CLC 12 1

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CLC 12 Brielle

Core Competency Reflection

Personal Awareness & Responsibility:

1. I can take responsibility for my actions and seek help when needed.
I can take responsibility when I’ve made a mistake or need to make an adjustment to my
learning. I seek help from a teacher or a parent when necessary. In my math class, I can ask
questions consistently to ensure I understand the material being presented to me.
1. I understand that learning takes practice and time.
Developing new concepts is something I struggle with. I understand that learning a new concept
takes practice and repetition. At my dance studio, we practice choreography and create a routine
to compete. It takes time and many classes to perfect our routines. This allows me to apply my
repetition and practice in my classes at school, too.

1. I have trouble following through with my goals and regulating my emotions when a
problem arises.
After setting goals for myself, I struggle with finding the motivation to get there. I work out a
pathway but have difficulty starting. I believe I need to improve in this area because it causes me
to fall behind in school. I can solve this problem by creating a schedule to follow and having
something to look forward to. If there is something to gain from improving in this area, it will be
helpful for me to think about it to maintain motivation to complete assignments.

Social Responsibility:
1. I can solve problems in a peaceful and mature way to prevent further issues.
When a problem is brought to my attention, I can address it and look at all perspectives to come
up with a solution. Being able to see all sides of a situation can benefit problem solving skills
and allow me to handle issues maturely.
2. I value diversity and have positive peer relationships with people in my life.
I have developed several positive relationships with my peers in all aspects of my life. I
contribute in helpful and inclusive ways with people I meet. I respect and support individual’s
differences and don’t make assumptions before I get to know them. This creates a healthy
environment for me to be in when I’m at school.

1. I lack participation and contributing to the community outside of my way.
It is important for me to be more involved with the community and engage in outside of school
activities. For example, I can volunteer to help the community and environment. I can also
engage with the community by taking extra courses and trying out new things to gain experience.

Critical Thinking:
1. I can gather relevant information and display it in an organized and well-developed
Being able to gather relevant information is beneficial for projects and homework assigned to
me. I can get to the point easily in the form of writing. I can display my information in an
organized format that my peers and teachers can easily read. I can back up my opinions with
2. I can analyze and make reasonable judgements to construct a conclusion that includes
different perspectives.
After reading an article or watching a video, I can take away the main points and construct a
conclusion that sums it up. I can make reasonable judgements based on the information I’m
looking at and view it in several ways to see all sides.

1. I cannot always understand the purpose of my work and struggle to access my progress.
I want to improve in this area because understanding why I’m doing something will give me the
ability to teach or present my knowledge to others. It is always helpful to be able to assess
yourself during the process of completing assignments and projects. I can do this by taking notes
along the way and searching for extra answers if I have any confusion or questions.

Creative Thinking:
1. I have the ability to create unique and different ideas to provide a new perspective to
influence others on a topic.
I can reflect on a topic in a way that will influence and educate my peers. I can help others see
something in a different way that can add on to their knowledge. I find interesting details to
include in presentations to keep my viewers interested.

2. I understand that failure can be productive.

There have been times when I’ve failed at learning and understanding a concept. I know that this
will only make me gain experience to perform better next time. I use my mistakes to work off so
I can improve in a subject or area that I have had challenges with.

1. I cannot use the environment around me to generate new ideas.
I have trouble using the supplies around me to create something unique and different. It has
always taken time for me to come up with something new because I second guess myself. I doubt
that my idea is good or useful and let others create something for me to build on. I can practice
being more confident in my thoughts and opinions and trust that others will react positively to
my suggestions. Even if people dislike my ideas, there is always ways we can adjust it to make it
better. Improving in this will be beneficial for me because it will teach me how to take control
and be a leader.

1. I can connect and engage with others. I have good listening skills and am able to
contribute to conversations no matter the topic.
I am good at keeping a conversation going. I am proud of my social skills and ability to publicly
speak. When working in groups inside and outside of school, I can consider other people’s
perspectives and ideas. At dance when we’re cleaning choreography, we all share our thoughts
about how we can make our routine better. We listen and encourage each other to try our hardest.

2. I can reflect on the information I’ve learned and share it with my peers or teachers.
I can present information in an organized way that will keep my peers and teachers engaged in
what I am saying. Throughout my journey in school, we’ve been assigned to complete several
different kinds of power points and poster boards. I have been able to successfully present my
learning and teach it to others to help them understand.

1. I struggle with interpreting information correctly sometimes.
Interpreting concepts can be difficult for me sometimes as I don’t see all points of view without
explanation and understanding beforehand. I want to improve this because it would be helpful to
understand all interpretations of a concept. Especially in school settings. I can contribute my
thoughts and ideas, and I can listen to other thoughts and ideas. I just am not always able to see
their perspectives. I can improve this by paying attention to detail and putting myself in their

Personal and Cultural Identity:

1. I understand what is important to me and how values will continue to shape my choices
as I move forward in my life.
Things I value and appreciate will impact my decisions and choices I make throughout my life.
The things I believe in will determine the direction I head in for the future. I value and believe in
mental health and have aspired to be a psychologist when I am older. Someone who doesn’t
know as much about mental health will not want to go in that direction later in life. I think that
it’s important to be educated in mental health because it has started impacting so many aspects of
individuals’ lives. This includes addiction, toxic relationships, and struggling in school. Those
are all things that can be impacted greatly by mental health.

2. I know my personal strengths and abilities. I understand how I can use my strengths to
my advantage in my life.
I am a self-aware person and understand the things I am good at, and the things I can improve
on. I am a strong writer and storyteller and have used that to my advantage in creative writing
classes. I am also a determined person and have used that to build up my motivation for school
assignments and dance classes. I have confidence in most things I do and won’t back down from
a challenge. I have struggled with this recently, but hopefully I can make a comeback in my last
year of school.

1. I have difficulty defining myself in relationship terms to others and to the world.
When thinking of my relationships with individuals in my life and around the world, I have
negative thoughts about what everyone thinks of me. This was a problem in the past more than it
has been a problem in the present. I have more self-respect for myself now and can understand
that not everyone will like me the way I am. I’ve accepted it and can move on. Sometimes I
overthink situations and get in my head. I can improve that by reminding myself that people’s
perception doesn’t matter if I know I’ve been a good person.

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