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COMP 2130

Introduction to Computer Systems

Class Activity - 1
Bhavika Jain

Hardware Software
Software is the programs and operating
It refers to the physical components of systems that need to be installed.
the computer like the processor, mouse,
keyboard etc,
Software can be updated or replaced as
Hardware has a finite lifespan and can needed.
become obsolete
It is intangible and exists only as code.
It can be seen and touched. It is the It is the brain of the computer.
machinery of the computer.

Dynamic Random Access Memory Static Random Access Memory
It needs to be constantly refreshed in It doesn't need to be refreshed to
order to maintain the data stored in it. maintain data.
It is less expensive, slower and less It is more expensive, faster, and more
reliable. reliable.
It uses less power and is used for mass It uses more power and is used for high
storage. speed cache memory.

Cache RAM
Cache is a small, high-speed memory RAM (Random Access Memory) is the
that stores frequently accessed data. main memory of the computer and is
used to store data that the CPU is
currently working on.
It is faster than RAM, but has much RAM is slower than cache, but has a
smaller in capacity. larger capacity.
It is not that expensive. RAM is expensive.
4. Secondary memory, also known as external memory or non-volatile memory, refers to
storage devices that are used to store data on a long-term basis, even when the power
is turned off. There are several different types of secondary memory like:
a. Hard Disk Drive: A storage device that uses magnetic disks to store data. They
are relatively inexpensive and have a large capacity.
b. Solid-State Drive: A newer type of storage device that uses flash memory to
store data. They are faster and more durable, but they are also more expensive.
c. USB flash drive: A small, portable storage device that uses flash memory to
store data. They are convenient for storing and transferring data between
different computers.
d. Optical discs: A storage device that uses a laser to read data from a disc like
CDs and DVDs. They are inexpensive and can store a large amount of data.
e. Cloud Storage: A virtualized storage system that allows data to be stored on
remote servers and accessed over the internet.

5. An operating system (OS) is a software that acts as an intermediary between a

computer's hardware and its software. There are several types of operating systems
a. Batch OS: It processes and executes a batch of jobs or tasks in a sequence,
without any user interaction. It's typically used for large-scale data processing
and scientific applications.
b. Multi Programmed OS: It can run multiple tasks simultaneously, by allowing
multiple processes to be loaded in memory. It improves computer performance
by allowing concurrent execution of tasks.
c. Time Sharing/ Multi-Tasking OS: It allows multiple users to share the same
computer resources simultaneously, by dividing CPU time into small slices
and allocating them to different processes. It also supports multitasking,
allowing multiple tasks to be executed at the same time.
d. Real Time OS: It is designed to handle real-time applications that require a
guaranteed response time. These systems are designed to respond to external
events in a timely manner,
e. Network OS: It is designed to support and manage network operations. It
enables users to share files, printers, and other resources, and provides
network security.
f. Distributed OS: It allows multiple computers to work together as a single
system, distributing the workload and resources among the networked
computers. enhances the functionality of a network operating system by
enabling higher levels of communication and integration among the machines.
g. Multiprocessor OS: It is capable of utilizing multiple processors or cores in a
computer system at the same time. It allows the parallel execution of multiple
tasks and improves the performance of the system by distributing the
workload among the available processors.

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