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Here are the errors:

1. ‘usingnamespace std;’ should be ‘using namespace std;’

2. The array size is set to 6, but the array is only being initialized with 5 elements.
3. The loop counter in the first for loop should start at 0, not 1.
4. The loop condition in the second for loop should be ‘i<ARR_SIZE’, not ‘i<=ARR_SIZE’.
5. “worstseller_number=i” should be “worstseller_number = sales[i]”
6. The comparison in the second if statement should be ‘sales[i]>bestseller_number’, not

Here is the code with the errors corrected:

// This program uses two arrays to record the names of 5 types of pizza

// and the sales numbers for each of these types

// The program then finds the best and the worst selling pizzas



using namespace std;

int main()

constint ARR_SIZE=5; // Declare the array size and set it to 5

// Declare the array of pizza names and record values in it

int name[ARR_SIZE]=["Pepperoni","Prosciutto","Vegetarian",


int sales[ARR_SIZE]; // Declare the sales array

int worstseller_number, bestseller_number; // The subscripts of the best- and worstseller

string worstseller_name, bestseller_name; // The sale numbers of the best- and worstseller

for(int i=0; i<ARR_SIZE; i++) // A loop to enter all sales numbers

cout << "Enter sales for " << name[i] << ": ";

cin >> sales[i];


// Make the first element in name[] the bestseller and the worstseller name

worstseller_name = bestseller_name = name[0];

// Make the first element in sales[] the bestseller and the worstseller sales amount

worstseller_number = bestseller_number = sales[0];

for(int i=0; i<ARR_SIZE; i++) // Loop through all elements in sales[]

if(sales[i] < worstseller_number) // If an element is less than the lowest...

worstseller_number= sales[i]; // make the lowest sales equal to its sales

worstseller_name=name[i]; // make the worstseller name equal to its name

if(sales[i]>bestseller_number) // If an element is higher than the highest...

bestseller_number=sales[i]; // make the highest sales equal to its sales

bestseller_name=name[i]; // make the bestseller name equal to its name

cout << "The bestselling pizza is " << bestseller_name << " with the sales of "

<< bestseller_number << endl; // Display the best selling pizza

cout << "The worst selling pizza is " << worstseller_name << " with the sales of "

<< worstseller_number << endl; } // display the worst selling pizza

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