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SE MAY 2022

Q1. MCQ’s

1. Which of the following proper es does not correspond to a good

So ware Requirements Specifica on (SRS)?

Op on A: Verifiable

Op on B: Ambiguous

Op on C: Complete

Op on D: Traceable

2. The 3 P's in Project management are

Op on A: Process, Performance and Product

op on B: Process, Product and People

Op on C: Product, Performance and People

Op on D: People, Process and Performance

3. Which of the following is useful measure for measuring quality of


Op on A: integrity, sales, usability ,maintainability

Op on B : stakeholders, integrity ,Usability, sales

Op on C: Correctness, usability, maintainability, integrity

Op on D: Correctness, Size, usability, maintainability

4. Which of the following is size oriented metric?

Op on A: Func on Point

op on B: Line of Code

Op on C: COCOMO Model

Op on D: Cost Es ma on

5. Which of the following tasks is not part of So ware Configura on

Management (SCM)?

Op on A: Change control

Op on B: Version control

Op on C: Configura on status repor ng

Op on D: planning

6. According to Pareto’s principle, x% of defects can be traced to y%

of all causes. What are the values of x and y?
Op on A: 6O, 40

Op on B : 70, 30

Op on C: 80, 20

Op on D: No such principle exists

7. Which of the following does not fall under project scheduling

Op on A: Effort valida on

Op on B. Market assessment

Op on C: Compartmentaliza on

Op on D: Time alloca on

8. Which of the following are objec ves of FTR?

Op on A: Determining who introduced the error in the


Op on B: Assess programmer produc vity.

Op on C: Determining who introduced an error into the


Op on D: Uncover errors in so ware work products.

9. Match the Following :

A Performance risk

B Cost risk

C Support risk

D Schedule risk

1. The degree of uncertainty that the product Willi meet its

Requirements and be fit for its intended use

1. The degree of uncertainty that the project budget will be


1. The degree Of uncertainty that the resultant so ware Will

be easy to correct, adapt and enhance.

1. The degree pf uncertainty that the project schedule will

be maintained and that the product will be delivered on

Op on A: A-1, B-2, C-3 and D-4

Op on B: A-2, B-1, C-4 and D-3

Op on C: A-3, B-4, C-1 and D-2

Op on D. A-4, B-3, C-2 and D-1

10. Which of the following is an incorrect design heuris c?

Op on A: A empt to minimize structures with high fan out,

strive for fan in as depth increases.

Op on B: keep the scope of effects of a module within the

scope of control of that module.

Op on C: Define modules whose func on is predictable, but

avoid modules that are overly restric ve.

Op on D. Evaluate the first itera on of the program structure

to reduce cohesion and increase coupling.


a. Explain Agile Process Model.

b. Differen ate between White Box Tes ng and black box tes ng

c. What is Cost Es ma on? Explain

Whenever we develop a so ware project, main ques ons that arise
in our mind is how much it will cost to develop and how much me
it will take for development. These es mates are necessary and
needed before ini a ng development. But main cri cal problem
that arises during so ware cost es ma on is lack of case studies of
projects usually created in a well-documented manner. The so ware
industry has inconsistently defined and explained metrics or atomic
units of measure, data from real and actual projects are largely and
highly suspect in terms of consistency and comparability.

Good So ware Cost Es mate

Contains :

 It is simply conceived i.e. planned and supported by project

manager, architecture team, development team, and test
team responsible for performing work and task.
 All the stakeholders generally accept it as ambi ous but
 It is based on a well-defined and efficient cost model of
so ware on a credible basis.
 It is also based on a similar project experience database that
includes and contains similar processes, relevant
technologies, relevant environments, relevant quality
requirements, and all similar people.
 It is also defined and explained in much amount of detail so
that all of its key risks are simply understood and probability
of success is objec vely assessed.
 It contains any extra details, suppor ng documenta on or
any informa on that could be relevant to the es mate.
 It stresses how important it is to keep the cost es mates
updated and revised on a frequent basis as the project
moves forward and new informa on becomes available.
 Any assump ons that were made throughout the es ma on
process are documented.
 It generates a project schedule and calculates the amount of
me needed for each task or ac vity.

d. List the principals of So ware Design.

e. What is Change Control. How is it different than version control

f. Describe boundary value analysis with suitable example.


a. Develop a SRS Or Hospital Management System.

 Sample SRS - SRS for hospital management system - SOFTWARE


b. Explain Coupling and Cohesion.

c. Explain Different Types Of Tes ng.


A. i. Explain So ware Configura on Process

ii. What are the different types of Risk?

iii. Explain Reverse engineering.


i. Draw the Data flow Diagram (upto 2 levels) for the Safe home
So ware.

ii. Explain So ware Quality Assurance. What is FTR?

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