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Sonia Shayne Manrique BSED 1



Complete the sentences below:

1. For me, beauty means….For me, Beauty extends beyond our appearance and
physical attractiveness. It's a kind of character that projects from within and,
has nothing to do with perfection.

2. A beautiful person is…… a person that possesses self-confidence with positive

characteristics, has self-awarenesss, dignity, and most importantly a person
who stays true to themselves no matter what happens.

3. I am beautiful because…..I am a child of God and I have characteristics that

radiates from within.

4. List down at least three (3) names of people you know who are beautiful and
explain why you think they are beautiful.

• Shayne Manrique- I consider myself beautiful. It's not because of what I look
like or what I have, but rather because it's all about me being true to myself.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so I am beautiful.

• Sharon Manrique- My mother is beautiful for many reasons. She is selfless. She
always put us first in everything and always willing to sacrifice her time and
energy. She is a woman and a mother that nothing too much to ask for.

• Meliza Carlos- She is my best friend. I consider her beautiful not just because she
has a pretty face but also because she has a good heart. The way she talks with
confidence and the way she treats other people with a positive attitude, along
with the fact that she possesses kindness, determination, and perseverance, make
her even more beautiful.

5 . Listen to the Song “REFLECTION”, the Mulan Disney Princess Soundtrack and
watch the Movie “MULAN”. How would you relate it to The Physical Self?

The song "Reflection" from the Disney Princess Mulan soundtrack can relate to the
physical self in a number of ways. In the society that we live in, having a white
skin color, being petite, and having a beautiful face complexion is the standard of
beauty that we need to fit, but in reality, it shouldn't be. The song is about Mulan's
struggle to accept her true self because of what society expects to be her.
Perfection doesn’t exist, and we need to learn not to burn ourselves out
attempting to achieve it. We should always remember that all of us humans are
beautiful and worthy of love and respect, regardless of what we look like.

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