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Three technique to improve your memory

1. 3, 2 and 1::::take your dinner 3 hours before sleep:2: Before 2 hours prior to sleep do
mediation or visualization about your goal/targets , exercise positive rituals, 3:1 hr before
sleep, set aside all gadgets, phone,
2. Best course recommended by Shehzad Malik sb….
1. GBOB…Guest Blogging Outreach Business

Learn, How to reprogram your MIND:

1.1 How many people actually believe in the idea that they way you think has significant
effect on your MIND:?
1.2 How many people actually woke up this morning and consistently created a future? The
biggest reason is that most people don’t believe it to be true? If they start believing and
then definitely miracle could happened .
1.3 Your brain is a record of your environment ::::Does your environment control your
thinking? Or Does your thinking control your environment? E.g if you start waking at the
exact time, sleeping on the same bed, driving the car on the same route, eating on the
same utensil and drinking water on the same bottle…THEN you begin to think equal to
your environment ;;;then your life will be the same what it was and it is…To be different
and to change;;;;
1.4 To truly change is to think greater than your environment and to do some out of the box
thinking or acting at least daily to rewire your brains cells to be creative…
1.5 All of the world great ledgends have a vision that could not be seen, felt, tasted..but that
vision was so alive in their mind that they begin to live as if that reality was actually
happening NOW:::
1.6 So Nuero Science has proved it …if you will visualize, dream…anything then definatley
you will achived it….then your brain will literally changed to look the event has already
happened ? IT is absolutely possible;::
1.7 Your personality create your personal reailty…..i.e change your physiology that will
change your psychology and then will result in change in your phraseology;;;;e.g if you
will dress like a professional that will enhance your confidence and then resultantly you
will be speaking like a true professional and vice versa…
1.8 Your personality depends on ::::how you think….act;;;; and feel
1.9 Your present personality has created your personal reality which is your LIFE:::
1.10 So if you want to change your life…or create a new LIFE:::then you need to
change the drivers like thinking,thoughts,, emotions… your actions, habits,,,your
feeling….and your future life will be change automatically.
1.11 Most people try to change new life or reality or future without changing their
personality that never works…for that you need to become somebody else….
1.12 If you are living with the same thoughts,,thinking, feeling…behavour then you
will never be changed or life will be remain the same….
1.13 “Nerve cells that wire toghether , fire together”….When you put your brain into
actions that is called “ MIND”…Mind is actually brain in actin….
1.14 One ingridents to remind…rewire your brain or compel your brain into actions is
knowledge…reading books…learning….as learning is forging new connections in the
1.15 Remembering is maintaining or sustaining those connections…
1.16 Reading is like eating foods…when you eat food then it get digested and the
brain supply the small part of the foods to all part of your body and same is for reading
books…some knowledge from the books become part of your wisdom,,some form part
of your memory,,,some could be used as vocabulary…but nothing is wasted like what we
gain from eating food …
1.17 Every time you have new thought…that create a chemical in your brain…that
form a pattern in your brain and open circuts and connections …that makes another
chemical to feel the way you think
1.18 IF you have negative thoughat that will produce negative spoiling pattern in
your brains…then that will activate your body to feel the way you think…and your body
language will be the servant of that negative thoughts…
1.19 At the movement you feel the way you think and then you think the way you
fell…the redudency of these process create being state of being who you are….over the
20,30 years….
1.20 Thoughts are the language of the brain…and FEELINGs are the language of the
1.21 A habit is when you body is the mIND>>>
1.22 95% of who you are by the time your’re 35 year old are consist of memorized
behaviours…emotional reactions, beliefs, perceptions,,,attitudes that run like your
computer program…and 5% of your conscious mind begin to work based on your 95% of
the programing data what you have memorized….so due to this deep programing….the
person think positively but feel negatively due to the old negative virus…
1.23 The want to make great dream list of future board…with list of great task but
feel unworthy, disappointed…due to the these thinking and feeling cycle….trap…that is
due to the mind and body opposition or contradiction…that need to be reconiditoned…
1.24 So need to reconditioned the body to a new MIND…
1.25 How many people you know who memorized sufferings;;;like my dad;;;;is one of
them…so whenever you will say let do something or visit new palace or enjoy then the
same guy will say NO..NO..NO…as there is huge contradtiction and tussle between this
thoughts and feeling process…
1.26 Now it is time to move out from that bad state of being and restart life in the
new state of being …the universal quantum world….where there is harmony b/w
thinking and feeling….we can learn and change the the bad state of being and enjoy the
10 Life Lessons I've Learnt from 1570
Movies - Qasim Ali Shah youtube:
a. Finding or accompanying with great
/successful people is the guranatee
for success: by Wasif Ali Wasif
b. These successful people save your
time, energy, and share ideas,
opportunity and gives hope for the
bright future
1. Life is uncertain: Life will never be
as per your expectation all the time
and some time God may choose
something different for you which
you need to understand.
2. Be curious: making struggle…keep
striving…making efforts is life
otherwise you are dead
3. Good to great: One of the world
best book…Good to great
philosophy…where the author
emphized that if the great stay on
the good and don’t make any
improvement then he will be bad or
worst…so continues improvement
is the key to success.
4. Gratitude:: secret of success
5. Don’t stay confused: decide your
6. You are important…find those
people to whom you are very
important without any
your parents,,,family…
7. Change yourself first…
8. Forgive and forget
9. Yours results are dependent on
your actions
10. You can’t please anyone

How to Invest on Yourself in Year 2023 -

Qasim Ali Shah
1. 100 Things Productive People Do ….Little Lesson in getting things done…by Nigel
2. These People invest on themselves…”Invest in you”

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