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Battle of Kings - The Road of No Regrets

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"Three hundred and sixty-one!" "Moved again! Three hundred and sixty-two!" It seems
very difficult when the value increases, like climbing a high mountain, due to lack of
oxygen, every step forward has to pause for half a day.

Finally, Zhou Lie ushered in the most critical moment. Three hundred and sixty-six! This
is the extreme of the extreme value of the vertical and horizontal values, the extreme
value of the extreme value, the number blooms with brilliance, revealing a mysterious
and mysterious meaning.

Zhou Lie was a little surprised and said, "Is this over? It has reached the upper limit of
vertical and horizontal, there is no way to improve it?" Shao Yong gave the answer
directly: "Don't doubt, three hundred and sixty-six is the extreme value!

You must know that three hundred and sixty is the number of days in the week,
representing each division of the circular rotation. And there are three hundred and
sixty-five in a year.

The sky, if it is a leap year, is three hundred and sixty-six days, which is the
phenomenon of extreme years. Therefore, this is the addition of time changes outside
the scope of space, and the extra six points are six signs, a total of three hundred and
sixty-six phenomena."

Zhou Lie suddenly disappeared, and when he reappeared, he was already standing
under a starry sky. Above his head, there were densely packed galaxies scattered
around the front, back, left, and right, too many to measure.

The Milky Way looks extremely small in these galaxies, like a drop of sea water, really
nothing. And Terran, like the tiny particles in this drop of sea water, is even more

There is only one factor that really makes people independent of Xingu, and that is
thinking, or mind. Cultivation is like nuclear fission or fusion. Even if you are a little
dust, as long as you step on this path, you have the opportunity to burst out
unimaginable light and heat, and become a in the true sense.

Gods can travel around the world, come and go in this vast space, even if the black
hole is like chaos, it can't help you. This is the meaning of the universe and the sky.
After watching it for a long time, Zhou Lie shouted hello.

A large number of light lines surged from near and far, making him even more stalwart.
At the same time, the Rubik’s Cube appeared, and he said in a circumflex:
"Congratulations to Wu Xia for entering the Star Market Realm.

The universe is collapsing. Due to the distance limitation, it is currently impossible to

observe the destruction. But destruction is real, and it will break through the limitations
of time and space at some point in the future, causing the entire universe to collapse.
No intelligent race can escape this catastrophe!"

Fighting Rubik's Cube continued to preach: "In order to delay the arrival of the
destruction of the singularity, please take up your weapon to attack. The attack will
rapidly extend in a quantum form, and the power will be superimposed every time you
pass through a galaxy!"

"After almost infinite blessing, when the attack reaches the edge of the universe, it will
neutralize some of the destructive power. “Because you are the first contender to reach
the Star Ruins Realm, you have the right to attack three times a day!"

"The precious thing is that you can get the reverse feedback from the universe. When
the attack passes through various galaxies along the way, there will be a slight entropy

This kind of entropy ripple can be exchanged for a large number of points from Yuji
City." Zhou Lie thought to himself and suddenly understood. "Each galaxy cloud cluster
can increase its power, so the more galaxies you pass along the way, the stronger the
blessing and the more rewards you will get!"

"Ancestor! Calculate the attack route and enter the Star Ruins Realm first. You can
choose the best angle of attack!" Shao Yong responded immediately: "Fortunately, the
nearby galaxies are just the projection of the starry sky a long time ago.

Fortunately, we have the experience of entering the multiverse star realm, and we are
the most sensitive to star power. This first strike is crucial. Important, you can choose
the angle of the week."

After a pause, Zhou Lie had a grid in his eyes. "I see, Zhou Tian is one hundred and
eight degrees, Lihue third he, look at my Xinidamine!" Zhou Lie roared, his muscles
bulged, and black air bubbles emerged from behind.

When these gas cannons exploded, they rendered the magical mood to both sides,
conceitedly building into a pair of wide magic wings, and then black bubbles appeared,
exploding again and converging into four wings.

The two pairs of magic wings overlapped, and although they only appeared for a
moment, they provided Zhou Lie with a great help. Even the cold hair on his arms
brought boundless winds and bursts of lightning.

Xing Tian axe attacked towards Zhou Tian one hundred and eight degrees, divided into
six layers, and the ax blade cut into the third layer. This is the guidance of the ancestor
Shao Yong.

Zhou Lie has no reservations, although he has grasped the trick in increasing the
vertical and horizontal value, and he has been able to improve beyond the level! But
this is not a loophole. Obviously, it is a deliberate arrangement, and perhaps a superior
will soon arrive, so he has to seize the opportunity to win the top spot. The attack
turned into a period of haze and flew out! This Star Ruins Realm is an artillery building
attacking the edge of the universe.

To put it bluntly, it is a shooting range. All the prey you hit is converted into points for
you! Needless to say, the one who makes the most money is definitely the one who
started the game. Even so, there are priorities.

Those who enter this world first have the most options, and they can catch big fish with
just one catch. Those who come in later will find it difficult to gain this unless luck is
against the sky.

The effect of light and shadow was amazing. Zhou Lie felt that a ring of auras
surrounded his body, rushing into the Rubik's Cube like a waterfall, immediately
sputtering dazzling brilliance!

In the past, the Rubik’s Cube was dark but not falling, and the gray was not pulling, but
now it suddenly turned into a green and red color, like a ceramic, it looks mysterious!
The Rubik's Cube ejects complex patterns, secret cloths, and Taoism is intertwined,
forming a large array just to evolve a number!"

Wonderful! Unbelievable!" The ancestor Shao Yong was silent immediately after
admiring him, apparently sinking into the profound truth of this great formation, and it
is estimated that he will not return in a short time.

The number in the center of the big array jumped to 30,572! The unit is string! Zhou
Lie didn't know what this number meant, but only six thousand eight hundred strings

were cut off to offset the debt, he took back the Tinge pledged to the pawnshop, and
he immediately had a concept!

Earn it! Earn it! Four half-day pavilions, even if the shop is black-hearted to the sky,
these gains are enough to get two second-tier capped pavilions, right?" "Hahaha! Right
bet Right bet!" "I was so desperate and exhausted, and my heart was abrupt for a long
time. If I fail to say nothing is over, it will drag the whole line of development." "Now is
the time to collect the rewards!"

Zhou Lie held the Xingjian axe, and a black bubble burst up behind him, suddenly
opening a pair of magic wings, followed by the second pair and the third pair! Cleave
the second axe with a force of destruction!

It was a myth that Pang opened the sky. Zhou Lie was the real opening of the sky at
this moment. The axe blade passed through countless galaxies, and outlined a avenue
of mystery.

Three pairs of magic wings blessed; this is the limit Zhou Lie can reach. After blasting
this axe, I got 23,000 string-hour entropy, which is much worse than the first time!
"Less so much? Fortunately, you can attack three times a day!"

Zhou Lie was about to summon the pawnshop to exchange items for additional
blessings. Unexpectedly, ripples were generated at this time, and a figure came across
the air. "What? This time? Someone has reached the extreme value of vertical and

Emperor Shun Zhou Lie's reaction speed was first-rate, and he raised his hand to
exchange for a pagoda. This pagoda has a great background, and it is the exquisite
pagoda that Total Li Tiannan has been holding in his palm.

The full name of this tower is the Eight Treasures and Exquisite Relic Rui Golden
Pagoda. It can collect demons and suppress ghosts. It was originally a treasure of the
heavens. It has a vast and impeccable power.

It is said to be able to subdue all demons and ghosts, and immortals can also be
subdued when necessary. Granted to Li Jing by the Taoist priest from Yuanyuan Cave,
Lingue Mountain, he used to suppress the nine-tailed fox. This is the pagoda. I don't
know which guy has attacked the Conferred God World, or got down Li Jing in the
Journey to the West, grabbed this treasure and sent it to the shop, and it was dead. As
soon as this tower was started, the star market circle surrounded by sky galaxies
ushered in a second person! Zhou Lie was very cautious.

Assuming that the opponent did not investigate the mystery of the vertical and
horizontal values, he was promoted by real fighting for wealth, which can be described
by the word terror! It is definitely the existence of Dragon Mother!

Taking a step back, this person is also opportunistic, attacking sparks to exaggerate the
vertical and horizontal values, and get the qualification to enter the Star Ruins Realm.
He must be exceptional, and he is definitely not low on the personal combat power list.

These are two possibilities, and the third possibility is more terrifying, that is, the
opponent's ranking is high, and they are sensitive to opportunities, and it doesn't cost
much to enter the Star Ruins, so the strength in the hands is even more immeasurable.

Zhou Lie had chosen the location long ago, and the moment he got the Ling long
Pagoda led to a light of Buddha. This Buddha's light was unusually bright, and it fell
from the top of his head to show its treasures.

It was completely different from the previous magical mood. It made him a golden
body, and he split a bright brilliance toward the target point. I don’t know that this third
shot can catch How much.

The man is tall and tall, with extraordinary power, wearing a black cloak and leather
boots on his feet. Zhou Lie's eyes were not for nothing, just glanced at it and saw that
the black cloak came from the Demon King Xiang Wei, who has the most profound

Take Lang Ding Tian as a comparison, even if the Bear Demon King comes from the
mythical world, it is half a rank higher than Lang Dongtan’s deity. Just looking at the
texture that extends from the back of the Great cloak, people of low power can't see it
at all. Only by reaching Zhou Lie's level can they see it. anything else! This pair of boots
is exaggerated, one blue and one purple, as if stepping on two divine dragons going
side by side, Zhou Lie couldn't see the history only by Wang Qi technique.

This person doesn't need to be dressed well, and there is something even more
powerful. There is a horn pinned to his waist with nine circles of threads, nine segments
of gold thread, nine auspicious clouds, nine beasts, and nine characters.

Even if Zhou Lie was ignorant and ignorant, he suddenly thought of the Ninety-five
Supreme Xiyu Dragon Horn, which ranked fourth on the treasure list! For example, the
disaster stone tree and the stone island still top the list today, and there is no treasure
that can shake their position.

The treasure that ranked second turned out to be the Conferred God List. The world of
the gods is at war, but this list of gods is missing. I don't know how Jiang Zaya
explained to the three saints!

However, there is a huge price to exchange for this treasure, and its function is
unknown, so no one will take it down for a day and night. The third treasure comes
from the wild world, but it is a broken mountain in two parts.

This Fuzhou Mountain was broken by Gong, Yuan Shi Tianzhu took the top of Boshoku
Mountain and made it into a heaven-shaking seal, and gave it to Guangcheng Zi as the
treasure of the town. Yes, it is this Boshoku Mountain.

The most quintessential part on the top is gone, but the foundation below is still there.
I don't know who is so boring, cut the ground veins and dug out the foundation of Bu
Zhoushan, and sold them to shops as raw materials.

Maybe even the mountain digger didn't expect that after the shop appraisal, he would
actually give such a high ranking. This is the third one! Beyond imagination, there must
be a mystery! Leaving aside the top three for the time being, this fourth treasure is
equally good, it is the Ninth Fifth Supreme Xiyu Dragon Horn, whose owner has not
concealed its name and marked it as Emperor Shun.

Shun! Once ranked first in the standings, now he is fifth in the personal power list. The
first four are King Jiang, Mother Dragon, Youtiao, and Shaghoian. Zhou Lie took a trick
today and inadvertently enhanced the mood of using Xing Tian Axe.

In addition, his vertical and horizontal value is great, no matter how powerful magic
weapons can hold him, his strength naturally rises, and he has jumped into the top fifty
and ranked fourth Nineteen.

There are countless masters, and hundreds of thousands of people compete. The forty-
ninth person who was placed in Yuji City was also a person who stomped and trembled,
but who was compared.

The forty-ninth place meets the fifth place, the gap is too big, there is no need to have
a fluke. This Emperor Shun had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and had a face with
Chinese characters, but no one knew the true origin. He was very surprised to see Zhou

I thought I would be the first to enter the Star Ruins after all the hardships, but I didn't
expect someone to get there first. The Star Ruins seem to be vast, but in fact it is not a
square inch.

Mysterious fluctuations came from all directions, and they rushed to this guy with a
mask on his face. "Innocent?" Zhou Lie’s mask is very unique, or the entire Shi Jing
team is very unique, write the name on the mask, no matter whether you are foe or
you will never recognize the wrong person! Shun shot immediately.

The Star Ruins Realm heats up suddenly, faintly forming a huge pressure, if it is
replaced by Zhou Lie before, not to mention the difficulty of flying with wings. Damn it!
This is exactly how it feels when facing Xingjian. It's hard to imagine how the other
party can rise to such an incredible level." "Death! I feel that I can have the current
advancement, which is already an extremely rare achievement.

I can't guarantee that every link will not go wrong once again. Strength, chance, and
luck are indispensable, but this is the ranking of Shun. It is most likely an achievement
piled up with strength!"

Zhou Lie's thinking like this does not prevent him from resisting powerful enemies. He
has become a clever monk who stays calm at all times, even in the most dangerous
moment, he will not frown.

The Ling long Pagoda hangs in the air this treasure ranks not low, ranking 39th. It can
be seen from the name that the Eight Treasures exquisitely pierced through the relic
Rui Golden Pagoda has a great relationship with Buddhism.

As the successor of the Earth Store Bodhisattva, Zhou Lie has so much experience in
using magic treasures, and he can use this treasure very well. Be willing at the critical

The Ling long pagoda shattered instantly, and all the hidden power in it was catalyzed
by Zhou Lie, forming a golden dragon with teeth and claws rushing towards the enemy.

"Humph!" Shun snorted coldly, and only lifted a finger, a silvery white whirlpool
appeared on the fingertips, no matter how crazy the Golden Dragon, how outrageous, it
was useless.

In the blink of an eye, the golden dragon shrank with the silver white vortex, becoming
a slug with low eyebrows and smooth eyes, breaking all subsequent changes.

Fortunately, Zhou Lie was decisive enough to leave the Star Ruins Realm with his foot
on the profound light at the moment when he sacrificed the pagoda. "Bring me back!" A
huge suction was born behind him, Zhou Lie knew that he was not good, and he used a
bad move.

Carp Leaping Over the Dragon Gate's Pit The black mountain of death was moved, and
it crossed the boundary under a mysterious suction! Zhou Lie sat down and fell on the
ninth-rank rosette, panting and sweating, and it took a while to recover.

"Master, what's the matter?" Di listened to raise her big head, and when she was
asking, Zhou Lie sat down on her back and pointed in the direction of Human World,
"Go! It's not safe here. Go to Jinshan for a while!" Before the words fell, there was
shaking behind him. "It's done!"

The Emperor Shun wanted to take Zhou Lie back, but Zhou Lie gritted his teeth and
stomped his feet, and sent the death and evil spirits of the Three Realms in the old lair
to the past.

That's it for Daher Mountain, the key Daher Mountain is sealed off with Jiu Samshu
Gourd, and it will explode with a shocking power that shocks the mind just a little bit.
Originally, this trick was left to get Jinshan and wait until the dragon gate appeared to
defend Lu Dongping.

unfortunately! Before making the trip, I encountered a super master like Emperor Shun.
In order to get rid of the entanglement of the other party, I had to send it along with
Daisha, blasting him with colorful bleaching and turning upside down!

As for the Ninth-Rank Lotus Terrace, this treasure represents the Satyagraha, and will
not leave the underworld, so don't worry. Di listened to step on the auspicious clouds
and shook his figure to leave the underworld.

Since he was going to his own site, there was hardly any consumption. In a blink of an
eye, he had entered the Donating Lake water system. Thanks to Zhou Lie's caution, as
soon as he left, the nineteenth exploded ring after ring of silver-white vortex, twisting it
up and down, left and right. Emperor Shun stood in the Star Ruins realm, not getting
angry. This innocence was so tricky that he escaped with a heavy hand, and the black
mountain that was thrown over was venomous and venomous, hiding his heart-
destructive power beyond imagination.

If it weren't for a few strange treasures on her body, maybe today my 30-year-old
mother would be overwhelmed with her baby, and she would really have to capsize in
the gutter! "Wuxia? Team of the Book of Songs?"

Di Shun took out the Rubik's Cube, and said with emotion after a moment: "He actually
got the top spot. According to the usual rewards, there should be a frequency bonus.
Hmph, take my chance, I can't keep you!" This Emperor Shun took the horn from his
waist, put it to his mouth and blew it vigorously.

The sound of the horn sounded like weeping, and I didn't know how far it went. The
prehistoric world suddenly erected one figure after another, making a listening gesture,
and then ran wildly on all fours, rushing towards the Shi Jing team for a long distance,
floating light and shadows, and flying into the sky!

Zhou Lie didn't know that Emperor Shun was so small, he would not allow others to
seize the opportunity and summon extraordinary power to destroy the country that the
Shi Jing team had finally consolidated.

At this moment, the blue waves on the Donating Lake are rippling, and it was a few
years ago that the Bai Niang covered the Jinshan. In this battle a few years ago, many
Donating Shui people received a pardon order and ran to Jinshan Temple to stand and
cheer, resulting in numerous casualties.

The Fahari cultivation base is extremely strong, so I won't say how solid the roots and
feet are. Throwing the golden bowl into the air, you will have to die without a thousand
years of Taoism.

In recent years, a conspiracy theory has slowly spread, saying that Hai and Bai Niang
walked through the scene to clean up the monster aquatic in the rivers and lakes.
Anyway, Fahari is meritorious, and Bai Niang is unharmed, and those savage and
brainless shrimp soldiers and crabs will all die!

Some people say that this is a clever creation of a name to cut leeks, otherwise how to
accumulate merit and soar in the day? Routines, all routines! No wonder those
cultivating sects like to kill demons and demons, don’t they mean that all beings are

It turned out to be a master at cutting leeks. Putting the conspiracy theory aside for the
time being, this Donating Lake aquatic clan is a little, and there have been many

For example, on February 2, the lake clashed loudly, and a huge figure appeared
faintly! Slap Jinshan with the tail, sometimes suddenly arouse a round of brilliance. Until
this year, this kind of situation occurred on the second day of every month, which made

fishermen far and near very frightened and prepared a lot of sacrifices to be cast into
the lake.

Zhou Lie scanned the world and observed the aura of Donating. He looked at it for a
while and nodded: "So, if there are too many aquariums, once this dragon gate
appears, it will cause turbulence.

The power to help the aquarium transform will be weaker than once, and it will not be
able to satisfy the red carp king's second transformation. The opportunity is just right.
The Donating Aquatic Race has been cut several times, and the Dragon Gate has been
suppressed by the Red Carp King for many years.

It is the time when the strength is strongest. Today's Donating is calm and calm, and
there is no wonder of a carp leaping over the dragon gate. If it was yesterday, Zhou Lie
would have to follow the steps and wait for the Red Carp King to appear automatically.
Even if he knew where the Dragon Gate was through Wang qi, he would not be able to
take it out in advance.

After all, Longmen came from Lu Dongping, and the immortal was attracted by asking
for it without authorization. The consequences should not be too beautiful! However,
that was yesterday, Zhou Lie made a desperate bet to smash the aspect value,
regardless of whether it was a fluke, he did hit the sky!

Even the top players in the Star Ruins world have fallen into their pockets, where can't
you go to the big world? "Go! “Dating shook her head, and a faint cloud suddenly
appeared under her feet.

She stepped up as if riding a slide, dragged along with a force, and blinked into a
mossy water house. A basalt stone gate stood in front of him. Zhou Lie laughed loudly.
What he could only look at yesterday can be up close today.

This feeling is very good, very good! "Ang" There was a layer of blue light shrouded in
the water palace, and a huge figure could be seen wandering outside the blue light.
This huge figure found that someone had entered the Water Mansion and approached
the Dragon Gate, so anxious!

"Ah! This Lu danglin is too bad, the Dragon Gate can only be transformed into a
dragon! You have to jump again to ascend!" Zhou Lie grabbed outside the Shui

The extreme aspect value is easy to use, the weather is not weakened much, and the
sound of running water is heard in the ear, and the water dragon built by the Red Carp
King has fallen into the water house.

The Jiao long stared blankly Just about to draw the dragon's neck, only heard a loud
roar. Didi listened to the dragon's tail and laughed: "Small carp, steamed, braised in
brown sauce, salt and pepper, tell me! Which way to eat it?" Jiao long was about to be
mad when he heard this. Unexpectedly, the monk sitting on the back of the monster
was even more hateful.

He slammed his Donating Dragon King to the Dragon Gate when he caught it! Suddenly
heard a sentence: "Fresh ingredients are the most touching, sashimi is better!" "Eh?"
Jiao long felt chills from his back, chilling, so chilling!

Jiao long leaped into the dragon gate and burst into auspicious light, but this light did
not last, and someone said, "Who is preventing my fellow Daoist from returning?" When
Zhou Lie saw it, he was shocked: It turns out that this red dragon is the uncle Cao Guo
in the Eight Immortals.

Yue Longmen violated the tomb of the emperor and vying and caused cause and effect,
and had to be reincarnated and rebuilt. It was the disciple that Lu danglin liked!

Pawnbroking is not a shallow one, half-talking, I think there is a problem in it, it is really
a pit!"

"Daoist, I'll save you! Follow me!" Zhou Lie said without shame, not mentioning eating
sashimi, he shot loudly, grabbed the dragon gate and the dragon and ran away.

Mountains and seas, chase the mountains and the sea! "You dare!" Lu danglin was
furious. Zhou Lie wanted to take down this dragon gate very much. Unexpectedly, Old
Zaiden Lu was not interested in drinking, and went around such a big circle to attract
Uncle Cao Guo.

These Eight Immortals run through many myths, and their strength should not be
underestimated! The aura of destroying others will be struck by lightning.

As soon as Zhou Lie came to the lake, he saw dark clouds in the sky, wind and thunder
rolling, and Wenjun thunder was ready to go. "Bye you!" The vertical and horizontal
value of three hundred and sixty-six is arrogant. When Zhou Lie exerted his strength,
he listened to it like the sky, and in the blink of an eye he crossed the barriers and
entered a primeval forest! Jiao long was about to break free of his restraint, Zhou Lie
took out the Xingjian axe, took the axe and slapped him the back, and slapped him to

Di Ting leaped forward and gnawed and bit, but this guy had a thick skin and a mouth
full of dragon scales, and his body immediately shrank to defend himself.

Zhou Lie took a look and praised: "Okay! I know to protect myself after fainting. He has
a very good innate quality. No wonder Lu danglin will meet him.

I am afraid that there will be no Uncle Cao in the future! Ha-ha, say sorry." The red
flood dragon curled up in a ball, Zhou Lie ignored him temporarily, turned his head and
looked at the ten-meter-high dragon gate.

At this moment, the dragon gate took root in the forest, and the surrounding flowers
and trees began to wither. This kind of withering is obviously not a normal

Many giant trees hugged by several people have completed their life in a moment,
evolving into a marvelous scene of boundless falling trees, which expanded the land for
30 miles in less than five minutes.

The dragon gate trembled slightly, exuding a unique rhythm, and the sound of breaking
through the air reached the ears, and then I saw a large number of birds and beasts
killing them!

"Interestingly, this dragon gate absorbs the vitality of the heavens and the earth to
strengthen the demon race, and it is more appropriate to call it an incubator." Zhou Lie
slashed into the air with an axe, and immediately blood flew.

Where are these birds and beasts' opponents? He died clean and his body was like rain.
Di listened to laugh, opened his mouth and sucked hard, using these birds and beasts
to beat his teeth. "Longmen Yao gleamed, expanding a hundred miles to fight for life.
The flowers, plants and trees all sank into the soil, and a ray of green air rose in a few
places, which is the essence of plants and trees that have the aura of heaven and

Zhou Lie praised: "As expected of the world of mountains and seas, there are treasures
everywhere, and I have brought this dragon gate to the right place. Where can the
common place afford such a consumption?

No wonder Na Lu danglin sealed the dragon gate and slowly swallowed Donating Lake.
Vitality, only once in sixty years has a chance to start. Ha-ha, sixty years is too slow, I
only fight for the day." With the effort of speaking, the dragon gate became brilliant
and faintly revealed three big characters.

"The coercion covers five hundred miles of rivers and mountains, and the three
characters become clearer. Where is the dragon gate? It is clearly the Nandina Gate of
the court.

"Hey! It turns out that's the case. Lu danglin borrowed the Nandina Gate to lead Uncle
Cao Guo. Now he will definitely not be able to eat it, just like Jiang Zaya, who has lost
the Conferred God List, eating popsicles in the twelfth month of winter, and it's cold!"

At this moment, dozens of figures flew in and shouted at how far away they were: "I
rely on it, it's you! This is my own land, and Qinglin Mountain is to the north, so I
quickly reduced the spell. Destroy the forest like you did, it will affect those who breed
demon foxes and demon wolves!"

The visitor was not someone else, but Lang Ding Tian, who had entered the demon
world first and worked hard. Lao Lang mixed well in Qinglin Mountain and helped the
wolf tribe to suppress the fox tribe.

He has become a strong candidate for the wolf king. The other three candidate demon
wolves under his long-range offensive and inbreeding policy, it is estimated that they
will have to hand over their power within a few days.

Therefore, the day of unifying Qinglin is not far away. When Zhou Lie first came here,
he destroyed the forest and killed his life. This is not a prodigal.? "Hahaha! You came
just right, so quickly enter the South Heaven Gate to try your power.

This is a magic weapon that can help the monsters reborn. “Hearing Zhou Lie's words
like this, Lang Ding Tian let out a soft cry and immediately plunged into the radiance of
Nandina Gate.

Just listening to the "crackling" burst, the old man made a terrible wolf howl, his body
grew a lot, and he quickly jumped from the third rank to the middle rank, and came to

the demon pill formed in Qinglin Mountain to fade away the demon poison. It seems to
be peaceful, authentic!

Lang Ding Tian was dying of happiness, his confidence swelled rapidly, and he felt that
Qinglin Mountain could no longer tolerate himself and could expand his influence

For the monsters, the third-rank lower vehicle is the ability to move mountains, and the
third-rank middle vehicle is the ability to cover the sea. The regional coercion is
completely different and can be called a world of difference.

There are only three things that Yeosu valued: site, mating, and food! As the strength
grows, it will inevitably compete for more territory, find more mother beasts, and hunt
more monsters.

So yeah! Lang Dongtan’s view of the forest destroyed by Nonattainment is not worth
mentioning. The World of Mountains and Seas connects the Lich Realm and the
Primordial Realm, the territory has grown larger, and the forest has also increased. Isn't
it the forest? There are a lot of people in Husband Country and Wuxia Country, as well
as Xuan yuan Country and Bai Republic. The two countries spent so much energy
burning wasteland and reclaiming land, so you should consider charging for taking

Zhou Lie suddenly frowned and looked into the distance and said: "Old Lang, don't just
try to be cool, let your subordinates increase their strength, and the opponent has
already come to the door.

It is Shun, that Shun who is ranked fifth in the personal battle list! He summoned Many
fierce and hostile existences have formed a force of encirclement and suppression of
our territory!"

"God! Your kung fu to offend people is really unprecedented, and there is no one to
come after. I just reminded everyone to be careful of a certain Yusef giant, why did you
engage with Shun in a blink of an eye? And the dragon mother, too.

After a little beam, will other opponents take the opportunity to take advantage of it?
For example, going to the door, I feel my scalp numb after thinking about it. Zhou Lie
said solemnly: "Yes! As the saying goes, I move the whole body with one movement.

Although I don't have much contact, I have an intuition that Shun and I are the same
kind of people. If you don't make a move, you will kill the enemy. And His positioning is
very accurate.

First of all, I will use Qinglin Mountain. You must know. This Qinglin is not the same, it
is the most valuable land we have. The more I think about it, the more I feel that the
situation is not good.

It is very likely that Qian men and Yusef If you are in trouble, you will leave this
Southern Heaven Gate and this Flood Dragon, help me to train and inhale my camp!"
As soon as he finished his words, Zhou Lie was already on his feet and went away, and
Lang Ding Tian yelled, "Where are you going at such an important moment?"
"Mountains, seas, mountains and seas! Since we are here, we will naturally rob! In this
battle, I will be your backing, and the war will be logistics!

Humph, just take advantage of this opportunity to break the dust, dry the door and the
Yusef do not jump out to pay back Okay, just jump out and beat me to death." As he
spoke further and further, Zhou Lie officially entered the world of mountains and seas.

He listened to the second sound of the universe with a savvy head. The sound of the
wind blowing nearby, the rain beating bananas in the distance, the sound of thunder
rolling in the distance, and the sound of lava rushing when the volcano erupted. The
whole world has changed.

It has been called the universe from ancient times to the present, and the universe is
called the universe. The listener, the truth! The heaven and the earth are alive, and it is
the place where the second tone of the universe composes the beautiful chapter.

Zhou Lie casually grabbed the fourth-rank witch grass. He began to drive the mountains
and the sea, sweep the two worlds of the lich, stepping into the predicament and
plundering Qi.

Hou Tu meets Uncle Wei There is a Wuxia country in the great wilderness. The ten
sorcerers are Wu Xian, Wu Ji, Wu Pan, Wu Peng, Wu Gu, Wu Zhen, Wu Li, Wu Da, Wu
Xia, and Wu Luo.

They held a red snake in their left hand and a green snake in their right. They often
went from Mount Dingbat to Heavenly Court to convey the wishes of the people to the
Emperor of Heaven, and then came down from there to convey the will of the emperor
to the people.

By the way, they collected precious immortal medicines to treat the common people.
The witch is the ancestor, the witch is the wizard, and the witch is the witch doctor.
They are fighting for the lives of the people in the prehistoric world! Zhou Lie went all
the way to the west and saw many strange customs, as well as many unusual
monsters. After leaving Qinglin Mountain for four hours, Lang Ding Tian reported the
battle: "It is the Undead Medicine Man from the Sanmina Kingdom and the Black Tooth
Poison Man from the Black tooth Kingdom.

They are attacking Qinglin Mountain. With this opportunity, Qinglin can be ruled in
advance, but it is definitely not. In the long term, the undead medicine man and the
black tooth poison man obviously cultivated domineering techniques, and they poisoned
the six-tailed demon fox!

My is pitiful, there are only five-headed six-tailed foxes in the entire Qinglin!" After
receiving the news, Zhou Lie surrendered a group of albatrosses, tied the witch grass
and demon plants collected along the way to them, and sent them to Qinglin Mountain.

With this batch of which grass and demon plants, through the Nandina Gate
transformation, it is believed that Lang ding Tian’s strength can be greatly increased.
The war is attrition, and it has just begun.

It is necessary to work harder to lay a solid foundation, otherwise it will be difficult to

support it once there is a change. Zhou Lie suddenly moved in his heart and said to
Shao Yong: "Ancestor, why is my right eyelid jumping wildly?"

Shao Yong pinched a calculation, and thanked him: "Fortunately, you have raised the
vertical and horizontal value to the extreme. This week, if someone is not good to you,
even if you just have a thought, and your air luck is not enough to restrain, you will
immediately have a whim.

Gave birth to all kinds of warnings! Although the other party hides it well, he roughly
figured out the direction. Someone wants to fight against the Lord! If you want to
resolve this difficulty, you need to exchange it." "Boshoku Mountain?" Zhou Lie was
stunned: "It's the treasure that was sold to the shop and ranked third in the treasure
list? But this Boshoku Mountain was broken by Gong, and Yashi Tianzhu took the top of
the mountain and made it into the sky.

It was given to Gang Cengiz as the treasure of the town and cave. The most essential
part of the above has been lost. What is the use of the roots and rocks like this pier?"
Old God Shao Yong is saying: "Naturally useful, otherwise this ranking will not be given!

You see, each building of the pavilion must be swallowed by many nearby buildings,
and the four words of construction materials are particularly pointed out. Because the

top of the mountain peak is refined into the sky-turning seal, it highlights the
preciousness of these raw materials.

The practice adheres to a principle, that is, there must be expensive reasons. When
others respond, it will be expensive if you think about it. Net worth can be won." "It
seems that I have a destiny with this mountain of Boshoku!" Zhou Lie nodded, and
immediately called out the Rubik's Cube, and said, "The mountain of Bouzouk!

The brilliance swept across, and a huge mountain shadow appeared in front of him.
Zhou Lie said quickly: "Send to the Tinge immediately to strengthen defense."

The pawnbrokers appeared, and they said in a circumflex: "I wish you a happy mention
of the mountain, with a total of 26,000 hours of entropy light strings, you can build
defensive towers, each with 500 strings, and the upper limit is 28.

You can also build mandrill ships. Bridge, exchange the Nine Heavens and Ten Divine
Demon Godson and Futian Secret Demon Wushu as foreign attack ships. In addition, it
can also solidify the big formation, there are two dust formations, Ohsumi pros and
cons Nine Palaces immortal formations, Durian Blazing Fire formations, nine sons and
mothers Guanyin Tiana large array, Taiya strange gate array, Innate Yuan magnet large
array, Shura transforming blood array."

Zhou Lie looked at the price list and calculated a little, showing his anger. "Exchange!
Twenty-eight defensive towers, two mandrill bridges, exchange for the Nine Heavens
and Ten Earth Demon Shuttles, the Secret Demon Wushu of the Heavens, and then
exchange the Durian Blazing Fire Array and the Nine Sons and Mother Xuan Yin Tian
Demon Array."

The Rubik's Cube burst out with more brilliance, and the entropy light string collected
by entering the Star Ruins suddenly bottomed out, and Zhou Lie smiled slightly. "Just
right! Earn a lot and use a lot, so that you can reach an unmatched volume!

Then again, I still earn too little to sweep the army, and enter the star market realm
three times a day to get entropy light. The string is far from enough, and we have to
find a solution from Hong Huang and Heaven!"

Zhou Lie was indifferent, no longer the embarrassment of facing the pawnshop in the
first place, as the so-called daughter has gone and returned, as long as he is here, he
will eventually occupy an important place in the Nine Realms.

Even if there are countless experts in Yuji City, he will rise soaring to compete with this
blue sky. Thinking back to the front, this Wuxia country is boundlessly vast, and it
seems to hide a breath.

Dating stepped on all four hooves hard, forming very wonderful ripples. Zhou Lie sat on
the back of dating, listening to the second sound of the universe while the ripples
bloomed. His eyes became bizarre, mostly black and yellow.

That black light is magic power, and that yellow light is the power of acquired earth.
The two colors are mixed together. I don't know how many years have been
intertwined, and how many treasures have been bred?

A layer of mulch was formed in the depths of the power of the back soil! At the
beginning of the chaos of heaven and earth, Pang opened the angels to separate the
heaven and the earth, and the fetal membranes of heaven and earth condensed in
black and yellow fell off. Some people say that this heaven and earth fetal membrane
has become the book of the earth in the hands of Zhen Yangzi Darian, others say it has
become a list of confiscated gods, and others have said it has become a book of life
and death.

Not to mention this, right now there is a little bit of fetal membrane left here, which has
evolved into a piece of topaz after years of evolution. This is the real treasure that can
be grasped!

"Okay! Use this piece of mysterious jade to solidify the magic weapon in the mythology,
and make the magic weapon give birth to the mysterious yellow gas. The nine days and
ten earth avoiding demons Shen Shoo and the heavens secret magic Wu Shoo get such
assistance, and the power can be increased several times."

Zhou Lie Xiang An axe was cut at the exact position, and the force reached the depths
of the earth. With the loud rumbling, the volcano seemed to erupt. "Who are you? Why
did you hurt the earth with Lord Xingjian’s battle axe?"

A young Wu clan girl stood on the ground and raised her head and shouted. She is
innocent and lovely, with a wisp of medicinal aura exuding all over her body. She has
become the most famous witch doctor in the neighborhood at a young age.

Today, she went up the mountain to collect medicine and saw someone riding a beast
to come so she ran to sell. Witch Medicine, I wanted to change something outside of
Witch's Kingdom, but I didn't expect to see the scene just now.

He must be a witch, holding the legendary Xingjian axe to the ground, but how can he
be sad? The earth was hurt and wailed. At this time, Zhou Lie noticed a little girl who
ran up.

When his eyes looked at each other, his mind suddenly vibrated and became more and
more intense, his eyes were full of bright and bright light, and the blackening of Qi
Wang technique was greatly impacted.

"What's your name?" "I?" The girl was taken aback for a moment. The other party wore
a strange mask and did not speak, but the voice went directly to her head. It was really
strange witchcraft.

"I am the Hou Tu of the Wu Clan!" Zhou Lie laughed when he heard the name: "So you
are Houtou! It seems that I took your chance, so you went to the mountain to collect
medicine today and walked this way with a sense of feeling.

You are still young now, waiting for you Uncle grows up again, and I will give you a
chance at that time! The insignificant golden fault, the lofty pavilion. The three-flowered
beauty, the five-dimensional neon sparkle.

The opportunity of good fortune, the gods and the earth. The big Luo is in the sky, the
golden and jade appearance. Overpowering innocence? Six pavilions stand majestically.

Long Ting, Emperor Shun, Ghost Valley, Yusef, Shi Jing Team, Ghost Market, and the
six families occupy the main place, just like six emperors, oppressing the heroes.
Gunmen was depressed for two days, and there was movement in the last two days.

First, the Tinge was promoted to 1,100 meters, and then a batch of powerful magic
weapons were sold. Due to the mysterious disappearance of Boshoku Mountain, the
Ninety-Five Supreme Xiyu Dragon Horn, ranked fourth, was promoted to third.

Gunmen got a Xuan yuan water-control flag and got a shop. It is currently ranked No.
Four. The enemy attacked Qinglin Mountain, and in the early morning of the next day,
Lang Ding Tian ruled out dissidents and became a well-deserved wolf king.

Fortunately, with this South Heaven Gate, Zhou Lie sent so many witches grass and
demon plants, not only did the strength of Qinglin Mountain not fall, but instead it
improved a lot. The two sides fought for three hundred rounds, with numerous
casualties. It's still pretty good, and the casualties have not exceeded expectations.
Lang Ding Tian sent out the demon fox, demon wolf to look for his fellow clan, and
tried his best to increase the strength in his hand.

As long as you are willing to come, you can give it what you want, and become the
elder of Qinglin Mountain. At noon, as if agreed upon, Fungai transmitted the sound
through the mystery lock: "Something went wrong! Many demons and evil monks
appeared near the Satyagraha Monastery.

No, someone invaded the Nine Realms Passage and killed fifty Buddhist gates.
Guardian! Humph, dare to deceive me and die." Jing Quan then said: "There is also a
problem on my side.

There is a heavenly soldier who will enter Taiwan Hungarian. I am dispatching troops to
attack them head-on." Zhang Tianhe also yelled: "Ah, Master, the teacher is here, the
disciples prayed sincerely, and some strangers entered the underworld to make chaos.

They are so good! Fortunately, the disciples run fast, otherwise they would have died."
Zhou Lie frowned slightly, then returned to the Tian Pavilion while thinking. He saw
dozens of hooks and locks flying out of the Tian Pavilion where Yusef was located,
building a long bridge ten meters wide.

The stone slabs were laid automatically along the chains, and a rushing car was
whistling and hitting it with thick smoke. The light surged rapidly, and the explosion set
off a three-hundred-meter-high light cloud, violently transpiring, and the destructive
power was amazing.

"Heh!" Zhou Lie was happy, his thoughts moved a little, the flames that were hitting the
pavilion quickly died down and disappeared. The enemy was very surprised. Two Yusef
masters stood on the cloud platform of the Tinge and looked at each other when they
saw this scene. They said in a deep voice: "This Shi Jing team has added an additional
defense, it should be a formation! The formation is based on the world of Shushan. The
most outflow, if you read it right, most of it is in the sky."

"Detain Fierce Fire Formation? Huh, really willing to invest! This innocent has provoked
Shun, and the subordinates are already unstable. Wearer not the protagonist today. I
hope he will hold on for a while and be able to get through to other companies!"

"That's right, we are not the protagonist today! Since Ben Leyen tiger car is invalid, it
must be difficult to shake this city by other means, so let's go directly to Chi You’d

drums! Yin Xi and his old man have been very angry recently, specially Come up with
this drum to cheer for this battle!"

"Chi You War Drum! That's what you call it Xuan yuan War Drum on the list. In fact,
Emperor Xuan yuan is the most brutal guy. He chopped Chi You into meat and eaten!
He also made Chi Yu’s skin into a war drum; you see. It doesn’t matter if you are
brutal, as long as you win, you can’t overstate it!"

With the sound of the war drums, even if Zhou Lie lived in the center of the Tian
Pavilion, he still felt a palpitation. The sound of the drums brought suffering and
unwillingness, as if it could break through all obstacles, and matched Xing Tian's

When Zhou Lie opened the Nine-son-Mother Xuan Yin Tian Demon array, the drums
immediately became blurred and interfered by the array, losing its proper function. He
took advantage of this gap to say to Zhang Tianhe: "You know how powerful the
underworld is better than being a teacher.

Whoever will do your life for you will be better to whoever you are. In addition, if you
go to Lu danglin, you will say that if the immortals come to help, I will not only return
The Red Carp King and Nandina Gate will also come to apologize and give a chance!
The enemy is easy to understand and not easy to knot, and the mistake is to be a
teacher. I hope that Lu Chun yang will calm down." "Huh? Teacher, did you provoke Lu
Hongbin? Experts have attacked the underworld twice.

This...the teacher's ability to cause trouble. “Yes! My ability to get into trouble is top-
notch, and it's mediocre not to be jealous. Ha-ha, are you scared?" Hearing what the
teacher said, Zhang Tianhe smiled awkwardly, and said quickly: "The disciple does not
mean that, the teacher is the dragon among the people, and there must be a way to kill
the enemy.

These enemies are all chickens and dogs, and the disciples will do their best to help.
The teacher survived this catastrophe, and those who dared to fight against the
underworld all cramped and stripped their bones and plunged into eighteen layers of

"Okay! Go ahead! Be careful, I can't take care of you temporarily! If anything goes
wrong, immediately plunge into the nineteenth floor of hell, and take care of you with
the beauty of the nine-tier lotus platform."

"Thank you, mentor, Tianhe will definitely please Lev Chun yang." Zhang Tianhe
decided to give full play to his unreliable face and knelt outside Lu Hongbin’s cave. He
must ask this Lev Darian out of the mountain to help the local government. Let's talk
about the Yusef Tinge.

The two men in charge of today's battle originally hoped on Chi Yu’s war drum, but
several of their men broke four or five drumsticks to no effect. What's wrong? Even if
you throw a stone towards the lake, you can still hear a movement!

Why is it that the war drum is forced to the Shi Jing team but it is like a clay cow into
the sea? "Does detain Lihou Array have this ability?" "No, how powerful is Chi Yu’s
battle drum? That battle soul has struggled so far, always trying to break through
obstacles, once the power bursts out, it doesn't make sense and disappears invisible,
unless." "Unless this innocent has arranged two large formations, and it is still similar to
the detain Fierce Flames formation, can it swallow the demon sounds of the war drums
like this?"

The two cried out in unison: "Nine sons and mothers of the Xuan Yin Tian Devil
formations?" "You can't go wrong, use the fire of Guanyin to search for the essence,
destroy the soul, and have more color, sound and fragrance.

The invisible celestial net is extremely powerful." "Yes, it must be this kind of big
formation! is invisible and can affect the drum sound!" "It's not good! This
innocent is obviously prepared.

Did you find out why he angered Shun? The interest entanglement with that kind of
character must not be easy has not been found yet! You also know Shon’s whereabouts
are extremely secretive, and it’s not easy to find him.

And the person above said that shun retains the most strength, and his personal
strength list is only 90% true, and the remaining 10% can’t be said by anyone. Just as
the two were discussing, suddenly another Tinge made a move towards the Shi Jing
team. Hehe, idiot, thinking that we will die in the first battle?

The situation is changing rapidly, now and then, there is no need for Yusef to make a
move. If it is really bad, it will affect the follow-up plan." The dry door is indeed shot.
Gan Jinn felt that he had clearly made a good situation, but after the Shi Jing team
appeared, everything went wrong, and he was very embarrassed. Fortunately, Wu Xia
did not provoke one family, but provoke many forces. Today is like a siege of a group of
beasts, the Shi Jing team will definitely not have good fruit, and the removal will only
happen overnight! What he has to do is to stand on top of Wu Xia’s head and kick him
fiercely, kick him thoroughly into the abyss, and nothing will be done! Zhou Lie smiled:
"I jumped out so early, it's time for you to sacrifice the flag!"

The Tinge developed by Qian men is 1,100 meters tall, which is a bit shorter than the
Tinge of the Shi Jing team. The two sides are less than 10,000 meters apart, and there
are not many buildings blocking each other. At this moment, Qian men launched the
Quintain monistic Thunder Pilis.

This treasure comes from the world of Shushan. It is made by Saint Ujjain using the
supreme magic method to collect the unexploded thunder and lightning energy in the
boundary of two days. It is extremely powerful.

However, this Quintain monarch Thunderbolt is just an introduction. As soon as the

power of thunder and lightning broke out, three vermillion lacquered gates appeared in
the sky, and they turned into three pitch-black cracks as soon as they were destroyed
by the lightning. The sound of waves, thunder and lightning was faintly heard.

The next moment was terrible, and the water rushed out a hundred times more
violently than the water filled Jinshan. At the same time, Wenjun Thunder crashed
down like a waterfall, and then unstoppable lava sprayed out, continuously destroying
Zhou Lie's Imperial Palace within a kilometer.

"This godfather has really made a lot of effort to share the cup of pie. It actually uses
the world behind the vermilion lacquer gate as a weapon. If you don't prepare! It is
very likely that the disaster will be lost."

Zhou Lie ordered the detain Lihou array and the nine sons. The Xuan Yin Heavenly
Demon Formation fully appeared, holding the attack. With this all-day raging fire
formation, the water and fire are not in the eyes, and the control of fire and water is
only a short time, and it also has a very strong resistance to thunder and lightning.

As for the nine-child Xuan Yin Tian Devil Array, it is used to guard against all evil
methods. One positive and one odd, odd and positive combination, can deal with most
attack methods. Gan Jinn watched from a distance, saw this scene burning with anger,
and said to the left and right: "He Shen, Suo Etui, you pay your chest and promise me
that you will break in one blow, break the fart!"

"Lord, the two big formations are indeed powerful, but like those magic weapons from
the legendary world, they can only explode for three minutes. When the peak is over,
do you see which is stronger?"

"Huh, my good patience has been wiped out, and I can't wait for that time. The
Guizhou Divine Thunder is immediately triggered. Although this treasure comes from
the world of Shushan, it is extracted from the immeasurable seawater.

Once it is applied, it will continue to grow. The more. But after all, there are too few.
After intensive development, the Ministry of Engineering has traveled to most of the
legendary world sea system, and it took a huge amount of effort for the next blow."

"This Hashem and Suo Etui hesitated slightly. Because this Kuai Shui Lei is a trick at the
bottom of the box, once it is used, there is no way to be too dazzling. Now it seems
eager to display it. It is not a good thing for the Lord to be so aggressive. "You two
have disagreements?"

Gan Jinn sat on the main seat; his eyes fired. "Don't dare! The lord is wise, at this
moment you should hit Huang long with a mighty soup, and frustrate his spirit." He
Shen knows that his companion is like a companion tiger, and he hastened to follow
along Speak.

As a famous corrupt official in history, he was born with an exquisite heart. He Shen
knew that the Lord still had a grudge about what happened before, and hated him for
not transmitting the news of Chen long’s fall back to the headquarters in the first time.

If he did his best to kill the Shi Jing team at that time, it would be easier than it is now.
many! However, he and Shen had their own considerations, and said, "You let me be a
babysitter again, don't you know that I and your son are in trouble? How similar is Chen
long’s appearance to Jialing? Can you still make more rice buckets? Jialing Needless to
say, during the whole life, the biggest dazzling thing is to get rid of me and Shen!

In the next life, I will chop stuffing into my son. You are not the real Qianlong, and I
am not the real Hashem. Take the opportunity to sit and watch your son. Hang up, it’s
too late to thank others for their innocence? How can you get into trouble?

Moreover, the chicken gave me benefits at the time, and the seller asks for glory, but it
does not matter." This is He Shen's heartfelt voice, and he naturally won't show it. On
the surface, he has always been a competent minister, coming in along.

The Qian men was activated, and the Guizhou Divine Thunder was triggered, and it
continued endlessly, just like a chain reaction, exploding one after another, suppressing
Zhou Lie with the mighty power of destruction.

The ears were full of muffled noises, and the feet kept shaking. The detain Fierce Fire
Array was already unstable. Instead, the Nine-child Profound Yin Heavenly Demon
Array played an important role and tried to restrain its operation.

You must know that Guizhou is living water, and living water is soft water, so this
Guizhou divine thunder is a yin thunder, the most vicious. If there are no other
countermeasures, in the midst of a series of explosions, the advancement is likely to
succeed, and it will break the Tinge in one blow and drive straight ahead.

Zhou Lie smiled coldly, nodded and said, "Turn on the four defensive towers and
stabilize the two large formations for me. It is not that simple to break the detain Lihou
Array and the Nine-child Guanyin Tiana Array. This Guizhou God Lei I accepted it all."

Four defensive towers made of red crystals appeared, looking like orchids in full bloom,
about fifty meters high! Although this kind of height is insignificant to the heavenly
pavilion, it is also called a behemoth. As soon as it appears, it produces boundless
repulsion and repels all the forces close to the heavenly pavilion. Gan Jinn said angrily
when he saw this situation: "This innocent must have mortgaged the pavilion. He

actually got four defense towers at such a high price. Go, I have to use all the methods,
and I must maintain the strength of the attack. Damn Yuji.

City, why can you kill people only if you break into a building? Who made the rules?" No
matter how angry he was, Zhou Lie was as steady as Mount Tai, unmoved at all. At this
time, the Yusef side moved again, and the two masters who presided over today's
battle saw the opportunity.

They had already had the idea of closing their hands before, and they yelled at being
stupid, but seeing the power of the Guizhou Divine Thunder, they only felt that
Hundred Claws scratched their hearts, and decided that the opportunity was right in
front of them. Sometimes, since you are involved, how can you be alone?

Not everyone can do the words "with evidence for advance and retreat". Yusef felt that
the opportunity was indispensable, and the loss would not come again, and immediately
used Longyan Divine Thunder.

This thunder is made by elites who accumulated the cold and poisonous air thousands
of years ago, and is extremely insidious. In addition, Yusef used the nine gods of
thunder, and summoned a vermilion lacquered gate as a medium to trigger the power
of this thunder!

This thunder is also called the son-mother secret demon thunder. It can be launched
according to the master's will, and can wipe out the mountains and rivers within a
thousand miles.

It is extremely powerful by breaking the earth's crust as a means. The vermilion lacquer
door shattered at the sound the fire rushed out infinitely. The nine-son-mother Guanyin
Heavenly Demon Array shattered immediately, and the detain Fierce Fire Array was
blessed. However, the Guizhou Divine Thunder was too powerful, and he followed the

footsteps of the Nine-son-Mother Guanyin Heavenly Demon Array after only a few

Seeing the four defensive towers in danger, Zhou Lie squinted his eyes and snorted
coldly, "Look at me, I'm so bullied! How about the others? Should I take action?" What
surprised Zhou Lie was that there was no movement in the Dragon Court, and the
Guebuza line was still sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger’s fight.

Shun, who was the first to initiate the war, also chose to remain silent, and did not start
the battle between the heavens. "Huh?" The two of Yusef and Gan Jinn found out at
the same time, and secretly said: "We've all hit this point, so you won't be tempted?"

Surprisingly, the fighting was fierce and hot, but the atmosphere cooled down, and it
seemed a bit strange. Zhou Lie sighed: "I see! Dragon Mother, Emperor Shun, Gugu,
good calculation! Gunmen and Yusef have been pitted, start! Do your best to destroy

Midgame, press Yusef There was a buzzing sound, twenty-eight defensive towers were
blocked, and the barriers were strong. With such a strong defense, whether you care
about the fire or the water? All excluded.

Many buildings in the vicinity were affected, and all households cried and yelled at their
fathers and mothers, cursing, and quickly find a way to prevent disaster! There are very
few battles between the top-level pavilions, so the land close to the top-level pavilions
is very valuable, but once a battle is a stormy sea.

"What?" Gan Men and Yusef were dumbfounded at the same time, feeling incredible.
What did this innocent do? Why are you so rich? Purchased 28 defensive towers? "Not
good!" Gan jinn and Na Yusef were shocked, and suddenly realized why Long Ting, Di
Shun, and Gugu didn't make a move. It turns out that the Shi Jing team is a big pit, and
whoever jumps in, who is unlucky, and wants to make people lose their lives? First, see

if you have the ability to protect yourself? Zhou Lie shouted coldly: "Jianlian Mountain
Mandrill, you wait to attack with the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Eliminating Demon
God Shuttle and the Heavens Secret Demon Wu Suo!

Attack the Qian men Tinge and give me a blow!" "Yes!" What is Mandrill? In fact, it is a
kind of monkey with a large and long head. There is a bone protrusion on each side of
the nasal bone, and there are longitudinally arranged ridges on it.

There are grooves in between, and the outer skin is green, and the ridges are bright
red. Because of their bright colors and special patterns, they look like ghosts, so they
are called mandrills.

These mandrills tamed by Zhou Lie were naturally not ordinary grades, they were all
four-rank monsters, possessing very high intelligence and strong aggressiveness. The
upper limit of the support for each bridge is three hundred mandrills.

This is the cannon fodder and the occupying personnel. You can't be beaten by others.
If you don't beat him, the word cowardly does not belong to the Shi Jing team. Zhou
Lie believes in repaying gratitude and revenge.

The blessing of water needs to be avenged by the spring. Naturally, revenge cannot be
overnight. Today, the foundation of the gate is broken. Although Qian in was cruel and
cruel to gain the advantage at the beginning of the campaign, but now it has entered
the second stage, it is not enough to be cruel.

After entering this stage, what is striving for is development, compared to personnel,
and relies on the grasp of opportunities. Forget other opportunities, the opportunity of
the Star Ruins Realm alone can let you dominate for a long time.

If you do not take advantage of this momentum, then you are behind! In the
development route of Yuji City, there is no low-level addition such as one plus one, only
astronomical multiplication and square extraction. The good partners of Qian men and

Yusef are obviously still stuck in the previous cognition and are not adapting. The
development situation of the field.

Besides, in front of me, these nine heavens and ten earth avoiding evil spirits are
incredible. They also come from the world of Shushan. They are made of thousand-
year-old fine iron on the seabed and ground from the Arctic ice for thousands of years.
Eleven roots, from the sky to the earth, are all unsatisfactory, and all evils do not
invade, the wind and thunder bless, the power is naturally not small.

Usui, the secret demon of the heavens, was equally good, with only the ruler when not
in use, and the color was darker. However, once activated, the heavens, the sun, the
moon, and the stars were all sensed, sending out poisonous fires and raging flames in
the sky, returning thousands of miles to the land.

What is even more commendable is that Zhou Lie excavated the fetal membranes of
the earth and purged them with the mysterious yellow gas, which made it a lot higher
in quality.

It can also be used repeatedly and is much more durable than other Shushan world
magic weapons. "No!" Gan jinn yelled; it was really bad. The distance between the two
sides was less than 10,000 meters, and the Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Demon God
Shoo and the Heavens Secret Demon Wushu arrived in an instant, and hit a solid, more
powerful than the Guizhou God Thunder that was developed through hard work.

At the same time, Zhou Lie moved in the pavilion. All buildings in Yuji City can be
moved, but there is a prerequisite, that is, you can afford to move, referred to as
mobile. This move is not inferior to a shop, it is all about money.

One hundred meters is free, which seems reasonable, but what can one hundred
meters do? At least you have to move a kilometer to get out of the original position,
and the charges are expensive. Ok! The Yusef Tinge is not far from the Tinge of the Shi

Jing team, and there are only a few fractions of the Shi Entropy Light String that are
barely enough.

"What is he going to do?" All the folks in Yusef were dumbfounded, and immediately
after seeing the opposite pavilion, the pavilion quickly zoomed in, and it had already
moved closer with rumblings.

Just two words came out, and the two heavyweight pavilions collided, and the impact
force was unimaginable. Zhou Lie was really fierce. Using the defensive tower as a brick
pat, patted three consecutively, this is a great gift to give back to Yusef.

"Asshole!" The two Yusef masters who presided over the battle were shocked. They
only felt nervous, nowhere is it good, how could he dare to be innocent? At the same
time, the Gugu First Element was watching the battle, and several of them patted their
foreheads and asked the same question as the Yusef master.

"This innocent is crazy? Is he not afraid of weakening his strength and letting other
companies see the opportunity to attack together?" Someone laughed and said: "It's
not surprising that you have asked this question, but you think about it, this innocence
has been along the way, although sometimes it is arrogant, and has been made in
desperation, but it will not act recklessly.

To the previous question, since he has the upper hand right now, why bother to do it
again? The teacher did not appear from the beginning to the end, precisely because he
has already seen the end!"

"Yeah! Since he has the upper hand, why bother to collide? If it is not a crazy move, it
is to stand up?" "Yes! Liew, but where does his confidence come from." The disciples
thought deeply and were shocked after a moment, and at the same time looked at the
Tian Pavilion and said, "Not Zhoushan?" "Zhou Lie smashed three defensive towers
again, Yusef was smashed by him without the slightest temper, and the Tinge hit again

so that Yusef had to use all the defensive weapons and opened the tower's battle! Even
so, it means delaying time, cracks appear on the boundary wall, and the situation is not

"Bump into it!" Zhou Lie made a fierce blow, causing the four defensive towers to slam
into the gate. The Gunmen Tinge was already in danger. It was hit by four defensive
towers, and a 10-meter-long gap appeared on the boundary wall.

The Nine Heavens and Tens of Demon God Shuttle and the Secret Demon Wushu of the
Heavens re-launched, and entered with billowing smoke. The mandrill screamed in
chaos, rushed out, and rushed into the pavilion, fierce and brutal.

"Unreasonable!" Gan jinn felt resentful. He abandoned his physical body and the future.
He returned to this era and made an ambition to become the protagonist of the world,
but he paid a huge price and became the second echelon.

In the second echelon, the ghost market suddenly rose and entered the first echelon,
and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make it. He is not satisfied; he is not
willing! "Innocent, even if you die today, I will make you look good!" "Really?"

Qian jinn was shocked, and saw a brilliance cut across his body. He obviously hides
well, and he doesn't even know the exact location of The Shen and Suo Etui. How does
this innocent know? Xing Tian axe crushed a space.

Although it was strong, he couldn't resist the blow of destroying the sky and the earth.
He really wanted to destroy the soul. War reparations Zhou Lie left immediately,
without any delay.

"You" Ganj in that hate! However, a dazzling light appeared on his body, and the next
moment his figure collapsed with his mind, even the place where he stood was sunken
down, and all traces were erased in the blink of an eye. died! Gan jinn wanted to lead
the enemy to die together, but Zhou Lie saw the truth and it was enough to kill him!

There are too many unwilling and grieving ghosts in this world, it's not bad to get one.
The reason why Gunmen is so powerful is that there are more than two hundred
loyalists who fought hard and did not surrender.

In order to wipe out these diehards, half of the mandrill was sacrificed. However,
compared to the entire Gunmen, two hundred people are too few, and most of them
kneeled on the spot, and kneeled extremely thoroughly.

Zhou Lie had already returned to his Tian Pavilion long ago. Only twelve of the twenty-
eight defensive towers were kept, and the other sixteen were used to launch self-
destructive attacks.

Liew! Immediately stand up and be thorough, and do not try your best to be sorry for
yourself. The Nine Heavens and Ten Earth Elimination Demon God Shu and the
Heavens Secret Demon Wu Suo circled around and slew towards the Yusef Tinge.

Even if this pavilion has a strong defensive power, there is nothing wrong with
encountering this kind of clappers. The two masters who were in charge of today's
battle were smashed.

Their strength was indeed high, but they ran out of power after intercepting a self-
destructive impact. They had to call for a figure. At this moment, the Yusef Tinge is in
danger, and it can even be said that it has been broken!

However, after this figure arrived, an extraordinary breath flashed immediately, causing
Zhou Lie to frown. "Little friends, wait a minute. Today is all misunderstandings. Then
Yin Xi acted arbitrarily and ordered privately to attack your house.

This seat has sent him to the bitter cold ground wall for thought. Yusef and the Shi Jing
team should be allies, not opponents. With you the horizon should be able to see
clearly, if you and my family fight to die, those who are really malicious towards your
little friend will laugh three times." Zhou Lie glanced at it and nodded: "It turns out to

be Shijian, the fourth-ranked player in the personal power list! Yusef has you, and the
luck is indeed grand, but if this goes on, it will soon decline.

Sign this spiritual deed! As long as you sign this spiritual deed, stop immediately! And
provide a very important news, shun is ranked fifth, no matter whether he hides his
strength, he will advance by leaps and bounds, and if you do not seize the opportunity,
a few days Maybe not even me."

"Oh?" The Shiho Immortal was surprised, but his ability to reach today's height is
beyond comparison. He replied very simply: "Today's Yusef is rude and should be
compensated. I signed this spiritual deed. Let's The two families don’t know each other,
and give each other a buffer time.

In the future, they should work together on the outside instead of killing each other."
"Happy!" Zhou Lie applauded these characters, and said in his heart: "Great, this is
someone who does great things!

The equipment is extraordinary, the ancients said it well, multiple enemies are inferior
to multiple friends, even if this friend is open for discussion, but today the situation is
really subtle.

Long Ting and Shun have no good intentions, and Guebuza and the ghost market sit on
the mountains and watch the tiger’s fight. Who in the first echelon rises? Who is down?
Pulls the whole body.

“After getting the deed, Shi Hexion secretly said: "This kid is really dark! But why he
and shun are resentful, this is the key point. I can see that he wants to use me to divert
firepower, but I can't help it, otherwise I might miss it.

This is a great opportunity to regret for the rest of my life. Alas! Let the Yusef stretch a
thread up and down, it's safer than being used as a gun if you are full!" "Okay, signed!"
Shi Hexion kept his promise and patted the spirit deed with a "slap". "Admiration!" Zhou

Lie appeared, standing on his own bridge, holding his fists far away, and then using
secret methods to transmit sound. Shi Hexion was shocked when he heard his
explanation, and a stormy sea was set off in his heart: "It's worth it!

This news is too valuable. It's worth it!" "Sorry, calling you a little friend before is
negligent, you should be called a Taoist friend. This battle is over. If someone in Yusef
Shaniya dares to say that the friend is not good, I Shijian immediately cleaned him up.
The spiritual deed is the covenant.

There must be no gap between you and me." "Good!" Zhou Lie nodded, their will is
above everything else, there is no place for others to put their beaks! The Shining team
has to join forces with Yusef to fight against other companies. Only in this way can they
break through the obstacles and make a path.

I don't know how many people have been stunned during this wave of operations. I
really responded to that sentence. There are no permanent friends, only permanent
benefits. The Yusef is suppressed by Shijian, and it can't be destroyed if you want to.
The two heads of the family were arbitrarily determined.

The moment before they were furiously fighting to death and desperation, the next
moment when the clouds stopped raining, it suddenly became sunny. "Damn, you guys
fight? We paid for mobile, and we wanted to see a magnificent scene when we ran
such a long distance. As a result, you hooked your shoulders and called you brothers. Is
that reasonable?"

"Sorrow, sorrow! Co-authoring the family today?" "Yeah! It's a personal thing, too small
or small, and it just ended like this, which makes people feel too worthless." "I have a
question, is Gunmen really dead?

I heard that there is a group of very powerful ancestor spirits behind Ganj in? Why
didn't they show up? Even watching Ganj in die, will they secretly oppose the Shi Jing

Just as the outside world was talking about it, Zhou Lie called He Shen to his side: "You
have done a good job and can be the biggest corrupt official in history. This shows that
you have the ability that ordinary people can't match!

From then on, you have nothing to do with Gunmen, stay I manage the accounts of all
walks of life in Tinge! If you can increase revenue and reduce expenditure, under the
overall arrangement, the daily income can reach a growth rate of 22%, and the extra
2% will be given to you!"

"Oh my God! Thank you, Lord Longan, Shen and I finally met the Lord." "Hahaha! You
don’t need to slap a horse* and all walks of life are still in a melee. I’m asking you to
make more plans! Don’t worry, do it boldly, and I won’t miss any capable person.

To put it bluntly, in You don’t expect graciousness, it’s just a simple employment. As an
employee, as long as you can bring benefits to your boss, you are eligible to allocate
shares! Understand?"

"Yes! The subordinate understands that the most pure and simple is the main way. I
am an employee. I can eat as much as I have. The boss will not treat me badly."
"Smart guy!

You are smarter than the old guys who don't want to change from the past! Hope to
cooperate happily!" Zhou Lie really needs a top accountant to manage the industry.
This Hashem made a great contribution, allowing Zhou Lie to successfully receive all the
benefits of Gunmen’s subordinates, which have been sold and a huge number of points
has been withdrawn.

In addition, Yusef’s first compensation has already been in place, and it went so
smoothly beyond imagination. After Zhou Lie had this kind of wealth, he immediately
summoned the shop and made a desperate bet: "In exchange for the Conferred God
List, the difference part will be mortgaged with the spiritual deed signed by Shi huia,
and eleven indemnities can be collected. Can it be sold?"

The shop paused and responded: "Deal! “Feng Shen Bang Zhou Lie redeemed the Feng
Shen List! He has never been to the Conferred God World, but he heard that there is a
war there, and it has been messed up.

Yuji City has a lot of gossip about the Conferred God World, it can be said that the
Raiders are flying all over the sky. Facts have proved that the world of Feng Shen was
disabled by playing.

Jiang Zaya seemed to know his destined ending, and he was given a whip after the
completion of the entrustment of the gods. The Primitive Tianzhu did not take back the
power of entrusting him to the gods, and allowed him to travel around the Ministry of

Everywhere I go, the righteous of the ministry temporarily gives way, which is the so-
called "Tai Gong is here, the gods evade." Does it sound cool? However, is there real
power? Go to the ministries of the gods and tell yourselves, do you know how the gods
below work?

The huge bureaucracy directly plays you to death. What kind of grandfather is here, the
gods retreat, and what is the difference between retirement? Jiang Zaya is kind, but if
the honest child feels that he has been treated unfairly, he will go crazy and become
even more stubborn.

There are many signs that Jiang Zaya is developing in the direction of blackening, and it
seems that he is slowly leaning towards the master of Tong Tian. The saints of the

three religions feel extremely painful for the sudden emergence of so many masters to
influence the world of the gods. Those characters who should be on the list of gods
after they die have become souls that have nowhere to put their souls, and they should
be exchanged for the list of gods to nourish their souls by Zhou Lie.

You must know that the Conferred God List is ranked second on the Treasure List.
Usually, this ranking is just for you to see. It is greedy to prove that the pawnshop is
powerful, not only the golden sign of the natural disaster treasure tree.

To redeem such treasures, in addition to paying massive points, you also have to come
up with a lot of treasures. For example, hard currency such as share rate, matching
degree, vertical and horizontal value, and magic weapons in those myths and legends.
Even so, the pawnshop does not want you to easily win, and has not disclosed the
function of the Feng Shen list.

Whether to exchange or not is like gambling. The gambling goes up and everything
goes well. The gambling collapses and loses a lot. Maybe this list of gods is just the top
spot. When you really win, you will feel that this is a pit, and a sinkhole. So why did
Zhou Lie dare to gamble?

First, Hashem has already converted all the assets of Qian men, and transferred those
bad industries to others. With this transfer of assets and debts, Zhou Lie took a
different look at The Shen and saw the hope of redeeming the Feng Shen List.

Second, Yusef was suppressed, and Shi Hexion jumped out. This man is amazing and
dares to bear debts to sign a spiritual deed! This spirit deed could only receive a huge
sum of money every three days, and Zhou Lie didn't wait that long, so he pawned the
spirit deed and collected the huge expenditure to exchange for the Conferred God List.

Third, this is the most important one. Shao Yong has already figured out some
eyebrows, and the cause is still in Zhang Tianhe. Zhou Lie used Xing Tian dun to

suppress Qi Luck and drag the characters in myths and legends into his camp. Although
he is only a small character, he is the first to see the Qi machine work and get
inspiration from it.

So, we still have to gamble, gambling on the list of the gods can make the characters in
myths and legends on the list. This is great, as long as it works properly, the benefits
can be said to be endless.

After Zhou Lie got the Conferred God List, he took a closer look. After a while, he
laughed, turned and returned to the underworld, and saw Zhang Tianhe organizing the
evil spirits to resist the invasion.

This Shun, although he did not fight the Tinge, has launched a number of forces to
attack the territory of the Shi Jing team! Lang Ding Tian was under tremendous
pressure on Qinglin Mountain.

The wolf and fox races suffered heavy casualties. The share of the Lich was falling. If
the Nandina Gate continued to increase its strength, it would be difficult for Qinglin
Mountain to withstand the stormy attack.

The first thing Zhou Lie did when he returned to the underworld was not to take Zhang
Tianhe to counterattack, but to take a step forward to the cave that Lu Hongbin built on
Zhong nan Mountain.

"The kid came to visit Zener Lu, thank you Zener Lu for disregarding the prejudice and
sending his subordinates to help the underworld through this difficulty." Zhou Lies hen
gave a salute, looking very respectful.

There is a saying that Lu Donkin was about to get angry, but suddenly stopped his
anger, and said indifferently: “Unexpectedly, there have been so many changes in the

The Satyagraha Bodhisattva actually passed the position to an outsider. For the sake of
face, I resisted my anger and helped the underworld to resolve the crisis. And you,
where on earth would Nonattainment and I want to attract the disciples to be sent? Still
not handed over?"

Zhou Lie laughed and nodded and said, "Dao you Lu can suppress his anger, which
shows that he has found something. If I am not wrong, I will feel that many places are
not coherent when I recall the scenes of the past.

Those memories are just like God imposed on you. Isn't it?" "Don't worry about him,
enter the mansion and talk about him!" Lu Donkin just took a formality, and offered an
invitation in a few sentences, letting this innocent who had caused him a lot of trouble
enter the room.

Zhou Lie smiled more intensely, walked into the cave and looked around, sitting directly
in front of the tea table, drinking tea instead of wine with Lu Chun yang on the other
side while talking.

The two didn't have a trace of jerky when they met for the first time. They had a
refreshing look when they drank tea, one was floating in the dust, the other was
vigorous, and they had been secretly discussing for half an hour in this small tea room.

When he left, Immortal Lu personally sent Zhou Lie out of the cave, without any
grudges on his face, so that the disciples who rushed to receive the news were

Han Xiangqi was also there. He was about to step forward and question, when he was
shocked to find that he had been given a fixation method, and the only person who
could fix him here was Lu Donkin.

After sending Zhou Lie away, Lu danglin uncharacteristically said to the sect, "You will
be exhausted, go to the underworld to help that Tianhe fight!" "Huh?" The disciples

didn't understand this. Although they sent some disciples before, they were all
generations of low-mindedness. What is a hypocritical mind? To put it bluntly, it is
cannon fodder. Poor roots will fall sooner or later.

The difference is only one day sooner and later. But now? What's happening here? This
Wu Xia, who heard that he had an antagonism with the teacher, walked in person, and
the teacher completely changed his mind.

He directly ordered the real disciple to help the underworld end the battle, and the
disciples couldn't help thinking that this innocence finally got through. Which fairy
family's way? It's so easy! "Go!

If you feel that the road ahead is dangerous. I will invite three or two friends to
participate in the war with me. Don’t hesitate to have a magic weapon at hand, don’t
have any reservations.

I hope to support your reincarnation for your teacher, do you hear me clearly?" "Yes!"
The disciple immediately agreed. This is amazing. It is the first time since I started to
see a teacher so formal.

This is a battle! And don't give up until you reach the goal! Han Xiangqi is also a disciple
of Lu danglin. Although he is sloppy by nature and hard to read, he is increasingly
diligent in the path of immortality and has talents that ordinary people cannot match, so
he is deeply attracted by Lu danglin.

After everyone left, only Han Xiangqi stayed and asked inexplicably, "Teacher, why are
you?" Lu danglin sighed, "It's not me who is in the limelight, but this innocence has
taken over the general trend!

Don't ask why for the time being, please go to Master Zhong Li! Also, there are Grand
Master Li Xuan, as well as Zhang Giulio, Lan Caine, Xiang He, go!" "Huh?" Han Xiangqi
was stupid in place.

Elder Nanson the Jinan Sect was the inner alchemy sect of Taoism in the Southern
Song Dynasty. It is opposite to the Quinzhee Taoism in the north. Because it is located
in the south of the Yangtze River, it is called "Nanson".

It is said that the Dafne of this school was passed on from Zhong Laquan and Lu
Hongbin, and it is trusted by the Eight Immortals in the orthodoxy. In addition, the
person who is really involved with this Jinan faction is called Bai Yuchen.

Who is Bai Yuchen? In the Southern Song Dynasty, he was equivalent to the existence
of a national teacher. He often went to the imperial palace to give lectures to the
emperor. He was named a real person of Zi Qingming Dao.

He was a famous living in the Song Dynasty. This year, on April 19th, the sun was
shining brightly, and Nanson ushered in the triennial election ceremony. There are
hundreds of factions in the world, 24 schools, and twelve schools have selected elite
disciples and sent them to the Southern School for selection!

It is said that the loss of Nanson disciples last year was not small, and more than 20
outstanding disciples and several elders fell at the same time, so this year's quota is
much higher than previous selections!

The candidates gathered in the Yue Tower, which enshrines the calligraphy of several
emperors of the Song Dynasty, arranged in accordance with the nine palaces and eight

If the person with the heart is a little closer, it will give rise to induction. King Dao Qi
and luck contended, and Nan Zongo had enjoyed national fortune for decades. This
honor made Dao Sect jealous and made Buddhism upset.

However, the royal trust in Nan Zongo has reached the point where it cannot be added.
Ai Yuchen’s ascension is a spectacle for all to see, and it must be among the immortal
class. The royal wants to hold on to this line tightly, praying for rebirth and prosperity,

or simply gaining the Tao by one person, the chicken and the dog ascend to the sky,
seeking a small official in the heavenly court is better than ups and downs, rolling in

It can be said that from ancient times to the present, Bai Yuchen has been a rare
winner. Yu Yin has benefited his disciples and grandchildren, making the Nanson status
extremely noble. Suddenly, there was a discussion in Yu yolo.

"Have you heard! Ma Longyan is back! His old man has left Nanson for seven or eight
years, right? He just returned at this juncture. No wonder Ma's small eateries are so
energetic and dragged like something."

"Elder Ma? The first person to refine the demon pill, and is good at making a sacred
wind. If they can join his old man's door, my grandfather and my uncle will wake up in

"Hey! There are too many disciples who want to put into Elder Ma Longyan’s door, The
speaker hesitated to speak, he raised his head to look at the people in the red robe
ahead, and sighed slightly.

"What's the matter? It seems a bit wrong to hear your tone." "Yeah! Speak clearly, if
Elder Ma has any taboos? Let's be careful in advance. Let's say that, if anyone is lucky
enough to join Elder Ma, he will treat him."

"It's not a question of hospitality, haven't you seen it? These Taoist priests in red are
holding the Yu yolo tightly." "You mean the blood pill line?" The man lowered his voice
and said, "Isn't it? The water at the Golden Core Gate is deep!

The true direct disciples don't talk about it, they are all reserved for the atmosphere
and the royal family. There are four more under the golden core line. The veins are
mainly inherited from the cultivation of the earth pill, blood pill, demon pill, and ghost

The blood pill and the demon pill have been fighting for many years, and it is said that
they have the upper hand before suppressing the demon pill. A group of disciples died
last year, and the strength of the blood pill line was greatly damaged, so it is
reasonable for Elder Ma Longyan to seize the opportunity to return.

The blood pill line naturally refuses to let go, worrying that Elder Ma will accept the
outstanding disciple Guandao Yao Dany the pulse will overwhelm their limelight in the
future, so stay here forever, you know why!"

"Hiss!" Everyone sucked in air, suddenly feeling that the reasons were complicated.
Suddenly someone said loudly: "Wen Xin Long Wanda will drive here." Suddenly, blood
surged, and four sturdy red-robed Taoist priests walked in the front row with whisks in
hand, followed by a very tall veteran Taoist.

I saw this old man with a handsome face, his face was red with no wrinkles, but his
beard and hair were all gray, and he didn't look as young as that, but it made people
feel immortal and handsome.

As soon as this person arrived, his disciples were in an uproar. Someone shouted: "It is
really Dao Wenxiu Longden, he actually came to Yu yolo himself!" "Unbelievable!
Opportunity! The head of Wen Dao is so powerful that he actually visited Yu yolo in
person! It seems that his old man takes this selection very seriously.

If Dao Wen can be included in the Wall of Blood Pills, he can do it in the future. Seeing
the great road, there may be a chance to fly up like Patriarch Bai Yuchen." "Stop
dreaming. I never expect to rise in the daytime.

I only sell pictures and goods to the emperor's house. If I learn to refine blood pills, all
generals in the world are willing to marry me with their prostitutes! Okay? Why bother
to meditate hard? So, the blood pill is a shortcut to the sky. It is much more valuable
than the other veins."

There was more discussion, and I had my own personal opinion. The four big men in
red robes in front snorted coldly, causing all the disciples present to sway, and those
with poor cultivation level fell to the ground on the spot.

The four strong Taoist priests said in unison: "Wait, listen, and the assessment will be
carried out immediately. The first three can build the Golden Core Avenue. The rest will
take ten little Taoists and lead them into the blood core.

As for the content of the assessment, it is up to you. Elder Wen Xinglong decides." This
is obviously robbing people! There was an explanation for the three people who left the
main line of the golden core, and after that, all the Taoists present were from the blood
core. Who doesn't want Lingchi Miyo?

Who doesn't want to catch all the talents in the world? However, this blood pill has
done too much, but the other two did not care about it, and even withdrew their Taoist
priests back, making up their minds to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. At
this time, the outside preached: "Ma Longyan and Ma Dao will arrive."

With this voice, the candidate disciples were in a dilemma. Who should I choose?
Should I choose the chief Ma or Wen? If you fail to choose, will it affect the next few

But I can’t choose it, maybe I should take a look, and I can’t make a decision so early,
so as not to become the target of these big bosses. Ma Longyan Ma Taoist walked into
the hall, only to see a copper coin size red mole on the forehead Taicang of Lao Dao, as
if a fire was burning, and it looked impressive. Apart from that, there are no other

This old look is too ordinary to be ordinary. It belongs to the kind of person who is
completely ignored in the crowd. Standing opposite the head of Wen Dao, this
perception alone rejects many people, because it is very normal to judge people by

appearance in Daemen. Why judge people by their appearance? Because most Taoists
know how to face each other. You look good and you have good luck. If you don't grow
well, your luck is also poor.

Since ancient times, few people have been able to break through this limitation, so
most of the candidate disciples all at once turned their hearts toward Elder Wen. Wen
Xinglong!" Ma ling Yun let out a roar, and everyone was taken aback.

"Ma, you're crazy." Wen Xin long was shocked. Since the day the Jinan Sect appeared,
there has not been a first-level elder to fight for his disciples. This Ma is indeed crazy.

Cross catastrophe Between the two silhouettes, one of them eagerly responded,
retreating with a thump under his feet, and took seventeen or eight steps to stand firm.
"You." Elder Wen Xin long was so angry that when he was about to reprimand the
other party, a sacred wind came to his face and blew him upside down.

"Unreasonable!" With a loud shout, blood burst out. Wen Xin long grew old and became
a brawny man with a height of two meters and three meters. At this moment, the elder
Wen was furious, with the blue veins exposed on his forehead, and his arms trembled
with a heavy trembling, showing many silver-white diamond bracelets.

With just these two arms, a slight agitation will have a thousand catties of power, and
they will attack Elder Ma Linguae under the urge of vigorous energy and blood. The
candidate disciples only reacted at this time, and it turned out that the two Jinan Sect
elders had joined together.

Hey, this is a very rare thing. You have to take a good look at how high the cultivation
level of the two elders is? Is it like the legend in the world, it is comparable to the gods
and demons? Ma longyan did not rush, facing the hundreds of diamond bracelets on
both arms without frowning.

Between his fingers, Elder Ma shot out a sacred wind, which caused Elder Wenxiu
Longden to make a strange cry, his figure kept retreating, and two blood flashes on his
face. "Wow! The surname is Ma, how dare you break my eyes!" "So much nonsense?

Going out to walk around the rivers and lakes is all based on the ability to eat, and you
are also good at selling things like Jamdani? It is really embarrassing to the teacher. If I
were you, I would have retreated and stayed here? What is bluffing?" "The surnamed
horse broke my eyes at you. This hatred is not shared.

Wen Xin long hasn't cultivated his character for many years, but has cultivated a fiery
temper. He didn't know who gave him confidence, so he decided to roll up his sleeves
and do a big job.

Today there is no one with the surname of Ma, and there is no one with the surname of
Ma. The two must decide the winner. It turns out that he really shouldn't be angry, isn't
it good to be a man with his tail clipped?

At least you can save your life, this is a bad thing! There was an explosion in the helix,
and many people saw the cyan brilliance. Immediately afterwards, the elder Wenxiu
Longden’s body was thrown out, with a palpable rumbling, which triggered the Yu yolo
defensive formation. Why is it called Yu yolo?

There are a lot of particularities here. Ye Ting is the side house in the palace, which
refers to the place where the concubine lives, while the Yu Ye Lou is alluding to the
emperor’s side house.

After the blessing of many experts, it is a place of refuge in times of crisis. How
important is this place? How high should the defense level be? Marvin and Wen
quarreled, creating a ray of real fire.

Wen Xin long felt that he was worthy of the army, but Ma ling Yun, who had been
traveling for many years, seemed to be different. This old boy exploded with great

power with a single blow, and the cyan brilliance he released just now was clearly a
super demon pill. It was cyan on the surface, but actually contained five colors, namely
purple, green, red, black and white.

These are the five colors of thunder, which are the most difficult to cultivate in the line
of the demon pill. It is completely unimaginable that these Heaven-defying Demon Pills
were made by a surnamed Ma.

"No!" Wen Xin long roared, only feeling that his body was torn apart, Yu yolo
immediately aroused a large array when he felt the attack. Speaking too late, in a
hurry, Ma ling Yun flew onto Wen Xin long, using him as a pedal to continuously
ramming the big array, inspiring the complex patterns all over the sky.

The candidate disciples looked surprised and felt that Elder Ma was the better one. This
elder Wen, who was quite tall, was still defeated after using the blood pill method, and
everyone couldn't help but complain.

They all say that the blood pill is mighty, but the two elder Wen really resemble street
performers. You said that you have a high level of seniority, and you can see that you
are furious, but you can't see a little bit of strength.

You usually blow a lot of flowers. When you are really good, you are not a shit, really
embarrassing Jinan faction. As the so-called experts watch the doorway and the laymen
watch the excitement, only a few of these disciples can vaguely see the mystery.

It's not that the elder Wen is unhelpful, but this elder Ma ling Yun is too powerful, and
has cultivated the demon pill to an unprecedented level. Such a powerful demon pill
was born and used to deal with a blood pill that was purely consuming blood.

It was simply a guillotine to kill chickens, and it was also the leader of Kaifeng Mansion,
which could no longer be described in words. Yu yolo swayed, and an even more
powerful array burst out between the flashes of Guanghua. Even if Wen Xin long and

Ma ling Yun assumed the role of Nanson elders, they were not allowed to go wild here.
Wen Xin long screamed, his body was devastated, forcing him to use life-saving
methods. Release twelve blood-colored demon pills the size of a walnut and a golden
pill the size of a red date.

"Wow, what's going on? Elder Wen secretly cultivated the one-line heart technique of
the demon pill, merged with the same line of the blood pill, and cultivated twelve blood
demon pills! Can it be mixed like this? It is really strange.

Besides, he How to have a golden core? Is it not enough to cultivate both the blood
core and the demon core, but also the golden core method? That should be the secret
of the original family, which is not passed on?"

"Stop nonsense, look at the fineness of the golden core, which was dug out from the
monk's Dantean using extremely cruel techniques." "Ah?" Everyone was shocked, and
suddenly thought of a possibility that this elder Wen secretly killed a direct elder of jinn
Dan, or where did this jinn Dan come from?

Indeed, there were roars from several directions: "Wen Xin long, you bastard, dare to
poison my authentic jinn Dan, did Elder Bai die in your hands?" "The twelve blood
demon pills were arranged in a large array centered on the golden pills.

Wen Xin long exploded with great power, and Lang Sense said: "Your golden core line
is rotten, and will only lie on us to blood. My Wen Xin long is unwilling to stubborn, and
has long wanted to act against the sky. Since it was exposed today, then."

Before he finished speaking, there was another boom in the ear chakra. Wen Xin long’s
eyes widened, and he suddenly realized that he couldn't control the situation.

The Ma ling Yun didn't know where he was, and still stepped him into the Yu yolo array,
really it! The entire Southern Sect was alarmed including those garrisons sent by the
royal family, who rushed here to stand up their swords, spears and swords, and waited.

At this moment, a large cloud of dark clouds surged from the sky, and then the
mountains and rivers cracked, and a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket was struck down
from a high altitude.

Lei Yin's enduring prolonged life suppressed many Taoists priests present. When the
second lightning appeared, there was another thunder that shattered the mountains
and rivers.

At this time, everyone reacted, and there was a look of horror on their faces. At this
moment, even the elders whose necks were half buried in the loess were startled, and
they walked out of the retreat one after another, looking at the dark clouds in surprise.

When the third lightning appeared, the elder shouted: "It's Thunder Tribulation! Who?
Who is it, who is crossing the Tribulation?" If monks want to become immortals, they
have to go against the sky.

All the electric lights bombarded the Yue Building, and several elders yelled: "Ma ling
Yun! You are so brave, you are obviously inadequate, and you dare to steal the sky.
You are worse than Wen Xin long!"

Shameless Ma ling Yun laughed loudly and said loudly: "You deceived people too much
and cut off my demon pill line. Now that I am back today, I will fight for him to have a
beautiful future.

Hahaha, I will fly to heaven and go to the Patriarch. Do your filial piety." After the
laughter, there was another flash of lightning, sputtering a large number of electric
sparks. "Damn it, get out of Yu yolo!"

The elder Jinan gave instructions. Those Taoist priests and Taoists who came to
participate in the election hurriedly fled. The lightning and thunder sound are too
powerful. Standing in the building, I feel distraught, as if the next moment.

It will die and become a pinch of ashes. Under this thunderstorm, no one is not afraid.
The higher the cultivation level, the more fearful it will be. If you really fall into it, there
will be no good fruits, because the cultivation is against the sky.

God does not allow you to be so supernormal, so you will try to destroy it. Especially
the cultivation of the pill method, the good fortune of the world, the mystery of
invading the sun and the moon, it is a shortcut among the shortcuts, and God is even
more intolerant.

After the Eight Immortals, only Bai Yuchen ascended to Heaven. How many ancestors
lost their lives on this road, so that the younger practitioners dare not try to overcome
the catastrophe easily, because the wind and thunder in the sky are too terrifying, and
it is a great taboo for practitioners.

Regardless of the golden pill, the demon pill, and the ghost pill, after the pill is
completed, ghosts and gods can't stand. Although you will live longer and live longer,
but in five hundred years, the thunderstorm will strike you.

The reason why the Golden Core Sect is valuable is that the pill method developed by
Bai Yuchen has greatly reduced the enlightenment time. There is no need to practice
for thousands of years as in ancient times.

Many people can form pill in normal life. This is because there are fewer and fewer
alternative ways of making things happen, which can be said to be a very powerful

However, the years of cultivation are short and the foundation is bound to be weak, so
there are very few people who can fly in the daytime, and only Bai Yuchen is known in
the world.

When a thunderstorm strikes your Dao bones and destroys your primordial spirit, you
need to see your mind and avoid it in advance. Can't hide from Shou and Tianqi, but

hide from desperation. In another five hundred years, fire from heaven will burn you.
This fire is not a sky fire, nor is it a common fire. It burned under its own Yangquan
acupoint, straight through the Nisan Palace, the five internal organs were turned into
ashes, the limbs were rotten, and thousands of years of asceticism were all illusory.

Another five hundred years, the wind will blow you again. This wind is not the wind
from the southeast to the northwest, nor is it the wind of smoke and gold, nor the wind
of flowers, willows, pine and bamboo.

It is called the wind. Blow into the six-fu organs from the fontanelle, pass the pubic
area, pass through the nine orifices, the flesh and blood disappear, so you have to
avoid it. Take a look, how difficult is it to practice?

While enjoying a long lifespan, you must also take great risks. Maybe you will die in a
bombardment, or even have no chance to enter the cycle. It is not an exaggeration to
say that the soul is scattered.

In today's days, the world and the environment have changed, and the cultivation
methods have also been advancing with the times. The Jinan School can be regarded
as a road to success.

However, driven by the Qi machine, this thunderstorm, fire, and wind disaster also
changed, turning into nine-day thundercloud evil spirit, cloudy fire dry evil spirit, and
wind grime devouring body thunder evil!

If the cultivator takes the initiative to trigger the Thunder Tribulation, the Gang Sha, the
God Sha, and the Thunder Sha will come together, and cause various celestial
phenomena, and do everything possible to destroy your way and prevent you from

Bai Yuchen’s Jinan Taoism occupies the word "radical", and there must be a spirit of
resistance that is not enlightened, or rather die, to have the opportunity to enter the

Tanique with the body. Of course, why were the Eight Immortals and the ancient
immortals so calm when they crossed the Tribulation? Isn't it that the foundation is
strong, and the treasures you can hold around are countless?

Therefore, the treasure of Taoist protection is equally important. If there is a treasure

handed down in ancient times to suppress the air luck, then no matter how powerful
Thunder Tribulation is, it will be helpless for you.

Flying up in the day is as simple as drinking boiled water. Qi, do you still have to say?
However, there are more than tens of millions of people in the world, and more than a
million cultivators.

How can it be possible to all want to enjoy immortality forever? From ancient times to
the present, there are fewer magic weapons than immortals, and this need not be
mentioned, so you have to find a way to increase the possibility of crossing the
catastrophe. Why did the elder of the Jinan line swear, saying that Ma ling Yun was
worse than Wen Xin long?

That's because this old boy who had just returned to Nanson wanted to use Yu yolo to
cross the robbery. Where is this Yu yolo? That was the refuge created by the Jinan Sect
to contact the world's Taoists, in order to please the emperor, it spent countless efforts,
manpower, and financial resources.

With the help of this name, it can be said to damage the world and fatten yourself. If
there is an accident in Yu yolo, how will Jinan dispatch maintain a luxurious life in the
future? It is tantamount to breaking a major financial path.

In addition, how does the royal family view this matter? It’s hard to say whether we will
still devote ourselves to the national fortune! The Jinan Sect is very likely to fall into a
slump, and since then lose the royal favor, just like those sects that once shined, it will
flourish and decline! "The dark clouds became particularly shining, and the nine-day

thunderclouds smashed down wildly, and the Yu yolo immediately burst into rings of
brilliance, resisting the power of destroying the sky and the earth. Ma ling Yun stepped
on the elder Wenxiu Longden, attacking the core formation of Yu yolo at the fastest

Gorgeous light patterns rose from the left and right in front of him, and because the
nine-day thunder cloud and evil spirits were devastating downward, the formation in
the building was powerless to prevent the two Jinan faction elders from entering. After
all, this building was developed and designed by the Jamdani, and it is very different
from having an identity and not having an identity.

The thundercloud ignited again, and it was still the nine-day thundercloud, but the
power was more than three times stronger than the previous one, and it looked
extremely terrifying.

Wen Xin long shouted: "The surname is Ma, if you want to die, don't drag Laozi." Ma
ling Yun showed a slight smile and said, "Which eye do you see that I am going to die?
Thank you very much for the three-element three transformation formation composed
of the blood demon pill and the golden pill, which made me more confident in the
triumph today!"

"You?" Wen Xin long suddenly thought of a possibility and was furious: "You want to
use me as a shield to resist this huge calamity! No." "Hahaha, your reaction is too slow!
I saw this Yu yolo yesterday, and I was moved. It's a coincidence that you jumped out;
this is also God's will! Maybe you can make one.

The ideal demon pill, do you think this Yu yolo looks like a medicine tripod?" "Wow!
Shameless, shameless people, shameless you, why don't you go to hell?" Wen Xin long
struggled hard, but his body was like a fixation technique, it was difficult to even move
his little finger.

This day, one after another, the robbery came I couldn't stand within three miles! Nine
days of thunder cloud evil spirits, Yin fire dry evil spirits, wind grime body devouring
thunder evil spirits are all nine layers, this is a three-nine-day disaster.

Yu yolo is like plucking an onion, one layer of light pattern after another layer of light
pattern is broken, one large array after another is destroyed, so that the Taoist priests
in the distance are deeply hit, and they feel hopeless in this life!

"It's about to reach the core formation? Could it be that Ma ling Yun can really survive
the catastrophe today and soar?" "Yes! If he succeeds, doesn't it mean that this is a
more effective shortcut to ascent?"

"Bah, what do you think? This is Yu yolo, how much manpower and material resources
have been spent? Who has the ability to build another one, you tell me? Suddenly,
many high-level Taoists heard the voice of Dragon Yin and couldn't help cursing
inwardly: "Shameless! Shameless!

This has inspired the royal calligraphy. Can't you keep a few pieces for the sect?" Those
royal calligraphy were burning, Ma ling Yun stepped into the core formation and let out
a sigh of relief: "Okay! I hope I can reach the Heavenly Court smoothly."


Crossing the Tribulation is a test given to you by God, if you survive it, everything will
be fine. If you can't make it through, you can be blasted into a residue. Ma ling Yun did
this kind of apostasy just after returning to the sect, which caused many people in the
sect to hate it.

"The demon pill line, how did you tolerate and raise the traitor back then, watching him
retreat? This time he came back and didn't know what it meant, so he didn't pay
attention to it! Unexpectedly, a negligence would become an eternal hatred! Hateful,

Some elders were dissatisfied: "My cultivation base is obviously better than him, but I
didn't expect to use the Yu yolo to overcome the catastrophe! If I use the power of the
sect to build another Yu yolo, I don't know how long and how long.

And the wolf with more flesh and less meat, those old guys with their neck’s half buried
in the loess must be more radical. Where can we accommodate those half-old and
deciduous ones?"

"Asshole, shameless, despicable! Why doesn't Heavenly Tribulation kill you? Die! Ma
ling Yun, your name makes people hateful, you have the ambition to rise above clouds,
don't so many people in the door have the ambition to rise above clouds?"

"Die! If you don't die, the whole sect of Jinan Sect will be a joke. So many people have
never thought of borrowing Yu yolo to cross the catastrophe! Maybe it's not that they
haven't thought about it, but they dare not."

The peaks and mountains trembled, and the world shook together. But it's incredible,
the three-nine-day calamity reached the final pass, and the thunder from the sky looked
like an ocean of lightning intertwined.

Standing in the extreme distance and looking at it, you will feel tingling in your eyes.
Those with poor cultivation will roll all over the floor, and the pain will shed tears in
their eyes.

They are terrified of Tian Wei and leave an indelible mark in their hearts. Only then did
the elder react, and quickly released his pill energy, and said: "Quick! Send the disciples

They can't cultivate, and seeing someone crossing the catastrophe so early will affect
their life." Indeed, Bai Yuchen’s pill method is the most important of courage. Without
the mentality of burning jade and stone to fight against the sky, there is actually no
need to enter the jinn Dan Sect.

However, in order to win over and control the world, it is determined not to exclude
those with deep backgrounds. Outsiders didn't know that Elder Ma ling Yun Ma was
sitting on the back of Elder Wenxiu Longden, holding a broken fan that could not be
broken, and slammed the dazzling electric lights that had penetrated into the core

Seeing these electro-optics turned into flames blasting above Wen Xin long’s San yuan
Sinha Pill Array. Wen Xin long looked at it for a moment, and immediately shouted:
"Where does your fan come from?

How can this robbery fan become a real fire?" "Ha-ha! Guess it!" Elder Ma showed a
furious smile. There was lightning and thunder outside, as if he didn't care about the
catastrophe at all. "Yes? Is that the legendary treasure banana fan?"

Wen Xin long widened his eyes, his voice trembling. "Oh! Your strength is not very
good, but your eyesight and insight are good." "Wow! It's really a banana fan. This is
the treasure of the sect that has been lost for many years.

How can it get into your hands? “Ha-ha, guess!" Elder Ma was so angry, he almost
vomited blood with anger. There was a shock from below, and the royal arrogance
erupted from Yu yolo, and those sacred calligraphy were burned to ashes.

These scenes made the Jinan faction elders sway in their hearts, and their hearts
became even more angry: "This is the power of one country! The core formation has
not completely ended, otherwise this building will have melted away even if it was
made of fine gold."

The wind and flames quickly subsided, and a fire ignited upstairs in Yue, and someone
who knew how to screamed: "True Samadhi? This Where is the true fire of Samadhi?"
Heavenly Tribulation has evolved to the extreme, its power is incredible, and the whole
world is dazzling.

Everyone feels that their temples are jumping wildly, and there is blood in their throats,
and they want to vomit quickly. Under this dazzling light, the oldest Taoist priests of the
jinn Dan Sect opened their eyes and were shocked: "Ma ling Yun, he is a generation of
alchemy wizards?

He actually used this sky full of thunder to make alchemy. Wonderful, wonderful.
Wonderful! Great! This Wen Xin long’s San yuan Sinha Pill Formation has become
extremely pure after this refining, and its resistance will be increased more than ten

Yue Building has been destroyed, only the frame is still intact. This building was
originally piled with gold and jade, but now it is almost invisible. At the critical moment
when the Tribulation reached its peak and declined, the Three Elements and Three
Transformation Pill Formation was shattered, and several elders who had a good
relationship with Ma ling Yun closed their eyes and couldn't bear to watch the next
scene. What is this called?

This is called a failure. What a pity, it was about to go through the catastrophe, but it
became a dream, and it was gone. "Ah! Look! Goodness! This Ma ling Yun?" Those
elders who closed their eyes hurriedly opened their eyes and saw the scenes that had
made them obsessed for a lifetime.

Ma ling Yun is safe and sound, holding a bright demon pill in his hand, rising up against
the thunder that is smashing down! In the blink of an eye, his figure reached high
altitude, artificially triggering the lingering power of heaven.

The final blow of the robbery removed the haze from the sky, revealing colorful clouds,
faintly hearing fairy music coming from the sky, the colorful long bridge hanging down,
and taking the elder Ma ling Yun and Ma soaring away.

"Ah! He was unscathed, and even made use of the sky full of thunder to refine
alchemy!" "He originally only had four external refining demon pills, but in the past few
years he has been refining into the Tiangong Five Thunder Demon External Pills.

Today, this great demon pill absorbs the pill energy of the three yuan and three
transformation pill formation, and then uses the heavenly robbery. Wei has become a
demon celestial pill in one fell swoop!

Immortal, really immortal, and soaring with the immortal pill." Those Dao leaders who
know how to flatter hurriedly worshipped, and preached: "Respectfully send Elder Ma to
the sky, the physical body is really refined, and the alchemy is great!"

After a while, this voice overwhelmed everything, and the whole family uttered in
unison: "Respectfully send Elder Ma Junxia to ascend, the physical body is really
refined, and the alchemy is great!"

As the so-called sergeant gains Taoism, he is promoted to heaven official. Sergeant got
the way, Nan gong Lexan. The corporal got the way and lived forever. Ascension in the
daytime, attaining the Tao and becoming immortal, can be said to be the highest ideal

and ultimate goal pursued by ancient and modern Taoists. Today, another monk from
the Jinan Sect has completed the feat of ascension, no matter what Dao Ma has done?
What big mistakes have you ever made!

Now they can all be erased, which is the same as winning and losing. If you succeed,
you will lose. Even if the world’s Taoists are dissatisfied, even if the royal family feels
jealous, but the Jinan faction suddenly gets the second gold sign.

How many people in the world don't want the court and how many people don't want
to fly immortals? What's more, Ma Longyan’s flying immortal route is even more

The cultivation base is obviously unsatisfactory, but he uses the power of the sky to
refine alchemy. It is really a fantastic idea and is superior. The second person of the
Jinan faction is full of mystery in the daytime soaring.

Although the Yue Tower was destroyed as debris, it at least proves that there is
absolutely no problem with the defense of this building. Imagine that he could even
hold up the horrendous power.

Ma ling Yun Ma Taoist Master personally demonstrated that the jinn Dan Sect was loyal
to the officials and did not dare to resort to fraud. Regardless of whether there is fraud
or not, it is a thing of the past anyway.

Where does the world know that someone has successfully smuggled into the country,
and the Ying Xian Pavilion who is standing in the heavenly court smiled and said:
"Under Ma ling Yun, jinn Dan sent Bai Yuchen’s, he came in a hurry, and only brought
one fairy boy to honor the fairy.

Fate! Bute Masen "Oh?" The old Dao in charge of welcoming Xian Tai took a moment to
look at the handsome young man in front of him, nodded and said: "Yes, you can
achieve this kind of achievement just after being promoted, but it is a very rare thing."

Ma ling Yun gave a deep ceremony and said: "The immortal has grown beyond
reputation. There are three questions in my heart for a long time. I still hope that the
immortal will be enlightened. How many levels is this immortal?

How many levels are this day? Why does the heaven seem to have disappeared in
recent years in general, it can only be reached by ascent, and there is no legend of
immortals descending to the earth to attract sentient beings, so that I waited for the
lower realm monks to lose their way, feeling that the distance from the heavenly court
is getting farther and farther, and often sighed to the sky, if not for a hard fight, it is
difficult for juniors to stand here and listen to the teachings of the immortal?

"Ha-ha, your kid is quite good at talking, and also understands etiquette." The old way
looked at the unconscious little fairy boy, smiled and said: "This fairy rarely answers the
questions raised by the younger generation, but you are pretty pleasing to the eye.
Explain one or two!"

"This immortal rank is based on the ancient system, human immortal, earth immortal,
and true immortal. As long as you are promoted, you will be considered a true
immortal. Your kid has some luck and way, almost reaching the immortal! After this
immortal, there will be golden immortals and profound immortals.

Taiya Jinxing, Taiya Xuan Xian, Delu Jinxing." "As for how many levels are there in this
day? Naturally, it is thirty-six levels! But the world only knows the thirty-third heaven,
and the heaven is located outside the thirty-third heaven.

Because one person gained the Tao, the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven, which
were brought up by immortals when they were promoted. There are too many people
in the city, so that immortal man is in trouble, but there are so many treasures. If you
eat more, others will eat less.

It is inevitable that uneven distribution and various problems will occur." "So! Heavenly
Court is controlling the population, which has increased the difficulty of ascent a lot.
That's good, the old man's job has become extremely leisurely, so he has time to chat
with you."

"Okay, let's go to Sendai to assign responsibilities! Anyway, the younger generations

promoted under this condition are all rare characters. By the way, that Bai Yuchen
seems to be assigned to the vegetable garden of the Barefoot Great Immortal, then But
because of the fat, you must lower your body and don't be half proud."

"Farewell, even if the immortals in the palm of Xian Tai are not as good as you in
cultivation, they have an official immortal book, and you have to work hard to get it.
Just say it all and do it for yourself." Ma ling Yun hurriedly thanked him: "Thank you,
Mr. Immortal, for telling me, I will go to Zhan giantin now!"

The old man squinted his eyes and swam away, no more words. Ma ling Yun set up
colorful clouds and threw them toward Zhan giantin. After an unknown period of time,
the unconscious little Taoist boy woke up and looked left and right in surprise.

"This is this heaven?" He was extremely excited. "Yes! It's the Heavenly Court, your
master has already sold you to me, and serve the immortal well!" "What? It must be
that surnamed Ma, he is uneasy and kind!

How can I, Wen Xin long, give in? No, never!" The rejuvenated Wen Xin long yelled and
pulled his neck. Unexpectedly, he slapped his face. With his dry palm, he made intimate
contact with his face. He only listened to the old-fashioned cursing: "What the hell? It's
not that I despise you, not even a fairy.

Just an extremely low-level fairy boy among the immortals. Work honestly, otherwise
you will be kicked off from here immediately, and you will become a puddle of slime
before you come." "Are you an immortal?" Wen Xin long only realized that it was not

good at this time, and it was still very bad. The man surnamed Ma really sold him, but
how could Heavenly Court be different from the imagined Heavenly Court? This fairy
looks even more snobbery than the world.

"Hahaha! I like your ignorant look. Hurry up to make tea and prepare snacks, and wait
carefully. If it is the old man, I am half dissatisfied. See if I won't take your skin or your

Wen Xin long wailed, what kind of heaven is this? Why is it so abominable, to ascend
to heaven to enjoy the blessing, how to become a slave? At this moment, Ma ling Yun
has become one with the immortal Zhan giantin, and has given away a number of Jinan
School classics and medicine pots, as well as some panacea that has a beauty effect.

He has a good impression of him from top to bottom. Yadao is good for Hades, but it is
hard for a kid. If you don't feed these little ghosts, you will never see the key person!
"Okay! It's an interesting one!

I suddenly remembered that Darian had just finished his retreat. If Ma's brother has
developed, don't forget your brother!" Ma ling Yun hurriedly said: "Thank you for your
brother's help. You will be my brother in the future.

Let's move around more. We will definitely go up and kiss in the future, and never
forget my brother's help." "Hahaha! The old man is a wonderful person! He is tens of
thousands of times stronger than those fairies who only know arrogance."

Under the guidance of this "dry brother", Ma ling Yun soon saw the high-level person
who could decide the destiny of the immortal, Taiba jinxing. This Taiba jinxing is not

Although it is only the messenger of the Jade Emperor, it is a student of Tais hang Lao
Jun, with such a background. At that time, he realized the Taoist mantra in Laozi's
mouth and gained the promotion of Taoism. He looked like a gray-haired old man with

a kind, loyal and kind-hearted expression, and he was very happy. Ma ling Yun hurriedly
met and offered a bright elixir with both hands. Wei Nuno said: "The great immortal is
here, please be respected by my disciples.

I, Ma ling Yun, come from the Jinan school. I have the honor to enter the heaven. Make
a contribution." Taiba Jinxing shook his brows, and looked at this youngster, feeling

He has always been upright and doesn't like young people to flatter, but a monkey
suddenly popped out of his mind, and the words of his colleagues on the weekdays,
which immediately wiped out his dissatisfaction.

My colleagues are right. Those little guys who are out of control and not obedient are
troublesome. On the contrary, they are not as good as these little guys who know how
to flatter and want to be an official.

This is what the mixed system should look like. If a few Monkey Kings were actually
collected, Heavenly Court would not be able to continue to function. "Okay! The
immortal has seen your filial piety.

It is not easy to be ranked in the immortal class at the moment. If you can't be ranked
in terms of seniority, let Diab help you arrange a place! Let your temperament first, you
may be promoted in the future."

Taiba Jinxing did not receive the benefits with a flick of the dust, but instead issued an
order to expel guests. Ma ling Yun is an eye-catching and hurriedly worshipped and
worshipped, and followed "Brother Gan" to exit the hall. He grabbed his brother
Quang’s arm and slapped the elixir, and whispered, “Brother help younger brother!

From today on, as long as the younger brother gets good things, there must be 70% of
the older brother! No, 80%, I can account for two achievements. Up!" "Hahaha, your
kid is clever and promising." This god-brother is actually in charge of Sendai's book, in

fact, he just walked through the scene and got the approval of Taiya Darian, and his
side was easy to operate. If you want to take advantage of it, you must naturally put
people who are loyal to yourself.

This newly ascended Ma ling Yun is an official fan. As long as there is demand, this is
easy to handle. Diab squeezed the elixir and said, "Hey, let’s tell me, there are other

There is only one position, which is the pain of Darian, so I dare not arrange it now.
Does Bi Masen know? As long as you have the courage, Let’s take charge of Tiana, our
brothers should make a fortune."

"Pi Ma Wen?" Ma ling Yun secretly said: "Fuck! Almost thought you were a fortune
teller, guess what I wanted to do."

Take you home and fly you Bi Ma Wen is a homonym for avoiding horse plague and a
small official who raises horses. Bute means auxiliary and is a homophonic to avoid.
Plague means sickness and is a homophonic sound of warm.

In Journey to the West, Bi Masen is in charge of the imperial Ma Si Zheng tang. If he is

a fairy who has just ascended, he can be ascended to this position. Zhang Xian Tai’s
book patted Ma ling Yun on the shoulder, and Chuffing said with a full face: "Brother,
you have a good name!

As long as your name is reported, no one can pick a thorn. Think about it, Bi Masen is
in charge. Ma’s official, and is this Ma ling Yun a good sign?" "Hey! Listening to my
brother's words, the post of Bi Masen is really suitable for me! Please rest assured, my
brother, I will not let you down."

The book laughed: "Hahaha, I know that my brother is a wonderful person. Right now,
the heaven is full of immortals. Even the youngest officials are staring at them all day
long. It is very rare to sit in this position as soon as they rise up. It's easy to attract

people to worry and jealousy. You have to keep your eyes open. Although Bi Masen is
not a high-ranking officer, but there are also dozens of officials such as
superintendents, superintendents, bookkeepers, strong men, etc.

You are stuck on the cultivation base of people, immortals, and immortals, or you would
have been promoted and made a fortune long ago! Who among these can be used?
Who cannot be used, you have to know in your heart?

"Yes! Thank you, brother for the point, I will pay attention." Ma ling Yun thanked him
with a fist, looking respectful, but who knows that the heaven has led the wolf into the
house, and it is still a hungry wolf comparable to the gluttonous.

"Ha-ha! Brother is a sensible person. This new official has three fires. You must not be
amicable, but be vigorous and resolute. Let those old fritters not know your way and
play them around.

Remember, in There is no difference between being an official in the heavenly court

and being an official in the world. Don’t have an eye above the top. I believe that with
the ability of my brother, I will rise in a few years.

Then my brother will find a better job for you. Only in this way Keep the road wider and
wider, instead of stiffening yourself, talking about the lower realms every day like those
who have settled down, without even being aggressive."

"My brother has said so clearly. If I still mess up the matter, I'd rather come and see
you." The two were quite agreeable, and when Ma ling Yun left the palm of the
Immortal Terrace, they had already crossed their shoulders and turned their backs

In fact, this book is the master of no rabbits and eagles. If Ma ling Yun hadn’t hesitated
to make the elixir of the power and then photographed him, it would be very generous,
and it would look like an official fan who wanted to climb up regardless of the cost,

otherwise it would be difficult to win praise and could do it for a session. Lux is not bad!
What does it mean to gather things together and divide people into groups? What does
it mean to be stubborn and embarrassed?

If you look lofty and can't let people see the huge benefits, who is willing to take such a
big risk to invest? At the very least, you must be of the same kind, because the same
kind of people like to cross people by themselves.

You are an official fan, and I am an official fan. Everyone has a common language, so
that we can communicate with each other. Being an official for thousands of miles is
only for money, and being an official in the heavenly court is the same.

How can there be a longevity and a blessing like the East China Sea? If you don't fight
for yourself and don't have a deep background, even if the world collapses, you are still
a nameless person and won't attract anyone's attention.

Besides Ma ling Yun, after he got the letter of authorization, he set up a cloud of
auspicious clouds and rushed to his official residence. While he was in the air, Ma ling
Yun scanned left and right, admiring the heavenly scenery.

Don't tell me, this heaven is magnificent, with golden light shining red, and a thousand
rays of aura spraying purple mist. I saw that the palace was deep blue and made of
colored glaze. Ming Haruo, Bayou makeup.

The imperial road in the distance towers into the cloud group, dozens of marshal
Zhenjiang on both sides are invincible, one of them tops Liang Tainting with milling and
embraces, and there are golden armored gods standing around, holding a halberd and
hanging whip, holding a sword, majestic, and angry Ang, extraordinary style.

Looking at the Yadao scene from a distance, I feel dazzling. For a moment, I just feel
my heart is surging. I want to be one of them, so that I can be driven by the emperor!
Looking at the depths of the sky, I saw swarms of cranes spinning and flying, and

countless unicorns exhaling auspicious air. These scenes are imprinted in your eyes.
Don't want to forget them in your life. Too magnificent, too sacred, this is the Heavenly
Court outside the 33rd Heaven, but no one knows that the new Bi Ma Wen has arrived,
staring at a pair of divine eyes looking at the world, where is the value? Which place is
just a good thing?

Even if it is cut off and taken away, it is too cumbersome. This Ma ling Yun dangled and
flew for a long time before falling into the cloud group. Suddenly, he saw the two sides
of the gate lined up, and the small Ziamet officials in the mansion had been waiting for
a long time.

"Ouch! Welcome to Master Winna! Master Zhang Xian tai Diab has already said hello,
let me wait here to wait, and don't neglect Shang guan. It's good that our company
finally ushered in the head of the family."

A bald and respectful worship, some of those two rows of officials pouted and some
were disdainful, and they did not put the newly appointed Master Burma Winna in their
eyes. Ma ling Yun glanced over, basically knowing everyone's virtues.

He coughed and said: "This official is here for the first time, and I hope you will support
you. You must not intrigue and tear each other down." "Yes, Heaven is an official only
for peace.

Everyone is a fairy, and you will never give birth to sordid like a mortal." Bald is very
hard to express himself, but he doesn't know that this Yi Ma Wen is ill-intentioned, and
he is still heaven and earth. It's not a good time to wait.

Ma ling Yun immediately said to the left and the right: "Everyone has watched these
celestial horses’ hard day and night. I, Ma ling Yun, have the ambition to rise above the
clouds. I will never compete with you for those petty gains.

The first thing in office is to do my best to spend. A lot of money to build four Hundred
Flower Fairy cars. You have to know that no matter the world or the heavens, women
and female fairies are best to make money.

No matter what strategy you have before, I want to lead everyone to increase their
income anyway!" "Oh?" A few people shined and felt that an opportunity had come. A
few people sneered at that the newly appointed Bute Masen was so unreliable.

Ma ling Yun added: "Even though horse raising is our main business, we can only rely
on side businesses to make money. You can also bring in relatives and friends, lend out
some old horses, clearly mark the price and charge according to the mileage, and do
short-distance horsemen. Just charge.

Reasonable, I believe there is a certain amount of oil and water to fish in, and even let
those immortals develop the habit of going out and riding a carriage, so that they can
make money every day, and never beg for food while guarding the Golden Mountain."

"What?" Everyone was shocked and felt that if they followed this path, it was hard to
say that Raijin Doujin could at least arrange for family members so that those brothers
and sisters in the family would not be idle all day and spend their time fighting with

Ma ling Yun was amused, and continued: "What else! This horse tail can be made into
whisks, and horse bones can be carved into mahjong, which is Pai Gown, understand?
As for horse skin and horse meat, they can be developed into our fist products.

Of course, it depends on you. You know that someone has already done this, but you
can’t do it well. Real masters, it’s for you to only buy the expensive ones, and you don’t
buy the right ones.

We have to play out the signboard of Yuma’s, and there are those who know Buddhist
disciples. Do you? Just say that our products have been sold out, ten times! No, you

can make a profit by selling them at twenty times the price." "Huh?" These people
collectively dumbfounded.

Bute Masen Ma ling Yun is in charge of Yu Ma Si! Originally, officials of the size of the
Imperial Horse Division were resisting, but this Master Bi Ma Wen Ma said something
before entering the door, which made dozens of mouths thoughtful, and no longer
cared about giving his boss a predicament.

My previous thoughts were extremely naive. Take a look at the declaration before they
enter the door, to make money with everyone, to make you rich and to fly. Where is
Bute Masen? It is clearly the God of Wealth.

Take a look at the eyes of your colleagues. If you are half-hearted, you dare to show
your face to the God of Wealth. Everyone is worried that there is no chance to vote for
yourself. Under such circumstances, who dares to be a public enemy?

At this time, no one is thinking about how to set up obstacles for the new Bute Ma
Wen, they are all wondering if the words of Master Ma are feasible? Ma ling Yun stood
up holding his hand and said: "What are you doing here?

Earn money to make money. What should each perform its duties? Hurry up to build
the framework. Time is money. I am an immortal and I must be generous. Don't worry
about sharing profits.

The question is, except for those imposing immortals on the official face, all the other
money is ours. Three or seven, seven of you, three of you! This is just the beginning,
and there will be many projects in the future.

You will have a full-time job. Moisturize more. I'm lying on the side of profit, accounting
for three achievements is the limit." "Wow" Everyone was in an uproar, and they didn't
expect to meet such a good talking boss.

First of all, the name is good enough, Ma ling Yun he should be in the imperial Ma Si Fei
Huang Tenda. Look at the people's high level of thinking. When you enter the door, you
will show the direction without saying, and you are not greedy for money at all. This is
the immortal who does great things.

Ma ling Yun left only one entourage, and all the other officials and officials dismissed
them. With a shot, they convinced them. The difficulty is really low! "Let's go! Take me

The newly appointed Bi Masen looked very calm, and even his entourage had to
applaud the palm of Sendai. It seemed to be a painful experience, and he didn't dare to
put a monkey in office as before.

"Yes! My lord, please come with me." The entourage hurriedly introduced how many
yamen stalls there are in the Royal Horses, how many horse farms there are at home
and abroad, how many dragon horses with horns on their heads have been bred
through breeding these years, and how many seem to be there.

The unicorn is not the demon horse of the unicorn! In addition, the cranes cultivated by
Mimas have been successful. Previously, the cranes lay only two eggs in their lives,
which was not easy to survive.

Now! Two eggs can be laid in one year, so the number of cranes has soared. "Oh? All
those cranes belong to our family?" Ma Longyan’s eyes lit up and nodded and said:

"Well done, it can be seen that Yu Ma Si has been working hard over the years, and has
not rested on its laurels. Only by innovation and innovation can he keep improving.
Look. I came to the right place.

Our company is indeed a golden mountain, and it is also a huge golden mountain that
you can't even imagine." Ma ling Yun paused and smiled and said, "If the order is
passed down, help me run to the master book of Zhan giantin, saying that Yemisi needs

to expand the establishment. Take a sum of money from the book and borrow it if
there is no money. Don’t you borrow the club? No matter how much money you borrow
from outside, it will be divided into two points every day."

The entourage was stunned: "Every day? Day? Two points of profit? This is even more
exaggerated than a donkey rolling." "Stupid! If we put the money in the public house,
how many pairs of eyes will be staring at, jealousy must be reported.

If you set up a name to borrow money, the advantage is that each household will have
a name. This is called a Diauli name, understand? Also don't be stingy, just It’s said that
this year’s weather is very hot, please take care of all the adults in Sendai to cool off.
Inform Yemisi that someone from the family rushes in.

The opportunity is not to be missed. The loss will not come again. I only open this
opening. There is a charge for recruiting people later." "Huh?" The entourage was silly,
and said to his heart how the head of this newcomer is long?

There are so many tricks in a few words, it's really bad for him to figure it out. Please
let the sires of Sendai cool off? The gifts are given out flowers, which is really superior.
"My lord, how much do you want to expand?"

"There is too few manpower, just expand ten times! No, twenty times! Tell the owner
of Palm Sendai that our company intends to launch Rui Beast Rental Office, Private
Crane Reservation Office, Yuma Mahjong Manufacturing Factory, and For the Royal
Horse Brand Medallion series food, even the horse dung has to be packaged and sold to
ordinary immortals.

It is said that the Royal Horse eats the fairy grass and burns it to the body." The
entourage almost fainted. I had never thought that a mere royal horse could still play
like this before.

If the yes mentioned by Master Ma develop, even if only half of it is realized, this royal
horse is also a big golden mountain. Enough to feed thousands of immortals! A good
horse Wen, while patrolling the Royal Horse Division, shows his mouth cannon skills.

As long as the mouth is opened, he can always talk about people in the clouds and
mist, and he only feels that the prospects are beautiful. This Master Ma did it, and it
won't take long for him to become soaring.

This imperial Ma Si was ridiculed by Ma ling Yun. Everyone can't wait to use a quarter
of an hour as three hours. This situation really needs to expand the manpower. Some
daring people borrow huge sums of money from outside, and then lend them to
Yuma’s! The hour has already stirred up a general trend.

Those immortals with rich wealth began to pay attention to Yu Ma Si, thinking that the
newly appointed Bute Ma Wen was a bit interesting, but he didn't know how many
loans he could accept! That is two points of profit every day, not every month.

Ligula climbs upwards and will reach an incredible number, but looking at the fierce
energy of this Bi Masen, you will never fail to see this.

While there was a lot of discussion in the outside world, the newly appointed Bi Masen
began to patrol the horse farms, by the way, keeping in mind the map of the heaven,
where to go to Dousing Palace, where to go to the Liebe Rain Department, where to go
to Tianhe, etc. and so on.

Clearly. In jargon, this is called stepping! On the second day, when the daylight was
getting brighter, Yu Ma Si had split into 23 large and small yam Si, and began to sell

Everyone has been busy all night, establishing various frameworks, how can there be
time to produce products? But Master Ma's words provided everyone with ideas. Can’t
you sell without products? We sell expected to sell against the ticket. First set up a

dozen sets of suits to show it, and say that whoever pushes a batch of products will
give as many rebates. If you launch ten sets of products, you will immediately become
a member and enjoy various superhuman first-class treatments.

The Royal Masa golden signboard is guaranteed. This can be endorsed. As long as you
get the funds from the redemption sale, the product will not be a problem. Everyone
didn't rest all night but didn't look tired. Just like the Pleiadean officer, they were so
energetic every morning and recruited members with a bold attitude.

In fact, they themselves are the first group of fans. Master Ma said, if we don’t believe
in ourselves, who do we want to believe? Yes indeed! We must become members, and
we are also gold members, and we must support the take-off of Yuma’s.

Yu Ma Si took out his belongings up and down, took the hand of Sendai to learn the
details, and entered the pit second. Ma ling Yun knows that some bigwigs are starting
to pay attention to this matter, this is easy! The pit is here, there will be more fairies
jumping up in line.

Pirate the sky Ma ling Yun seemed to be busy for three days, inspecting everywhere,
but actually stepping on the road. Gradually, there was a very clear map in my mind. It
turned out that the Heavenly Court arranged the Heavenly Palace and the Treasure Hall
by the number of the Heavenly Gang and the Earth Devil, and the main buildings
totaled 108.

There are 36 heavenly palaces, such as Qian Yun Palace, Bisha Palace, Sensing Palace,
Worming Palace, Doula Palace, Milo Palace, Ganging Palace and even Guanghua Palace,
all of which belong to the category of heavenly palaces.

There are a total of 72 treasure halls, such as Chunhui Hall, Lingus Hall, Broguing Hall,
Tonging Hall, Heavenly King Hall, Phidian Hall, etc., all of which belong to the category
of treasure halls. How far away you can see the Broguing, the defense is relatively

tight. Why is it relatively strict? Because the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals
at least pose, unlike the entrance of a small hall like Yu Masa, any fairy can come in. In
these three days, Yu Ma Si became the center of the storm.

Many immortals fought against Yu Ma Si, and even figures from the 28 stars appeared.
For nothing else, just borrow money! Correct! It means borrowing money, not
borrowing money from Yuma’s, but lending money to Yuma’s!

That's two points every day! Listen clearly, every day! And you can withdraw the
principal every month. If you have a lot of money, you can re-loan it to Yu Ma Si, which
means you can enjoy the benefits.

Fairy! Like to enjoy, like quiet, like elegance, but if you want to maintain this kind of
life, no money is absolutely impossible. Why are so many immortals tempted? Because
Mimas suddenly became very wealthy, the orders placed by Jiankui and Mohini were
placed thirty years later. What does this mean?

This is equivalent to the purchase of Jiankui and Yu punji. From today onwards, only
products specified by Yemisi can be produced. That's not even counted. The newly
appointed Bute Masen launched redemption and gold membership redemption. Even
the value of this redemption doubled in just two days.

Do you think Masha has money now? It is reported that all the small officials with
bigger sesame mung beans in Yuma’s are well developed. Not only do they make a lot
of money, but they also draw all the idlers in the family into Yuma’s.

These years are full of immortals. It is too difficult to arrange relatives without real
power. Even those high-ranking immortals cannot arrange everyone around them
properly, but this humble Bi Masen actually did it.

Expansion is indeed a good way, but you must be able to support these immortals, and
you have to solve the problem of organization. Now it's not the case. Following the

development of Yemisi, it is not a problem to cram a thousand or eight hundred people
in. Many immortals have moved their minds, even if they don't have a way to borrow
money from Yu Ma Si, arrange for someone to enter the head office?

In fact, as long as people are arranged in, borrowing money from Yuma’s becomes a
matter of course. It’s natural to talk as a family, and it is the kingly way to make money
together. In this way, in just three days, Yu Ma Si was like a monster, devouring funds
frantically, attracting more fairies to join this gluttonous feast.

After Ma ling Yun stepped on the road, he began to actively operate. First of all, he sold
the horse bone handicraft workshop that was still on paper and had not been
established under his command!

Yes, it was sold! Yu Ma Si declared that it was unable to make ends meet by redeeming
votes. This is a money-losing workshop. In order to ensure everyone's principal and to
have a good business condition, the strong man broke his arm and began to shrink the
industry! Many immortals became hesitant.

Unexpectedly, those seldom-appearing great immortals were like chicken blood, and
they made huge sums of money and even took out the treasures that they had
collected for many years to help Yuma’s.

If something goes wrong, there must be demons. Just when those immortals who were
not well informed were watching, Master Bi Ma Wen Ma made another move. This time,
he still sold the cheapest Xian ling horse manure workshop under the pretext of
possible losses.

At this time, many immortals knew that there was something tricky in it, and it was
very tricky. In Mimas's industry, these two seemingly inconspicuous small workshops
are actually the most valuable, but they are transferred to the master of Sendai and the
Pleiades under this plausible excuse at low prices. Okay! This is clearly a bribe!

One masters the immortal book, the other masters the evaluation, and the two great
immortals take care of them. Is there a reason why the business of the royal horses is
not prosperous?

Bi Ma, Wen Ma, Ling Yun Ma immediately became a hot figure, and there were horses
and horses in front of him. Several big immortals visited in person, and the little official
who was the size of a sesame seed made a happy conversation, and when they left,
they all showed a satisfied smile, straight that the little brother is sensible and has a
bright future.

In just one night, ten industries were transferred out, and instead of falling, the value
of the redemption ticket went up and doubled. Can it not be bullish? I don't even look
at how many immortal palaces Yu Ma Si is linked to, it will be limitless in the future.

You must get the gold redemption ticket as soon as possible, so even if you hold one
share, maybe a few years later, the gold redemption ticket is already worth ten
thousand gold.

Heavenly Court has been like a pool of stagnant water over the years, and this kind of
golden opportunity rarely occurs. If you don't make a move, you may regret it for life.
The fairies were so idle, Ma ling Yun took off his clothes and pants after a little teasing,
giving away all his belongings.

Little did they know that they charted interest, while someone charted principal. Yu Ma
Si made a big deal and continued to open up new financial avenues drastically. Many
people were clearly squeezed in, but they did not appear bloated and enviable. But the
real big deal is yet to come.

Ma ling Yun began to acquire land to build a mansion for Yu Ma Si. There are many
more industries involved now. In places where big fairy palaces or horse farms are
built, they can use "personal connections" to embezzle public land. Even the three-color

Yanji that has just formed and is suitable for building a heavenly palace has won six
places. The real rogue practice is that all the items are settled by redemption.

Due to the fact that this trend is blowing too hard, on the sixth day, you will not be able
to settle the bill without redemption. Several audacious II ancestors demolished ten
dilapidated palaces and sold the building materials to Yuma’s, which speeded up the
construction of the mansion.

Bi Ma Wen repeated the old trick and sold out the mansions that were half built, and
scored dozens of great immortals! Why is it cool! Because building materials are piled
aside, everything is readily available, as long as you ask craftsmen to do the work for
20 days.

Yu Ma Si said that he was unable to make ends meet, and he was unable to build these
mansions. In fact, it was for everyone's benefit. How many people didn't love Bi Ma
Wen who was on the road like this?

If anyone dares to speak badly, then wait to be involved! These immortals did not
realize that the exchange of tickets had replaced the heavenly pill, spiritual jade, and
magic weapon that were previously used as currency.

After a few more days, there was almost no shadow of Lingus on the market, and
Tandan became a thing of the past. Only the magic weapon circulated as usual, but all
the fine products were lost.

Ma ling Yun was sitting in the mansion, tasting fairy wine, eating flat peaches, and
sketching it randomly on the map. Many of the above places have fallen, and there are
still more than a dozen places left. These more than a dozen places are the focus of the
next strategy.


Go the way of sister Qinglin there is a grassland behind the palace, the blue cow shook
his head and lowered his head to eat the fairy grass! You must know that all parts of
the heavenly court are heavily guarded, especially this Dust Palace, which is one of the
most important places, and it is not easy to get in.

The reason why the drunk Sun Dashing easily entered the palace of Lao Jun, and stole
five pots of precious golden pills. Because the Queen Mother is holding the Flat Peach
Conference, and all gods are participating in this event, so the defense is lax and let
him take advantage of the void.

Since the incident of the Great Sage Pirate Pill, Dolly Palace has increased its defenses.
Six Ding Laojiao, the Golden Warrior, and the Sarang God will be on duty from morning
to night, and they dare not be negligent.

Ma ling Yun ascended for ten days, and because of what he did, he became a talking
resource for those big immortals after dinner. The little Yu Ma Si actually took the lead,
which was quite interesting in the eyes of the immortals.

Many immortals see the beauty of it, that is, using ticket redemption to search for
Tandan and Lingus. The good things on the market are gradually becoming scarce, and
all of them have become one-sheet redemption.

In fact, the reason is very simple. Isn't it the mortal silver coin and the silver ticket? It is
more convenient to carry and trade, but the superior immortal is in the company of
copper smelly? Isn't that great?

Maybe you should work around and set the face value of Lingus, so that there is no
problem. Those top immortals are very clever, seeing Ma Longyan’s things in their eyes,
thinking that they can let this kid test the water first.

It is precisely because of the high-level attention that the projects promoted by Mimas
are not profitable, and they are supported by many immortals from above and below. It
is not an exaggeration to describe the "general trend".

As a result, Ma Longyan’s snowball was getting bigger and bigger, and he began to
optimize the resources in his hands. Regardless of the word for heaven, Tian Dan is
actually something for those immortals and earth immortals to use.

Whenever the accumulation reaches a certain level, the price will be lowered
immediately. In the past, he had dealt with it through hidden lines. In the past two
days, Ma ling Yun has become more and more courageous.

He directly bought a few shops, went to the inside and out, and established Hummin
Pavilion. Hummin! Mainly for those immortals and earth immortals, sell Tandan at very
low prices, and support the exchange business by the way.

It was not easy to get a ticket before. Now as long as you can get good things to
support Hummin Pavilion and support the public welfare undertakings promoted by
Master Yamaimo, you can not only get the titles of good fairy and charity fairy, but also
get the ticket.

And even gold redemption. As soon as this incident occurred, it immediately caused a
greater stir. Charity! What a beautiful career is this? Maybe there are merits to be
taken. This Master Burma Weinman is really superior, and every move is like an
antelope hanging horns, only hindsight, so that the immortals can't see the trace.

It was with the Hummin Pavilion that Ma ling Yun made a lot of money, and half a day's
pill was converted into a low-level spirit jade, and then a low-level spirit jade was
converted into a high-level spirit jade or magic weapon.

In order to create the illusion that it is difficult to get a ticket, Yu Ma Si settled with
other departments, that is, if you can use Tian Dan, you use Tian Dan, and if you can

use Ling Jade, you use Ling Jade. This caused a lot of complaints from other
departments, and the Ma Si was stingy. Then Hummin Pavilion is using redemption,
why don't they need it? Okay! Obviously, it was a pit, but in the end, they scrambled to
jump inside, and they were not happy not to let them jump.

There was no one! When the news came to Ma ling Yun, he couldn't laugh or cry, so he
had to let these immortals jump inside. If you don't let people jump, they will wear
small shoes for you.

There is a saying that money can make ghosts grind, and under Ma Longyan’s rapid
strategy, he finally walked through the door to get to know a powerful person, who is
lying on the grass behind the palace.

Early in the morning, Ma ling Yun paid a visit in person, stood at Qing Cao’s Foreign
Minister, and said with a smile: “Sister, it’s too light here!” "What are you talking
about?" Qinglin was sloppy and ignored all the immortals.

According to the legend of Heavenly Soldiers, Bi Masen begged to see him when he
suddenly thought of a certain monkey. Thinking that the monkey had become a Buddha
now, and he was still eating grass, he couldn't help but feel anger in his heart, and
decided that no matter who the newly appointed Bi Masen walked through and met, he
would let it dry and play a trick.

Thinking that this would call her sister, she broke her work immediately. "The younger
brother built a one-horned Sizing Hall for his sister, which will be completed in a few
days. This time I came here to borrow the medicine tripod.

There are so many Heavenly Pills saved by the Royal Ma Si, and I can’t handle it. Listen
It is said that in the palace of Douse, you can use Lijun’s alchemy furnace to transform
the Heavenly Pills into Golden Pills, Profound Pills, and even Taiya Golden Pills and
Great Luo jinn Pills, so I came here to visit and want to go through the sister's way for

a convenient time." "Smelly boy, tell me clearly, why are you called my sister?" "This?"
Ma ling Yun was taken aback, and looked at Green Bull carefully, "Isn't it obvious? My
sister went down to the world to call herself the King of Unicorn. This is a female rhino,
so is it wrong to call my sister?"

Qing Neu stared with big eyes like round copper bells, carefully, looking up and down at
this Bi Ma Wen, his face was angry, as if he was going to be angry at any time.
Unexpectedly, the next moment Qing Neu laughed and nodded his head: "Interesting!
You are not only careful, but also courageous. You call me your sister with only one

Forget it, I don’t want to be as familiar as you, and want to get through. My way is not
difficult, but those golden horns and silver horns are in a bad mood recently. It is not
easy for them to help you refine alchemy."

"It's all up to my sister!" Ma ling Yun will come and quickly hand over a few gift lists,
the largest of which naturally belongs to Qinglin. "Ha-ha! Interesting!

Wait, I will call the King of Golden Horn and King of Silver Horn, and you can negotiate
the price in person! Those two little things are the greediest for money, and they are
also greedy for fun, if you want them to be tempted.

This gift list is not enough!" "Thank you for your elder sister's advice, my younger
brother knows!" Ma ling Yun clasped his fists to thank him, already 70-80% sure. "Tsk
tsk, it's time for you to make a fortune!"

Qing Neu exclaimed, and called two boys with his nose, don't look at them as fairy
boys. In fact, the cultivation base is unpredictable, blinking his small eyes and glanced
around. So he saw this little Bute Masen thoroughly.

"Two adults are here, please be respected by the villain." Ma ling Yun is very humble.
He knows that gift-giving is a matter of learning. In the eyes of those high-level

officials, he cares more about your attitude than how much money you receive. "Well,
what are you looking for?" jinn Jiao wore a golden hair bun and pulled her small face
long, as if someone owed him a lot of money.

"I really do have something to ask the two adults for help!" Ma ling Yun hurriedly stated
his intentions, and said in his heart: "Golden horns and silver horns! You two will pave
the way for me to be stationed in Doused Palace!

The nine-turn Jinan is one of the big Luo Jinan. The best, these days I have tried my
best to dig the door and way to get half of it! However, it is this half of the golden core
that makes my match with the heavens increased by 28%. If I get a complete golden
core, this the two realms of heaven and earth are both at home, let me come and go!"

Looking up at the bright moon, you can see some dark shadows in it. According to
legend, it was Wu Gang who was cutting the laurel tree. The laurel tree in the moon is
as high as five hundred feet.

This laurel tree is not only tall, but also has a magical self-healing function. There was a
man named Wu Ming gang, who was originally a woodcutter and was fascinated by
immortality, but he still refused to concentrate on studying.

Therefore, the emperor was furious and left him in the moon palace and ordered him to
cut laurel trees in the moon palace and said, "If you cut down the laurel tree, you can
get fairy magic."

But every time Wu Gang cut an axe, the wound on the laurel tree healed immediately.
Day after day, year after year, Wu Gang's wish to cut the laurel was never fulfilled. As
for where Wu Gang learned Dao, who did he follow, and why did he offend the

This is not known. There are basically two theories. The first legend says that Emperor
Yan’s grandson Bo Ling put a green hat on Wu Gang, and Wu Gang killed Yan

Emperor’s grandson in a rage, and the person who punished him was Emperor Yan.
The second argument is that he and Change are unclear, and the Jade Emperor detains
him here to cut trees in a fit of anger.

Of course, what is the specific situation? Only the parties know. By the way, the newly
appointed Bi Ma Wen Ma Ling Yun Ma is full of ambitions! No one knows that Master Ma
is following the road map he designed, one celestial palace after another celestial
palace, and one palace after another.

At present, it can be said that both sides are blooming, while carrying out a good
cooperation project with Dousing, while taking a large group of craftsmen to Guanghua

Why go to Guanghua Palace? Because I want to ask Chang’s to be the spokesperson,

try out the carriage for the royal horse, and sell all the flashy magic weapons to the
Guanghua Palace.

In this world, regardless of the mortal world, women's money is best to make. Don't tell
me, Chang’s is rich! Usually the door doesn't come out, and the second door doesn't
move. It's a little bit of self-imprisonment inside.

It's sigh that there is nowhere to spend money. Now that Yu Ma Si has done business
to her house, it is lively and lively inside and out, which makes her happier than when
the flat peach event, naturally willing to spend a lot of money to buy everything she

Ma ling Yun did not come out in person, after all, this Chang’s and the Jade Emperor
are unclear, why are you a little official to join in the fun? You have to know how to
avoid suspicion.

Even those craftsmen choose female fairies intentionally or unintentionally, which can
make Chang’s happy, admire countless treasures, and see the luxurious carriage built

by the Royal Horses is even more novel. When Chang’s heard these female workers
talking about Yu Ma Si and Lord Ma, she couldn't help thinking about who the new Bi
Ma Wen was?

It took only ten days to lay a great foundation, which was many times stronger than
those newly promoted immortals who had soared up. She didn't know that this new
immortal was drinking with her good neighbor Wu Gang, and looked up at Guizhou, and
said, "Angel, when are you going to chop up and down?

It just so happens that our royal horse needs a good one. To make a wood carriage,
can you help us cut some laurel branches, don’t always stand on the ground and
struggle with the trunk!

As long as you can get this first-class wood, Yu Ma Si is willing to pay for it, and the
price will certainly not treat Wu badly brother!" "Hahaha, I told you why the official with
the bigger sesame mung bean, your boy, came to ask for a drink.

You must know that this wine is a first-class one-of-a-kind wine for the flat peach
festival to enshrine the great immortals. These foods are not cheap, just like anything.
It's not something that ordinary immortals can afford to put up.

Dare to love is a ghostly idea to lay the wood. If you don't explain what you want, I will
have a grudge in my heart. You can say it so easily, it would be great!" This Wu Gang
picked up a booze from the wine jar and poured three jars of immortal wine into it.

Only then did he feel enjoyable and nodded and said: "Don't look at me here day and
night cutting down the laurel tree, but I don't know anything, you kid It’s not worse
than the monkey back then.

As soon as he arrived at Reni Masen, he connected dozens of heavenly palaces. The

most commendable thing is that he knows to make friends with the rich and powerful,
and he is willing to spread the benefits everywhere! I think the God of Fortune is a little

panicked, afraid that you will steal him. position." "Ha dare not dare!" Ma ling Yun
hurriedly waved. Wu Gang's three altars of immortal wine were a bit too much to say.
He pulled Ma ling Yun and said: "In fact, I am here to cut trees to learn Taoism. I hope
to understand a set of axe methods.

It is rumored that I have an affair with Chang’s. Jumping into the Yellow River can’t be
cleaned! Alas! I’m a member of the ancestral witch blood line. The Jade Emperor and
his old man hope that I will become stronger.

He can check and balance the real monarch of Erlang and rule the heavenly soldiers.
But I really don’t have that. Wait for the ambition. As the years change, everyone is
reluctant to fight and kill. This is a good thing.

Perhaps promoting the development of Heaven like you is the kingly way." "Hey!
Angkor is serious, and I am doing this for myself! In fact, the younger brother doesn't
like to be Masen at all, and he can become a fairy of Tai baijiu Xing and God of Fortune
with the king's companion.

It is called scenery! All the way to military power, then you can enjoy the blessing! “Wu
Gang laughed: "Hahaha! I said your kid has an idea! The position of God of Wealth is
indeed dangerous.

Maybe it will be replaced by you in a few years. Don't worry, isn't it just wood? This
trunk is not easy to cut, over there the branches in the corners are so easy to chop,
let’s rest for a while, brother will get it for you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Wu Gang raised his head and poured a jar of fine wine. With a
three-point drunkenness, he picked up the axe, jumped up and rushed towards the
canopy. With thunder, Wu Gang began to cut trees.

In fact, it’s not so easy to cut down the corner branches. A few axes can only chop off
one. Ma ling Yun seems to be casually tasting the wine, but in fact the brilliance is

illusion in his eyes, staring at every shadow of the axe, in his mind. Crazy evolution,
peek into the mystery of axe! The branches and leaves of this laurel tree are very
valuable. After this operation, the horse-drawn carriage of Mimas is still gone!

Orders are coming in like a tide. Ma longyan was a little depressed. He was also
creating value while digging holes. He also revitalized the entire Heavenly Court's
economy. All those workshops were in operation.

It is precisely because of this series of actions that the Heavenly Court became
prosperous, so those top immortals were talented. Allow him to use this Wu Gang is
actually practicing the ancestral witch axe method, and is faintly in the same line as
Xing Tianfu.

If it can be reversed and evolve back, it will definitely be able to go to the next level.
Ever since, Bi Ma Wen and Wu Gang became a pair of friends who said nothing, often
drinking and cutting trees.

This lonely Guanghua Palace has become more lively, much better than before, and
Chang’s is less lamentable! Every day, Ma longyan disappears for a moment. When he
reappears, he holds the Xingjian tomahawk in his hand and shook his head and said,
"No, it feels a little worse!

Could it be Is it only possible to smash that laurel tree to get a real axe?" Three days
later, Ma longyan came to Dousing Palace, and those heavenly soldiers and geniuses
saw him hurriedly hold their fists, becoming respectful compared to before.

The name of the person and the shadow of the tree. At the moment, this Bi Masen is
the hottest figure in the heavens. What's more, people have given enough oil and

They are as good as the green bull and the golden horn and silver horn. How can they
dare to offend? The passage was unimpeded, Ma longyan entered the Palace of Dust,

Sun Dashing only came once, and he often came to report, almost to find out where
Lao Jun hid the gourd.

Dragon attacking heaven Ma ling Yun didn't mention the affection when he saw the
golden horn and silver horn! jinn Jiao Yin Jiao also kissed him and treated him as his
own little brother.

The two of them are handymen, and Bi Masen is the officer who raises horses. Don't
look down on anyone. After everyone drank a few drinks, the relationship was so close
that they kowtow and worship! "Oh, brother, but we are exhausted.

Why did your Yu Ma Si collect so many Celestial Pills? If it wasn't for the gossip alchemy
furnace made by the old man, it was very powerful, and the impurities could be
quenched to ensure the yield, otherwise we would just rely on us Two are really

Golden Horn put out two boxes, rubbed his hands and said, "Brother, take a look, this is
the pill that we have worked hard for several days." Ma ling Yun opened the box, his
eyes suddenly turned golden, and said obsessively: "Two brothers, just like you, you
can become the lord of the same sect at will! The little brother is really convinced.

He is convinced from the heart, such a crude heaven. Through the hands of the two
people, the pill was actually refined into so many golden cores, and it is still the big Luo
jinn core.

The two brothers' back residences, food and clothing, are all covered by the younger
brother." "Hahaha! I know that the brothers are generous, and it's okay for us to be
tired." Golden Horn and Silver Horn were overjoyed.

They had gained a lot of benefits before, but they didn't get that kind of luxurious
mansion. Listen to what this little horse means. Naturally, I want to give away a
mansion! Ma ling Yun quickly got up and thanked him, and took out two sachets from

her arms and handed them to Golden Horn and Silver Horn. He smiled and said, "This is
the sachet replaced by Fairy Chang’s. It has Avery mysterious and refreshing effect.
There are also the utensils used by Fairy Chang’s are all exquisite items. The two older
brothers will use them first.

When Jiang Zusi creates more luxurious appliances, they will first be sent to the two
older brothers’ houses for configuration. The identity of Jun's disciple." "Oh! Good
brother, it cost you money again! The things that Fairy Chang’s uses are extraordinary,

The two little boys showed wretched smiles, and Ma ling Yun said in his heart: "Just
your expressions, blind men can see. The fairy Chang’s had a reverie! But it was
normal. That Chang’s was indeed born beautifully.

It made me feel stunned when I saw it from a distance, not to mention the former
Marshal Canopy!" After settling the golden and silver horns, Ma ling Yun spent a few
hours enjoying the good wine and food, and then took a vein step and left with a burp
of wine.

The characters who can be bought up and down in this palace have been bought. The
following strategy focuses on the queen mother. The heaven has long been decayed,
and now the progress of the decay is accelerated slightly, and the fairies of all sizes will
automatically jump into the pit.

The Fairy Gong’s who accompanied the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor also
wanted to enjoy immortality forever, but the three of Fu Lu and Shou regardless of
family, as long as the stepping brick is hard enough, they can stun them and follow you
to take the risk.

Ma ling Yun ate a few fairies peaches these days, all of which were sealed in the ten
thousand years of Xuan Bing. Those fairy families who had participated in the flat peach

feast were reluctant to eat them and secretly hid them. Now they are more reluctant to
eat in order to get the gold redemption, but they are all trying to please the new Bute
Masen. To say this fairy peach! Sun Dashing started really black back then.

The Queen Mother is extremely noble, and Pan Taoyuan is her property! There are
3,600 peach trees in the garden. The 1,200 trees in front of them have tiny flowers and
fruits, which are ripe for three thousand years.

There are 1,200 trees in the middle, which are ripe for 6,000 years. People will rise up
after eating the Xia Ju, and they will live forever. There are 1,200 plants in the back,
with purple veins and fine nuclei, which are ripe for 9,000 years.

People live with the sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same. There
are only those peaches in total. It can be said that one eats one less, and the queen
mother and the queen take it out to share with the immortals.

This is a virtue! As a result, when the monkey came, Tazi encountered a disaster, and
Ma ling Yun was thinking that it was my turn to sell the tree! Hope the shop can give a
high price.

Okay! This guy is even worse! After returning from the Palace of Dolly, Ma ling Yun
picked up a handful of golden pills and put them in his mouth, eating them as jelly
beans. Don't tell me!

This great Luo jinn Dan is far inferior to the Rank Nine jinn Dan refined by Tai Shang
Lao Jun, but right! This effect is also leveraged.

Rank Nine Golden Pills can increase the matching degree of the heavens, which slightly
shows that the ordinary Big Luo jinn Pills can restore the vertical and horizontal values
and greatly shorten the cooling time.

The vertical and horizontal value of three hundred and sixty-six points can be described
as the upper limit, and it can't be higher. However, every time you return from the star

market realm, the vertical and horizontal value will become darker. If the aspect value
is completely dimmed, it may take a long time to recover. Now with these big Luo Jin
Dan, it is like warming the ice to slowly dissolve the darkened vertical and horizontal
values, and there is even hope that the vertical and horizontal values can restore their
previous brilliance.

This is a very important harvest. The original plan was perfect, so I waited for the net
to be arranged secretly, and the net was closed at the right time. Who thought that
something happened on the third day!

There was a dragon chant from the Jianlian Palace, and dozens of dragons appeared
after that. Then the sound of the dragon chants loudly, and the entire heavenly court
sounded the alarm.

Ma ling Yun rushed to the Yadao at the first time, only to hear the giant spirit roaring in
the distance: "Quick! Follow me to defend against the enemy! The Four Seas Dragon
King has reversed, and the Dragon Clan has reversed. They are not paying tribute, but
wanting to commit chaos."

"Oh?" Hearing the roar, Ma ling Yun hurriedly opened a pair of eyes and looked at the
changes in Jianlian Hall's aura. There was a sudden sound in his heart, and he secretly
said: "It's broken, it's not my ghost idea to beat the heavens alone, the dragon mother
conquered it.

The Dragon King of the Four Seas, mixed into the heavenly court in the name of
tribute, and turned back with the big and small dragons!" Seeing these changes, Ma
ling Yun flew towards Pan Taoyuan, tapped his hand to take out the Xiangtan
Tomahawk, and shouted: "The pawnshop came out and gave me an estimate.

How much are these flat peach trees worth?" It was too late to speak, and in a hurry,
Master Burma Weinman crossed several lines of defense and entered the Pan Taoyuan.

Without a word, he moved towards those extraordinary Pantie trees. This heaven is in
his eyes, is there still a secret now? I wanted to spend a few days, but now it doesn't
seem to be necessary.

All plans have to be advanced, first sell these flat peach trees." The ground trembled
slightly with the ability to open the sky, the 1,200 peach trees in Qian yuan suddenly

The value given by the pawnshop is lower than the psychological expectation, but
fortunately, it hasn't been cut in half. At the moment, if you have to hurry up and act,
you can't take care of that much.

"Come again!" This Ma ling Yun Ma is worthy of Bi Ma Wen, it is really the same line, a
few axes go down and dug away together with the soil in the garden, the black heart is
home! In the end, the 1,200 peach trees were his food, and he roared: "The shop,
exchange me for a fairy peach garden, and raise it in the pavilion, hurry!"

In order to transfer these flat peach trees, the sale of 2,400 peach trees in the front is
regarded as voluntary work, and the cost of transplanting is really expensive! Expensive
is right, this is a flat peach that has been ripe for 9,000 years, and people live with the
sky and the earth, and the sun and the moon are the same.

Even if there are very few hanging fruits, it is worthwhile to admire it, so selling to a
shop is still saving! Next, Ma ling Yun rushed to the Guanghua Palace. The laurel tree
was much more expensive than the peach tree. You must take it down as soon as
possible to avoid being preempted by the dragon!

Pang Kantian Axe! The Dragon King of Four Seas has turned upside down, and all the
immortals who are good with the dragon clan have turned upside down, and most of
the demon immortals have played their banners to return to the era when the demon
clan ruled the heavenly court.

Hundreds of thousands of celestial soldiers and generals attacked the dragon clan.
Unexpectedly, the Four Seas Dragon King erected a gate and summoned hundreds of
millions of shrimp soldiers and crab generals from the gate. The number of celestial
soldiers was at a disadvantage.

The Jade Emperor was panicked and hurriedly dispatched troops to dispatch generals.
However, the Heavenly Court's armament has been lax over the years, and there are
few generals that can be used repeatedly.

On the other hand, the Dragon King of the Four Seas, I don't know what kind of
treasure was used, but he actually invited the eight parts of the Dragon God, which is
the eight heavenly dragons.

Under their leadership, the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals lost their helmets and
armors, not to mention how embarrassed they were. The Jade Emperor really wanted
to find a way to get in. The monkey grandson in front of him committed a mess, and
now even these reptiles are uneasy.

Where does he have a face that belongs to the emperor? I don't know what the real big
bosses above their heads are thinking, but they watched Heavenly Court fall into a state
of inexorable disaster.

"Tell me the decree, go and invite the Erlang, go and fight to defeat the Buddha, go
and invite the old gentleman." The Jade Emperor was anxious like an ant on a hot pot,
but he didn't know that the black hand had reached out to the Guanghua Palace, and
with one word he deceived Wu Gang, who was guarding the laurel tree, to the heaven.

“Brother Gang, hurry up and help! Grandma's, the dragon rebels, you have to be
careful of a woman, she is the lord of the Four Seas Dragon King, is a very old dragon,
there may be no dragons older than her, only My brother can turn the tide and let the
dragon mother know that Heavenly Court is not weak enough to be bullied." "Ah?

Something really happened." Wu Gang said hesitantly: "I can't leave my post without
the emperor's decree. I can only stay near the Guanghua Palace, and I can't just step
out of the laurel tree!" Ma ling Yun slapped his forehead and said, "Brother! You can't
be too mind-blowing.

You can change things, and you can change things in general! Look at the Heavenly
Court, where the original rules are long gone! Only you are holding to death. It’s not
good to do things in a regular manner.

Right now, is a good opportunity to leave here. You went out to turn the tide and made
great achievements. Could it be that the emperor could still kill the heroes that day? If
he really did that, I would accompany my brother to rebel.

He Damn, the dragons can counter, and we can also counter." "Good brother! Don't say
such things. A minister should do his duty loyally. You shouldn't think too much." Wu
Gang paced back and forth, and finally stomped and said: "Okay! I was squandering
half a life here, right now.

In a crisis, it’s time to get out of the mountain! I hope that the Emperor of Heaven will
not get angry, I am also doing this for the sake of Heaven." "The older brother is quick,
and the younger brother will arrive soon."

Wu Gang picked up an axe and shook his head to dissuade him: "Brother, you have a
weak foundation. Don't approach the battlefield for now. I will go to the Jingling
Temple to save the car. However, the dragons have a good day, but they actually went
to the heavens! See my brother's great power today and help you brothers.

A rare dish." Ma ling Yun raised his head and laughed: "Hahaha! I haven't eaten the
dragon liver and phoenix gallbladder. If my brother really kills the dragon rebellion, he
can naturally have an extra meal. That would be great."

"Good!" Wu Gang drove up auspicious clouds and flew towards the throne. When he
walked far, Ma ling Yun took out Xingjian’s battle axe with a "chicken" sound, and
squinted his eyes to look at the laurel trees like mountains.

In the unique vision of this pair of insightful eyes, I saw the crown of the tree spurting
out of the sky, and the trunk of the tree was connected with the atmosphere of the
lunar yin, no wonder it was so difficult to cut.

The lunar yin is the main storage, the sun is the scattered, it can be said to be collected
and released in the universe, it is actually the yin-yang road, very rare. Ma ling Yun
suddenly raised Xingjian’s battle axe, wavering unimaginable waves in front of him.

When the axe went down, there was no sound, no light, and it went deep into the thick
trunk, causing this quiet laurel tree to tremble three times. "Huh?" Ma ling Yun took a
breath. You must know that there is no fancy with his axe.

He launched an attack completely according to the open sky specifications, but failed to
cause any damage to the laurel tree in Guanghua Palace. This shows how overbearing
this tree is. "Tsk tut! One yin and one yang are for the Tao, and everything bears yin
and embraces yang.

The essence and law of operation of the universe is that yin and yang rotate with each
other. Grasping the relationship between yin and yang also grasps the laws of the
universe to a certain extent.

Legend says this the lunar sun is transformed by the eyes of the Great God Pang, so
this laurel tree is the pupil shadow in his eyes. It has been so strong for many years,
indicating that the memory is deep, and the answer to Wu Gang's practice of splitting
the tree is ready!"

Ma ling Yun suddenly became extraordinarily solemn, and said sternly: You are a
character in myths and legends, but I know that the world has opened up and carries

the immortal spirit of the Chinese people. You are fighting, you are immortal, and you
are persistent!

I have some understanding! Now, you are the collection of all obsessions! Me! Zhou Lie!
If you have obsessions in your heart, Pang, the real power to open the sky is not
outside but inside." "Buzzing" Ma ling Yun is naturally Zhou Lie, but Zhou Lie is not Ma
ling Yun.

Accompanied by the buzzing sound, he lifted the Xiangtan battle axe to explode with a
magnificent aura, and said loudly: "The Hangmen is first opened, the world is in chaos!
There is a giant in it, named Pang.

The axe is sonorous, splitting the yin and yang. The pure is the heaven. The heaven
and the earth are silent, and there is one in the past!" The next moment, the axe burst
out with dazzling light, and it looked like it was no longer an axe, but a turret
transmitting light.

This Xiangtan battle axe drives the light forward, splitting the yin and yang, and the
heaven and the earth are dying, blooming in a peerless posture. The laurel tree sunken
in from the center, and a lot of wood chips flew around.

Due to the rapid expansion of the damage, it could no longer recover. "Who are you?"
someone next to him asked sharply. Ma ling Yun looked back and laughed and said, "I
have seen sister Chang’s.

Brother Wu Gang treats me very well, since you are in this Guanghua Palace so dull, let
me help you out of shackles." "What are you going to do?" Chang’s was shocked, and
saw an axe on her face, then she lost consciousness and didn't know where to return.

Guizhou turned into light and shadow and shot towards Ma Longyan’s pupils. "Sure
enough! This laurel tree is the pupil shadow of Pang God, recording Pang’s tricks of
opening the sky axe! But these legendary worlds are the self-evolving Ark. How many

of them are true? How many are false? Transform it." In an instant, the laurel tree
disappeared. Suddenly, Xiangtan Tomahawk was imprinted with the incomparably
ancient and incomparable word Pang, and it began to soar on the treasure list of Yuji
City! Ma ling Yun floated to Guanghua Palace and said: "Pawnshop! I want to
Guanghua Palace, plus the accumulated spirit jade in my hand, so that the banana fan
can be repaired?

If possible, execute it immediately." The Pang Kantian axe in hand is really a good
demolition hand. When the two axes go down, they will pry down the Guanghua Palace
and redeem it. Use this as a price to repair the banana fan, in order to achieve greater

Lao Jun 8 hexagram furnace Ma ling Yun ran fast. It took him only half an hour from
the Guanghua Palace to the Dizi Palace. The whole person looked embarrassed, sweaty
and panting. The Palace of Douse has already opened the protective formation, and the
Heavenly Soldier Heaven will guard the road and the palace walls.

In this way, it is difficult to enter the Palace of Douse without permission. Ma ling Yun
took out a token and shook it forward for a few times. His figure immediately melted in,
and he stepped on the smoke wave to enter the Palace of Douse.

Golden Horn and Silver Horn came to the front and looked at Ma ling Yun and said,
"Brother, why are you here? The Four Seas Dragon King rebelled. You, Bi Ma Wen,
should guard the Yu Ma Si and dispatch the Yu Ma.

How did you go to the Dolly Palace? Up." This golden horn and silver horn is
extraordinary, and he doesn't think Ma ling Yun has a problem. In addition to their own
strength, Lao Jun’s mount is the cruel role, and opening the protective array is just a
matter of business, in fact, they don't take that defensive power in mind.

Ma ling Yun breathed a sigh of relief, and while resting, he said: "It seems that the two
elder brothers don't know yet. These Four Seas Dragon Kings have invited a certain
dragon clan power before the Primordial Era.

I don't have any other abilities. I can save my life. It’s okay. Seeing the murder from a
distance, I hurried to hide away! Alas! There was no sign before the Dragon King of
Four Seas rebelled, so there was no time to dispatch the royal horse.

So many shrimps and crabs will arrive directly in the heaven, and their momentum will
suddenly fall into a state of unrest. I only hope that the masters of Erlang, Sun
Dashing, Tais hang Lao Jun and Sarang Tianqi will come to the rescue, and there may
be a chance to suppress the rebellion.

If the opportunity is missed, it will be a catastrophe." "Oh? Did you spot it right? The
situation is so distressed?" Golden Horn and Silver Horn were talking, only hearing a
thunder roar, someone came to attack Dousing Palace, and the surrounding protection
fluctuated. Was very strongly affected.

"Hey, I'm going! This is too fast." Ma ling Yun shouted, which was a cry from the
bottom of his heart. It really came too fast. I don't know how the Four Seas Dragon
King promised, he actually persuaded the gods of Liebe, and saw all the thunder gods
riding the beasts to attack the palace.

The power of thunder and lightning turned into a whirlpool, revolving around the palace
of Dousing, and the power that bursts every moment makes people feel frightened, and
they can’t wait to get into the ground to avoid such scourges.

The voice of the dragon chant is a masterpiece, at least four of the eight heavenly
dragons have come, and a very large figure crash over. Seeing that the monster air
blows up, it is a peerless great monster, tyrannical to an incredible realm.

Ma ling Yun shrank his neck and secretly said, "Is this the Great Sage of the Great Bull
Demon King Pontian? Long Ting does not activate it. Once activated, it creates such a
earth-shattering scene.

I don't know the old man's mount, the blue bull and What is the relationship between
this powerful bull demon king? Who has the better power? It seems that Dust Palace is
in danger, I have to go in quickly and find a way to get close to the Eight Diagrams
alchemy furnace, so that I can get the Ninth Rank of Bao Hulu and Lao Jun personally
jinn Dan."

jinn Jiao and Yin Jiao were angry and cursed, "Do you scumbags know whose mansion
this is? Dare to go to the palace of Tais hang Lao Jun, and do not pee and look in the
mirror to see how much you have. Sub competence."

The huge mountain demon cow rumbling forward, and the great formation guarding
the palace was broken. He only heard him say: "I have long thought that the old king
will be seated under the Qingyuan.

Today, the heaven must be broken. Being loyal to the new master together is hundreds
of times stronger than being the mount of the old man. The demon king is here today
to rescue his fellows, don't be uncomfortable."

The golden horn spoke out loudly: "Hey! How can you beast from the lower realm
compare with me and other immortals? Look at your demon, how is it different from
the savages who drink blood and eat human flesh?

We are different, immortal blessing and longevity Compared with Tianqi; how can you
be compared with a shabby household?" Okay!

This golden horn's words made Ma ling Yun deeply realize that there is an
insurmountable chain of contempt between the immortals! If you are not a fairy, if you
are not in the system, you will despise you from the bottom of your heart. It's no

wonder that Sun Dashing made a big noise in the Heavenly Palace back then. It turns
out that this chain of contempt is the root cause! Even if you enter the system without
reaching a certain level, you can’t be at ease.

You are still at the end of the chain of contempt. How can you end up with the
personality of Sun Monkey? There is a saying that the words are not speculative, this
powerful bull demon king exerted his strength and slammed into the palace with the
force of moving mountains and seas.

"Bold!" The golden horn and the silver horn jumped out, raised his hand and threw out
the golden rope and the diamond cut, the two magic weapons of the Ethereal Lao Jun
against the strong bull demon king, the ping pong-pong-pumping noise was

Green Bull appeared, and the atmosphere of the master encounter was filled with
indescribable murderous intent! The strong bull demon is indeed powerful. The golden
rope is the belt of the old Jungle robe, which can be called the immortal rope, but he
can't handle his huge figure.

Let's talk about the golden steel cut. Back then, Sun Dashing made a big noise in the
Heavenly Palace. The old man used this cut to hit the monkey's head with Erlang God.
When the green bull was in the lower realm, he used this cut to collect the golden
hoop. It shows how remarkable this cut is.

However, when encountering the strong bull demon king, he fell far short of his
standards. After the horn of the old bull was caught, the horn of the bull burst into
light, and it was firmly attached to the diamond.

Taking advantage of the battle between them, Ma ling Yun hurriedly shrank, and after
going deep into the palace, he knew the road with ease, surmounted the obstacles and
came to the gossip furnace. Without a word, he took out the banana fan and slammed

a golden breeze toward the Eight Diagrams stove. The fire suddenly weakened by three
points, but it was still not easy to get close to the Eight Diagrams stove. Ma ling Yun
gritted his teeth and used the plantain fan as an axe, smashing a sharp flash.

Suddenly, the banana fan crackled and crackled, and at the expense of burning the
body, completely led away the fire, revealing the three magic weapons hidden in the

This first magic weapon is the purple gold red gourd, a treasure used by the Supreme
Master to hold the Nine Ranked Golden Core. This second magic weapon is the mutton
fat jade purifying bottle, which is used by Tais hang Lao Jun to store the innate divine
water, which is necessary to quench the golden pill.

This third treasure is a seven-star sword, which is very famous. It was once used by
Taicang Lao Jun to kill the heart demon of the outside world. It is a treasure of refining

Of course, there is a fourth magic weapon, which is the Barua alchemy furnace itself.
Ma ling Yun stretched out his hand, only to feel a force ejecting outward. How can it be
so easy to get the magic weapon of Taicang Lao Jun?

The power of Tailing hidden on the magic weapon alone is not easy to dissolve. Even if
the top five players in the personal battle list come, it is difficult to dissolve the power
on the magic weapon, at least you have to explore A few minutes, but no one can
predict whether there will be accidents during this time?

"Pawn shop!" Ma ling Yun decidedly, while the plantain fan was still burning, he clicked
his hand to draw a little breath from the furnace as a guide, handed the four magic
weapons to the shop, and then waved his hand and said, "Buy!"

"The four magic weapons had calmed down when they appeared again. Although a lot
of net worth was consumed during this time, he actually won the four magic weapons

of the old man, and he could use it when he branded his mind. Just at this moment, a
figure appeared, furious: "Who are you? How dare you rob Long Ting?" Ma ling Yun
was shocked, the Dragon Mother actually ran up in person, he turned around and left.

Is there Hong Jun? Ma ling Yun is like a painted skin! The Jinan faction does have this
elder Ma, and today the court does have this Lord Bi Ma Wanda! Compared with those
foreign characters, he is a native of the natives, so with his own standard aura, he can
get the support of most of the immortals in his camp, which is beyond doubt.

As soon as I got the things, there was a horror spread behind him. The dragon mother
drove to the Palace of Douse by herself, scared Ma ling Yun hurried forward, and
quickly penetrated into the palace, listening to a series of explosions behind her back.
Fortunately, with this big formation as a buffer, this did not immediately reveal its
original shape.

Ma ling Yun let out a weird cry, and walked out of the side hall of the palace. There was
a battle in the distance, and he hurriedly asked for help: "Brother Golden Horn and
Silver Horn for help, I met a great guy here."

"The stinky boy knows to add chaos." There is no way for the golden horn and silver
horn. After all, this Ma ling Yun is related to future wealth, so he took out the magic
weapon passed down by the Taicang Lao Jun, which is the banana fan they used to
control the temperature of the Barua alchemy furnace.

This fan was so powerful that it was more powerful than the banana fan Ma ling Yun
used. With just a single fan, it formed a magnificent samaya fire, attacking the dragon
mother with a force of destruction."

Damn! It turns out that the authentic plantain fan is so powerful, what happened to the
plantain fan I used before? It stands to reason that there should be a yin and a yang
for this fan. Why is the difference so big?" Ma ling Yun muttered to himself as soon as

he spoke, he felt a sense of emotion in his heart. After being inspired by the ancestor
Shao Yong, he understood the cause and effect. In the world of Journey to the West,
the iron fan princess has two plantain fans, genuine and fake, and once lent a fake fan
to Monkey King.

Sun Waukon went to put out the fire, raised the fan to the edge of the fire, and tried
his best to make a fan, and the fire glowed from the mountain. One more fan, a
hundred times more. Another one, the fire was a thousand feet high, and gradually
burned the body.

This banana fan can't put out the fire, it can only catch fire. Therefore, the damaged
banana fan handed down by the Jinan Sect is not a genuine product, but a fake fan lent
to Sun Dashing by the iron fan princess back then. Naturally, its power is greatly

After setting fire to the Barua alchemy furnace, it turns into ashes and disappears
forever. This real plantain fan is very powerful, even if the golden horn and silver horn
are deep-rooted, it will feel difficult to use.

What surprised the two brothers, Jinnia and Yingjie, was that this beautiful woman who
was chasing Ma ling Yun, only took three steps back to stabilize her figure. How could
this be possible? "Who are you?"

Golden Horn and Silver Horn had lived for many years, and these eyes were never for
nothing, and they knew immediately that they had met their rivals. Although they have
never held a fan-to-fan Tais hang Lao Jun, the two of them have tried, as long as they
are fanned by this fan, they will immediately feel a sense of burning.

Don't say taking back three steps, even if you take ten steps or 20 steps back, it is
normal, and the moment you stop, if you don't have a mutton jade bottle to extinguish
the fire, the consequences will be disastrous.

This world is so big, where did such a fairy come out? It's so powerful that I can't
imagine it. How could this fool Ma ling Yun provoke these characters? Damn it. "Quick!
This is a great enemy!" Golden Horn and Silver Horn have rich experience in fighting.

The two hurriedly fanned the banana fan, only to see a burst of fire blast towards the
dragon mother, its power increased tenfold! The dragon mother appeared to be a
dragon with wings. This form scared the golden horn and silver horn and shouted: "No,
it's Ying long!"

According to legend, this Ying long once helped Xuan yuan Huangdi fight with Chi You
in the battle of Zhou, killing Chiyo in the Valley of the Fierce Plough. He also helped
Dayo to manage floods and used the dragon's tail to form a river to guide the flood into
the sea. It's just such a divine dragon, with great fame in the prehistoric years.

If it survives to this day, how high will it be? No wonder the golden and silver horns
screamed in fright. Ordinary dragons are reptiles in the eyes of golden horns and silver
horns, and the four sea dragon kings are also larger snakes. But this Ying long is too
old and too tyrannical, how can the Four Seas Dragon King be compared?

MA ling Yun took advantage of the chaos to grease the soles of his feet, and he was not
surprised at the performance of Dragon Mother. If there is no such power to overwhelm
everything, where can the ghost of heaven be hit?

Even if you have that mind, facing so many immortals will fall. So, if the dragon mother
dared to come, it means she is ready, how can the mere banana fan stop her

"The golden horn and the silver horn played their lives to instigate the banana fan, and
murmured words to take back the diamond and the golden rope, and went all out to
deal with this Ying long who should never have appeared.

It became even more lively now, and the two sides fought violently. In an instant, the
auspicious clouds shattered and the jade pillars collapsed. I don't know where the Tais
hang Lao Jun is cultivating.

The family is about to be demolished. He still doesn't appear and seems to continue to
bear it. Ying long is characterized by double wings, scaly body and spines, and a large
and long head.

The tip of the snout, the nose, eyes, and ears are small, the eye sockets are large, the
eyebrows are high, the teeth are sharp, the forehead is protruding, the neck is thin and
the abdomen is large, the tail is long, and the limbs are strong, just like a winged

It's such a product, which was so beautiful before, but now it's so hideous that it is
impossible to follow. The green bull roared and saw that the golden horn and the silver
horn were not the opponent of this Ying long, so he replaced the two of them to meet
the dragon mother's offensive.

MA ling Yun flew high, only feeling that the shaking behind his back was constant and
becoming more and more intense. He couldn't help but glanced back, his pupils couldn't
help but dilate, and he saw that the Palace of Drums was torn apart.

At the same time, escaped from a green light, so fast that one thought it was an
illusion. " Qing Neu reached Ma Longyan’s side and roared: "Come on! Those who come
are not good, and those who are good don't come, let's go to Ixia Palace to find the
master." "Okay!" Ma ling Yun burst into his heart.

Ixia Palace! What is that? If you really see Lao Jun Tais hang, I don't know if those
magic weapons are not insured after a circle of shops, will they be exposed on the
spot? Regardless of whether it is revealed or not, Dragon Mother is not easy to deal
with! After passing the hurdle in front of me, I believe that there must be a way for the

car to reach the mountain. Maybe you can still get close to the extremely mysterious
Ixia Palace, and see if the Hong Jun Dao ancestor exists? After making up his mind, Ma
ling Yun hurriedly jumped on his back, feeling the bad wind behind him, and Ying Long
chased him in minutes. "Go!" Qing Neu was shocked.

She didn't expect the enemy to come so quickly. She hurriedly made wind with her four
hoofs, and rushed towards the sky with the golden horns and silver horns and Ma ling

The enemy quickly chased up, but fortunately, Qing Neu was not unfamiliar with the
route, and his figure shuttled between the fire and wind at the fastest speed. Those
large and small dragons were killed by Dao hogging feng during the pursuit, which
saved Ma ling Yun and Qinglin a lot of energy.

Finally, the Ixia Palace arrived, and Ma ling Yun looked at her with a sense of anxiety,
and said in her heart: "Does that ancestor Hong Jun still exist today?"


The ancestors of Hong Jun were not gods, Buddhas, immortals, humans, demons,
demons, and witches. He is not a creature, but a way of heaven. In the world of myths,
there is a poem about the ancestor of Hong Jun that is widely spread.

"Lying on the nine layers of heaven, the futon has Dozen. Outside the heaven and
earth, I am the master teacher. Pang is born with Taiji, two rituals and four images
follow. Pass three friends together, two religions explain the division. The leaders of the
Xuan men, one gasification Hong Jun."

The Ixia Palace is the place where Hong Jun’s ancestors preached. It has long been
closed in the present days, but the saints of the Three Religions often come here to
practice and cherish the memory of the prehistoric years, so it is not deserted, and is
still ups and downs in this greatness.

It is true that at this moment, Qing Neu brought the golden horns, silver horns and Ma
ling Yun close to the Ixia Palace. The mountains and ridges immediately appeared on
the front and back, and merged into a large formation of the Yellow River.

The torrent launched an impact on the dragon clan and wiped out most of it in an
instant, leaving only a few hundred dragons with solid foundations to move forward.
"Purple Heaven Palace?"

The Dragon Mother's Hua Ying long looked up, and suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, this is
really nowhere to be found by breaking through iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it.

It turns out that Ixia Palace is here, saving me I searched for the sky and searched for
it. Xiao Niani, you wouldn't be naive to think that something too savage old gentleman
can crush me?

“The Green Bull had already crossed the Nine Curves of the Yellow River, and saw four
divine swords popping out of the sky, bursting out with a cold glow that shined through
the Nine Nether, oppressing ancient and modern times.

"Huh?" Mother Dragon put away her scorn, and said with a sneer: "This is the Zhu Xian
Sword Formation? I heard that it is the secret trick at the bottom of the box. The four-
handed fairy sword is called the Zhu Xian Sword, and the second is the Slaughter
Sword. Said to fall into the fairy sword, and the fourth is the absolute sword.

Hanging upside down on the formation, thunder and vibration can kill the immortal and
slaughter! These four swords are my fancy, come over to me." As soon as the voice fell,
Ying Long had already started, fanning the yin and yang wings and bursting out an
indescribable gloom.

This group of gloomy light is too powerful. Just touching the Jiaqi Yellow River Array,
the formation collapsed, and the light and shadow of the lofty mountains and
mountains disappeared.

Yugan expanded outwards centered on Ying long’s body. When he touched the Zhu
Xian Sword Formation, he immediately caused the four divine swords to hum.

In the blink of an eye, the power of this Zhu Xian Sword Formation dropped by more
than 30%. Mottled marks appeared on the body of the sword, as if it had gone through
endless years, it looked less glamorous than before. "The power of time?!"

A startled suspicion came from the Ixia Palace. "Hahaha!" Ying Long laughed up to the
sky, "Years are like poison. There is nothing in the world that can withstand the erosion
of the years.

How can you people in myths and legends understand the tribulations I have suffered?
I see only one set or several sets of chess cards at different prices, nothing more,
nothing more. "The light caused Zhu Xian’s four swords to whine, and then the dragon

claws stretched out, wanting to get these four fairy swords. Between the electric light
and flint, there was only a beating, and then the Zhu Xian Sword Array raised bright or
bright lines, the light and dark alternately changed so fast that it was overwhelming, as
if the whole world was flickering.

During these miraculous flashes, the Dragon Mother became very unfree, and became
intermittent when she shot. Ying Long would encounter an unimaginable fault every
two meters forward, as if across the sky.

When she crossed over and found that there were more faults in front of her, these
methods were really bizarre and powerful, unheard of and difficult to deal with. Taking
advantage of this effort, Qing Neu hurriedly stepped onto the jade stairs of the Ixia
Palace, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when she settled down, knowing
that her life would be worry-free.

"Expensive!" How arrogant is Ying Long? Unbelief that the mere sword formation can
block the world-shaking Longwear, he launched a stronger skill, causing the two wings
to evolve and stir endlessly, creating unimaginable time scars.

Such a powerful Zhu Xian Sword Formation was forcibly opened by her. Although it was
reset in a moment, she seized the opportunity to cross the sword formation and
approach Ixia Palace. "Huh! What can I do with this difficulty?"

The Dragon Mother grabbed her claws towards the Ixia Palace, she seemed to have
thought about cutting the mess quickly, and wanted to include the figures and
treasures in the palace together. At the critical moment, only a soft sound of "clang"
was heard in the helix.

Immediately after Ying Long threw it out, the bulls, ghosts, and snakes she brought
with him fled in all directions. Thunder robbery appeared above their heads, chasing
their butts and bombarding them like a clown. Ying Long vowed and said: "If I hadn't

used a substitute to come, would this power be in my eyes? You wait for me, only a
few hours, this heaven will be destroyed, this purple palace can't escape my palm, it
must also be my food!" The voice quickly went away, which surprised Ma ling Yun.

The Four Zhu Xian Swords were so mighty before, but they were far less than the
sound of this "clang", and the sound was not loud, it was like striking a chime, why did
the dragon mother escape like a heavy wound? It really makes him wonder.

When Qing Neu heard this "clang" sound, a sad expression appeared in his eyes, and
he hurried to walk towards the palace. Ma ling Yun followed closely, and saw three
veterans sitting in front of an ancient gate.

These three veterans are not ordinary people at first glance, but two of them are like
wood-carved clay sculptures, their bodies and clothing have been petrified. Sitting in
the center, the old man was holding a whisk, looking like a fairy style bone, but only his
eyes were still moving, and other parts of his body had been petrified.

"Master!" The green cow and the golden horn and the silver horn hurriedly paid their
respects. This is the grand old man, and he was about to sit down in this purple palace.
The Supreme Master suddenly looked at Ma ling Yun and said without sorrow or joy: "It
seems that the position of Bi Masen is against the heavenly court.

There was a monkey in front of the heavenly palace, and now you have a wild horse
that disturbs the minds of the immortals. Can’t see where you are leading the Heavenly
Court? Now think about it carefully.

You are no different from that Ying long, you are all playing the ghostly ideas of
Heavenly Court, but a gentle, willing to spend some time. Erosion from the inside to the

A violent, no matter what, suppresses it from the outside to the inside, so it is all the
calamity of the heaven!" Hearing this, the golden horns, silver horns and blue new

horns suddenly changed their expressions. When they looked at Ma ling Yun, they had
bad eyesight, and even touched the magic weapon intentionally or unintentionally,
ready to attack at any time. Ma ling Yun stepped forward to see the ceremony: "The old
gentleman's eyes are like torches, but it is unfair to say that the kid is a calamity of the
heavenly court.

I am not here for destruction, I just want to gain some benefits and lay the foundation,
so as to be like the dragon mother. The court fights against each other, and you don’t
die if you hit it! You die if you hit it! There is nothing wrong with it.

I don’t think I am wrong, nor do I think what I’m doing is wrong. Do you always think?"
"Hahaha! Sharp teeth, stealing my magic weapon and talking so righteously, but a little
thief! But your luck is really good, there is this Ying long mighty heaven, and the old is
close to sitting. And then have to rely on your strength to quell the rebellion."

"Oh?" Ma ling Yun was startled, and secretly said: "Gao! This is called the barbarian
against barbarians, worthy of old gentleman, let me stand up and fight against the
dragon mother if I can play it!"

Good Fortune Jade Plate "Huh? You don't want to?" The old man stared his eyes round,
as if Ma Longyan’s tooth was broken, he would eat little Bi Masen. "Okay! Okay! I
promise you that you are old. Anyway, you are idle and idle, then fight!" To be honest,
Zhou Lie was quite afraid of trouble, especially at this stage.

Shun was still watching him. These days, he had been extra careful every time he went
to the Star Market Realm, not daring to be careless. Fortunately, he was holding Ma
Longyan’s body, and it was estimated that Dragon Mother could not see who was who.

Now that I fully understand the Pang Tomahawk, I naturally find a more powerful
opponent to try his tricks. It's always shallow on paper, and you have to dig deeper into
your potential. After agreeing to Tais hang Lao Jun, Ma ling Yun stretched out his hand

and said: "You always know how powerful Ying long is. Zhu Xinjian has nothing to do
with her. If you don't give me some insurance, this battle will not be fought." "Heh!"
Tais hang Lao Jun touched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "You little Bi
Masen likes to take advantage of the loopholes.

How much benefit have you gained in the heaven these days? Do you think everyone is
blind? Not satisfied, bullying my old man can’t move, right?” Ma ling Yun hurriedly
waved his hand: "Don't get upset and discuss something.

This Zhu Xian Sword Array has no chance with me. The magic weapon that repelled
Ying Long with that soft sound just now should always be used by me? Give her a key
moment. All of a sudden.

Ha-ha, I have the opportunity to suppress this class of masters, otherwise the meat
buns will hit the dogs and it will be useless." Qing Neu quit, and said angrily: "You
knows what the magic weapon to repel Ying long? Master now makes a single blow that
is as difficult as reaching the sky, and it will only be bad if it is handed over to you."

"Oh? What kind of magic weapon is it? Even the old gentleman can't control it." Ma ling
Yun was very interested in this, and carefully looked at the door behind Tais hang Lao
Jun, feeling that this purple palace was extremely mysterious.

"Hey! There's nothing to hide, it's nothing more than good luck!" The old gentleman
condensed his eyes and drank lightly in his mouth, suddenly showing a palm-sized jade
disc in front of him.

This jade dish looks like a jade bi, or the prototype of a jade bi, with blood streaks on it.
What surprised Ma ling Yun was that in addition to the blood pattern, there were
dozens of cracks, large and small, which made this jade disc of good fortune seem to
be broken at any time.

When Qing Neu saw the jade disc of good fortune, he shook his body, and said in
disbelief, "Master, how can this be? Why is there so much damage on the jade disc of
good fortune?" Tais hang Lao Jun sighed, with a dazed expression in his eyes, and said:
"Why does this jade disc of good fortune have so many damages?

Also, from the time of the Conferred God War, the three religions signed the Conferred
God List, and many problems emerged. Lost at that time!" "Huh?" Green Bull and
Golden Horn and Silver Horn were taken aback, Ma ling Yun was also taken aback, and
said to his heart: "The name list is naturally lost, and it was exchanged by me, so I held
it in my arms.

Old officer, don't you see anything Did you say that? “Tais hang Lao Jun continued:
"Not only is the list of gods, we have also lost a lot of treasures that can suppress the
air luck, but the world is going forward, in order to prevent the flood of air luck in other
directions, the three of us had to choose sitting.

Make every effort to repair the jade dish of good fortune left by the teacher! You must
know that this jade dish of good fortune was transformed by the back of Pang Great
God, recording his life in the chaos, and it is related to the order of heaven and earth.
The six reincarnations are really the most important thing.

But I don’t know where. When something goes wrong, there are more and more cracks
on this good fortune jade disc, and it has reached an irreparable state. I am afraid that
my last soul will also be invested in it, imitating the teacher and uniting with the good
fortune jade disc!"

"Master!" The green cow and the golden horn and the silver horn were moved, sad in
their hearts, tears in their eyes. Ma ling Yun understood that it turned out that it was
the monks who entered the major myths and legends to plunder, and took away the
treasures that continued the plot, which caused the good fortune jade disc to run at the
expense of themselves. In this way, the sensing saints sat on the combined path and

tried their best to repair the good fortune jade disc, but still could not recover. It
seemed that the old gentleman was dead, and he took a deep breath and said
intermittently: "The good fortune jade disc is here! Who can help Heavenly Court
survive this crisis today and kill that Ying long, whoever is eligible to get it? Good luck
jade disc!"

"Bi Ma Wen, Zhu Xian Sword Array can lend you a boost. Blue Bull, Golden Horn, and
Silver Horn can also be loaned to you to help smooth out some obstacles for you." "As
long as you come to me with Ying Long's head, the jade disc of good fortune will
appear, isn't this request too much?"

"Of course, I know that Ying long is communicating with the outside world and
attracting powerful forces to come, but you may not succeed.

So, I left positioning decree on the parting, pointing out the true location of the heaven
and the purple palace! With all the powers of the Three Realms, whoever is able to set
things right will have the opportunity to inherit the holy throne, and whoever has the
opportunity to get a jade disc of good fortune."

"So please hurry up, you only have two hours, remember, two hours, so you know
yourself." The voice became extraordinarily misty, and the eyes of Tais hang Lao Jun
gradually disappeared, just like the two around him.

The real wood-carved clay sculptures have been combined and combined. "Master! You
just left." The green bull and the golden horn and the silver horn were very distressed,
and the three demons froze in place and couldn't believe it.

The ancient master of the town was sitting down after a few words. The good fortune
jade disc disappeared and disappeared without a trace. At the same time, the Zhu Xian
Sword Array flew over and slapped Ma ling Yun behind him with a "slap".

The old gentleman said he could really use this peerless sword array, but there were
only two hours, and it would be bad after this time. Made. Ma ling Yun stepped forward
and bowed three times, then stood up and said to the left and right: "What are the
three of you?"

Without waiting for the green cow to speak, jinn Jiao Yin Jiao coldly snorted: "The sky
is the king, and our brothers are the second king. No matter where your little Bi Masen
comes from? How can you be qualified to drive our brothers?"

This is very unsympathetic. Before, he shook his shoulders, and his brother screamed
affectionately. When the living ancestor who had been on his head for many years
suddenly passed away, the two of them immediately revealed their true colors and
turned their faces to deny.

However, at the next moment I only heard the thunder of the two heads flew high, and
blood spurted out of their necks. The two brothers died in unison, throwing the corpse
into the sky. palace. "You guys! Why don't you know the truth of guilt?"

Ma ling Yun slowly put away the axe, took the corpses of the two people, and quickly
found out the three treasures of the diamond, the golden rope, and the plantain fan. He
only felt his confidence soaring.

This pair of cuties is really sweet, if you don't turn your face, you won't be able to get
this hand. "You are so brave." Qing Neu stared wide-eyed, and never thought that the
little Bi Masen was so powerful. She didn't even see the axe just now.

Although this guy borrowed the sneak attack, but the golden horn and silver horn had
great magical powers. It was almost impossible to kill them with one blow, but today
this is impossible.

Ma ling Yun smiled softly: "Sister Qinglin, how about our partner going on a trip? You
can't be as loyal as the two of them!" "Okay! Damn the two of them, come up!" Qing
Neu nodded, and wanted to make a fuss with Bi Ma Wen!

Sun Dashing and Xiao Bailing Qing Neu carried Ma ling Yun all the way down, charging
faster and faster. She ran and said, "Get ready! I'm going to enter the enemy!" Ma ling
Yun glanced from a distance, shook his head and said, "Why is this Jade Emperor's
character so bad?

A decree was passed down to order the Sofbang immortals to rescue him, but few
people responded. None of the legendary powers came, only two kittens Three are
really chilling."

Qing Neu said indifferently, "What's the matter? A big fairy jumps out at random. For
example, the Erlang Yang Jian can make the Jade Emperor look good by raising his

There are too many powerful immortals, so I can't control it, so The Queen Mother
regularly held a flat peach festival to appease the great immortals from all walks of life.
The Jade Emperor broke the jar and settled for pleasure, so it became the present

"Yeah! Those Taiya Jinxing and Delu Jinxing would rather watch the Jade Emperor
make a fool of yourself, and would not come to help. In the end, they had to find a way
to pull me in to quell the disaster.

To be honest, I hope in my heart. Let’s have a few hard stubbles and have a ping-pong
match with that dragon mother, so that you can take advantage of it." "It's so beautiful
that your teeth hurt!"

Qing Neu sniffed, and the four hoofed auspicious clouds were about to rush into the
battle, so he heard a sigh of relief: "Hey, where does the evildoer dare to make trouble

in the Tiangong? I don't know that only my grandson can come and go in the Tiangong.
"Sun Dashing?" "Ah! Great, it's fighting to defeat the Buddha Sun Waukon. “Let me
drop the sky! Hope the stars and the moon finally brought this Bi Ma Wen Pan back."

The heavenly soldiers and the generals made a sensation, as if seeing the backbone of
the main body, the battle that was about to collapse quickly stabilized, the giant spirit
and Neha shouted loudly, and quickly organized their counterattack. A heroic monkey
fell from the sky.

He swung the golden hoop and slammed into the rebellious dragon clan. He said loudly,
"I said the Dragon King of the East China Sea, how can your brothers have such a
leisurely attitude to go to the palace?

This kind of thing seems to be only me. Lao Sun will only do the last one occasionally
when he is stubborn. You big and small dragon kings are obedient people. Today, they
show their true form, grinning and grinning. Hehe, it's really unexpected.

It makes my grandson a little bit confused. This is singing. What's your play?" "Master,
you shouldn't come!" "This Jade Emperor is acting against it. What do you think he has
done to the heavenly court?"

"I'm waiting for the dragon clan to be the most noble existence in ancient times, but it's
not at the right time, and it's gradually falling into this state." "Whenever Xiaolongbao
sees the suffering of those Li people, but we can't make a fortune and rain, I feel

"Ashamed! Ashamed in my heart!" "What makes our dragons even more contemptuous
is that some people ask the rain to go up to the sky to listen, and it is also his Jade
Emperor's credit that the arrow is passed down. Mortals rarely mention the dragons in
their praises."

"We work hard but can't get a good voice, how can we feel better in our hearts?" "So,
we have to reverse it. Kill him like the Great Sage back then. Let these wine sacks and
rice sacks know who is keeping them and who is the best soldier in this world!"

The Dragon King of the East China Sea shook his body to block Sun Dashing, raised his
dragon head and said, "Dashing, if you fail in the first battle today, you will be
benevolent. Therefore, there is no room for remission. Let's fight to the death! Our
dragons are also and bloody."

The voice echoed between the fairy palaces. The dragons have been silent for too long,
they have forgotten the glory of the past, and there is an urgent need for a battle to
awaken their blood.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas have never been united like they are now. They
shook their bodies, opened their teeth and danced their claws, and fought in a holy
battle with the once famous Sun Daze.

At this moment, with a loud roar, the figure resembling a mountain rushed over. The
Bull Demon arrived and shouted: "My brother has not been seen for many years, and
my brother missed it very much. You and my brother are very good at fighting. Let's
see who has gone back in their efforts over the years!"

"Hahaha! It turned out to be Brother Neu, who eats my old grandson with a stick."
Don't think that Monkey King is now fighting and defeating the Buddha, and his status
is respected, but he can't see any Buddha nature from him. He still likes to shout and

Qing Neu shook his head and said: "The monkey's hands are itchy, so he jumped out
without knowing who the enemy is. Let him fight! It can more or less contain the
enemy's power and make our actions easier.

“MA ling Yun slapped Zhu Xian Four Swords behind him, and let out a voice: "New and
old Bi Ma Wen are here, let's see how good I am." It was too late to say, it was fast,
the sword light flashed, and the four swords of Zhu Xian blew out.

"I am Bi Ma Wen Ma ling Yun, who would dare to fight? Who would dare to fight?" The
voice buzzed, with a murderous air, even the fight and victory over the Buddha would
have to look sideways, which was so interesting. "Bi?

Bi Masen?" Just when many dragon races were stunned, the sword shadow swept over
them indifferently, and they immediately separated their heads and bodies, leaving no
place to bury their bodies.

"Everyone, be careful, this is the Zhu Xian Sword Formation." Ma ling Yun rode on the
back of the green bull, shaking his hands and shooting out an ancient formation. He
relied on the formation to control the four cold winds, wind and fire, and rushed
forward, wherever he went, there was no one general, all of them were cut under the
sword! As long as he is a of tribulations, he cannot escape this.

The Four Swords are neither copper nor iron nor steel. They were once hidden under
Mount Xu Mi! Without reversing yin and yang, is there no water to quench the edge?
Zhu Jianli, slaughter the immortals and perish, sink the immortals and shine

Ju Xian has changed infinitely and wonderfully, Delu God is stained with blood! Four
swords are invincible in hand, Ma ling Yun has a feeling of staking horses, wherever he
goes, his territory is.

Killing happily along the way, until he was stopped by a figure, there was a loud noise
in front of him, and Zhu Xinjian unexpectedly rolled back the dragon clan shouted:
"Come! Eight Tianlong Gangly Bodhisattva, My Dragon Clan’s Tiangong talent, the third
prince of the Xuhui Longwing Family."

Sun Dashing squinted his eyes slightly, turned the golden hoop to line up the Bull
Demon, and shouted coldly: "Junior Brother Bailing, you have achieved good results.
You must not let yourself be wrong!

If you wade through this muddy water, you will never have a chance to get out." What
a handsome young man, with extraordinary tolerance in front of him and behind him,
he holds the Divine Soldier Changing Sacred Dragon Spear, and raised his proud head
in front of the immortals and said coldly: "It was because I burned a Jade Emperor's
bead back then.

This immortal is about to slay my authentic dragon clan under the swordsman. If it
weren’t for the journey to the west, I’m afraid I would have already become a
decoration in those immortal cave houses, or skin and bones made into playthings, how
sad? It is not my sorrow alone, but the sorrow of the entire dragon clan.

If I can’t save the world, what use do I want the righteous fruit? If I can’t save
thousands of people, what use do I want the bodhisattva status? Great Sage, you’re a
judge. Is there any meaning to be a bodhisattva?"

"Hey!" Sun Dashing scratched his head, he most hated others to reason with him, but
this little baling was unable to refute the reasoning.

"There was a startled voice, and the four swords of Zhu Xian burst into strange light.
How could Ma ling Yun care about that set? He is anxious to slaughter Ying Long and
go to make an appointment.

Hold the sword As the Gangly Bodhisattva, Xiao baling didn't put Ma ling Yun in his
eyes. He held the Changing Sacred Dragon Spear and pierced forward a bit of brilliance.

If the sensing were here, and the Master Tong Tian controlled these four divine swords,
not to mention that the little white dragon got the bodhisattva status, even if he further
became the Buddha, he would not dare to underestimate the immortal sword

formation. Good things are true, and powerful magic weapons are indeed powerful, but
it depends on who uses it. It's like putting a magic weapon in the hands of a farmer,
can it be the same as putting it in the hands of the founding generals?

Therefore, this junior who claims to be Bi Masen looks full of momentum, but in the
eyes of this eight Tianlong Gangly Bodhisattva, the combat power is so weak that it can
be ignored. The only thing he cares about is the image of Zhu Xian formation.

Without this picture, would it be easy to control the Four Swords of Zhu Xian? It is
precisely because of various restrictions that Xiao baling stubbornly believes that these
magic weapons can only be reduced to ordinary magic weapons in the hands of small

How can he fail with his skills for so many years of cultivation? Pride is sometimes a
good thing, because it can make people forge ahead and always want to overwhelm

However, arrogance is sometimes a black hole, one will be swallowed by it if you don't
pay attention, and there will be no bones left in the blink of an eye.

The third prince of the Dragon King came to prominence in the world of Journey to the
West, and he supported Tang Sensing to go to the west to obtain the truth, and was
named eight Tianlong Gangly Bodhisattvas by the Buddha.

He felt that he deserved all of this. He saw only the decline of the Dragon Clan in his
eyes. He had never thought about whether the Dragon Clan would stand up? And
whether he himself has the strength to fight against the sky!

In the battle before him, he overestimated himself and underestimated the enemy, so
he can't blame others for the bad luck. The root cause is arrogance! The cold light
came hurriedly and quickly.

When Xiao baling reacted, his expression froze suddenly, and he saw the sword
shadows all around, and he himself was trapped in the sword shadows, and could not
escape anyway.

The yelling of the big brother Sun Waukon sounded in his ears, and the horrified
screams of the Four Seas Dragon King. Immediately after he felt a light in his hand, the
proud Can gaming Sacred Dragon Spear flew into the air, and the four cold rays of light
shuttled back and forth.

Every time he bombarded the Dragon Spear, the soul had an irreparable crack. Xiao
baling saw a face and sneered coldly and said: "You bury your head and work hard
when you are a white dragon horse.

When the Buddha named you Gangly Bodhisattva, he also thinks that you are suitable
for coolies. I can't imagine that I will imitate Sun dashing and make a big noise in
Heaven. You really have this kind of aura.

If you really have this kind of courage, you would have turned back when the Jade
Emperor condemned him. Why wait until today to find so many excuses? It can be seen
that you have not tempered the obsession of the vast dragon clan in your heart. The
grievance is nothing.

This grievance is like that lonely ghost, how can it be done? “The golden cudgel
stretched over, and Sun dashing shouted: "Keep people under the sword." However,
the four swords circled around, determined to be unparalleled.

The sword of Zhu Xian looked like a guillotine, and with a click, he gave the proud little
white dragon to the guillotine. The speed was beyond imagination, and the judgment
was made.

"Sun dashing, I know that you have a lot of love with this white dragon horse, but you
have to look at today's situation. You did Bi Ma Wen and refused to bow to power, so

you made a big noise in the palace. Today, my Bi Ma Wen is old. You must also act
against the sky! No matter who might be able to push me down, I have to ask the four
swords of Zhu Xian to answer if I agree!

You are my predecessor; will you not bully me?" "Siss! Little guy, I can tell when I raise
my nose, your mouth is full of peach flavor, and the smell of gold core. I don't know
how the old man fancy you, this little thief?

Actually, even the green cow sent you to make it. Mount." Monkey King stomped and
said: "Well, look at how you can turn the tide today, the way of heaven is a good
reincarnation, and a man who is fearless and fearless!

My grandson came here this time to recall Junior Brother baling. In a blink of an eye,
you cut off Junior Brother Bailing’s head, and you won't be embarrassed by giving me
the corpse.

I have to go back and claim the crime from the master!" "Hahaha! Here you are!" Ma
ling Yun casually tossed and gave the body of the little white dragon to Sun dashing. As
for the things on Xiao Bailing’s body, is that still necessary? Even the broken primordial
spirit was sealed in the conferred list.

This is really coming naked, walking naked without taking away a cloud. At this time,
only a weird cry was heard, which made people feel heart piercing pain. Then Hailing
King Aran bumped his head.

Xiao baling is the third son of the Xuhui Dragon King. Seeing that the most promising
and most beloved son died under the sword of Zhu Xian, let him, the aging old dragon,
white-haired man, send the black-haired man, sorrowful, and feel that there is no
meaning to live, so he fights hard.

Ma ling Yun immediately raised his eyes when he saw this situation, and said coldly:
"Your dragons are rich in the world, and you have been bewitched to get the ghost of

the heavens. Humph, the great sage is right, things like making a big noise in the
heaven belong to the horse Wen's job, you rush to grab food, where will you go if you
don't die?"

"Thousands of swords and shadows circled endlessly, like the interlaced steel teeth
moving back and forth, Xuhui Dragon King au Yun screamed, and the scales and
dragon blood on his body were raining.

"Ah! Why are you so good at Bi Ma Wen?! "Grandma's, go and ask an expert, go and
ask Dragon Mother!" In a blink of an eye, I don’t know how many shrimp soldiers and
crabs will throw corpses on the spot.

The Dragon Kings of the Four Seas all attacked, and they sacrificed their lives to control
the Zhu Xian Sword Formation, so as to create a chance for the Bull Demon King and
other demon kings to take down this horse that suddenly ran out temperature.

"Hahaha!" Ma ling Yun raised his head to the sky and laughed, shaking his arms and
flicking like flying fingers, causing the sword formation to burst out with terrifying sword

This is really a sword of light and cold in nineteen states, with a sword aura of 30,000
li. He killed a river of blood on the court, causing the Four Seas Dragon King to be
wounded all over his body.

The sword formation was full of power, and the Sahai Dragon King was about to be
slashed under the sword, when suddenly a figure joined the battle group. I saw this
person shaking his hand to cut the key point of the sword formation, leaving a gap
when the four swords of Zhu Xian attacked and killed.

"Erlang true monarch!" Qing Neu was shocked. Ma ling Yun was on the verge of death,
but no matter who came. Hearing a loud roar from him, the sword formation quickly
evolves, pursuing the yin and yang principles, human beings follow the earth, the earth

follows the sky, the heavens follow the path, and the Tao follows nature! In a blink of
an eye, this sword formation became extremely natural, and it even produced a hint of
yin and yang harmony, making Erlang Shen Yang Jian shocked.

"Kill!" Ma ling Yun had already burst out real fire, urging a unique handprint between
the opening and closing of both hands. Zhu Xian’s four swords buzzed and burst out
with a hundred-Zhang long sword light.

This handprint is Zhou Lie’s experience in dealing with Heart Ape before using so many
magic weapons. It can most destroy the power of the magic weapon itself. Just die!
"Not good!" Erlang Shen Yang Jian hurriedly backed away, but the Four Seas Dragon
King had his way?

Seeing the light across the body and directly cut into sashimi, the meat is too old and
not tasty! "Ah! I'm so unwilling!" Sailing wang didn't even have a chance to burn the
jade and stone, and his head rolled under the feet of the blue cow in the blink of an
eye. These scenes shocked the inside and outside of the battlefield, and only felt that
this kid was so cruel.


Erlang Shen Yang Jian has three eyes, a three-pointed two-bladed spear in his hand,
and a snarling dog by his side. The clouds and mist around him are so majestic. This is
really handsome and handsome, with bright eyes on both earlobes and shoulders.

He wears a three-mountain flying phoenix hat and a pale-yellow collar. Golden boots
lined with pan long socks, jade belt and eight treasure makeup. The true monarch is
here, the gods retreat, and Yang Jian is the existence that even Monkey King would

Who could have imagined that this lofty would join the dragon clan, wade through the
muddy waters, and use his three-pointed two-edged spear to cut into the Zhu Xian
sword formation?

If Ma ling Yun hadn't tried to force the sword formation, how easy would it be to win
the Four Seas Dragon King? At this moment, the clouds in the sword formation were
steaming with Jiawei, and lightning and thunder burst out from time to time.

Just looking at it with eyes would feel cold all over, let alone try the power of this sword
formation. Erlang Shen Yang Jian was very surprised. He couldn't shake this person
with his ability. When did Tian Ting appear such a character?

Did not know before. In recent years, many great powers have been discussing that
sensing doesn’t know what magical secrets of cultivation are, and it hasn’t appeared for
many years.

But what's the matter with this kid? It was the Zhu Xian Sword Formation of the Master
Tong Tian, and the old man's blue bull was riding under him. Why did the two saints
praise this little-known Bi Masen?

It's really weird. Don’t say he can't figure it out, everyone in the sky and the ground
can't figure it out. Ma ling Yun didn't care how these fairy gods thought, he shook the
hundred-Zhang long sword air and smoke to the surroundings.

Every time that sword aura rotates, it will harvest a large number of lives of shrimp
soldiers, crabs, and rebellious monsters, and quickly clear the field under such fierce
killing. At least you must have the cultivation base of the bull demon king to gain a
foothold on this battlefield.

In this way, Ma ling Yun relied on the power of the Zhu Xian Sword Formation to
suppress the rebels with his own power. That was too strong to be undesirable. Erlang
Shen Yang Jian retreated and then retreated; at this moment he did not dare to
instigate his edge. You Dao is a rush, and then decline, and exhaustion.

Although the sword formation is powerful, its power always drops. The four swords of
Zhu Xian erupted for a quarter of an hour, and suddenly died down, and the hundred-
foot-long sword smoke was no longer seen, indicating that this kid has finally finished
playing the shofar wind.

The Erlang Yang Jian was about to step forward, but at this moment, the magnificent
heavenly palace made an explosion, and the small half of the palace collapsed
downwards, revealing several figures. One of them was holding an axe and shouted:
"Brother, run! This Ying long used a terrible magic summon."

The speech ends here, followed by an endless roar. Ma ling Yun slapped Qing Neu on
the back and said, "Go back!" Qing Neu knew it, and the wind was blowing, and in a
blink of an eye he withdrew hundreds of feet away.

He only heard the "cracking" noise behind him, and there was a terrifying shadow of a
tree in the palace. Ma ling Yun glanced back, turned her head and yelled, "I'm your
lungs! The Dragon Mother actually exchanged the natural disaster stone tree. I wanted

to save enough money to exchange for the house, but I didn't expect her to run in front
of me." The natural disaster stone tree is too powerful, regardless of your heavenly
palace, regardless of your fairy gods, like a bulldozer, all will be flattened for you!

Good guys! The destruction has only just begun, and it is estimated that the heavenly
court will not last long, and all the palaces full of sunshine will become wasteland. The
sandstorm is raging around.

This was not an ordinary sandstorm, it was even worse than the yellow windblown by
the yellow wind monster, and hundreds of thousands of heavenly soldiers were wiped
out in an instant.

Even the giant spirit gods and Neha were overwhelmed, because they started to flee
half a step slowly, and half of their bodies were in the sand. They carried all the fairy
energy to be able to force their injuries, which shows how terrifying the sandstorm is.
Neha’s skill is so good, let alone others.

Numerous immortals were dead and wounded, so that the heavenly court suddenly
vacated a lot of positions, and there was no need to worry about immortality.
"Unreasonable!" Erlang Shen turned around and looked around, unable to help
clenching his fists.

Looking at him, he knew that he didn't know the Dragon Mother at all, and thought it
was just a battle to seize the power of the Heavenly Court, but infect they wanted to
package and sell the Heavenly Court.

The natural disaster stone tree was approaching, and the space in which the heaven
was located could not accommodate him, or the interface was too fragile, and all the
palaces were rippled and shattered after flashing a glow.

The ground, water, fire and wind are scattered and restored, and the chaos is likely to
be reopened. This immediately shocked many deities and powers between the heavens

and the earth, such as Emperor Goucher Shang gong, Emperor Zhong Tian Zweig
Arctic, Emperor Qinghai of East Pole, Emperor Changsheng of Antarctica. Another
example is the Master of Ming Xing, the Master of Lu Xing, the Master of Life Extension,
the Master of Yi Suen, the Master of Due’s, and the Master of Changsheng.

There are also the twenty-eight stars, Kang jingling, female earth bat, Fangirl rabbit,
Xinyuan fox and so on. As well as clairvoyance, Shun Feng ear, Thunder Father and
Electric Mother, Feng Boy Master, Taiba Jinxing, Barefoot Great Immortal.

Okay! So many gods all jumped out at once. When the Heavenly Court had an accident,
they watched from a distance, and made up their minds to sweep the snow in front of
the door.

How would they care for others? Even want to see Jade Emperor's jokes, how did it
turn out? As a result, one of them is counted as one now, and they can't laugh at all,
and they even have the heart to cry to death.

"Quick! Take action to prevent this big tree from destroying the world! If you don't
intercept this storm, the heavens will all be ruined. Where is the fairy blessing forever?
Where is the longevity and the heaven?"

"Our home! We must not let this big tree destroy our home. “The celestial gods all shot
together, daring not to have any reservations, they showed their housekeeping skills
and blasted the shadow of the tree that was about to turn from virtual too real.

However, at the next moment, more ripples swayed from near and far, and the earth,
water, fire and wind turned crazily, swept out hundreds of figures in the blink of an eye.
"No! Go back!"

"Where have the three saints gone? Why haven't they appeared yet?" "Go to Ixia
Palace to meet the saint!" Just at this moment, a figure appeared, urging the world-
shaking power, like an arrow shooting at the tall tree to him? That Bute Masen. " Just

listen to the voice echoing between heaven and earth: "tell you bad news, the saints of
the three religions have already sat in front of the Ixia Palace, and today the heavenly
court has encountered this catastrophe.

If you have not sacrificed your life to become a benevolent will, then wait for your
death to disappear. Come! No matter where you go, you can't get rid of the cloud of

Believe it or not, I will go first!" Following the voice, Little Bi Masen rode a green bull
into the chaos, only to see the four brilliances like four dragons, bursting out the most
dazzling brilliance.

"What a Bi Masen, no matter what he has done before, he is a hero at this moment. He
is adhering to Sensing’s will to wipe out the demon atmosphere." "Send your life! He
didn't tell lies. If sensing is still there, how can he sit and watch the heavens collapse?
How can Qing Neu be driven by him?"

"Take it!" The immortals revealed their magic weapon and blasted towards the natural
disaster stone tree, causing the shadow of the tree to be disturbed, and it looked
increasingly unreal.

Seeing hope, the celestial gods hurriedly expended one hundred and twenty cents of
their strength to explode round after round of smoke, trying their best to help Ma ling
Yun approach the shadow of the tree and start a battle with Ying Long!

Heavy bleeding "Ying Long! You have done too much." "Huh, how about going
overboard? Let me see who you are, you can enter the heavens before me, and earn
the magic weapon of the old man too, you are definitely not an unknown person on the
personal battle list."

"Hahaha! Then see if you have this ability to force me to show my true face?" Ma ling
Yun raised his head and laughed, and Jenin blasted towards the formation with both

hands. Catalyzed by the handprints, the Zhu Xian Sword Array immediately showed full
power, and began to soar above the full power, releasing dazzling sword lights,
outward like shaking flags to form sword smoke.

Ying Long knew how great, so he took out a branch and swiped it outward. Such
powerful Zhu Xian Four Swords collapsed outwards under the sway of this branch, and
they were unable to get close.

Ma ling Yun secretly said that it was not good. This dragon mother took a branch of the
natural disaster stone tree and compressed it with a unique method. Holding it in her
hand, it exaggerated the aura of extinction every moment.

No matter how powerful the four swords of Zhu Xian were, they encountered such
things outside the sky. There is no way! "This Ying long’s head must be cut off as soon
as possible, otherwise I won't have a chance with the good fortune jade disc!"

Ma ling Yun crossed his heart, and superimposed his left and right hands to form
eighteen layers of mudra. These eighteen layers of mudra are like eighteen layers of
hell, using extreme methods to catalyze the Zhu Xian formation.

The murderous well blew out, Zhu Xian's four swords and the array of pictures burned
like dry wood, bursting out ring after ring of bright light, crushing forward with
incredible power.

"How dare you." Mother Dragon couldn't help being surprised when he saw this
situation. It was the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and it had a complete array. You could
set up a sword array at any time.

Who is this person? In order to deal with her actually willing to be such a treasure, is
there a sea of blood and deep hatred. In a world of great controversy, if you don’t fight,
you’ll lose sight of everyone!

Not to mention the Eye of the Fallen Sky, as long as Zhou Lie continues to develop, he
will always collide with Long Ting in the end. The two are in the same era and on the
same stage.

As the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers, and it is certain that they will fight
dead in the future. The four swords of Zhu Xian exude infinite brilliance, transforming
into billions of immortal swords.

Vaguely, the billions of sword shadows formed a stalwart figure, raising his hand and
pointing towards Ying Long. "Ah! Tong Tian!" Ying Long roared, grabbing the branches
and sweeping outwards, suddenly pulling out an abyss, blocking these proud gods from

Ma ling Yun wanted to kill the powerful enemy at the price of the Zhu Xian Sword
Array. However, the natural disaster branches in Ying long’s hands were too powerful,
and he punched a bottomless abyss to the left and right sides, absorbing the power of
Zhu Xian’s Four Swords!

The scene is very magnificent, the abyss appears and disappears, and finally
disappears. The Zhu Xian Sword Array burned out, and it no longer existed. Ying Long
was injured. She failed to completely withstand the sword energy at the last moment.

The left wing was crushed by the sword energy, and the right wing fell into dust. The
dragon's claws that grabbed the natural disaster branch were also shattered, looking
embarrassed. Seeing that she was ill and wanted her to die, Ma ling Yun probed his
hand to take out the old man's King Longzhu, pinched a handprint and shot it out

This King Changzhou sparked a huge beam of light, which looked like a scorching sun,
slamming into Ying long with a loud noise! "Ang" Ying Long yelled a dragon chant from
his neck, and a silver ray burst out all over his body, even penetrating the Heaven

Pavilion of the Dragon Court at the expense of himself. There was the sound of wind
and thunder in his ears, and I saw a huge light and shadow stretching out its sharp
claws, and lightly patted it at Ying Long, who was about to collapse, suddenly showing
an indescribable miracle.

The whole heaven trembled, and then Ying Long didn't collapse, but like a black hole, it
absorbed the blood of all the dragons and condensed upwards to a larger body at an
incredible speed.

The wind is everywhere, and a pair of wings grows out. In the blink of an eye, the
second pair of wings appears, followed by the third pair! Originally, the Ying long had
only one pair of wings, but the Ying long in front of him had three pairs of wings, which
looked even more powerful.

Each dragon's scale bloomed with gold and silver light, which made people unable to
open their eyes. Without waiting for Ma ling Yun’s reaction, the huge dragon's tail had
already lashed, and a loud noise broke out to wipe out everything.

"I'll be a mother!" Ma ling Yun shrank his neck, this thing was too good, and the battle
was turned around in an instant. The four swords of Zhu Xian and Joongang Zhou went
in for nothing, only to force out the true strength of the dragon mother.

It is not an exaggeration to describe it in four words, that is, the gain is not worth the
loss! "The Dragon Mother ranked second in the personal combat power list to such a
degree, then how strong is the first Jiang King on the combat power list? I can't even

After Julia crushed it, the unluckiest person was not Ma ling Yun, but Mount Qinglin.
Qing Neu let out a loud roar, and after the roar ended, his body collapsed. The power
of this dragon's tail is really too strong, and it is difficult to resist it with the power of
the blue bull, so his demon body is directly annihilated, revealing the true body, it is a

one-horned white rhino. "The ferocious aura that has been suppressed for many years
radiates to the surroundings. There is a reason why this blue bull claims to be King of
the Unicorn.

The green cow is the appearance, a powerful seal set by the old gentleman when he
conquered her, and its true appearance is the first rhino in the world. As the seal was
completely broken by Ying Long, King Unicorn's violent temper came up.

She was originally a monster with a stubborn coefficient that can burst at any time.
After being suppressed for so many years, she suddenly opened the seal and let go.
Self, naturally have to play a shofar style!"

I saw a group of huge white shadows constantly hitting the six-winged Ying long,
hitting the sky and the earth torn apart, it was inextricably difficult to solve, and it gave
Ma ling Yun a chance to prepare for the ultimate move. "Grandma's! It won't work if
you don't bleed today. If you want to get it, you have to be willing."

Ma ling Yun gritted his teeth, took out the gossip alchemy furnace of Tais hang Lao Jun,
raised his hand and banged his fingerprints towards the furnace wall.

A total of 108 handprints were printed from the front to the back, which were
connected end to end like a chain, causing the gossip alchemy furnace to shrink
suddenly and make a bang, which seemed to explode at any time!

"Not enough! I can't keep the golden rope!" Ma ling Yun felt blood dripping from his
heart. Took out the golden rope and arranged it. If you want to tie up the current Ying
long, you must stimulate the ultimate power of this treasure, but there is no other way.

The two huge figures collided, and King Si rolled back honestly, breaking the horn on
his head. Look at this violent temper. Just after removing the seal, he encountered a
stubble that was too hard to be harder. It was also blood mold for eight lifetimes.

The opportunity is not to be missed, and the loss will not come again, Ma ling Yun
shook his hand and shot the golden rope, entwining Ying Long at the fastest speed, and
then he smashed the gossip alchemy furnace of Tais hang Lao Jun to explode thunder.
This is amazing.

Ying long was caught by the golden rope. After only a moment of stalemate, a cloud of
white light exploded in his chest. A sacred fire that was much more terrifying than the
real fire of Samadhi sprayed out, and it shot her in the blink of an eye. Cover it

Even so, Ma ling Yun still felt that it was not enough. He hurriedly took out the real
plantain fan and stirred it up. Today, he bleeds and killed this six-winged Ying long!


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