Ethics References

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Utilitarianism: This ethical theory focuses on maximizing overall happiness and

pleasure for the greatest number of people. It is based on the principle of the "greatest
happiness principle" as stated by philosopher Jeremy Bentham. Utilitarianism is often
associated with consequentialism, which means that the moral value of an action is
determined by its consequences. (Reference: Mill, J.S. (1863). Utilitarianism.)

2. Deontology: Deontology is based on the idea that certain actions are inherently right
or wrong, regardless of their consequences. It is typically associated with philosopher
Immanuel Kant, who argued that morality is based on a set of universal moral rules or
duties that must be followed regardless of the consequences. (Reference: Kant, I.
(1785). Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals.)

3. Virtue ethics: Virtue ethics is based on the idea that people should strive to develop
certain character traits or virtues that lead to ethical behavior. It is less concerned with
specific rules or duties, and more focused on cultivating good character, such as
honesty, respect, and responsibility. Virtue ethics is associated with ancient Greek
philosophers such as Aristotle. (Reference: Aristotle. (c. 350 BCE). Nicomachean

4. Care ethics: Care ethics is based on the idea that relationships and caring for others
is at the heart of ethical behavior. It is often associated with feminist theory and focuses
on the importance of empathy and compassion in ethical decision-making. Care ethics
emphasizes the importance of caring for those who are vulnerable, such as children, the
elderly, and the disabled. (Reference: Gilligan, C. (1982). In a Different Voice:
Psychological Theory and Women's Development.)

5. Contractualism: Contractualism is based on the idea that ethical principles are

grounded in social agreements or contracts, rather than individualist principles. It is
associated with philosopher Thomas Scanlon, who argued that moral principles are
based on the idea of mutual respect for each other's interests. Contractualism
emphasizes fairness, reciprocity, and respect for the autonomy of others. (Reference:
Scanlon, T. (1998). What We Owe to Each Other.)
Inclusivity and diversity are crucial components for any institution's success, and
policies are essential to ensure they are achieved. The following are some policies the
institutions should adopt to promote inclusivity and diversity:

1. Diversity and Inclusion Policy: The policy should outline the institution's
commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion within the institution. It should set out
the institution's goals and objectives for increasing diversity and inclusion, outlining the
measures it will take to achieve these goals.

2. Anti-Discrimination Policy: The policy aims to ensure that all individuals are treated
fairly and equally and prohibits discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion,
sexual orientation, disability, or any other characteristic protected by law. The policy
should outline procedures for handling discrimination complaints, including prompt
investigation and resolution.

3. Recruitment and Hiring Policy: The policy should aim to attract and retain a diverse
workforce in the institution. The institution should set objectives to increase diversity in
the recruitment process and incorporate advertising to reach diverse job seekers.

4. Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity Policy: The policy should provide training and
development programs to promote cultural awareness and sensitivity among staff and
students. Such programs should help individuals understand the diverse cultures and
promote inclusion across different groups.

5. Accessibility Policy: The policy should ensure that the institution and its services
and programs are accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities. The
policy should outline measures that the institution will take to remove any physical,
technological, and attitudinal barriers.

The implementation of these policies should start with the leadership team incorporating
the policies in the institution’s culture. Leaders should promote inclusivity and diversity
to staff and students and regularly evaluate policies' effectiveness. Additionally,
institutions should put measures in place to monitor and report on progress towards the
goals outlined in the policies. Regular training for staff and students is also crucial to
help employees understand the policies and ensure they are implemented effectively.
Inclusivity and Diversity Policies in Institutions

Inclusivity and diversity policies are critical for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion
in institutions. Such policies are designed to ensure that every member of the institution,
regardless of their background and identity, feels valued and heard. This policy
promotes a safe and welcoming organizational environment that fosters collaboration,
productivity, and personal development. Some of the policies and initiatives that
organizations can undertake to promote inclusivity and diversity are as follows:

Diversity Training and Awareness Programs

Organizations can develop and implement various training and awareness programs
aimed at promoting diversity and inclusion understanding within the institution. This
program includes workshops and training sessions on the importance of diversity, the
challenges of creating an inclusive environment, and empowering employees to
enhance their cultural competence. It is important to have a diverse range of trainers to
ensure that the training reflects the diverse perspectives of the employees.

Recruitment and Retention Policies

Institutions should ensure that their recruitment and retention policies are inclusive. This
includes eliminating bias in job descriptions, salary negotiations, and job interviews.
There should be diversity targets for recruitment, and the recognition that diverse teams
lead to better innovation and performance. In addition, organizations should offer
support and opportunities for employees to grow and prosper within their roles.

Employee Resource Groups

Employee resource groups are crucial in promoting inclusivity and diversity in

institutions. These groups provide a platform for employees to connect, network,
discuss, and create initiatives that are geared towards promoting diversity and inclusion
within the organization. These groups may be formed around age, gender, ethnicity,
sexual orientations, disabilities, and other areas of identity and experience.
Inclusivity and Diversity Allyship Initiative

It is crucial for institutions to create spaces that are welcoming to all, including allies of
diversity and inclusivity. This should involve educating the employees on the concept of
allyship and providing them with resources and support to understand different
perspectives. It is essential for allyship to come from the top, with management leading
the charge in inclusivity and diversity.

Providing Accommodation

Institutions should be aware of the different needs of their employees and ensure that
they provide reasonable accommodations based on their needs. This could include
providing accessibility in the workplace, such as ramps and elevators for people with
mobility issues or providing mental health resources and support for mental health


It is important for organizations to recognize and appreciate the diversity of their

employees by implementing policies and initiatives geared towards promoting inclusivity
and diversity. Initiatives such as training and awareness programs, recruitment and
retention policies, employee resource groups, allyship initiatives and providing
accommodations can create an environment that is safe, welcoming, and empowering
to all employees, leading to better collaboration, productivity, and personal


Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the
World. (2017).

Diversity and Inclusion Programs that Work: An Evidence-Based Case for Implementing
Diversity and Inclusion Programs. (2021).

Harrington, K. E., & Carter, R. T. (2020). Evidence-Based Strategies for Promoting

Inclusiveness and Minimizing Bias in Higher Education Hiring Practices. Educational
Researcher, 49(9), 676-685.
Koch, A. K., & Berenbaum, H. (2020). Moving beyond identity blindness: How legal
employers can promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. University of Pennsylvania
Journal of Business Law, 23(1), 187-220.

The Chronicle of Higher Education. (2016). “Tips for Recruiting and Retaining a Diverse
Staff.” Retrived September 16, 2021, from

Inclusivity and diversity are crucial components for any institution's success, and
policies are essential to ensure they are achieved

The first policy is to create a culture of inclusivity and diversity that is embraced by all
members of the institution. This involves promoting respect and openness towards
different perspectives, backgrounds, and identities, and valuing the contributions of all

The second policy is to adopt and enforce non-discrimination policies that prohibit
discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, nationality,
or any other protected characteristic.

The third policy is to actively recruit and retain diverse staff, faculty, and students, and
provide equal access to employment opportunities, career advancement, and

The implementation of these policies can involve various strategies, such as training
and education programs to promote awareness of bias and discrimination, creating safe
spaces for marginalized groups, establishing mentoring and support programs, and
providing resources and accommodations for people with disabilities. Institutions can
also partner with community organizations to promote diversity and inclusivity beyond
their own walls.
Overall, promoting inclusivity and diversity requires a sustained commitment to creating
a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone, and a willingness to challenge
and address systemic barriers and prejudices.

The Department of Education of the Philippines (DepEd) has several policies on

inclusivity and diversity, which promote equitable access to quality education for all
learners. The following are some examples of DepEd policies on inclusivity and diversity
and their implementation:

1. Inclusive Education Policy (DepEd Order No. 16, s. 2012) - This policy mandates
the provision of quality education to learners with disabilities, giftedness, and other
special needs in a regular classroom setting. The policy also emphasizes the
importance of individualized education plans and reasonable accommodations for
diverse learners.


- Establishment of Special Education (SPED) Centers in public schools

- Training of teachers on inclusive education strategies and assistive technologies

- Conduct of individualized education program (IEP) meetings for learners with special

- Provision of reasonable accommodations and support services for learners with


2. Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy (DepEd Order No. 32, s. 2013) - This
policy promotes gender equality and addresses issues of discrimination, violence, and
stereotypes in schools. It also highlights the participation of boys and men in gender-
responsive education as allies.


- Integration of gender-sensitive topics and activities in the curriculum

- Establishment of gender and development (GAD) focal points in schools

- Conduct of awareness-raising campaigns on gender issues

- Provision of safe spaces and support services for learners who experience gender-
based violence

3. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education Policy (DepEd Order No. 74, s.

2009) - This policy recognizes the importance of learners' mother tongues in enhancing
their cognitive and linguistic development. It promotes the use of the mother tongue as
the language of instruction in the early years of basic education.


- Development of mother tongue-based learning materials and teacher training modules

- Establishment of language centers for the development and preservation of

indigenous languages

- Conduct of mother tongue-based literacy programs for learners and their parents

- Integration of indigenous knowledge systems and practices in the curriculum


Department of Education. (2012). Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education. DepEd

Order No. 16, s. 2012.

Department of Education. (2013). Gender-Responsive Basic Education Policy. DepEd

Order No. 32, s. 2013.

Department of Education. (2009). Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of the

Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE). DepEd Order No. 74, s.

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