Ariocarpus Fissuratus Var. Lloydii

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Ariocarpus lloydii NURSERY
(Syn: Ariocarpus fissuratus var. lloydii) Cultivation and Mail Sale
of Cacti and Succulents.

Family: Cactaceae (Cactus Family)

Ariocarpus fissuratus var Lloydii (Rose) Marshall in Marshall et Bock

In: Cactaceae, 135, 1941

Accepted Scientific name: Ariocarpus fissuratus (Engelm.) K. Schum.

Origin: Ariocarpus lloydii grows in central Mexico and ranges from

southern Coahuila and adjacent Zacatecas to eastern Durango (Nazas,
Peñon Blanco).

Conservation status: Listed in CITES appendix I.

Habitat and Ecology: These plants are characteristic of dry limestone

ridges and low, rocky hills of limestone chips at an altitude of 500-1500 m
among the Chihuahuan desert scrub.
The stems are normally flush and well camouflaged with the soil surface
resembling limestone chips in shape, colour, and texture, rendering the
plants extremely cryptic. They are greyish-green in colour, sometimes
taking on a yellowish tint with age. These cacti are difficult to spot in their
natural habitat. When they are found, it is usually due to their pinkish
In times of severe drought, the whole above-ground portion of these plants
can shrink and be covered by rock fragments, but the taproot remains
alive. Many exist as only small, isolated populations, and are in danger of
extinction because they sought by plant collectors. For this reason they are
protected plants in the regions where they occur.


Ariocarpus lloydii Rose

In: Contr. US Nat. Herb. 13: 308. 1911
Roseocactus lloydii (Rose) Berger
In: Journ Wash. Acad. Sciens. 15:3.1925

Ariocatrpus fissuratus var. lloydii

It is characterized by having the stems higher, more rounded, with finely rugose not fissured tuberlcles.

Description: Ariocarpus var. lloydii is traditionally distinguished from var. fissuratus by its higher, somewhat
rounded and more convex stem appearing above the ground
Stem: Scarcely appearing above the ground, flat to somewhat rounded and sometime even columnar shaped in Cultivation is not too difficult in a greenhouse, although A. fissuratus
cultivation. In habitat the stems in adult specimens ranges from 10 to 15 cm in diameter. grows extremely slowly. The plants need deep pots to accommodate the
Tubercles: The tubercles of var. lloydii are very different from those of the standard A. fissuratus and easily napiform unit formed by the stem base and the rootstock (or they will often
recognizable. They are imbricated, ovate, broad at base and usually more rounded at the apex, about 2 to 3 cm simply crack your pots), , and a loose mineral soil with a well-drained
wide. They lack edges and lateral longitudinal furrow (or are only weakly fissured). They are only finely rugose substrate. They need a good amount of light, a place near the roof of the
with quite coarse, often confluent papillae in the whole surface which form transversal ledges and irregularly warty. greenhouse helps drying the pot after watering. This can be done weekly
Areoles: Filled with a dense mass of hairs, up to 3 mm wide, sometimes confined to middle of tubercle faces during the summertime, if the weather is sunny enough, with a little fertilizer
instead of extending to tips. added. Kept this way, plants will show a healthy, although slow growth.
Flowers: These plants have a woolly crown, from which emerge 3 to 4 cm broad, white to purple (usually pink) 2 They are frost hardy to -10°C.
times wider than long when fully expanded. Inner perianth-segments oblong-oblanceolate; style and stigma-lobes
white. Propagation: By seeds, remembering that seedlings dislike strong light
Blooming time: October, November. Flowers last for 3 to 4 days. and dry conditions, and need to be repotted frequently. Eventually, as they
Fruit: Ovoidal, pale green. become mature, they reach a maximum size of 25 to 27 cm. However, old
Seeds: Black, tuberculate-roughened. plants become senile and have a tendency to succumb to disease and a
Root: Each plant has a large turnip-like taproot, which lies below the soil surface and serves for water storage. weak root system. At this stage, as is well known, they die suddenly. So,
after they reach 20 cm in diameter grow them slowly, and adopt a new
repotting period, using intervals of every 2 - 3 years. Additionally grow them
under drier conditions or with stronger sunlight. Plants are often grafted to
accelerate growth, as they would generally take at least a decade to reach
maturity on their own. But the grafted plants are typically rather tall-
growing, compared with plants on their own roots, that are usually flatter to
the ground. A. fissuratus var. lloydii starts blooming at the age of 8-12

Ariocarpus fissuratus, A. lloydii and A. intermedius

The A. fissuratus is quite variable in shape of stems and tubercles for its
wide area of distribution, ranging from USA (Big Bend region of Texas and
along the Rio Grande) to Mexico ( Northern and central to southern
The typical A. fissuratus found on the northern part of it its range is very
different from the southern form found in central Mexico that is
characterized by rounder not fissured tubercles; this southern form was
early described as Ariocarpus lloydii. However in habitat this species
species displays a continuum of characteristics over its range that make
difficult to classify A. lloydii as a separate species. The more of less
intermediate form found in northern Mexico ( Cuatro Cienegas in south-
central Coahuila and Estacion Marte in southern Coahuila) was early
named Ariocarpus intermedius.

Photo of conspecific taxa, varieties, forms and cultivars of

plants belonging to the Ariocarpus fissuratus/bravoanus
complex (This Taxon has lots of synonyms whit several controversial
varieties and subspecies):

A. fissuratus
A. fissuratus cv. GODZILLA
Advertising A. fissuratus cv. GODZILLA COTTON FLOCK type
A. fissuratus forma mostruosa
A. bravoanus
A. bravoanus ssp. hintonii
A. intermedius (A. fissuratus var. intermedius)
A. lloydii (A. fissuratus var. lloydii)

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