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Group Member:
Sultan Milano - 20321284
Shaffira Dzia Ichsan - 20321288
M. Al Dzikri - 20321246
Wulansari Andani - 20321123
Athaya Putery Restuning Kanjeng - 20321251
Salma Arisna - 20321254
Ilham Syafe’i - 20321270
Haekal Jaelani Muhammad - 20321035

PENULIS Sultan Milano



LOGLINE/ In the quiet Indonesian countryside, a group of friends' dream getaway turns into a
terrifying nightmare when they learn that the owner of their remote, friendly
guesthouse is harboring a dark secret. They must face their fears and uncover the
mystery surrounding the owner of the homestead. They are have to escape before
their lives are swallowed up by the darkness.
DURASI 25 menit
TOKOH-T Protagonist
-Clara Pudjiastuti
Short height, petite build. Young adult. slightly brown skin with shoulder length
hair covered in Hijab. Quiet and reserved. Tend to be contemplative and intuitive.
She often acts as the mediator of the group. Mostly close to Kiara and feel a bit
awkward with Reza due to Reza’s behavior. Goals: She wants to be a psychiatrist.

-Reza Santoso
Average height and build. Young adult. Pale skin with short hair. Confident with
an easy going attitude. Social and relaxed. Can be a bit short tempered, has some
sort of attraction toward Clara. Feels a bit threatened and has some sort of internal
inferior issues with Johan. Goals: He wants to be a rugby athlete.
-Kiara Setyadi
Average height and build. Young adult. Pale skin with long hair covered in hijab.
Bubbly and chatty. Tend to be very curious and judgemental. Loves to gossip. She
is kind of a pick me girl and loves attention. Attracted to Reza, but kept her
crushes a secret. Not comfortable in stressful situations and tend to be hysterical
when that happens. Goals: She wants to be a celebrity.

-Johan Dwi Akmal

Tall and lean. Young adult. Brown skin with short hair. Dislike conflict and prefer
to joke around. Tend to keep frustration to himself. To others he appears to be
calm and composed and loves to break the ice with assuring jokes, however
underneath it all, he is just a boy clueless about his life and tend to overthink.
Johan always relied by his friends which add more to his stress. Goals: He want to
be a president.

-Dahlan Winarto
Average height and build. Adult. Dark skin and messy hair. Quiet, mysterious, but
kind. However, he sometimes behaves weirdly. Behind it all, he is hiding negative
intentions toward the groups with a maniac and insane personality. He want to use
them for his cult needs. Goals: He want to make his cult spread worldwide.
KONFLIK A group of friends discover that the friendly landlord has a hidden secret. When
they realized more about the owner of the guest house, they realized that they had
to leave the place as soon as possible. The group of friends must find a way to
escape from the place before something bad threatens their lives and souls.

SEKUENS Film Sequence 1: Arrival at the Remote Guesthouse.

Film Sequence 2: The situation was starting to get odd.

Film Sequence 3: Some clues begin to unfold

Film Sequence 4: The situation got worse, they were framed.

Film Sequence 5: Facts revealed.
OT Scene 1: The group of friends, CLARA, REZA, KIARA, and JOHAN, enter the
remote guesthouse, greeted by the friendly OWNER. They exchange smiles and

Scene 2: The friends explore the lush surroundings, capturing breathtaking views
with their cameras. They engage in lighthearted banter, expressing their
excitement for a relaxing vacation.

Scene 3: After seeing the parts of the villa, everyone decided to go to their
respective rooms to rest until nightfall.

Scene 1: Reza woke up because he was hungry, when he wanted to go out looking
for food he was confronted by the owner of the villa who was acting strange and

Scene 2: Then, the owner offered food to Reza, then Reza was afraid he was
forced to eat while being watched by the owner.

Scene 3: Reza returned to the room and told Johan what had just happened. Johan
vaguely saw that there were other people listening to their conversation.

Scene 1: Tomorrow the four of them were busy in the kitchen preparing their
dinner. But one of them was behaving strangely, because she felt something was
wrong in that place.

Scene 2: After being pressed to speak, Kiara finally conveyed her anxiety to her
three friends. The conversation started to be more open after Johan shared what he
found and felt. Tensions rise within the group as they talk about what they found.
Johan decides to take the group to see the strange letter and photos he has found.

Scene 1: Everyone and Johan started reading the letter and the photos. Trying to
understand the things written in it. They finally realized that some of the scraps of
paper were, some kind of creepy diaries.

Scene 2: The group agrees to leave the villa tomorrow before something wrong

Scene 3: While packing they were hit by a blunt object in the back of the head, so
they were unconscious.
Scene 1: They woke up and were shocked when they realized they were already in
the car Clara was driving. They assume that everything is fine. But they didn't
realize that something bad had happened.

Scene 2: The owner of the villa displays several photos on the walls of the room,
the real facts are revealed.


A group of friends arrive at a remote guesthouse in the lush Indonesian countryside for a
relaxing getaway. They were warmly welcomed by the friendly owner and settled into their
room. However, many strange things happened, strange and disturbing events began to unfold,
when they found some evidence by accident. When they realized the situation was getting weird,
they agreed to leave the guest house. Before they could leave, they were framed and the facts
were revealed.


Title: Taat

Genre: Thriller/Horror

Setting: A remote guesthouse in the Indonesian countryside

Seq 1:

Scene 1: In the afternoon, a car containing four friends (Clara, Kiara, Reza and Johan) arrived at
a villa with a large yard. The villa is in a beautiful area, quiet and peaceful. After the car was
parked perfectly, they got out of the car while occasionally stretching because the journey they
had taken was quite long. As soon as she got out of the car, Kiara took out her cell phone and
immediately informed her parents. Meanwhile, Reza was busy tidying up his messy hair. Johan,
who was standing right next to Clara, immediately focused his gaze right on the terrace of the
villa and a middle-aged man smiled at him. The man approached them and greeted them very
kindly while introducing himself as the owner of the villa.

Scene 2: After getting to know each other, they chose to take a walk around the outside of the
villa while occasionally taking pictures of the sights and interesting spots around the villa.

Scene 3: They finally decided to go into their respective rooms and rest.
Seq 2:

Scene 1: It was night time, Reza was lying on the bed in his room. He felt hungry. He decided to
go out and find some food for his stomach. However, the moment he stepped out of his room, he
came face to face with the owner of the guest house. The owner of the guest house was acting
strangely by continuing to stare at Reza with a slanted smile which made Reza wise and made
him uncomfortable. Moreover, the timing of him showing up just as Reza was about to leave his
room made it seem as if he had been waiting for Reza all along to come out. But putting aside
the oddity, Reza asked where he could buy food from the villa owner. However, Dahlan instead
asked Reza to follow him if he wanted to eat.

Scene 2: Reza followed Dahlan, he patiently waited for Dahlan to get food for him. But when the
food finally arrived it wasn't what he expected. Dahlan thrust a plate full of worms and leaves at
him, causing nausea all over his stomach. He felt like he was going to vomit for a second, but
Dahlan just stood there waiting for him to taste the dish. But seeing Reza's motionless and
uneasily contorted face, a slight frown etched on Dahlan's face when he finally asked Reza if he
wanted normal food rather than 'exotic' delights Reza agreed.

Scene 3: After dinner, Reza rushed back to the room he shared with Johan. She knocked
frantically, asking Johan to open the door. Johan opened the door with a sleepy face, but when he
saw Reza's panicked expression, his face looked worried. As soon as he saw Johan, Reza
immediately told Johan what had just happened to him. However, Johan doesn't believe him
which causes Reza to become annoyed and walk in a disappointed way into the room bumping
into Johan's shoulder. Johan sighed, but then out of the corner of his eye he caught the owner at
the end of the corridor watching the two of them. Noticing Johan's attention on him, the owner
runs away, causing Johan to be tinged with confusion.

Seq 3:

Scene 1: The next day, everyone gathered in the kitchen busy preparing breakfast. But Kiara
looked worried because she couldn't stop biting her lips. Then he gathered his friend's attention
and shared his worries with his friends. He expressed concern about how last night he felt like
someone was peeking into his room. Apart from that, he also heard someone singing from
outside their door. Johan and Clara look at each other but then Johan shares his own strangeness
about what happened last night with Reza and then the owner's strange behavior observing them
and running away.

Scene 2: With fear, the group that had been relaxing in the morning grew gloomy. Then Kiara
remembers something she took earlier in her room, she takes out a suspicious object from her
pocket and shows it to her friends. Johan decides to take the group to see the strange letter and
photos she has found.

Seq 4:
Scene 1: Johan, Reza, Clara and Kiara gathered around the table in the kitchen. they checked the
letters and photos they had found earlier. page by page, they realized they had found a disturbing
diary. Reza felt there was something strange about the letters. it felt like something was wrong in
the house. Kiara, who was sitting beside Reza, was getting panicked. He told the rest of the
group to get out of there. He couldn't imagine living in that house any longer. Johan agrees, he
will ask Reza for the car keys before the owner suddenly approaches them. Johan noticed
Dahlan's approaching figure and immediately signaled to his other friends about Dahlan's arrival
before trying his best not to be conspicuous in greeting Dahlan.

Scene 2: Johan stood up and immediately greeted Dahlan with a voice that didn't shake too
much, while Kiara, Reza, and Clara reflexively stood up trying to cover and hide the photo and
several pieces of paper that were scattered into their pockets secretly without being noticed.
However, because of their haste, they unknowingly nudged several letters and photos until they
fell under the table. Dahlan asked them what they were doing and Johan replied that they were
just making a to-do list for their vacation there. Dahlan then suggested them to go to the reservoir
because it is a nice place to visit and has a good atmosphere to be enjoyed. Then, Dahlan left the
kitchen because he was going to dance in the attic.

Scene 3: Johan, Reza, Kiara, and Clara can finally breathe easy. They immediately went into
their room to pack their things and exited this strange house in a hurry. Kiara hurriedly packed
her things, a sense of urgency running through her veins. Suddenly, a pillow was forcefully
pressed against her nose and mouth, stopping her breathing. Overwhelmed, he fights it off, but
eventually succumbs to the darkness, losing consciousness. Johan and Reza were engrossed in
packing their things, oblivious to Kiara's struggles. Suddenly, Johan felt a strong blow hit his
back, sending him crashing to the ground, unconscious. Before he could react or turn around,
Reza suffered the same fate, collapsing beside Johan.

Seq 5:

Scene 1: Johan, Reza and Kiara slowly regained consciousness, confused and trapped in the
confines of a moving vehicle. In their confusion, Kiara voiced her concern, seeking answers
from her friends. They reassured him with strained smiles, claiming everything was fine, though
the uneasiness and uncertainty was still in their eyes.

Scene 2: Pak Dahlan smiled in his room. The room is decorated with disturbing photographs of
Johan, Reza and Kiara, taken in various settings and unaware that they are being observed. On an
adjacent wall, a grisly photograph depicts Pak Dahlan, Clara, and two other women, suggesting a
deeper connection. Pak Dahlan's face contorted into a disturbing expression of satisfaction and
joy as he scanned the photos.


The group of friends, CLARA, REZA, KIARA, and JOHAN, enter the remote
guesthouse, greeted by the friendly OWNER. They exchange smiles and introductions.


Welcome to our humble guesthouse. Please, make yourselves at home.


Ah, thanks for the warm welcome sir.


This is it guys!


It is the place I've been raving about to you all.


Girl, I am just glad we finally arrived.


True, all my bones are creaking and groaning, can’t wait to relax and lounge.


Is that so? come right in then, the key is perched on the door.
With a wave, the groundskeeper, Dahlan left them.



The friends explore the lush surroundings, capturing breathtaking views with their
cameras. They engage in lighthearted banter, expressing their excitement for a relaxing


Gosh, it is so beautiful here, I can feel my stress floating away with the breeze.


(sarcastically chuckling)

Just like our phone signal.

They laugh, enjoying the moment.



The friends retire to their respective rooms, excited about the adventures that await them
during their vacation.



Reza lies on the bed, feeling hungry.


Gosh, I am hungry.



Reza steps out of his room, only to come face-to-face with the owner, who acts strangely
and menacingly.


(off-putting smile)



Yeah, I could eat a cow right now. Where can I find a food vendor around here anyway?

Dahlan smiled, although that smile seems to be off. It kinda made Reza uncomfortable.


You can follow me.

Reza hesitates, but eventually decides to follow the owner.



Suddenly, Dahlan thrust a plate full of worms and leaves.


Go ahead, eat it.

Surprised, Reza's face contorted into uneasiness and he feel like vomiting.


Not used to this kind of food? ah… too bad.


Then how about some Indomie?

Shaking, Reza answered in an almost whisper,


Uh sure…


Reza knocks on Johan’s door. Johan opened the door, face sleepy but upon seeing Reza
frantic expression, concern colored his face. Reza upon seeing Johan opening the door
frantically telling him about his experience.



Johan, you will not believe what just happened, I was looking for food earlier but then
suddenly the groundskeeper gave me a plate full of worms and leaves, scared the shit out
of me.


What? worms and leaves? What are you smoking?

Reza frowned and entered the room, shuffling through Johan.


Jeez, why can’t you believe me!



Suddenly Johan finds the owner watching them from far away, but the owner suddenly
runs away in fear.





The friends are busy preparing breakfast, but Kiara appears anxious.


(genuinely concerned)

I really think something is not right here. Like last night at 2 am, I felt a prickling feeling
of someone peeking into my room and furthermore, what made it even more scarier, I
heard someone singing in front of my room. Like seriously?!

Johan and Clara exchange glances, prompting Johan to speak up.

You are not alone Ki, I also felt something weird last night. Moreover, our guy Reza over
here also said something about leaves and what was it again that was given to you by the


Worms dude, worms!


What? Worms? gross!


At first I thought he was just joking around or was smoking something but then I catched
someone sneaking around outside, suspiciously.

And then as if she remembered something, Kiara pulled out something from her pocket.


Coba deh liat! ini gue temuin di lemari kamar…

Tensions rise as they discuss their unsettling encounters.



The group gathers around a table, examining the letter and photos. They realize they've
stumbled upon a disturbing diary.


These letters give me the chills!



So true like let’s just get out of here guys, I am too scared to stay for another day here.


…Fine, Za get the car k-

Suddenly, the groundskeeper approached them. Johan noticed his approaching figure and
immediately signaled to the rest of his friends about Dahlan’s appearance before trying to
be as inconspicuous as possible greeting Dahlan.



Oh, Hi there sir.

All reflexively stood up trying to cover and hide the photo along with a few pieces of the
scattered paper into their pockets silently without being noticed. However, in their haste,
they unknowingly nudged several letters and photos until they fell under the table.


What are you all doing?


Oh, nothing really, we were just discussing on what to do later. This being our vacation
and stuff.

Ah I see, why not visit the old graveyard ruin? It is a great place with a good atmosphere.
Furthermore, the air there is fresh and mild.


Oh thanks for the suggestion sir, we will think about it.


Just call me if you need anything okay? I am going to waltz around in the attic.

Mr. Dahlan left the kitchen. Feeling safe, without thinking much, they immediately went
straight to their respective rooms to pack.



Kiara hurriedly packed her things. Suddenly a pillow covered her nose and mouth. Until
she was unconscious.


Johan and Reza were busy packing their own things. Suddenly Johan felt a hard blow on
the back of his body, then lost consciousness. Before he could turn around, Reza was also
unconscious after receiving a hard blow to the back of his body.



Johan, Reza and Kiara woke up and realized they were already in the car. In confusion,
Kiara asked the rest of her friends.

Where are we? and where are we going?

While still driving Clara answered Kiara's question.


Relax, we are safe now and on our way home.

Clara smiled.



Mr. Dahlan displayed several photos of Johan, Reza and Kiara in his room.

On the other wall there is a photo in which Mr. Dahlan, Clara, and two other women are

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