Personal Development Plan

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Overall Goal Development What I will do to Resources and What success looks like Target date
Opportunity to meet achieve this support needed
my overall goal
What is your overall What do you want to What specific actions will What resources might How will you know when What is the date you
goal? achieve? you take? you need and who will you’ve achieved success? want to complete this
help you? by?

To improve more of myself To look for a change in me ● Learning how to ● Student grades ● A person not just in Starting today, with the
today, especially those as a student so I can easily utilize to-do-list that we check possession of being a help of motivation and
areas I am weak in. I need drive forward to achieve ● Making easy every after exam teacher but a person dedication until the end of
to improve my time my biggest goal. flowing schedules so we see if there who already garnered my life, as it is innate to
management, planning for different tasks is an improvement a big change in life, me that I am very much
capability, and knowledge ● Keep a track of ● Asking successful as he values time, a aware of it.
capacity. how it is people I know of rare thing that we
progressing, and how they managed cannot bring back.
determine if there is themselves during ● A person who does
progress. their school days not have regrets in
● Learn, learn,learn ● Different seminars life thinking of those
that we can join. things he did not do
These seminars before due to lack of
might have topics time, poor planning
about managing and managing.
time properly,time ● A person who
management skills focuses on teaching
and the likes. and fulfilling the lives
● To value of the younger ones
improvement as a to be the same as
very important how I valued the
aspect of our life, things I know as an
and one factor to important part of life a
achieve this is to person has to
have daily achieve and
motivation. maximize.

● Starting today
(My biggest goal) To fulfill To achieve my dream to be ● Keep learning and ● Reading books ● I am a person who until I graduate in
my dream, I want to a person who enjoys his learning. that can help me teaches in school the year 2027,
become a professional position of being a teacher, ● Read different increase and without any feeling of and to start
teacher who has a heart as as well as to help the books. expand my doubt, and a person working after I
well as a productive citizen community make a change ● Be vigilant for every knowledge, as well in his free time draws graduate, earn
in the community. continuously through being updated piece of as help me back to his life about and live my life
productive. information. achieve my overall how passionate and the way I dream it
● Applying honesty, goal hardworking he is to to be.
integrity, and ● Allowing friends achieve his goal.
passion to meet my who have the ● I, as a person, have
own overall goal same overall goal achieved and
● Always leave in life to help each maximized all the
ourselves room for other achieve what things I want in life (a
improvement. we desire in life. house, a car,
● Keeping my track savings).
straight to my goal
and avoiding any
distractions that
can manipulate

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