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Hello, I am Sofía Guadalupe Cervantes Salazar, today I want to tell you about my disability called

simple hemiparecia and I will tell you about my experience.

What is diversity?
refers to a group or environment that is applied in cultural diversity, Ethics, gender, skills, etc. It is
valuable because it fosters inclusion, mutual understanding, and can enrich society by promoting
different perspectives and experiences.

What is equity?
recognizes people who may have disadvantages or different needs and seeks to eliminate barriers
that prevent their full participation in society.

What is inclusion?
It refers to the action of guaranteeing that all people, regardless of their differences, characteristics
or individual circumstances, are accepted and valued. It implies creating an environment where
there is no discrimination or barriers that exclude individuals, whether due to gender, race, sexual
orientation, etc.

First of all, my disability is called simple hemiparesis. It was affected on the right side and I have
neonatal hypoxia. This means that when a person experiences weakness or partial paralysis on the
right side, in this case that I have, my body means that an early brain injury in the neonatal period
due to hypoxia on the other hand neonatal hypoxia is a decrease in the supply of oxygen to the
brain of the newborn which can damage brain cells and lead to neurological problems. This
disability generally requires specialized medical care and rehabilitation to improve function and
quality of life in the affected person. My experience is that when I was a child I went swimming, I
met too many boys and girls with different disabilities and with them I felt like myself and special. I
became friends with two deaf-mute sisters of a child who has down syndrome and even more so in
kindergarten they kept me away. from my classmates in my classroom, just like in elementary
school there was a classmate who treated me as if I didn't know anything and in fourth grade there
was a teacher who told me that I wasn't going to learn anything that no one was going to do in life,
so Since primary school, secondary school and Cbtis, no teacher has given me grades or special
treatment just because of my disability. On the contrary, they supported me. I was in school
support at Cbtis. It was different. I only had advice with the subjects that I was failing or doing
poorly. I learned that I have had this disability since I was born and I realize that even though I have
a disability, I do not give up. It has not stopped me from moving forward with my daily life, frozen
by things. Until now, it has not affected me because I know that there will always be people like
that. But that is not an excuse for not moving forward in my studies and in my daily life. On the
contrary, I am proud of myself for moving forward, although I have had my mistakes and my
failures along the way. I know that I am going to become a professional in In a few years I will see
myself with a degree, so I will keep the inheritance that my parents gave me for my education, for
my courage, I will move forward and I thank my parents for their love and support that they gave
me since I was born. I know that not all parents are like that with their children and I am lucky to
have parents who cared about me and I thank them for everything they have done.

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