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Every Child Matters

Ms. Madelyn, a Special Education teacher, handles five students from 7:30 – 10:00 in the morning, Joshua B is
7 years old; Joven is 8; Steve, 6; Joshua G, 5; and Rg,7. Assessment results for Joshua B and Joven indicated an
impression of global developmental delay. Steve was assessed as exhibiting attention deficit hyperactive
disorder, Joshua G. and Rg, 7 have pervasive developmental delay.

Joshua B and Joven are the withdrawn type. Receptive and expressive language for both are developmentally
appropriate. While Joshua can initiate communication with the teacher, Ms. Madelyn finds it difficult to let
Joven talk or respond even to a simple greeting like “Good morning”.

Joshua G has receptive and expressive language. Echolalia speech seldom appears. His tantrums are still
frequent which he uses as a defense whenever he refuses to comply. He performs academic work in the
preparatory level and is partially mainstreamed in the regular preparatory class for less stressful subjects like
science, music and art and storytelling.

Steve is often out – of – seat, frequently off – task, grabs and has violent impulses. Resistance to adult authority
is strongly pronounced and compliance behavior is absent. However, he does very well on academic tasks when
he wants to.

RG has receptive language below his level. Expressive language has to be assisted and initiated by the adult.
While his tantrums have been reduced and out – of – seat behavior established, task performance has always
been initiated by the teacher. Play is still solitary confined to activities requiring less movement.

For two and a half hours, Ms. Madelyn juggles her time attending to the five students as she works on the
individual goals designed for each.


 What types of children does Ms. Madelyn have?

Ms. Madelyn has three types of children: biological children, adopted children, and foster children.

 In what ways are the children diverse? Pick out two and make a comparison.

The children are diverse in terms of their cultural backgrounds and abilities. For example, one child may come
from a Hispanic background while another child may have a physical disability.

 Joshua G and RG were both assessed having autism spectrum disorder. What do you suppose make them
different from each other although their disabilities are similar?

Although Joshua G and RG both have autism spectrum disorder, they may differ in terms of their individual
strengths, challenges, and specific characteristics within the spectrum. Each person with autism is unique, and
their experiences and abilities can vary greatly.

 What will be your greatest challenge if you were Ms. Madelyn?

If I were Ms. Madelyn in the story of Every Child Matters, my greatest challenge would likely be providing
individualized care and support to each child, considering their diverse needs, backgrounds, and abilities.


I am deeply moved by the importance of inclusivity and the power of love and acceptance. Witnessing the
diverse group of children under Ms. Madelyn's care, I am reminded of the beauty in embracing differences and
providing a nurturing environment for every child to thrive. It is inspiring to see how Ms. Madelyn's unwavering
dedication and understanding create a sense of belonging for each child, regardless of their background or
abilities. This story serves as a powerful reminder that every child deserves to be seen, heard, and valued, and
that by fostering an inclusive community, we can truly make a difference in their lives.

The Inclusive Classroom

Once upon a time, in a small town, there was a school that believed in the power of inclusivity. The school's
mission was to create an environment where every child felt valued, respected, and supported. The teachers and
staff worked tirelessly to ensure that no child was left behind, regardless of their abilities, backgrounds, or

In this inclusive classroom, students with diverse needs and abilities learned side by side. There were students
with physical disabilities, students with learning differences, and students from various cultural backgrounds.
The teachers recognized that each child had unique strengths and challenges, and they tailored their teaching
methods to accommodate individual learning styles.


 How did the teachers promote inclusivity in the classroom?

The teachers promoted inclusivity by implementing various strategies such as differentiated instruction,
providing assistive technologies, fostering peer support and collaboration, and creating a safe and accepting
classroom environment.

 How did the students benefit from the inclusive classroom?

The students benefited greatly from the inclusive classroom. They developed empathy, understanding, and
acceptance towards their peers. They learned to appreciate diversity and recognize the value of teamwork and
cooperation. The inclusive environment also allowed students to receive the support they needed to succeed
academically and socially.

 What challenges did the teachers face in maintaining an inclusive classroom?

The teachers faced challenges such as adapting curriculum materials to meet individual needs, managing diverse
learning styles, and addressing potential biases or prejudices among students. They also had to ensure that all
students felt included and had equal opportunities for participation.


The story of the inclusive classroom highlights the transformative power of embracing diversity and creating an
environment where every child matters. It reminds us that education should not be a one-size-fits-all approach
but rather a celebration of individuality and a commitment to providing equal opportunities for all. In an
inclusive classroom, students not only learn academic subjects but also develop essential life skills such as
empathy, acceptance, and collaboration. By fostering inclusivity, we can create a society where every child feels
valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Crossing Quicksand

“Straighten up, Robert’’

“Get back in line, Robert!”

“Robert! Watch where you are going!”

Ann Brock’s heart sank as she heard Robert being singled out. In the lunchroom, the teacher’s aide loudly
directed his every move, telling him where to sit, reminding him to push his chair in, and ordering him to pick up
the milk carton that fell off his tray as he walked toward the trash can. This was Robert’s life. He was treated as
if his absent – minded behavior and patient response to correction were signs of marginal ability. But Ann saw
his special talents and, after much effort, finally got him admitted to the Talented and Gifted (TAG) program.

Nine – year – old Robert was big for his age and clumsy. He ambled around like a bear, bumping into everything
that was between him and the place he wanted to be. When the TAG students lined up for class, Robert would
invariably bump into the person at the end of the line, pushing at least three others off balance.

Group activities were a regular part of Ann’s strategy to help Robert and the other students develop social and
problem – solving skills. There was usually no rejoicing when Robert was assigned to a team. If the activity
involved constructing something, they tried to keep Robert away from the project – sure that he would crush it.

Today’s activity was eliciting more complaints than usual. Their assignment was to get across a circle of
“quicksand” using three boards, but only one at a time. “This one is impossible, Mrs. Brock! There is no way we
can do this!” Robert’s team had spent most of their solution – planning on a plan that they now saw would not

Robert who had been quietly tearing strips of paper, spoke up. “I think I know a way to do it,” Robert repeated.

“Well, we’ve got to do something. What’s your idea?”

Robert used the strip of paper to explain his solution. When they argued that it wouldn’t work, he reached into a
game box and took out markers to represent each team member. Maneuvering the markers strips of paper, he
demonstrated the necessary to move the whole team across the space. When time was called, his team was still
not convinced his plan would work, but having no other idea… they agreed to let Robert direct them.

As they watched each of the other teams fail, they became even more convinced Robert’s plan would fail too.
They were the last team to attempt the crossing. Having no alternative, they followed Robert’s instructions.

“Step here and move forward on the board. Good, now shift your weight to your left foot and the shoulder of the
person on your left. Okay, now, reach out with right foot but keep your weight on your left foot and scoot the
next board forward.” His directions were clear and spoken as if he were reading from a script. Occasionally, he
paused to think, then he’d give the next set of instructions. They moved in a slow motion, like a precision drill
team with Robert monitoring every move.

Watching the team move across the “quicksand,” the rest of the class saw a Robert they had never seen before.
The goofy kid that everyone yelled at was really smart. ‘So that’s why he’s in our TAG class,” Jenny whispered.

“Yeah!” several others agreed. Mrs. Brock saw Robert commanding the respect of his classmates for the first
time in his life.

Robert calmly led the team off the last board and onto ‘solid ground”. They had completed the crossing, that no
other team had been able to make. Shouting and jumping, Robert’s team was joined by other classmates as they
surrounded him and pounded him on the back.

As the teams formed a circle on the floor for the customary “debriefing” Robert whispered to Mrs. Brock, “Is this
what happens when people like you?”

“Yes,” she answered, “how does it feel?”

“Okay, I guess.”

One of the students asked, “How did you remember all that?”

“I just looked in my mind.”

Some of the other students nodded respectfully.

Not knowing how to respond to all the compliments, Robert spent most of the debriefing time looking at the
floor. But when Ann saw a smile spread across his face, she had to swallow hard to keep her tears under control.
The team had crossed imaginary quicksand. Robert had crossed real quicksand, and his life was changed forever.


1. Discuss the insights you gained from the selection. (10pts)

The story of Crossing Quicksand teaches the importance of careful planning, patience, and adaptability in
navigating difficult situations. It highlights the need to assess risks, make informed decisions, and adjust
strategies when faced with unexpected challenges.

2. Describe Robert as special child. (5 pts)

Robert, is depicted as a special child due to his exceptional intelligence, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
He possesses a unique perspective and demonstrates a remarkable capacity for learning and understanding
complex concepts.

3. Describe how Robert was treated by his classmates and his teacher. (5pts)

Robert was treated with indifference and sometimes even disdain by his classmates. They failed to recognize his
intelligence and often excluded him from social activities. His teacher, however, recognized his potential and
provided him with additional support and opportunities to thrive academically.

4. Is the activity appropriate for the class? Explain your answer. (5pts)

The activity of crossing quicksand can be seen as appropriate for the class. It presents a challenging and
engaging task that encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork. However, it is important to
ensure that proper safety measures are in place and that students are adequately supervised during the activity.


Crossing Quicksand is a thought-provoking story that offers valuable insights into the importance of resilience,
adaptability, and teamwork. It reminds us that life is full of unpredictable challenges, and success often hinges on
our ability to navigate through them. The story's protagonist, Robert, serves as an inspiration with his exceptional
intelligence and problem-solving skills. His determination to overcome obstacles, despite facing indifference
from his classmates, is commendable. It highlights the significance of recognizing and nurturing the unique
talents and abilities of every individual. The activity of crossing quicksand serves as a metaphor for the
challenges we encounter in life. It emphasizes the need for careful planning, risk assessment, and flexibility in
our approach. Just as in the story, we must be prepared to adjust our strategies and adapt to unexpected
circumstances. Furthermore, Crossing Quicksand underscores the importance of teamwork. The successful
crossing of the quicksand requires collaboration, communication, and trust among the participants. It reminds us
that we can achieve more when we work together, pooling our strengths and supporting one another. Overall,
Crossing Quicksand serves as a powerful reminder that life's challenges can be overcome with resilience,
adaptability, and the support of others. It encourages us to embrace our unique abilities, persevere in the face of
adversity, and foster a spirit of collaboration.
The Enchanted Forest
Once upon a time there was an enchanted woman who lived in an enchanted forest. Except that the people from
nearby village thought her something evil and never dared to enter the forest.

But times were hard and the villagers found themselves scrounging through the forests for enough scraps to fill
their belly. They made sure to only do it in the daytime, but hunger is vengeful and the forest limited in its
edibles and so they soon were foraging all through the night.

Except that one day they realized that several people were missing. Children, as it were. And a few of the elderly
people. They looked, with whatever energy they had, but couldn’t find even a hint of where they could be.

But soon hunger started to gnaw at their stomachs, weakness set in, and off they were, not caring about the
dangers of the forests and simply caring about what to eat next.

They didn’t even have the energy to make stories about the enchanted woman — always a witch to some — and
whether she was the one behind these disappearances.

The king of this land was a cruel bastard (you know how it was back then) but he was advised by some
intelligent eunuchs who said that his taxes were going down and so he needed to take stock of his subjects, lest
he fall victim to a more powerful king.

And so he picked a very wise woman who went off to see what the problem was. When she got to this section of
the kingdom, she saw fields lying fallow and vultures picking at bones. However, there was no sign of violence.
Finally, she got to the village and saw only an old man there wasting away.

She got off her horse and asked the old man where everyone had gone. He indicated towards the mountain. She
didn’t understand and thought him mad. But she still had enough humanity that she gave him what food and
drink she had. His energy restored, he went off on a rant about the enchanted woman and all the people she took.

The wise woman asked if he had seen this enchanted woman, and he said no. She took this to be some
metaphorical story and so asked him to point out which part of the forest this enchanted woman was. The old
man pointed in towards a part of the forest he had instinctively avoided and so which he assumed had allowed
him to escape the clutches of the enchanted woman.

The wise woman went in and circled the area the old man had talked about. She saw nothing to indicate humans
had ever entered here, not even tracks. But the deeper she went, the darker and more ominous the forest grew.
She finally stopped at the trunk of a tree to take a sip of water. She really was running out of ideas about what
she would tell the king.

She looked above her at the small sections of sky that she could still see and saw vultures circling. A chill came
over her. Surely she wasn’t the reason they circled? But she knew that animals had a very innate intelligence and
could, if you were willing to listen, willing to learn, tell you a lot about an area. This is what her father, a hunter,
had told her long ago before her intelligence was sighted by royalty and taken in to be trained for “usefulness”
for the crown. So these vultures had to be circling for a reason. Just then she heard a chanting in the distance.

She tore through the thick forest undergrowth to find herself staring at a clearing with lines of villagers holding
weapons. In front of them, inspecting them, actually, was the enchanted woman, as beautiful as anyone or thing
she had ever seen and with such sharp eyes, the wise woman knew she was seeing someone great for the first
time. And she also knew that all her time working for the royalty, something her father had been proud of, had
been for naught.

But old habits die hard and she still had something of her father in her — something that just had to serve the
known power of the land — and so when she realized that she was being watched by the vultures, that two
villagers had spears trained on her, she was angry with herself for getting caught.
In front of the enchanted woman, the wise one had no hesitation to blame her for the collapse of the kingdom and
for taking away the kings subjects. The enchanted woman laughed and said that she had saved these people,
filled them with purpose.

The wise woman asked what that purpose was, and the enchanted woman calmly explained her plan for
revolution. The wise woman was shocked and called her crazy. The enchanted one nodded and said follow me.
Up the mountain they went and came to a lake.

The enchanted woman didn’t say anything at first. They just sat there until finally she said I want you to join me.
Tomorrow I march on the castle, but I need you to go back, tell the king that all is fine and then I want you to let
me in.

And why would I do that? Betray the one man who helped me become what I am today?

Maybe he did, but did you always want just this? And did you ever want something better?

The wise one thought about this for some time, not really knowing if betraying the king was the right thing to do,
even if he was a little too cruel and too easy to allow his subjects to die for nothing.

What else is there?

The enchanted woman explained her plan to help the people.

The wise woman laughed and explained all the forces lined up against this. And besides, what could peasants

But she knew she was only testing the enchanted one and soon agreed to help her out.

The wise one went back through the forest and back to the castle. There she told the king that a famine had killed
his subjects. He shrugged and went back to eating. The wise woman waited with baited breath for the army of
peasants to come, for the word to let them in, but nothing happened.

After a few months, she wondered if perhaps the enchanted woman had lost her nerve, or if she had been
betrayed by the peasants. One day, after she had almost lost all her nerve, when she thought she had dreamed up
the whole forest and enchanted woman, she recognized the old man from the village outside the castle looking to
be let in.

She took him aside and asked him what happened. He didn’t recognize her, but said that he was here to warn the
king that there was a usurper in the kingdom. She turned cold and asked the old man to take her there, as she was
the king’s trusted aide.

He took her to a village nearby where she saw the enchanted woman. The wise one told the enchanted one about
the old man. The enchanted one nodded sadly. He was supposed to be a spy in the castle.

How many other spies might you have? asked the wise woman.

I don’t know.

What took you so long?

I don’t know. The people were hard to motivate.

The peasants, you mean.

The enchanted one smiled. Trust me.

Despite her wisdom, the wise one decided to do just that because all the waiting had forced her to pick a side
completely. And it was whatever the enchanted one wanted. The wise one let the usurper into the castle and they
tore through the royalty. After that, they lived together, somewhat happily ever after.

 Who discovered The Enchanted Forest?

A young adventurer named Lily stumbled upon The Enchanted Forest during her quest for adventure.

 What creatures inhabited The Enchanted Forest?

The Enchanted Forest was home to a myriad of fantastical creatures, including fairies, unicorns, and talking

 What was the greatest challenge faced in The Enchanted Forest?

The greatest challenge in The Enchanted Forest was a powerful sorceress who sought to harness the forest's
magic for her own dark purposes.


The Enchanted Forest is a place that defies the boundaries of reality and transports us into a realm of pure
enchantment. Its lush greenery, vibrant flora, and mystical creatures awaken our senses and ignite our
imagination. In the depths of this magical realm, we are reminded of the beauty and wonder that exists beyond
the confines of our everyday lives. The Enchanted Forest serves as a sanctuary, a refuge from the chaos and
monotony of the world. It is a place where time seems to stand still, allowing us to reconnect with nature and
ourselves. The whispers of the trees and the gentle rustling of leaves invite us to slow down, to listen, and to
appreciate the simple joys that surround us. With in the depths of The Enchanted Forest, we encounter
extraordinary beings that challenge our perceptions and expand our understanding of the world. Fairies flit
through the air, their delicate wings shimmering in the sunlight, while unicorns grace us with their majestic
presence. These encounters remind us of the magic that exists within us and the limitless possibilities that lie
beyond our grasp Yet, The Enchanted Forest is not without its challenges. It tests our courage, resilience, and
determination. It presents us with obstacles that force us to confront our fears and tap into our inner strength.
Through these trials, we learn valuable lessons about ourselves and the power we possess to overcome adversity.
The Enchanted Forest is a place of reflection and introspection. It encourages us to pause, to contemplate, and to
appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. It reminds us of the interconnectedness of all living things and the
importance of preserving the natural world. In the end, The Enchanted Forest is more than just a physical
location; it is a state of mind. It invites us to embrace the unknown, to believe in the extraordinary, and to find
magic in the ordinary. It is a reminder that within each of us lies the potential to create our own enchanted
realms, where dreams come alive and the impossible becomes possible.
The Narra Tree
Ms. ST was assigned to teach the value of unity in Character Education. As a start – off, her lesson plan
provided talking about the narra tree as a symbol of strength, as a result of unity. As a Cooperating Teacher, my
practice was to check student teachers’ lesson plans at least 4 days before the scheduled teaching and their
materials a day after the plan has been polished.

On the day the instructional support materials were to be checked, Ms. ST showed me a picture of a tree
drawn on a short – sized bond paper. From my own perspective, the drawing was the best crossbreed of the
acacia, mahogany, and sineguelas (Spanish plum) – the trunk looked acacia, the leaves, mahogany, and the
branches, sineguelas. When asked what tree it was, she answered, “Narra, Madam.” I asked, “Have you seen a
narra tree?” She paused for a long while trying to evade my question. Instead she said, “I’m going to put this
picture on a cardboard so it can stand on the picture holder.”

Without waiting further, I took her out of our classroom, then we stood at the entrance portion of the
elementary school building ever looking the University’s football field. “How many times in your three years in
college have you passed this way?” I asked. “Many times,” was the answer. Fortunately this happened in
February and the trees lining the football field along the campus avenue were in bloom with small yellow flowers
that were smelly (fragrant to my own olfactory sense). “Do you know what trees are those?” I asked. “No,
Madam” she replied. I continued asking her questions. “ Have you ever asked any of your classmates for the
name?” “Have you ever noticed how they bloom in a certain month?” Have you ever stood under any of those?”
All the answers were in negative. So I told her those are narra trees. Her expression was a look of surprise! I told
her, “Throw away that drawing and make use of those trees for your lesson.”

On the day of her scheduled teaching, we brought the Grade Three pupils out of the classroom to the
campus avenue lined with narra trees all abloom in yellow. The children were free to hug the trunks and feel how
hard the bark and the trees themselves. They picked up the fallen flowers and smelled them. One of them asked,
“How deep do the roots go down the soil?” This question led them to read more about the narra tree.

When we went back to the classroom, Ms. ST asked them to describe briefly a narra tree and then
proceeded to their main lesson. When Ms. ST ended her lesson, I asked the class, “How would you like to be a
narra tree?” The pupils gave interesting answers like: “I want to be strong,” “I want to smell good,” “I want to be
sturdy so I can fight bad people,” ‘’I want to be sturdy so I can fight bad people,” and so on.

 What is the anecdote about?

The anecdote in the story of the narra tree is about the tree's resilience and ability to provide shade and shelter.

 What dilemma did Ms. ST encounter related to the lesson assigned for her to teach?

Ms. ST encountered a dilemma in the story of the narra tree related to finding a suitable lesson to teach that
would engage and inspire her students.

 What lesson have you learned from Ms. ST’s experience?

From Ms. ST's experience in the story of the narra tree, the lesson learned is the importance of adaptability and
creativity in teaching, as well as the value of finding meaningful and relatable lessons for students.


The narra tree stands tall as a symbol of resilience and strength. Its branches reach out, providing shade and
shelter to all who seek refuge beneath its canopy. Just like the narra tree, we too face challenges and obstacles in
life. The narra tree teaches us the importance of standing firm in the face of adversity, bending but not breaking.
Its ability to adapt to different environments reminds us of the power of flexibility and embracing change. The
narra tree's beauty and grace serve as a reminder to find joy and appreciation in the simple things around us. It
teaches us to be rooted in our values and to nurture our connections with nature and the world. The narra tree's
story is a reflection of our own journey, reminding us to grow, thrive, and leave a lasting impact on those around

The Life Cycle of a Tree

The objective for this collection of poetry is to expand upon immigration and cultural silences as Monica Ong
does in Silent Anatomies. This project will explore the cultural ties immigrants carry with them to the United
States and their struggle to assimilate into a new culture while clinging to, or rejecting, their past. Culture, as
these poems will argue, stays with us, and can either empower us or hinder us.

Like in Silent Anatomies, where many of Ong’s poems are spoken through the voice of Medica, most of the
following poems will be spoken through the voice of Lazaro. Lazaro, in this context, represents an immigrant of
Filipino background. The content of some of these poems draw on personal stories of my father’s immigration to
the United States and his struggle to assimilate into American culture. The themes of the poems stem from the
unintended tradition my father and I started. When he cooked fish and rice, he told me stories of his life in the
Philippines as we ate together. These stories filled my head as a child and gave me an intimate feeling of what
Filipino culture is. They have urged me to return to my roots and inspired the common symbol of these poems:
the Narra tree. The Narra tree is the national tree of the Philippines because it is resilient and strong. It is meant
to represent the cultural pride that every Filipino immigrant may carry with them. Many of the times, I write
about how a Narra tree grows out of Lazaro’s back, making his culture “noticeable.” For many immigrants, not
only is their physical appearance noticeable to Americans, but also their mannerisms that stem from their culture.

This project begins with the poem “Lazaro.” The original idea stems from how people could not pronounce my
father’s last name when he immigrated to the United States. The style, therefore, follows Lazaro’s identity in his
home country and how he struggles to adapt in the United States. The poem is meant to introduce Lazaro to the
reader and orient them at the beginning of Lazaro’s journey. The poems following Lazaro incorporate several
poetic styles. “Mag Iñgat” is written in prose, some are coupled with photos, and many poems contain phrases in
Tagalog and Spanish. The different styles are meant to engage the reader with imagery, as Ong does in Silent
As it comes to a close, the project questions whether immigrants should forget their cultural roots and accept
American culture as their own or acknowledge their cultural roots and integrate them into their new lives in the
United States. There is not a wrong answer, but Lazaro will show us the pieces of culture many of immigrants
choose to embrace, as well as forget.


 What are the stages of the life cycle of a tree?

The stages of the life cycle of a tree are seed germination, growth and development, maturity, and eventual

 How does a tree reproduce?

Trees reproduce through the process of pollination, where pollen from male reproductive organs (stamens)
fertilizes the female reproductive organs (pistils) to produce seeds.

 What role do trees play in the ecosystem?

Trees play a crucial role in the ecosystem by providing oxygen, absorbing carbon dioxide, regulating
temperature, preventing soil erosion, and providing habitats for various organisms.


The life cycle of a tree is a fascinating and intricate process that spans over many years, showcasing the
resilience and beauty of nature. From the moment a seed is planted, a tree embarks on a journey of growth,
adaptation, and eventual decay. The cycle begins with germination, as a seed finds itself in the perfect conditions
for growth. With the right combination of moisture, warmth, and nutrients, the seed awakens from its dormant
state and sprouts a tiny root that anchors it into the soil. As the root grows, it absorbs water and nutrients from
the earth, providing sustenance for the young tree. As the tree continues to grow, it develops a sturdy trunk and
branches that reach towards the sky.

Its leaves, through the process of photosynthesis, harness the power of sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into
oxygen, playing a vital role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystem.

The tree's growth is a testament to its ability to adapt to its surroundings, adjusting its shape and structure to
withstand the forces of wind, rain, and other environmental factors.

In time, the tree reaches maturity and enters the reproductive phase. It produces flowers or cones, attracting
pollinators or relying on the wind to carry its pollen to other trees. Fertilization occurs, and the tree's seeds are
formed. These seeds, often encased in protective coverings, are dispersed by various means, such as wind, water,
or animals. Some seeds find fertile ground and germinate, continuing the cycle of life, while others may lie
dormant for years, waiting for the right conditions to sprout. As the tree ages, it may face challenges such as
disease, pests, or environmental stressors. Despite these obstacles, trees have remarkable resilience, often
developing defense mechanisms to protect themselves. However, there comes a point when a tree's vitality
wanes, and it begins its decline. Leaves may become sparse, branches may weaken, and the tree's ability to
absorb nutrients diminishes. Eventually, the tree succumbs to its inevitable fate, returning to the earth from which
it once drew life.
The Clock is Ticking!
Teacher Lizzie was recently assigned as the teacher of a self – contained class. She arrived one hour earlier in
school. She wanted to create a good impression with her students and colleagues. Upon entry to the school, she
was met by a fellow teacher with whom she had a casual talk for about 15 minutes then she proceeded to her
classroom. In the hallway, a parent approached her, “You must be the new teacher of my son. I brought him here
ahead because he is excited to meet you. You know my son has been showing good progress in his math subject.
I believe you can help him more by giving emphasis in the numerator and denominator.” They continued
chatting for another 20 minutes then she proceeded to the classroom. Near the classroom, she saw the boy and
believed that his mother was the one she met she met few minutes ago. She managed to crack a conversation
with him then she proceeded with her intention, to prepare her class materials. She was initially browsing when
the janitor passed by to inform her that the comfort room adjacent to her room is not working, so he showed her
the alternate comfort room. This took another 15 minutes. Halfway in her preparation, she learned that she ran
out of pencils and crayons, so she went to the stock room to dispense the needed writing materials. It took
another 15 minutes. Now the bell rang and she is not done yet with her preparation. She panicked a little as she
welcomed the students in her class. She wanted to set her best foot forward by showing preparedness which she
apparently did not have at this time. Anyhow, she managed to start the class and asked them to submit their
assignments. She then introduced the new lesson and minutes later, the class was doing their on – task activity.
The class went well with a minor delay but she felt good because she could already feel the momentum of the
class. Just then, the principal passed by to inform her that she would take part in the upcoming nutrition month.
She proceeded with the class but this time, the students are a bit unruly again so she had to remind them of their
classroom rules. At this time, she was already a little exhausted. She had yet to start another activity but 10
minutes would not be enough. Of course she could not dismiss them ahead, but she had to think quickly so as to
fill in her downtime.


 How would you feel if you are catching up a lesson but there are interruptions along the way?

Interruptions during a lesson can be frustrating and hinder the learning process. It's important to minimize
distractions and create a conducive environment for focused learning.

 Can we avoid on – task activities? How?

Avoiding on-task activities may be challenging, but it is possible. One way to do so is by intentionally engaging
in off-task activities or distractions that divert attention from the task at hand. This could involve engaging in
unrelated conversations, browsing the internet, or participating in activities that are not aligned with the intended
task. However, it is important to note that avoiding on-task activities may hinder productivity and progress
towards completing the task efficiently.

 Will it be appropriate to start an activity only to leave the students hanging due to limited time? Defend
your answer.

No, it would not be appropriate to start an activity only to leave the students hanging due to limited time. It is
important to respect the students' time and provide them with a meaningful and complete learning experience.
Leaving them hanging can lead to frustration, confusion, and a lack of closure. It is better to plan activities that
can be completed within the given time frame or adjust the lesson plan accordingly to ensure a satisfactory

The Clock is Ticking is a phrase that carries a sense of urgency and reminds us of the fleeting nature of time. It
serves as a powerful reminder to make the most of every moment and to prioritize what truly matters in our lives.
Time is a precious resource that waits for no one. Each passing second brings us closer to the unknown future,
and it is up to us to make the most of the time we have been given. The clock's ticking serves as a constant
reminder that life is transient and that we should not take our days for granted. This phrase can evoke a range of
emotions within us. It can create a sense of pressure, urging us to accomplish our goals and fulfill our dreams
before it's too late.

It can also instill a sense of motivation, pushing us to seize opportunities and make meaningful contributions to
the world. The Clock is Ticking reminds us to prioritize our time wisely. It encourages us to focus on what truly
matters, to invest in our relationships, pursue our passions, and strive for personal growth. It prompts us to reflect
on how we are spending our days and whether we are aligning our actions with our values and aspirations. While
the ticking clock may create a sense of urgency, it is important to find a balance. We should not let the pressure
of time consume us or lead to unnecessary stress. Instead, we can use it as a gentle nudge to stay present, to
appreciate the beauty of each passing moment, and to make conscious choices that align with our long-term
vision. Ultimately, The Clock is Ticking serves as a reminder that time is a finite resource. It encourages us to
live with intention, to make the most of every opportunity, and to create a life that is meaningful and fulfilling.
So let us embrace the ticking clock as a catalyst for positive change and a reminder to live each day to the fullest.

The Countdown Begins!

In a world where time was both a precious commodity and a mysterious force, there existed a secret society
known as the Temporal Guardians. Their sole purpose was to protect the delicate balance of time and ensure its
uninterrupted flow. For centuries, they had safeguarded the world from the chaos that would ensue if time were
to be tampered with.

One fateful day, an ancient prophecy was discovered within the archives of the Temporal Guardians. It spoke of
a cataclysmic event that would threaten the very fabric of time itself. The prophecy foretold the arrival of a
malevolent entity known as Chronos, who sought to seize control over time and reshape it to his own desires.

As the prophecy unfolded, the Temporal Guardians initiated "The Countdown Begins." This was a meticulously
planned operation to gather the most skilled and courageous individuals from across the globe. These chosen few
would undergo rigorous training to become the last line of defense against Chronos.

Under the guidance of the Temporal Guardians' wise leader, known only as the Oracle, the recruits were taught
the intricacies of time manipulation, ancient rituals, and the use of powerful artifacts. Each recruit possessed a
unique ability tied to time, be it the ability to slow it down, speed it up, or even glimpse into the future.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, the recruits honed their skills, forming unbreakable
bonds with one another. They became a formidable force, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. The Temporal Guardians, along with their newly trained recruits, embarked
on a perilous journey to confront Chronos. They ventured into the heart of an ancient temple, where the final
battle would take place.

Within the temple's depths, Chronos awaited, his malevolent presence palpable. The air crackled with
anticipation as the Temporal Guardians and their recruits prepared for the ultimate showdown.

The battle that ensued was a clash of unimaginable power. Time itself seemed to bend and twist as the
combatants fought with all their might. The recruits, fueled by their training and unwavering determination,
unleashed their unique abilities, creating a symphony of temporal chaos.

As the battle raged on, the Oracle, with her unparalleled wisdom, devised a plan to weaken Chronos. She called
upon the recruits to synchronize their powers, creating a temporal vortex that would disrupt Chronos' control
over time.


 What is "The Countdown Begins"?

"The Countdown Begins" is a meticulously planned operation initiated by the Temporal Guardians to gather
skilled individuals and protect the delicate balance of time.

 Who is the malevolent entity mentioned in the prophecy?

The malevolent entity is Chronos, who seeks to seize control over time and reshape it according to his own

 What is the goal of the Temporal Guardians and their recruits?

The goal of the Temporal Guardians and their recruits is to confront Chronos and prevent him from disrupting
the fabric of time, ensuring its uninterrupted flow.


"The Countdown Begins" was a pivotal moment in our journey. It marked the transition from anticipation to
action, from preparation to execution. As we embarked on this path, we knew that time was no longer on our
side. The weight of responsibility rested heavily upon our shoulders. We were chosen to be the guardians of time,
the defenders of the delicate balance that held the world together. The countdown reminded us of the urgency of
our mission, the gravity of the threat we faced. In the face of uncertainty, we found solace in our training. The
countless hours spent honing our skills, mastering the intricacies of time manipulation, and delving into ancient
rituals became the foundation upon which we stood. We were a diverse group, each possessing a unique ability
tied to time, yet united by a common purpose. The countdown pushed us to our limits, testing our resolve and
pushing us beyond what we thought possible. We grew not only in strength but also in camaraderie. Bonds were
forged, trust was built, and together we became an unstoppable force. As the final battle drew near, we could feel
the weight of destiny upon us. The countdown served as a constant reminder that time was running out, that the
fate of the world hung in the balance. Doubts and fears crept in, but we pushed them aside, knowing that we had
been chosen for a reason. In that moment, we realized that the countdown was not just a ticking clock, but a
symbol of our determination and resilience. It fueled our determination to confront the malevolent entity that
threatened to disrupt the very fabric of time. Looking back, the countdown was a catalyst for our transformation.
It pushed us to embrace our true potential, to rise above our limitations, and to become the heroes we were
destined to be. It taught us the value of time, the importance of seizing every moment, and the power of unity in
the face of adversity. As I reflect on "The Countdown Begins," we are filled with a sense of pride and gratitude.
We emerged from the crucible of time, stronger and wiser. The countdown may have ended, but our journey
continues, for time waits for no one.

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