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M athematics, oh what a delight,

A world of numbers, shining so bright,
T ransforming equations, solving with might,
H elping us conquer challenges day and night.

A lgebra and geometry, tools so grand,

P laying with numbers, we truly understand,
P recision and logic, hand in hand,
R evealing patterns, math's magic unplanned.

E xploring the unknown, with curiosity,

C alculations and proofs, unlocking mystery,
I ntegrating math in our daily history,
A ppreciating its power, a lifelong victory.

T hankful for math's countless possibilities,

I nspiring minds, igniting mental abilities,
O pening doors to new mathematical realities,
N urturing a love for math, with endless possibilities.

M ath is the language of numbers

A nswers to problems we seek
T ricky equations to solve
H elping us think critically

A lgebra and geometry

P lay a role in our lives
P atterns and shapes we explore
R easoning and logic thrives

E xploring the unknown

C alculating with precision
I ntegrating math in our world
A ppreciating its provision
T hankful for math's contribution
I nspiring minds to think and grow
O pening doors we did not know
N urturing a love for math

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