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Two long straight parallel wires, standing in air 2 m apart, carry currents I1 and I2 in
the same direction. The magnetic intensity at a point midway between the wires is 7.95
AT/m. If the force on each wire per unit length is 2.4 × 10−4 N, evaluate I1 and I2.
[ANSWER: I1 = 80A & I2 = 30 A]
2. The force between two long parallel conductors is 15 kg/metre. The conductor spacing
is 10 cm. If one conductor carries twice the current of the other, calculate the current in
each conductor. [6,060 A; 12,120 A]
3. An e.m.f. of 1.5 kV is induced in a coil when a current of 4A collapses uniformly to
zero in 8 ms. Determine the inductance of the coil. [ANSWER: L=3H]
4. Figure 1.1 shows a ring formed with two different materials — cast steel and mild

The dimensions are:

Materials Field intensity H mean length cross-sectional area
Mild steel 1400 A/m 400 mm 500 mm2
Cast steel 4800 A/m 300 mm 312.5 mm2

Find the total m.m.f. required to cause a flux of 500 μWb in the magnetic circuit.
Determine also the total circuit reluctance.
[ANSWER: m.m.f = 2000A, H= 4 × 106/H]
5. Calculate the
(i) front pitch, and back pitch for a simplex lap wound 16 slots, 4 pole DC armature.
(ii) Make the winding table and draw the winding diagram in the developed form.
(iii) Also draw the sequence diagram to show the position of brushes.
Assume 2 coil sides/ slot.

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