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Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599

Published online 26 January 2015 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI: 10.1002/etep.2054

A novel static frequency converter for start-up and shutdown

processes of gas turbine power plant units

Mahdi Mahdipour*,† and Seyed Mohamad Taghi Bathaee

Department of Electrical Engineering, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

A novel Static Frequency Converter (SFC) is designed to be used in start-up and shutdown processes of the
synchronous machines of Rey gas turbine power plant in Tehran, Iran. The speed references during start-up
and shutdown are chosen in a manner to meet the technical requirements of the gas turbine during these op-
eration modes. The SFC uses a seven-level voltage source inverter. Due to its control and modulation strat-
egy, the inverter operates at a very low effective switching frequency. In this paper, active rectifiers are used
to connect the SFC to the alternating current network and isolating transformer which causes the SFC to op-
erate in both start-up and shutdown processes. Simulation results show successful start-up and shutdown
processes of the gas turbine units. The results of this study are submitted to Rey Power Generation Manage-
ment Co. and if the budget for construction of the proposed SFC is provided, the proposed system will be
experimentally implemented. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

key words: gas turbine; multilevel inverter; Static Frequency Converter; cascaded H-bridge; synchronous


In recent years, gas turbine usage, especially in the power industry, has been increased. One of the
main reasons for this popularity arises from its ability of producing a large amount of power despite
low size and weight [1]. Also, start-up time of a gas turbine can be as low as 30 s, thus makes it a rea-
sonable choice to respond to urgent power demand on the network [2]. However, one of the most chal-
lenging aspects of gas turbine performance is starting [3,4].
Figure 1 shows the layout of a typical gas turbine. In this figure, the gas turbine consists of three
major parts: compressor, turbine and combustor. In normal operating mode when the turbine operates
at its rated speed, the input air is condensed by passing through the compressor and then the mixture of
compressed air and fuel is ignited in the combustion chamber. Then, the resultant products of combus-
tion pass through the turbine which provides mechanical torque to rotate compressor and the generator
shaft to produce electrical power. But, when the machine is at standstill, there is no mechanical output
power derived from the turbine shaft. So, some additional equipment is needed to start the energy con-
version process by starting the compressor to rotate. This is done with the starter. Regardless of the
starter type, a typical starting sequence to start-up gas turbine power plants is shown in Figure 2 [3].
There are many types of starting systems, including diesel motor, induction motor, direct current
motor, and Static Frequency Converter (SFC) [2,5]. All of these methods except the last one need other
mechanical equipment. While, when using SFC, there is no need to use another motor to be mounted
on the shaft of the turbine. In starting a gas turbine by SFC, the synchronous generator of the unit is
driven by an SFC in motor operating mode. In this method of starting, due to lack of mechanical equip-
ment, all the units of a power plant can be started by using just a single SFC.

*Correspondence to: Mahdi Mahdipour, Department of Electrical Engineering, Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Tech-
nology, Tehran, Iran


Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


Figure 1. Overall view of a power gas turbine system.

Figure 2. Sequences in starting a power gas turbine.


There are many papers in which load commutated inverters (LCI) have been used to drive synchronous
machines in a wide range of applications [5–7]. Thyristor switches, which are used in LCI inverters,
cannot be turned off by applying or removing gate signals. So, LCI inverters depend on the load for
commutation. However, this problem may be solved by using Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor
switches which have controlled turn off. Conventional SFCs consist of two thyristor bridges, as recti-
fier and inverter, direct current (DC) link inductance and control unit [8]. In Figure 3, the scheme of a
conventional SFC is illustrated.
In these types of inverters, there are two modes of operation. In low speed region, when the synchro-
nous machine voltage is low, thyristors of the inverter are source commutated. In the source

Figure 3. Scheme of a conventional Static Frequency Converter used to drive a synchronous machine. DC,
direct current.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

commutation region, conducting thyristor is forced to shut down by setting the reference current of the
DC link to zero. This` is down by source voltage because electromotive force (EMF) of the machine is
low due to low speed of the machine [9]. At speeds above 10% of the nominal speed, the inverter
switches are load commutated. Because EMF of the machine is increased due to increase in speed,
the conducting thyristor can be commutated with the machine voltage [9,8]. Having two different op-
erational modes is interpreted as one of the LCI system drawbacks for making the operation of SFC
complex [10]. Another drawback of this type of systems is high current harmonic content which has
adverse effects on the machine and the power network [10].


The proposed system consists of nine cascaded H-bridges (CHB), three for each phase. Because in
multilevel CHB configuration the DC link of the CHB blocks has to be isolated from each other, there
is an isolating transformer that feeds nine rectifier blocks. Each rectifier feeds the DC link of its corre-
sponding CHB block [11,12].
The proposed system for starting is composed of several parts: inverter, DC links, rectifiers, isolat-
ing transformer, and control unit. In the following sections, each of these components is separately

3.1. Inverter
The proposed SFC uses multilevel inverter structure. Each phase of the inverter is composed of three
H-bridge blocks cascaded with each other which are also called CHB structure. In these types of in-
verters, the number of output voltage levels can be calculated in Equation (1), in which n indicates
the number of H-bridges and l represents the number of output voltage levels [11]. So, the inverter
can produce a seven-level output voltage. Using a multilevel inverter in this study is due to the high
voltage of the synchronous machine. Another reason to use multilevel inverter is reduction of effective
switching frequency. Figure 4 shows the scheme of the inverter of the proposed SFC.

l ¼ 2n þ 1 (1)

3.2. DC link
In CHB inverters, each H-bridge needs its own DC link, which is isolated from the DC links of the
others. For a seven-level CHB inverter, three DC links for each phase and nine DC links for the overall

Figure 4. Scheme of the inverter of the proposed Static Frequency Converter.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

three-phase system are needed. In this study, each DC link is constructed by a 7.5 mF capacitor and its
voltage is set to 1220 V. By using this configuration, the high phase voltage is divided between power
electronic switches, thus makes it a reasonable choice to be used in medium and high voltage

3.3. Rectifier
Each DC link needs to be supplied from a rectifier, so there should be nine rectifiers. In this study, each
rectifier is composed of six IGBT switches, antiparallel with diodes, which is an active rectifier config-
uration and makes bidirectional load flow possible.
The assemblage of one rectifier, one DC link capacitor and one H-bridge builds up a power cell.
Each power cell consists of ten IGBT switches, antiparallel with power diodes, six of which for the
rectifier side and four for the inverter side. As it is stated earlier, there is a DC link capacitor as an in-
termediate between the rectifier and inverter in each power cell. Figure 5 illustrates a view of each
power cell. On the left of the figure, there is a three-phase input which comes from isolating trans-
former. The three-phase input of each power cell is isolated from the inputs of other cells. In the right
side of the figure, the output terminals of the inverter are shown.

3.4. Alternating current network and isolating transformer

Each synchronous machine in normal operating mode is connected to a bus with 11 KV line to line
voltage. In order to supply the proposed SFC, a three-phase transformer with nine secondary windings
has been used to reduce the primary voltage to the desired amount for rectifiers and isolate the sources
of H-bridge inverters. The transformer has nominal voltages of 11 KV and 900 V in primary and sec-
ondary windings, respectively; in both sides, it has a simple star connection. Because the proposed
SFC has seven-level inverter implemented by CHB topology, nine isolated AC sources are needed,
each of which for a power cell. Figure 6 shows the overall look of the proposed SFC.

3.5. Synchronous machine

The proposed SFC is designed based on the datasheet of ASEC gas turbine model W 251 B2 synchro-
nous machines which are operating at Rey gas turbine power plant. The power plant consists of diverse
types of gas turbine made by different companies. There are six similar units of model W 251 B2. In
this study, a single SFC is designed for start-up and shut down processes of all of the six similar units
of model W 251 B2. Parameters of the synchronous machine used in simulation studies are represented
in Table.A1 [13]. In the time of start-up, starting of these units is accomplished with a 550 KW induc-
tion motor for each unit. Also, in shutdown of the units, the kinetic energy of the rotor is dissipated
during deceleration. By doing further studies, the proposed SFC can be implemented on the site which
possesses the ability to shutdown in regenerative operation mode.
Figure 7 represents the connections of the proposed SFC to start Rey gas turbine power plant units.
The synchronous machines in the right of the figure show the generators of the six similar units for

Figure 5. View of each power cell.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 6. Overall look of the proposed Static Frequency Converter.

Figure 7. Connections of the proposed Static Frequency Converter to start a gas turbine power plant with
six units.

which the SFC is designed. In normal operation mode, each generator is connected to the power net-
work through bus. no.1. So, any number out of six generators can be paralleled when connected to the
power network. The SFC can be used for start-up and shut down of all the six generators sequentially
but not simultaneously. In other words, only one of the synchronous machines can be connected to the
starting bus at a time. Thus, each synchronous machine can be in one of the three states, namely con-
nected to the power network (Bus. No.1), connected to the starting bus (bus. no.2), and out of service.
Switches si1 and si2 (i=1 to 6 stands for the number of synchronous machines) in Figure 7 are used to
connect synchronous machine with number i to bus. no.1 and bus. no.2, respectively. When the syn-
chronous machine number i is connected to the network, si1 is closed and si2 is open. During start-up

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

and shutdown with SFC, si1 is open and si2 is closed. Also, when the synchronous machine is out of
service both si1 and si2 are open.


The proposed SFC consists of nine power cells, each of which includes ten IGBT switches antiparallel
with diodes. So, the overall system includes 90 IGBT switches. Control of the system is performed by
providing appropriate gate signals for IGBT switches.
Because there are nine isolated rectifiers, there should also be nine distinct rectifier controllers. The
control system structure of each rectifier is shown in Figure 8. In this controller, voltage of each DC
link is controlled by the direct axis current. The modulation method used to control the active rectifiers
is hysteresis or bang–bang control [14,15].
As it is stated earlier, the proposed SFC utilizes a seven-level inverter using three H-bridges. Volt-
age of each H-bridge can be 1. 0 and 1 multiplied by the DC link voltage. So, the voltage of each
phase is a multiple of an integer between 3 and 3, and the voltage of the DC link. Because there
are seven different possible phase voltages, the number of different phase voltage combinations is
343. Each different phase voltage combinations can be stated with a row vector as in Equation (2)
as follows:
V ABC ¼ ½V A V B V C  (2)
in which VA, VB, VC, and VABC represent voltage of phases A, B, and C and phase voltage combination
in ABC coordinates, respectively. The voltage combination can be transferred to α–β coordinates using
Equation (3) as follows:
V αβ ¼ TV ABC (3)
Where Vαβ is the voltage combination in α–β coordinates and T stands for Clarke transform matrix as
defined in Equation (4) [15,16] as follows:
2 3
1 1
26 2 2 7
T¼ 6 4 pffiffiffi pffiffiffi 7 (4)
3 3 35
2 2
Using Clarke transform for all the possible phase voltage combinations of the inverter which is 343
combinations will result in 127 distinct arrows in α–β plane. That is because some of the phase volt-
ages occupy the same place in α-β plane. For instance, phase voltages [1  1  3]VDC, [20  2]VDC,
and [31  1]VDC all occupy the same place in α–β plane. In this case, absolute amount of phase volt-
ages when [20  2]VDC combination is selected are smaller compared with the other combinations. In
this study, for the modulation purpose only, the combination with the least phase voltages in α–β plane
is selected to be applied to the inverter. The selected phase voltage combinations are represented in
Figure 9 with selected phase voltage combination indicated above the vector. In other words, these

Figure 8. Control system of the active rectifiers.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 9. Basic voltage vectors of the inverter.

127 voltage vectors in α–β plane with the indicated phase voltage combination are the basic voltages of
the inverter selected out of all 343 possible combinations.
After the selection between all possible phase voltage combinations has been made, the function of
the modulator is to select one of the basic voltages of the inverter at each switching cycle. The mod-
ulation method used to control the inverter is Space Vector Control (SVC). In [17], SVC method for
multilevel inverters has been proposed in which the main idea is to select the nearest basic voltage
vector of the inverter to the reference voltage vector in α–β plane. The modulation method is similar
to SVM method. Both of the methods are implemented in α–β coordinates. However, unlike classical
SVM in which all of the three adjacent inverter voltage vectors to the reference voltage are switched in
each switching cycle in SVC method, the switches state changes once at the most. This results in lower
effective switching frequency in SVC compared with classical SVM.
In Figure 10, the reference voltage arrowhead is shown in the vicinity of some basic voltage vectors.
In this figure, each hexagon is the boundary of each basic voltage vector of the inverter. When the ref-
erence voltage is located in each hexagon, the corresponding basic voltage vector of the inverter (the
voltage vector in the center of the hexagon) is applied to the load.
In other words, at each period of switching, the reference voltage vector is approximated by the
nearest basic voltage vector of the inverter. As the reference voltage vector is rotating in α–β plane,
the approximated basic voltage of the inverter is changed. So that the voltage applied by the inverter
is changed.
The control method used to control the synchronous machine is Field Oriented Control (FOC) [18].
In the proposed SFC, reference voltages for the modulator come from current errors in α–β coordinate.
This method dictates a maximum range for the switching frequency and at the same time avoids any
unnecessary switching even for some switching cycle if the current errors are acceptable. In [17], it
is stated that for drives operating at very low speed, the method should be changed to a classical
SVM. But here, by applying current control in α–β coordinates, the same method has been used to
drive the synchronous machine with a wide range of speed, acceptable current total harmonic distor-
tion (THD), and low switching frequency.
In the proposed system, the difference between the desired and actual speed is fed to a PI controller
and the resultant output is interpreted as reference electromagnetic torque. Then, the reference torque is
compared with the actual electromagnetic torque, and the resultant error is passed through a PI control-
ler to determine the desired quadrature current component of the machine in d–q coordinate system iq.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 10. Reference voltage vector in the vicinity of some of the inverter voltages.

From iq and setting the direct component of the machine to zero id = 0 and rotor position in hand, the
desired current for each phase can be calculated by using d–q to α–β transform. Then, by comparing
each desired current with the actual current and passing the resultant error through PI controllers,
the outputs are interpreted as the reference voltages in α–β frame which is fed to the modulator. In this
control method, the controllers in d-q coordinates are independent like [19], in addition α–β coordi-
nate’s controllers are independent. The control system for the inverters of the proposed SFC is shown
in Figure 11.


Static Frequency Converter can be used not only for driving synchronous machines up to the rated
speed but also for braking the machine from rated speed down to standstill with regenerative mode.
In this section, complete start-up and shutdown processes of the synchronous machine, using the pro-
posed system according to the steps of starting a gas turbine as appeared in Figure 2, are simulated.
Simulation studies are accomplished in MATLAB–Simulink (MathWorks, Natick, MA, USA).
Figure 12 illustrates the simulated model.

Figure 11. The control system for the inverters of the proposed Static Frequency Converter. PI, Propor-
tional Integrator; SVC, Space Vector Control; DC, direct current.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

Figure 12. Simulated model in MATLAB–Simulink. SFC, Static Frequency Converter.

5.1. Acceleration up to light off speed

In this mode of operation, the synchronous machine is accelerated only by the aid of the starter. When
speed reaches 600 rpm, the synchronous machine rotates at this speed to purge ducts of the gas turbine
from any volatile gas to ensure safe light off. Purging is considered with a very small time in simula-
tion studies. But in practice, sufficient time, depending on the size of the turbine, should be assigned
for the operation mode. Figure 13 shows simulation results for speed, three-phase voltage, three-phase
current, and flux of the synchronous machine during acceleration and purging operations. Reference
speed of the drive system begins to rise at 1 s and reaches 600 rpm at 6 s. From 6 to 7 s, the reference
speed remains the same to rotate the machine in purging mode. Control system of the inverter causes
the machine to track the reference speed. With a scale in Figure 13, they appear coincident. In this fig-
ure, frequency of voltage and current waveforms increases as time goes by, which is due to increase of
the synchronous machine speed and closed loop control system of the inverter.

Figure 13. Simulation results during start-up, from standstill to light off speed.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

5.2. Acceleration up to self-sustaining (idle) speed

After lighting off occurred, the turbine itself also assists the acceleration process. Due to this reason, the
torque experienced by SFC and synchronous machine decreases. At the end of this mode, the speed of
the turbo-generator reaches the self-sustaining speed (70% of the rated speed) in which torque contribu-
tion of the synchronous machine decreases to zero. Figure 14 shows simulation results during this phase

Figure 14. Simulation results of operation during start-up, from light off speed to self-sustaining speed.

Figure 15. Simulation results for three phase voltages and currents at the speed around 2100 rpm.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

of starting. In simulation, results in 7 s light off occur and in 23 s-speed reaches 2100 rpm which is 70%
of the rated speed. In Figure 14, after the speed of the machine passes 1260 rpm, flux of the machine
changes inversely with speed. That is because 1260 rpm is the boundary of field weakening mode. Be-
cause the simulation results in Figure 14 for voltages and currents in higher speeds are not clear, three-
phase voltages and currents during 0.05 s of this operation mode are illustrated in Figure 15.
In Figure 15, we will find 90 switching state changes from 22.95 to 23 s of the simulation time for
one of the phases. This number of changes in switching states corresponds with the switching fre-
quency equal to 150 Hz in phase-shifted multicarrier pulse width modulation (PWM) [16]. This shows
that the proposed system has a very low effective frequency while the maximum switching frequency
is limited to 833.3 Hz. In spite of low switching frequency, Figure 14 shows THD smaller than 6% for
the machine current.
When the speed of the turbo-generator reached self-sustaining speed, the SFC is disconnected from
the synchronous generator. From this point until the speed reaches its rated value, 3000 rpm, acceler-
ation is accomplished by the turbine alone. This mode is out of SFC operation modes.

5.3. Shutdown in regenerative mode

When the gas turbine needs to be shutdown, fuel valves are closed and the generator is disconnected
from the network and is connected to the network through the SFC. In this mode, unlike the starting
mode, synchronous machine operates in generating mode and the kinetic energy stored in turbo gen-
erator is supplied to the network. In low speed deceleration, the process is accomplished in a long time
to cool down the turbo-generator. In this study, shutdown process is divided into two intervals: first,
deceleration from 3000 to 600 rpm and then running the turbo-generator at idle speed and the other
from 600 to 30 rpm. This mode of operation prolongs until the speed of turbo-generator reaches to
30 rpm. After reaching this speed, the SFC will be disconnected from the generator and a small motor
will rotate the turbo-generator for a long time to avoid any possible bent of the turbo generator shaft. In
Figure 16, the speed of the unit during complete deceleration process from 3000 to 30 rpm speed is
shown. Figure 17 shows simulation studies in a small interval during this phase of operation in low
speed. In the interval shown in Figure 17, the inverter operates in a three-level mode. In Figure 17,

Figure 16. Simulation results during shutdown, from synchronous speed to 600 rpm.

Figure 17. Simulation results during shutdown, in low speed region.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

current waveform of each phase is almost 180° out of phase with its corresponding voltage waveform due
to operation in regenerative mode when the machine is decelerating. Current and voltage waveforms in
this figure show the effectiveness of the applied strategy of control and modulation in low speed re-
gion, as well as the high speed region where the inverter operates in seven-level mode. In Figure 17,
as time goes by, the frequency of voltage and current waveforms decreases which is due to the de-
crease in speed of the machine. In this figure, flux remains constant at 28 V∙s which is the nominal flux
of the machine. Because at low speed, back region of the EMF of the machine is low enough so there
is no need to field weakening.


In this paper, a novel SFC using seven-level voltage source inverter has been proposed. Using the pro-
posed starter will result in start-up of all the similar units of Rey gas turbine power plant by just one
SFC. Simulation results show that the proposed system works properly during start-up and shutdown.
Switching frequency of the inverter is very low compared with classical SVM and PWM methods,
while THD of the machine current is low enough (under 6%) due to using multilevel inverters with
SVC modulation strategy.


7.1. Symbols
iαq d–q axes components of the machine current
iαβ α–β axes components of the machine current
* reference
iabc a-b-c phases currents
eiabc a-b-c phases currents errors
VDC DC link voltage
ITM Torque-magnetizing components of the machine current
Vαβ α–β axes components of the inverter voltage
Ω speed

7.2. Abbreviations
Co. company
n number of H-bridges
l number of output voltage levels
F Farad
V volt
W watt
i number of synchronous machines
Hz hertz
rpm revolutions per minute
s second
ABC A-B-C phases of the inverter
abc A-B-C phases of the rectifier
N neutral point of the inverter
no. number
T torque
SFC Static Frequency Converter
CHB cascaded H-bridge
LCI Load Commutated Inverter

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

IGCT Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor

IGBT Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor
SVC Space Vector Control
SVM Space Vector Modulation
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
THD total harmonic distortion
PI Proportional Integrator
FOC Field Oriented Control
EMF electromotive force
AC alternating current
DC direct current

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Synchronous machine parameters Value

Rated apparent power (S) 43.950 MVA
Power factor (PF) 0.85
Rated voltage (V) 11 KV
Rated frequency (f) 50 Hz
Rated speed (ω) 3000 rpm


Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

APPENDIX A (Continued)
Number of poles (P) 2
Stator resistance (Rs) 6.5 mΩ
Stator leakage inductance (Lls) 1.6 mH
Stator quadrature axis inductance (Lmq) 19.9 mH
Stator direct axis inductance (Lmd) 20.7 mH
Field winding resistance referred to the stator (Rfd) 27.5 mΩ
Field winding leakage inductance referred to the stator (Llfd) 1 mH
The field winding rated voltage (VF) 300 V
Rotor moment of inertia (J) 700 Kg∙m2

MVA, Mega Volt Ampere.

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Int. Trans. Electr. Energ. Syst. 2015; 25:3586–3599
DOI: 10.1002/etep

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