Dokumen - Tips Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas Xi Semester 1

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TAHUN AJARAN 2015/2016

N$$ : 9I:4I



I. Choo! "h! #!" $%&!' #( )'o*%+ $, #, d. because the dog wanted to te!!
), -, o' ! that something dangerous a!most
Text 1 (for question number 1-7) ha''ened in their home.
Once there was a husband and his wife e. because a sna"e wanted to catch
who had a baby. They had a dog named it.
Bony. It was a ery smart dog and faithfu! ,. **fina!!y "i!!ed by the husband.
to them. The dog used to ta"e care of the a. the baby d. the dog
baby whi!e were wor"ing in the rice fie!d. b. the sna"e e. the cou'!e
One afternoon# whi!e wor"ing in the c. the wife
fie!d# they heard Bony bar"ing. It was . The sna"e was "i!!ed
running toward them. It$s mouth smeared by******
with b!ood. The husband shoc"ed and a. the dog d. the chi!d
thought that it had "i!!ed their baby. b. the husband e. the baby
%udden!y he too" his sic"!e and threw it to c. the wife
the dog. It hit the dog$s had and the dog . as the baby hurt by the dog
head and the dog fe!! down and died. a. yes# it is d. no was not
&urried!y they got home and saw the b. yes# it was e. no# it doesn$t
baby s!ee'ing. hen the husband !oo"ed c. no# it did
around in the baby$s room# he found a big /. 0%udden!y# he too" his sic"!e
sna"e !ying on the f!oor. It was dead and *..('aragra'h +# sentence ). The
b!ood s'i!!ed eerywhere. It seemed the word sudden!y has the same
dog had "i!!ed the sna"e and the "i!!ed his meaning with the word****
faithfu! dog. a. usua!!y d. angri!y
b. b. quiet!y e. &ungri!y
c. c. 2uic"!y
1. ho was Bony Bonny was*** 7. hy was the husband shoc"ed
a. the husband$s name Because******
b. the wife$s name a. &e thought that the dog hurt "i!!ed
c. the bay$s name his baby he was sic"
d. the dog$s name b. he saw a sna"e
e. the sna"e$s name c. he saw a dog died
+. hy was the dog running toward the d. his wife fe!! down
cou'!e e. &e saw a s"y
a. because it afraid of sna"e 3. 4 5 0hat "ind of the narratie
b. because it was hurt is it
c. because the dog wanted some B 5 0It is***.
foods. a. 6omance d. 4denture
b. science fiction e. mystery
c. o!"ta!e
8. I ****to the ma!! !ast wee".
a. went d. goes b. ?!easure e. nCoyment
b. go e. hae gone c. %adness
c. ;one 17. I **** a fantastic fi!m at the
1<. :isa 5 =o you mind turning on the fan cinema !ast wee".
for me  a. %aw d. seeing
>ita 5 ******* b. %eed e. see
a. no# than" you d. yes# I do c. %een
b. !$d !oe to e. not at a!! 13. 0atch the TD tonight. >y daughter
c. yes# '!ease is on TD channe!  at eight. %he
11. =ic"y 5 may I can to your house at 7 a!ways ma"es me ha''y. 0%ure# I
tonight  wi!!. rom the under!ined words we
4nne 5 *.. I wi!! be going "now that the first s'ea"er fee!s **..
somewhere with my friend at that her daughter.
time. a. angry with d. 'roud of
a. yes# that$s a!! right d. yes# indeed b. worried about e. disa''ointed at
b. !$m afraid not e. not at a!! c. ha''y for
c. why not 18. The bati" dress mother gae me is o!d#
its co!our has faded. Its refers to *
Tuesday eening a. >other d. o!d
>arch 3# +<1 b. Bati" e. @o!our
c. f!oor
=ear O!ga#
It is a (1+) *.. to read your !etter and Text 1 (for question number +<-+)
to "now about the music 'rogram at your
uniersity. I$!! be (1,) *.. to go with you. One eening !ast wee" my and I
>y bus (1) *.. be at your schoo! at  were sitting quiet!y at home. %udden!y we
o$c!oc" on %aturday. If you don$t mind# heard a !oud bang. I su''osed that the o!d
I$d !i"e you (1) *.. me at the bus !ady in the f!at aboe ours was moing
station. %ee you on %aturday. the furniture about. >y wife was afraid
that the noise wou!d wa"e the baby. %he
>aritha turned down the TD and moment !atter
we heard someone ca!!ing for he!'.
1+. I run u'stairs. The o!d !ady$s door
a. &a''y d. 6egret was shut but I cou!d see smo"e coming
b. 9ice e. ?!easure through the !etter box and under the door
c. ?!eased and sme!! something burning. 6ing the
1,. fire brigade . I shou!d down to my wife.
a. %ad d. sorry I banged on the door but the o!d
b. &a''y e. ha''i!y !ady too" a !ong time answer. I was
c. worried turning oer in my mind the idea of
1. brea"ing the door down when she fina!!y
a. @an d. %ha!! a''eared.
b. i!! e. shou!d 0I was haing a bath# she said# when the
c. must water heater in the "itchen b!ew u'. 4nd I
1. was getting dressed when you "noc"ed.
a. >et d. meet I too" her down stairs to our f!at.
b. >eets e. meeting %mo"e was 'ouring out of the "itchen and
c. to meet the heater was in f!ames. Aust then I heard
1/. 4 5 &ae you heard that unc!e Aoe wi!! a fire engine arriing outside and the
come next wee" heay footste's of the firemen on the
B 5 Oh. rea!!y hen did he te!! you stairs. It$s in here# I shouted# Eou
4 5 :ast wee". turned u' 'rom't!y# I must say.
The under!ined sentence is used to hen I got bac" to our f!at# my wife was
ex'ress **.. ma"ing the o!d !ady a cu' of tea# %oon
a. &a''iness d. sur'rise afterwards# the fire chief came in to as" a
few questions. It turned out that the fire +. hich of the fo!!owing statement is
was not ery serious and the firemen were not true 
a!ready 'utting it out. hen they !eft# my a. the baby wo"e u' a !ong whi!e
wife went u' with the o!d !ady to he!' her after the fire
c!ean u' the mess. b. the writer and his wife were at
hen she returned# my wife home watching TD that night
remar"ed 5 0It$s a!! right now. 9othing c. the fire engine didn$t arrie as
was damaged exce't the water heater. But quic"!y as the writer had thought
wasn$t it !uc"y that baby s!e't through the d. the writer$s wife was so start!ed
noise $ that the cu's fe!! from her hends
%he too" the teacu's into the e. the writer$s wife didn$t ex'ect to
"itchen and I heard her scream and the see a 'oo! of water in her "itchen
cu's crash to the f!oor. hen I got there# +. 9owadays 'eo'!e 'refer using sma!!
water dri''ing from the cei!ing and cars than big ones because they are
forming a 'oo! on the f!oor. The baby more*
wo"e u' at !east and began to cry. a. conomic d. economy
b. conomica! e. economiGe
+<. The writer sus'ected that something c. economica!!y
was wrong when*
a. there was a !oud noise II.
b. there was a cry for he!' $. Ch$%+! "o "h! $*! o*)!
c. his wife was afraid of the noise $))o'-*%+ "o "h! !%"!%)!
d. furniture was being moed about
e. he saw smo"e coming through his 1. >y mother a!ways c!eans the f!oor
!etter-box eery morning.
+1. hich of the fo!!owing statement is +. They are ma"ing a rainbow ca"e now.
true  ,. The manager has interiewed some
a. the o!d !ady hurried to the door candidates
when yhe writer "noc"ed . >any 'eo'!e hae been s'ea"ing
b. the noise in the o!d !ady$s f!at
didn$t disturb the baby
. adhi!a watched the moie in the theatre
c. the writer "ic"ed the door o'en to
!ast night.
sae the o!d !ady$s !ife
/. %he was buying some boo"s !ast night.
d. there was great damage in the f!at
7. @arro!! had made a good decision to
ofter the fire
e. the o!d !ady immediate!y ca!!ed !eae :ier'oo!.
the fire brigade 3. %he had been watering this '!ant.
++. FTurning oer in my mind in
'aragra'h , means* #. Ch$%+! "o "h! *%-*'!)" !!)h
a. chancing d. 6eminding $))o'-*%+ "o "h! $%"!%)!
b. re'eating e. considering 1. &e said# 0I studies science.
c. su''osing +. %he said# 0I '!ayed a do!!.
+,. 4fter reading the who!e story# we ,. >y mother said# 0I hae '!anted some
"now that* trees.
a. the o!d !ady was good at house . >y unc!e said# 0I wi!! re'air the door.
c!eaning . They said# 0they wou!d write a 'oem
b. the baby was start!ed by the some /. &e said# 0I am ma"ing a 'ie.
of the fire engine 7. %he said# 0I was co!oring the 'icture”.
c. the fire occurred because the o!d
!ady had been care!ess
d. the o!d !ady a!ways enCoyed
haing tea with the writer$s wife
e. the fire had caused a !ea" in the
cei!ing of the writer$s "itchen

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