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Nguyen Candidate Number: 0008 Centre Number: VN227


Should Humans Develop Artificial Intelligence?

Topic: Digital World

Issue: Rise of Artificial Intelligence


Artificial Intelligence can bring humans to the top or can drive human civilization to ruin.

The development of Artificial Intelligence is a debate. This essay discusses both sides of the

argument, the personal perspective, the solution to the problems of developing Artificial

Intelligence, and would provide opinions from the UN, America, and India. The proposition of

development Artificial Intelligence will talk about how AI can improve and increase the

efficiency of human domains. The opposition will talk about how it can cause unemployment

and how it threatens security. The solution talks about how Artificial Intelligence should be

applied to mitigate its harms. The personal perspectives may depend on how specific solutions

are to the problems of the development of Artificial Intelligence.

Causes of the development of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has been an identity that has impacted our society. There are a few

causes for its rise. It has become more popular after various development from scientists in the

past. Rockwell Anyoha (2017) from Harvard University of Arts and Sciences has said that by the

1950s, generations of scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers have the concept of artificial

intelligence has assimilated on their minds culturally. Something would become a part of culture

after people doing research and experiments, which is driven by their curiosity, and have

Nguyen Candidate Number: 0008 Centre Number: VN227
considered it to be useful for their culture to turn it into something that should be part of their


Another cause of the development of Artificial Intelligence is from human’s wants when

we know that Artificial Intelligence can increase efficiency and help solve problems. The ITU

(2019), which is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication

technologies, has talked about one of AI’s promises. They said that Artificial Intelligence, with

its supernatural abilities, can help to tackle humanity’s biggest problems. It has also driven the

‘boom’ of it as people have the incentive to develop so that it can make our domains to become


The more important cause is the second cause because it is driven by incentives that are

more realistic and have more impact. It can affect us globally in many domains. The curiosity of

scientists has caused its development and popularity. Overall, this means that the main reason for

humans developing Artificial Intelligence is they want better efficiency that will be elaborated

further in this essay.

Consequences of the development of Artificial Intelligence

The development of Artificial Intelligence has caused many changes in our society. It has

increased efficiency in many businesses. For instance, the web, Builtin (2020), has said: “AI ad

the finance industry are a match made in heaven. The financial sector relies on accuracy, real-

time reporting, and processing high volumes of quantitative data to make decisions, which are

areas that intelligent machines excel in.” From this example, we know that AI has features that

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are extremely suitable for managing data and information that is essential for businesses when

they may use it to store customer’s contact information.

Another consequence of developing Artificial Intelligence is that they have replaced

some jobs that humans do. According to Derek Thompson from the Atlantic (2014), robots and

software have thrived in careers that have an average wage, middle-skill, routine-heavy worker,

and especially in manufacturing and office administration. It has caused unemployment to

people, creating more concerns for the government when they have to take care of these

vulnerable groups of people. This situation can be harmful because the government has many

responsibilities in the country that needs to carry. Unemployment has made this become more

difficult. Its impact may also not be within a country because a government also has to pay

attention to the country’s relationships with other nations. They already have a lot of burdens to

take care of for their countries and citizens. By providing more problems in society as

unemployment may lead to the government not doing all their responsibilities well. This barrier

eventually makes it difficult for a country to develop furthermore.

The more important consequence is the second one as it affects more people and the

government. Its impact is not just within a country but can also spread to the international

community. The first cause has its effects but not all businesses can afford to have artificial

intelligence and automation to have these benefits. It means that it can only mostly benefit large

corporations, who can afford to have the machinery and Artificial Intelligence in their

businesses. They are a minority group in society, meaning that the impact is not as significant

compared to the second consequence.

Nguyen Candidate Number: 0008 Centre Number: VN227

Opinion 1: Proposes the development of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence can improve the domains that we are having. For example, Audrey

Azoulay from the United Nations (2016) states that Artificial Intelligence is growing fast and are

finding new applications in sectors including security, the environment, research and education,

health, culture, and trade. It means that Artificial Intelligence can make human’s life to change

significantly from the way we work or even live together. The United Nations has a good

reputation globally. It is also well – established organization with many countries around the

world being a part of it, making this source reliable. Aryan Singh (2016), who is the International

Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology agrees with this point by giving many

examples of how artificial intelligence help to improve education, transportation, research, and

healthcare. This point now leads to the national perspectives that agree with developing Artificial


A source from America agrees that artificial intelligence increases efficiency and should

be used to assist humans. According to Sarah K. White (2017), who is a senior writer of CIO,

Artificial Intelligence in banking can identify rogue traders, increases the speed and accuracy of

cancer diagnostics, and can investigate human trafficking much faster than we can do. This

example shows that Artificial Intelligence is efficient and has the capability of performing tasks

in a much better way than humans can. This essay has discussed this point thoroughly. It is a

reliable source because the article is posted on, which is an organization that produces

tech news and specializes in ICT. The author has experience working in this field. A source from

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India, Data Flair (N.D), which is an online self-paced technology school, also agrees with this

opinion. The school gives examples of fuel exploration that exceeds human limitations done by

Artificial Intelligence that further supports the view of Artificial Intelligence having the ability to

perform tasks better to humans. The website also says that these robots do not wear out and can

perform more laborious tasks. This example supports the view that Artificial Intelligence can

help increase efficiency. This argument now leads onto the other side of the debate that talks

about why humans should not develop Artificial Intelligence.

Opinion 2: Opposes the development of Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations also provides information on why we should not be developing

Artificial Intelligence. The UN News (2018) says that businesses and countries may misuse

Artificial Intelligence for their advantage. It may include the breakthroughs of cybersecurity to

obtain precious data sets that may be illegal. It means that the risks of developing Artificial

Intelligence are very high. Furthermore, Artificial Intelligence’s abilities are proven to be better

than humans, making the chances of them breaking through cybersecurity are higher. Besides,

when businesses and countries only think for their advantage, they may not care about their

impacts on others. This example contrasts with what was also said by the UN in the previous

paragraphs. The reason for this is the UN is an organization with many different countries. It has

exposure to many opinions from countries around the world. By covering both sides of Artificial

Intelligence, the United Nations is showing a balanced view, including possible viewpoints from

many countries. The University of Cambridge (N.D) also agrees that Artificial Intelligence may

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potentially pose catastrophic risks related to misuse and security. This next paragraph discusses

national perspectives.

The South China Morning Post (N.D) has said that global automation is racing to invest

in China. It shows that these technologies are getting popular that may lead to unemployment as

they are used in businesses to increase efficiency. Automation can replace lower-skilled jobs.

Complex artificial intelligence can replace high- skilled jobs as they are better than humans in

many domains. In this case, Artificial Intelligence is detrimental to the whole society, including

the lower, middle, and upper classes. A source from America (Frank, 2019) also agrees that

China is making AI-driven technology and explains how Artificial Intelligence may create a

decline in valuable employment opportunities that would lead to unemployment for that

particular sector. The next part of the essay discusses possible solutions for this issue.


This essay has discussed about many drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence. Some solutions

can be applied to solve and mitigate problems. I mentioned about how Artificial Intelligence can

be misused to breakthrough cybersecurity for any illegal activities. One possible solution for this

is to also use Artificial Intelligence and specialists in cybersecurity to make itself stronger and

harder to be broken. The collaboration of the minds of Artificial Intelligence with the knowledge

of the specialist cannot just improve the speed of the process but also humans may also learn

new things from our own creations. There is also another negative consequence of Artificial

Intelligence that is related to unemployment. A possible solution for this is businesses should

use Artificial Intelligence in a way that it supports employees rather than replacing them entirely.

Nguyen Candidate Number: 0008 Centre Number: VN227
This can be done by offer training to employees about how they can work together with Artificial

Intelligence. This solution can also help boosts the efficiency of businesses. In this way, humans

would be able to keep Artificial Intelligence in control so that it can bring benefits to our world.

Personal Perspective - Conclusion

This essay has examined the global and national perspectives for and against the

development of Artificial Intelligence. Information and evidence from international sources,

sources from India, America, and China are analyzed. Before my research, I knew about

Artificial Intelligence bringing efficiency to businesses. I have thought about theories related to

Artificial Intelligence taking over the world, which are inspired by the movies that I have

watched. Some of the research supported the view of increasing efficiency in businesses and

improving our domains. Other research, however, does not talk anything about the theories that I

have thought but discussed its negative impact more practically; how it may be misused or cause

unemployment. I now learned more about how AI can physically harm our society rather than

based on theories. Possible solutions are increasing security and apply Artificial Intelligence in

businesses to help employees rather than eliminating them. Solutions are suggestions that are still

vague and need further research to find out exactly how we would increase security and apply

Artificial Intelligence the way we wanted. If the solutions are unclear and hypothetical,

developing Artificial Intelligence would be catastrophic to our society. On the contrary, if

solutions are practical and applicable, the development of Artificial Intelligence can be the key to

change the world.

WORD COUNT: 1846 words

Nguyen Candidate Number: 0008 Centre Number: VN227

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