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God is in Control

If you're missing joy and peace, you're not trusting God. If your mind feels worn
out all the time, you're not trusting God. We all want good things to happen in our lives,
but too often we want it now...not later. When it doesn't happen that way, we are tempted
to ask, "When, God, when?" Most of us need to grow in the area of trusting God instead
of focusing on the "when" question.
The desire to know everything that is going on can be detrimental to your Christian
walk. Knowing everything can be uncomfortable and even harmful at times. I wasted a lot
of my life being impatient, frustrated, and disappointed because I didn't know certain
things. God had to teach me to let things be and to let go of the need to know everything.
I eventually learned to trust the All-Knowing and accept that some questions may never
be answered. When we refuse to worry, we demonstrate our faith in God. He desires that
we live by discernment revelation knowledge rather than head knowledge. When you're
constantly trying to figure out everything, it's difficult to exercise discernment. But when
you're willing to say, "God, I can't figure this out, so I'm going to trust You to give me
revelation that will set me free," you can be content despite your lack of knowledge.
Trusting God often entails not knowing how God will accomplish what needs to be done
or when He will do it. We often say that God is never late, but He is also rarely early.
Why? Because He uses waiting to test our faith and bring about change and growth in
our lives.
We spend a lot of time in our lives waiting for change because it is a process. Many
people want to see change, but they don't want to wait for it. But the truth is that we are
going to have to wait. The question is whether we will wait the wrong or right way. We will
be unhappy if we wait the wrong way; however, if we decide to wait God's way, we will
be patient and enjoy the wait. It takes practice, but as we allow God to assist us in each
situation, we develop patience, one of the most important Christian virtues.
The Bible says that as we develop patience, we will eventually feel completely
satisfied lacking nothing. Even our relationship with God evolves over time. My
relationship with God is very different now than it was when I first became a Christian. It's
not nearly as emotionally charged...but it's better. Every transition has made me more
mature, solid, and well-rounded. We learn to trust God through a variety of experiences
that require trust. By seeing God's faithfulness over and over, we gradually let go of
trusting ourselves and place our trust in Him. When viewed in this light, it is easy to see
how timing is crucial in learning to trust God.
We would never grow and develop if He gave us everything we asked for right
away. Timing and trust go hand in hand. God gives us hopes and dreams for specific
events in our lives, but He does not always allow us to see the exact timing of His plan.
Although it is inconvenient, not knowing the exact timing is frequently what keeps us in
the program. We would give up if we knew how long it would take, but when we accept
God's timing, we can learn to live in hope and enjoy our lives while God works on our
problems. We know that God's plan for our lives is good, and when we trust Him, we can
have complete peace and happiness.
When God directs our paths, He sometimes leads us in ways that don't make sense to
us so we're not always going to understand everything. If we try to reason out everything,
we will experience struggle, confusion and misery but there is a better way.
We are not all experiencing the same season at the same time. You should never
be envious of someone who is harvesting while you are still planting. Remember, they
had to go through a planting season just like you. Seeing the results they are getting
should encourage you. Recognize and trust that God is doing His best for you in this
season. Seedtime represents learning God's will. Every time I choose God's will over my
own, I'm sowing a good seed that will eventually bear fruit in my life. If you want to win,
you can't afford to get sucked into the world's system and do whatever you want.

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