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Anterior hard palate(bone)

Superior soft palate(muscle)
Pharynx(Throat) 3 regions of pharynx Tonsil of Phayrnx
-Nasopharnx- superior region/behind the nasal cavity -Pharyngeal tonsil
-Oropharynx- middle region/behind the mouth -Palatine tonsil
-Laryngopharynx- inferior region/attached to larynx -Lingual tonsil

Layrnx- voice box

Structure of Larynx:
Thyroid cartilage- largest hyaline cartilage Vocal cords- create sound
Epiglottis-superior opening to larynx Glottis- opening between vocal cords

Trachea-(Windpipe) connects larynx to bronchi

Primary bronchi- formed by division of trachea Each lung divided into lobes
by fissures:
Lungs-occupy most of thoracic cavity Right lung 3 lobes Left lung- 2
Apex is near the clavicle(superior portion)
Base rest on the diaphgram(inferior portion)
Coverings of lungs
Pulmonary(visceral) pleura covers the lung surface Respiratory Tree Division:
Parietal pleura lines the walls of the thoracic cavity Primary bronchi, Secondary
Pleural fluid fills the area between layers of pleura to allow gliding Tertiary bronchi,
Bronchioli, Terminal
Events of respiration:
Pulmonary ventilation- moving air in and out of the lungs
External respiration- gas exchange between pulmonary blood and alveoli
Respiratory gas transport- transport oxygen and carbon dioxide via the bloodstream
Internal respiration- gas exchange between blood and tissues cells in systemic capilliaries

Mechanics of breathing
Inspiration- flow of air into the lung
Expiration- air leaving lung

Bronchioles- smallest branches of bronchi

Normal breathing 5ooml
Resudal volume of air after exhalation- 1200ml
Inspiratory reserve volume- amount of air that can be taken in/2100-3200ml
Expiratory reserve volume- amount of air that can be exhaled/1200ml
Resudual volume- air remaining in lung after expiration/1200ml
Functional volume- air that reaches respiratory zone/350ml
Respiratory sound:
Bronchial sound- produce by air through trachea and bronchi
Vesicular breathing sound- soft sound
Normal respiratory rate (eupenia) 12-15
Respiratory rate changes throughout life: (PER MINUTE)
Newborns 40-80 respiration per minute
Infants- 30
Age 5- 25
Adults 12-18

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