _____________ on the phone with her friends.
A. chat B. chats C. chatting D. chatted
29. How did you learn _____________ Japanese so well?
A. speaking B. to speak C. speak D. spoke
30. My sister suggested _____________ fishing, but I didn't think that was a good idea.
A. to go B. go C. going D. goes
31. I feel like _____________ out tonight. What about you?
A. to go. B. go C. going D. be going
32. I chose _____________ by plane because it's more convenient.
A. to travel B. travel C. travelling D. to travelling
33. Nowadays people prefer _____________ smart phones rather than landline phones.
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A. use B. using C. to use D. to be using
34. We hope _____________ next week
A. meet B. meeting C. to meet D. to meeting
35. Do you mind _____________ me email about the party?
A. send B. sending C. to send D. to sending
36. On the web, you can go into a _____________ and talk to other people all over the
A. chat room B. online C. sites D. web page
37. __________ connects people in real lime through audio and video communication
over Internet.
A. Landline phone B. Snail mail
C. Body language D. Video conferencing
38. In Britain, men do not look at women on the streets. However, the French do. This is
called _____________ difference.
A. manner B. gender C. cultures D. cultural
39. He seemed to be in a hurry. He glanced nervously _____________ his watch.
A. in B. on C. at D. to
40. A: Hello. Is Hung there, please?
B: I m afraid he's out. Can I take a message?
A: No, don't worry. I'll call _____________ later.
A. back B. on C. to D. in
41. A: Could I speak to Mai, please?
B: I think you must have the _____________number. There's no one of that name here.
A. right B. left C. wrong D. exact
42. By the end of this century, everyone_____________ with telepathy devices.
A. communicate B. communicates
C. is communicating D. will be communicating
43. At half past ten tomorrow morning I _____________ along the motorway.
A. will drive B. am driving C. will be driving D. drive
44. I really enjoyed _____________ to the songs you sent me. Thanks!
A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. to be listening
45. My mother has decided _____________ a Facebook account.
A. open B. to open C. opening D. to opening
46. I don’t want _____________ snail mail because it's a slower and more expensive way
than email.
A. using B. use C. uses D. to use
47. She promises _____________ the chat room to discuss with me about the film.
A. to join B. join C. joining D. joins
48. E-mail allows people _____________ in touch, regardless of distance.
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A. staying B. stay C. to have stayed D. to stay
49. I'm really looking forward _____________ you next week.
A. to see B. to seeing C. seeing D. see
50. Tim pretended _____________ me when I waved to him.
A. not seeing B. not to see C. not see D. to not see

I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. I _____________ my report by 9 o'clock, I hope.
A. will finish B. will be finished
C. will have finished D. will be finishing
2. A: I'm trying to move this cupboard, but it's very heavy.
B: Well, _____________ you, then.
A. I help B. I'll help C. I’ll be helping D. I'm going to help
3. Hoa told me that _____________ our new teacher of English.
A. she wants to become B. she wanted to become
C. she will become D. she wanted becoming
4. _____________ in science and technology have changed people's life dramatically.
A. developing B. developed C. development D. developments
5. Lan asked me if I_____________ that exciting baseball match on TV the previous day.
A. watched B. have watched C. was watching D. had watched
6. Stephen _____________me he'd bought that suit in a sale.
A. said B. spoke C. told D. claimed
7. They said that they _____________ a special TV which could perform two different
channels at the same time.
A. had bought B. are going to buy
C. have bought D. will buy
8. Don't worry! I _____________ you to solve the problem.
A. help B. helped C. will help D. helping
9. Jason asked Linda where she _____________ the month before.
A. stayed B. had stayed C. have stayed D. have been staying
10. When I last saw Carrie, she told me she _____________ but now she's changed her
A. thought B. is thinking C. was thinking D. has been thinking
11. The little girl asked her father “ _____________ the dress for me?”
A. You buy B. You would buy
C. You will buy D. Will you buy

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12. The teacher said_____________ a week off on the occasion of the International
Labour Day.
A. we will have B. we didn't have C. we have D. we would have
13. Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We _____________ dinner then.
A. will have B. will be having C. will have had D. will have been
14. They are both keen Arsenal _____________.
A. supporters B. supporting C. supported D. supports
15. He suggested _____________ camping that Sunday.
A. going B. goes C. went D. gone
16. What time _____________ ?
A. the train will leave? B. will the train have been leaving?
C. does the train leave? D. is leaving the train?
17. "Shall we meet at seven o'clock?"
"No, I’ll still _____________ then."
A. work B. have worked
C. be working D. have been working
18. The country's economy relies heavily on the tourist _____________.
A. industry B. factory C. company D. firm
19. Do you know who _____________ the fact that sound travels in waves?
A. invented B. developed C. discovered D. found
20. Her parents hope that he_____________ a famous biologist one day.
A. will be B. will have been C. is going to be D. will be being
21. Someone _____________ me there's been an accident on the motorway.
A. asked B. said C. spoke D. told
22. Elie asked Stand_____________ to look at the new catalogue.
A. did he want B. do you want C. if he wanted D. whether he wants
23. They said that we_____________ our houses and devices by our voice in the future.
A. can adjust B. could adjust C. adjust D. will adjust
24. At 8 a.m. tomorrow, Janet_____________ a test on the importance of technology in
the next 20 years.
A. will be taking B. will being take C. take D. was taking
25."What did the man say when you challenged him?"
"He said he _____________ pay for the things in his bag, but I didn't believe him!"
A. is going to B. has been going to
C. goes to D. was going to
26. The librarian asked us _____________ so much noise.
A. don't make B. not make C. not to make D. not making
27. Last week Justin said, "I’ll do it tomorrow". He said he would do it _____________.
A. the following day B. the previous day
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C. tomorrow D. yesterday
28. She suggested that they _____________ her a birthday party.
A. should give B. shall give C. would give D. will give
29. She warned the boys _____________ too far.
A. don't swim B. doesn't swim C. not to swim D. to not swim
30. No _____________ was found after the tenth day of treatment.
A. improve B. improvement C. improving D. improved
31. I am interested in natural science _____________like Chemistry and Physics.
A. subjects B. objects C. topics D. themes
32. Steam engine has been known as a remarkable _____________in science and
A. breakdown B. break-up C. breakthrough D. outbreak
33. We will _____________chips in the brain to control devices in the future.
A. implant B. add C. include D. attach
34. The _____________of penicillin, one of the world’s first antibiotics, marks a true
turning point in human history
A. generation B. exploration C. invention D. discovery
35. The group of doctors has spent 8 months_____________ the side - effects of this new
A. having examined B. to examine
C. examining D. to have examined
36. The doctor said that this disease _____________prevented by vaccine.
A. can B. can be C. could D. could be
37. Her teacher told her that there _____________still room for her improvement in her
A. has been B. had been C. is D. was
38. A mechanical calculator which could do additions or subtractions very quickly was
_____________by Little Pascal.
A. found out B. discovered C. found D. invented
39. Science and technology have_____________ the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
40. Facebook was built on the_____________ of earlier social network sites like MySpace
and Bebo.
A. succeed B. successful C. successfully D. success
41. The facsimile _____________by Alexander Bain in 1843.
A. invented B. was invented
C. has been invented D. has invented
42. If I _____________my computer now, I _____________for the answer on the Internet.
But I left it at home.
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A. have - will search B. have had- would have searched
C. had - would search D. had - would searched
43. My younger sister confessed _____________my diary.
A. to read B. reading C. to have read D. to have reading
44. Fortunately, he could manage _____________a telescope on his own.
A. to make B. making C. to have made D. to have making
45. Do you agree that playing computer games might make players think _____________?
A. critic B. critical C. critically D. criticism
46. Science and technology have_____________ the life safe, secure and comfortable.
A. transformed B. made C. done D. changed
47. Dave asked me if robots in the future_____________ more user-friendly and more
A. will be B. would be C. will have been D. will be being
48. _____________ I borrow your Ipad so that I can enjoy some music now.
A. May B. Might C. Could D. Shall
49. Frequent Internet _____________ will cause many troubles for our online classroom
A. disconnection B. interruption C. disconnected D. interrupted
50. Many people think the cyber world might _____________ the real world one day.
A. provide B. take place C. take up D. replace

I. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. There is a need for more resources so that all children may _____________ a decent
A. to have B. having C. have D. has
2. He said he might _____________ tomorrow.
A. came B. comes C. coming D. come
3. We did all we could to make the room _____________.
A. careful B. beautiful C. painful D. helpful
4. It was _____________ of me to leave the door open.
A. careless B. careful C. useless D. useful
5. He asked_____________ she lived in London.
A. and B. whether C. or D. yet
6. He wanted to know whether I _____________ a computer.
A. had B. have C. has D. having
7. Some _____________ person had left out towels, soap and shampoo in our rooms,
A. needful B. harmful C. thoughtful D. peaceful
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8. _____________ I help you with that difficult task?
A. May B. Might C. Need D. Should
9. The scheme has been set up to help _____________ people.
A. tasteless B. homeless C. priceless D. endless
10. The pills might _____________ him, if only he'd taken them regularly.
A. have help B. helped C. have helped D. helps
11. There is a range of programs on the market which may _____________ described as
design aids.
A. to be B. being C. be D. been
12. He said he might _____________ tomorrow.
A. come B. comes C. to come D. coming
13. The teacher asked the girl if she _____________ her homework.
A. has done B. had done C. have done D. having done
14. The traveler asked where the nearest inn _____________.
A. was B. were C. is D. are
15. I asked her if she _____________ me.
A. helps B. have helped C. wil1 help D. would help
16. I will be _____________ flute in my hometown at 7 p.m. tomorrow.
A. play B. playing C. played D. plays
17. "What is your _____________ ?" "I'm Vietnamese".
A. nationality B. national C. nation D. nations
18. Technology development has _____________ effects on people's life.
A. enormous B. any C. none D. no
19. She asked me how I _____________ to school that day.
A. goes B. go C. went D. gone
20. "In 2030, will people _____________on the Moon?" Khanh asked his teacher.
A. travel B. travels C. travelled D. be traveling
21. We will be travelling to Australia _____________ the end of the month.
A. in B. at C. on D. of
22. Robots can _____________ lots of benefits to owners in the future.
A. buy B. buys C. bring D. brings
23. Will you _____________ on the Internet if you have a computer?
A. be learning B. learn C. learns D. learned
24. My father said that he would travel to Japan the _____________ day.
A. future B. next C. followings D. following
25. Lucy always _____________ to become a good student, so her parents are very happy.
A. deny B. denies C. try D. tries
26. Some people said that the alien's eyes_____________ green and had a big head.
A. were B. was C. are D. is
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27. Learning_____________ the Internet is a useful way to save time.
A. in B. at C. into D. on
28. Will she _____________ taking part in The Voice at this time tomorrow.
A. is B. was C. be D. are
29. My students might _____________ it difficult to complete their homework
A. finds B. found C. find D. finding
30. What _____________ are scientists interested in?
A. scopes B. areas C. types D. fields
31. The scientists believe that there might be some planets to _____________ human life.
A. provide B. accommodate C. replace D. support
32. Mercury _____________ after the Roman God Mercury.
A. named B. called C. is named D. is called
33. The prerequisite condition for a _____________planet is water supplies, appropriate
temperatures and breathable air.
A. habitable B. inhabitable C. habitant D. inhabitant
34. _____________I have a look at the photos of outer space in your computer?
A. Might B. Could C. Shall D. May
35. Mercury is very close to the sun, and it is very hot. Therefore, there _____________
not be life on it.
A. might B. could C. can D. will
36. My friend asked me _____________I had ever seen any unidentified flying object.
A. if B. whether C. where D. both A & B
37. She wondered _____________a space buggy looked like.
A. what B. how C. which D. what things
38. I am not sure _____________ food tablets might supply enough energy for astronauts
or not.
A. what B. why C. how D. if
39. The teacher asked us what the essential conditions for human life _____________
A. is B. are C. was D. were
40. The little boys wondered if he would meet an alien in his dream _____________ A.
tonight B. this night C. that night D. that day’s night
41. People are using a lot of plastic bags everyday; ………………., the amount of waste
has kept increasing.
A. however B. therefore C. so D. although
42. Scotland is very famous ……………, its rich culture as well as unique natural beauty.
A. for B. about C. because D. in
43. People consume a lot of contaminated food. It ……………….many health problems.
A. leads in B. leads to C. results to D. results from
44. If more people ………………. public transport, it reduce traffic jam and air pollution.
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A. use-will B. used -will C. used-would D. use-would
45. You shouldn’t fiddle your ………………., when you speak to someone.
A. head B. nose C. hair D. shoulder
46. California ………………., the most iconic theme park in the world.
A. had B. has had C. have D. has
47. The ash of volcanic eruption ………………., be good for growing plants.
A. will B. may C. might D. both B & C
48. Most European citizen ………………., to apply for a visa to visit Canada.
A. doesn’t have B. don’t have C. didn’t have D. hadn’t have
49. Dave fancy ………………., non-fiction movies with his friends.
A. to watch B. watching C. be watched D. being watched
50. The teacher told me not hesitate ………………., her if I had some questions.
A. asking B. to ask C. being asked D. to be asked

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. A 11. D 21. D 31. D 41. B
2. C 12. A 22. B 32. A 42. C
3. B 13. C 23. A 33. C 43. C
4. D 14. B 24. D 34. D 44. A
5. D 15. D 25. C 35. A 45. C
6. A 16. B 26. A 36. B 46. D
7. B 17. A 27. B 37. C 47. A
8. C 18. B 28. D 38. A 48. D
9. B 19. A 29. D 39. D 49. A
10. C 20. B 30. B 40. C 50. C

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. C 11. C 21. B 31. C 41. B
2. B 12. A 22. D 32. B 42. A
3. D 13. C 23. C 33. A 43. C
4. A 14. A 24. D 34. C 44. B
5. B 15. B 25. A 35. D 45. C
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6. C 16. C 26. B 36. B 46. A
7. A 17. B 27. C 37. A 47. C
8. D 18. A 28. A 38. B 48. D
9. D 19. D 29. C 39. D 49. C
10. B 20. A 30. D 40. A 50. D

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. A 11. B 21. C 31. D 41. D
2. D 12. A 22. D 32. B 42. C
3. B 13. B 23. B 33. C 43. A
4. C 14. C 24. A 34. B 44. D
5. B 15. A 25. B 35. B 45. C
6. C 16. B 26. A 36. B 46. B
7. A 17. C 27. D 37. B 47. C
8. D 18. B 28. A 38. D 48. A
9. C 19. D 29. C 39. D 49. C
10. D 20. A 30. B 40. B 50. A

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. B 11. C 21. D 31. C 41. D
2. C 12. D 22. B 32. A 42. D
3. A 13. C 23. A 33. C 43. C
4. C 14. A 24. B 34. C 44. C
5. B 15. D 25. A 35. B 45. B
6. A 16. B 26. D 36. C 46. D
7. C 17. D 27. B 37. D 47. A
8. B 18. B 28. C 38. C 48. D
9. C 19. C 29. B 39. C 49. B
10. B 20. C 30. C 40. B 50. B

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Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. B 11. C 21. C 31. A 41. B
2. C 12. A 22. A 32. C 42. C
3. A 13. A 23. C 33. A 43. B
4. C 14. C 24. B 34. D 44. A
5. A 15. B 25. C 35. C 45. C
6. D 16. C 26. D 36. C 46. B
7. C 17. B 27. D 37. D 47. B
8. B 18. B 28. B 38. D 48. A
9. A 19. C 29. A 39. B 49. A
10. D 20. D 30. A 40. D 50. D

Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.
1. C 11. C 21. B 31. B 41. B
2. D 12. A 22. C 32. C 42. A
3. B 13. B 23. B 33. A 43. B
4. A 14. A 24. D 34. D 44. A
5. B 15. D 25. D 35. A 45. C
6. A 16. B 26. C 36. D 46. D
7. C 17. A 27. D 37. A 47. D
8. A 18. A 28. C 38. D 48. B
9. B 19. C 29. C 39. D 49. B
10. C 20. A 30. D 40. C 50. B

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