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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

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Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 9409 (1980): Classification of electrical and electronic

equipment with regard to protection against electric shock
[ETD 1: Basic Electrotechnical Standards]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2002 )
IS : 9409 - 1980

Indian Standard

Electrotechnical Standards Sectional Committee, ETDC 1

Chairman Representing
SHRI J. S. ZAVERI Bharat Bijlee Ltd, Bombay; and Rotating Machi-
nery Sectional Committee, ETDC 15, ISI
SHRI H. V. BADRINATH Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing,
Ministry of,Communications, New Delhi
SHRI V. K. BATRA Natgee;;: PhysIcal Laboratory ( CSIR ), N~A
SHRI T. L. BHATIA Indian Posts and Te!egrsphs Department
( Ministry of Communications ), New Delhi
SHR~ J. M. NEOOY ( Alternate )
SHRt V. S. BHATIA LOW Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Sec-
tional Committee, ETDC 57, IS1
&to N. DAYAL Ministry of Defence ( DGI ), New Delhi
COL K. V. KUDVA ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR ( TED ) Central Electricity Authority ( Department of
Power, Ministry of Energy ), New Delhi
DEPUTY DIRECTOR ( TED ) ( Alternate )
SHRI M. L. Do NGRE how;;* Cables Sectional Committee, ETDC 59,

SHRI R. D. JAIN Conductors and Accessories for Overhead Lines

Sectional Committee, ETDC 60, ISI
SHRI K. C. KAUL Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Bhopal
SHRt S. K. MUKHERJEE National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI B. MUKH~PADHYAY ( Alternate )
PROF R. C. NARAYANAN General Nomenclature and Symbols Subcom-
mittee, ETDC 1 : 3, IS1
SHRI D. V. NARKE Transformers Sectional Committee, ETDC 16,
( Continued on page 2 )

@ Copyright 1980
This publication is protected under the Indian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in nhole or in part by eny means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.

( Continuedfrom page 1 )

hknberr Representing
SHRi H. M. PAI High Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear Sec.
tional Committee, ETDC 58, IS1
%RI R. RADHAKRISHNAN Central Electrochemical Research Institute
( CSIR ), Karaikudi
&RI H, N. VENKOBARAO ( Alternate )
SHRI T. S. M. RAO Relays Sectional Committee, ETDC 35, ISI
SBRI V. L. SASTRY Electronics and Radar Development Establish*
meot ( Ministry of Defence ), Bangalore
SHRI K. V. BHAT ( Attevriate )
DR S. M. SEN Institution of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
DR H. V. K. UD~JPA Secondary Cell8 and Batteriek Sectional Com-
mittee, ETDC II, ISI
SI~RI M. P, WAGAH Indi;~m~a~ctricaI Manufacturers’ Association,

SHRI S. D. MED~~~KAR( Alfernnate> ’

SHRI S. P. SACHDEV, Director General, IS1 ( B-ofieio bciember )
Director ( Eleo tech ) ( SecrCraFy )

IS :9409- 1980

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 23 January 1980, after the draft finalized by the Electrotechnical
Standards Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical
Division Council.

0.2 This standard marks an important step towards the unification of low-
voltage ele%rical and electronic equipment and covers a wide range of
applications in homes, offices, workshops, farms, etc, as well as for medical
and dental purposes.

0.3 While laying down in a uniform way the different classes of protection
against electric shock, this standard also gives the terms used in the descrip-
tion of the classes.

0.4 This standard is intended to give guidance on the classification of low-

voltage electrical and electronic equipment intended for connection to an
external po.wer supply with regard to protection against electric shock in the
event of an insulation failure. According to this classification, this protec-
tion may be provided by the environment, by the equipment itself or by the
system of supply, and these aspects are summarized in Appendix A.

0.5 Protection with regard to other aspects is covered in other Indian

Standards, for example, degrees of protection by enclosures are given in IS :
2147- 1962” and IS :4691 - 1968t.

0.6 This standard is based upon experience with voltages up to 440 V rms
and 250 V rms between phases and earth in equipment designed for the
purposes detailed in 1. However, the possibility of using it for higher vol-
tages and other purposes may be considered.

*Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for low-voltage switchgear and

iDegrees of protection provided by enclosures for rotating electrical machinery.

IS: 9409 -1980

0.7 Attention is drawn to the fact that the classification and the related
definitions have been carefully coordinated and although only parts may be
necessary for a particular item of work, such parts as are used should not
be altered in introducing them into other standards.

0.8 Tn the preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from
IEC Pub 536 ( 1976 ) Classification of electrical and electronic equipment
with regard to protection against electric shock, issued by the International
Electrotechnical Commission.


1.1 This standard describes classification with definitions for protection

against electric shock in the event of failure of the insulation, It does not
detail the requirements for design, construction and testing according to this

1.2 This classification applies to electrical and electronic equipment ( but

not the components thereof ) intended for connection to an external power
supply at system voltages not exceeding 440 V rms and 250 V rms between
phases and earth, for use by the general public in homes, ofices, workshops,
schools, farms and the like, and for medical and dental purposes.

1.3 Open-type equipment, that is to say, equipment which do not of them-

selves provide the required degree of protection against contact with live
parts are not covered.


2;O For the purpose of this standard, the following definitions shall apply.

2.1 Basic Insulation - Insulation applied to live parts to provide basic prc*
tection against electric shock.
NOTE - Basic insulation does not necessariIy include insulation used exclusive-
ly for functional purposes.

2.2 Supplementary Insulation - Independent insulation applied in addition

to basic insulation in order to provide protection against electric shock in
the event of a failure of basic insulation.

2.3 Double Insulation - Insulation comprising both basic insulation and

supplementary insulation.

IS :9409-1980

2.4 Reinforced Insulation - A single insulation system applied to live

parts, which provides a degree of protection against electric shock equiva-
Il:nt to double insulation under, the conditions specified in the relevant
NOTE - The term ‘ insulation system ’ does not imply that the insulation shall
be one homogeneous piece. It may comprise several layers which may not be tested
singly as supplementary or basic insulation.

2.5 Safety Impedance - An impedance connected between live parts and

accessible conductive parts, of such value that the current, in normal
use and under likely fault conditions in the equipment, is, limited to a safe
value, and which is so constructed that the reliability is maintained through-
out the life of the equipment.
NOTE - Details of the likely fault conditions, the safe current and tho require-
ments for reliabijity are as given in the relevant standards.

2.6, Safety Extra-Law Voltage ( SELV ) - A voltage which does not exceed
50 V ac rms ( see Noie 1 ) between conductors, or betwe;en any conductor
and earth,. in a circuit which is isolated from the supply mains by means of
a safety isolating tr&fortier or converter with separate windings.
.I NOTE1 - The dc v&z is tinder donsideration.
. . .’
* NQTEZ- Limitation to voltages lower than 50 V gq rms may be specified in the
particular stabdard, especially whfn direct co*ttact with live palts 16 mvolycd.
NOTE 3 - The. ‘voltage lipit should not be exceeded. either .at full load or
no-load, but it, is assumed, for the d&pose o i this d&nition,‘that any transformer
oi converter’ is operated at its rated supply voltage,, . . .;


3.0 The class numbers are not intended to reflect the safety level of
the equipment, but ,only the means by which the safety is obtained.
:s , ’ I 1
3.1 Class 0 Equipment - Equipment in ‘which prote&n agwt elegtric
shock relies upon basic insulation; this implies that there are no means for
the cotinection of accessible condut%ive parts; if any, to’ the protectivF;con-
ductor in the fixed wiring of the installation, reliance in the H&t of
a failure of the basic insul,ation bein+ placed upon the environment.
‘. ,
3.2 Class I Eqiipment - Equip&&? in &c)h protection against electric
shock does not rely on basic insuiation only, but #ich,includes an additio-
naj ,:safety_,precautidh in ,such a way ‘that_ .means are provided for the
connection of accehsi’ble conductive p&t& to thc.pmtcctilvc ( earthing ) con-
ductor in the fixed wiring of the installation in such a way that accessible

IS :.9409 - 19801

conductive parts may not become live -in ,the*event of a failure of (he basic
insylation. : ,,
3’ ._NOTE I._ For eqtiipment intended for use%vith.a flexible-cord or cabi+e, this pie-
vision includes a protective conductor as part of the flexible cord or cable. . ‘:
.~OTB 2-Where equipment designed .as..Clas$ &,is. allowed to be fitte$ with
d $wo-core ‘flexible cord or ,cable provided that it is fitted with a plug yh,ich day ,n,ot
bb infroduced ?nto a socket outlet wi,t,h darthi contact,, the protectlon 1s:th3n
equivalent to that of Class 0. but’ tl% eirthing provlsl6ns oT the equipment
in all other respects she@ fully comply wit,h the requirements of Class I.
.> a .s , : a . .

3.3 fiYrss II Eq&ment - Equipmknt in yvhicb prdtiction against eJectr$,

s&k does not raly on basic iii@afion only% $ut in, whi,cb ad&t&al saTe{y
precautions sutih’.as double insulation br reinforckd Insulation are proviE:
ed, there being no provision for protective earthing or reliance upon
instlliation donditions.
Nora 1- In certaii’ dp&ial c&s, &h as’the signal terminals of electronic
cc#pment. safety impedance may be used W Class .I1 equipment where it, has been
‘is&blished- that the safety impedance is necessary and that,, the technique may
!%d>included. without ‘dettiment:to’the’$afety l_evel.
1: ?

NOTB 2 & Chss II equippent, may be,’ piovided Gjth means for maintaih&
the contindtjr of protbctive ci’rc&ts: provided that such ineans are’withib the
equipment and are insulated from,,accessible.surfaces according to the requirements
of Claus II.
NOTE ‘3 -, In certpin cases, ‘it may be .riecessa& t? gistingtijsh. ,bet\n/een ‘$1
inru!ated’ and ‘metal-encased’ Class ?I &jui$ment.
NOTE4 -Metal-encased C&s II equipment may be provided with means
-for the connection of a potential equalization conductor to the enclosure/
only where such a need is recognized in the relevant standard.
Noms- Class II equipment may be prov’ ed with means .for conne+on_ to_
earth for functional ( as distinct from protect1 s, ) purposes only where such a need’
is recugniztd in the relevant standard.
, ‘ ~ “I
3.4 Class IIF Equipment - Equipment in which proZtction agaitist electric
shock relies on supply at safety extra-low voltage ( SELV) and in which
voltages highcr;than%ho’se of.SBLV are not] ge&ated. ‘..I4’ “ ’
i’ ,’ ,I!.I.! 4 1 I ,
‘I ‘Nowi* + Class III equipment should not be’ provided with ame&ns for protective,,
&thing. f .,
Nom 2’ “’ Meraf:enc!ased Cl&s’111 eqaivment’ may bb’ providsd’w%ti me&’ for
the connection of a potential equalization cqnductor to the enclosure only where
‘such a necd?s recogbize&& the.&eyanr sta?&rd. i,” 1 g . ‘ ,,
Ndh 3 Y-&&s III e&&mdnt ‘mldy”be’!&dilihe& ‘tiith means f& cb~nec~iori *
to earth for fhnc’tional ( as distinct- ‘from protective’) purpo@’ ohl); wheie buch ‘a :’
mad is recdgnized in the relevant standard’ - I J i “I
.‘. ,I:: Id*. _. . )‘. .I -.> .u
‘6.‘. *‘I
IS :9409 - 1980

( Clause 0.4 )



A-1.1 - Table 1 gives the principal characteristics of equipment according

to this classification and indicates the precautions necessary for safety in thr
event of a failure of the basic insulation.



Principal No. means Protective earth- A d d i t i o n a I D$ndt for sup-
character- for protec- ing means are insulation and safety
istics of tive earth- provided no means for extra-low voltage
the equip- inp protective
ment earthing

Precautions Earth-free Connection to None necessary Connection to

for safety environ- the protective safety extra-low
ment earthing voltage



IS :

585-1962 Voltages and frequency for ac transmission and distribution

systems ( revised )
3599-1966 Method of measurement of cooling medium temperature for
electrical apparatus
3722-1966 Letter symbols and signs used in electrical technology
7691-1975 Frequencies for special power applications
8270 ( Part I )-1976 Guide for preparation of diagrams, charts and tables
for eIectrotechnoIogy: Part I Definitions and classification
8270 ( Part II )-1976 Guide for preparation of diagrams, charts and tables
for electrotechnology: Part II Item designation
8270 4 Part III )-I977 Guide for preparation of diagrams, charts and
tables for electrotechnology: Part III General requirements for
8270 ( Part IV )-1977 Guide for preparation of diagrams, charts and
tables for electrotechnology: Part IV Circuit diagrams
8270 ( Part V )-1976 Guide for preparation of diagrams, charts and tables
for electrotechnology: Part V Interconnection diagrams and

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