The Teaching Profession

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The Teaching Profession

Guided Practice

1. Someone who wants what is best for everyone can be said to be practice this value.

A. Values of the Holy

B. Spiritual

C. Vital

D. Pleasure

Answer:C- Vital values mean that the person does not only give importance to (or value) his/her own
pleasure, but values well-being. If a person values well-being, he/she will try to do something that will be
helpful to others.

2. The desecration of churches, temples, or places of worship, as well as the burning and/ or
destruction of religious artifacts are considered offensive to the believers. What kind of value do they
place on these places and artifacts?

A. Pleasure

B. Values of the Holy

C. Spiritual

D. Vital

Answer:B- The Values of the Holy consider something inanimate as sacred and therefore worthy of
protection. In this case, the religious artifacts and the places of worship were considered very important.

3. Teacher Coleen allows the toddlers she is teaching to play around. Which act shows a vital value?

A. play with objects they find without supervision

B. play around even when it begins to drizzle

C. play around with religious artifacts

D. play during break time under her supervision

Answer:D- When learners, especially minors, are under a teacher's care, the minors' well-being are the
responsibility of the teacher. Thus, in all their activities, the teacher must try to be there to supervise.
During play, where there is also the possibility of injury due to physical activity, the teacher's supervision
is needed.

4. Teacher Calvin was feeling lazy and did not wish to attend his online class. Thus, he pretended to
be sick and just played video games and binge-watched his favorite TV series. What value was shown

A. Vital
B. Spiritual

C. Values of the Holy

D. Pleasure

Answer: D - Pleasure values refer to a situation in which the person just focuses on what he/she wants,
whether or not it is beneficial. In this case, Calvin chose to lie and forego his responsibility as a student
just to play video games and watch a TV series. While he enjoyed it and thus derived pleasure, it was not
the right thing to do because he did not do his responsibilities.

The Teaching Profession

5. The University of Santo Tomas Education High School has eight sections, with names such as
Piety, Responsibility, Patriotism, and Respect, among others. These are classified as this value.

A. Vital

B. Spiritual

C. Values of the Holy

D. Pleasure

Answer:B - Spiritual values refer to the usual values as we know them, as expressed by the
characteristics, such as responsibility, respect, patriotism, loyalty, etc.

6. In several government documents like the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, the school is
called the "nursery of the state." This statement about the school best relates to this.

A. The schools replace the parents in caring for the citizens.

B. The schools educate the citizens.

C. The schools play the role of child care specialists.

D. The schools form the values of the citizens.

Answer: B - Educating citizens is the primary duty of schools. Looking at the other options, being child
care specialists and values formation are only aspects of education. Thus, the best answer is the most
general or encompassing-educate.

7. When students are in school, teachers act as the parents. This principle is called

A. In lumen parentis

B. In toto parentis

C. In loco parentis

D. In lucis parents

Answer:C- The in loco parentis principle means that teachers act as if they are parents when the
students are in school. This gives rise to the notion that teachers are the second parents of the learners.
8. What government function can teachers assist in if they live in the same community as the
school they work in, and if the students in that school also live in the community?

A. Peacekeepers

B. Repairmen

C. Census monitors

D. Announcer

Answer: C- Census takes into account the local population by determining how many people live in the
different households. Since teachers have direct access to the students in households and their parents,
they have the opportunity to help in this government function.

The Teaching Profession

9. What is one reasonable expectation that the school community can have of the community's

A. Maintenance of peace and order in the vicinity

B. Monetary gifts

C. Material donations

D. Provision of substitute teachers

Answer:A- Peace and order are the responsibility of the local government and community leaders, who
have the duty to ensure that citizens are law-abiding and that those who try to disrupt peace and order
will be dealt with accordingly.

10. Teacher Manuel is a faculty member of a mission school that caters to children of middle-to low-
income families. Which of the following is best to help address the financial status of the families?

A. Prescribe tasks that have little to no cost

B. Prescribe the purchase of brand-new textbooks

C. Charge a fee for joining field trips/other events

D. Present a task that is optional: only those who can afford it can do it

Answer:A- Domain 3-Diversity of Learners calls on teachers to ensure that education can cater to
students regardless of their socio-economic status. Thus, when planning activities and requirements,
ensure that the task can be accomplished by everyone. If they are not financially capable, focus on tasks
that can be completed without buying materials.

11. During his lesson on violins, Teacher Joseph brought his own violin so that his students can practice.
This is faithful to this philosophy.

A. Idealism

B. Realism
C. Perennialism

D. Progressivism

Answer:D- Progressivism believes in applied learning. Thus, skills are important. In this case, students
perform actual practice on the violins, and Teacher Joseph's instructions are perfectly aligned with

12. Until now, Teacher Paola believes that the artworks from the Renaissance Period remain relevant
material for teaching. Thus, she tries to include them as examples when she teaches her students. She
seems to be a follower of this philosophy.

A. Essentialism

B. Idealism

C. Existentialism

D. Perennialism

Answer:D- Perennialism believes that the good things from the past, like classic works, centuries ago,
remains to be relevant in teacher Paola’s 21century lass, giving signs that she is a perennialist.

The Teaching Profession

13. In order to lessen the likelihood of students disarranging chairs and to ensure there is no litter on the
floor, Teacher Coleen makes sure the classroom is clean and orderly. On which school of thought is her
action based?

A. Existentialism

B. Progressivism

C. Behaviorism

D. Reconstructionism

Answer:C- This philosophy focuses on habit formation and considers the environment as crucial to
learning. An orderly learning environment is part of what a behaviorist looks for so that the conditions
for learning are ideal.

14. During lunch, Teacher Rose allows her pupils to go and use the restroom. However, to manage the
pupils, she makes them form a line and raises her rand to count from one to five. At first, she had to say
“one - arms forward," but in time, upon raising "one," her pupils automatically said "arms forward." She
performed an act related to this philosophy.

A. Behaviorism

B. Essentialism

C. Realism

D. Progressivism
Answer:A- The act of associating the hand signal with a command by repeatedly showing it to students is
an act of habit formation. This can be likened to the stimulus-response theory of Ivan Pavlov. In this case,
Teacher Rose's act shows inclinations for the behaviorist paradigm.

15. Teacher Dakila claims to be an essentialist. This is to be expected in his classroom.

A. Heavy emphasis on lectures

B. Practical examinations

C. Free expression of one's identity

D. Case studies of real events

Answer: A- Essentialism focuses on the basics and what the students NEED to know and understand from
the subject. Here, the teacher is also the fountain of knowledge, the expert of the subject matter. Thus,
the philosophy is teacher-centered. A heavy emphasis on lectures and less student interaction are signs
of essentialism.

16. “Specialization knows more and more about less and less. Then, it is better to be a generalist," claims
Teacher Cris. Which philosophy will best agree with Teacher Cris's opinion?

A. Perennialism

B. Progressivism

C. Essentialism

D. Existentialism

Answer:A- The perennialist philosophy believes in a universal and general curriculum that all students,
regardless of their inclinations and traits, should take. Thus, the generalist education favors the

The Teaching Profession

17. Your students are more interested in a topic that is not part of your lesson, so you drop your original
lesson in favor of what they like. Which philosophy governs your decision?

A. Rationalism

B. Empiricism

C. Existentialism

D. Progressivism

Answer:C - Existentialism focuses on individuality and the importance of self-direction on the part of the
learners. Here, the teacher focused on what the students wanted to learn, giving due recognition to their
18. This kind of teacher believes that teaching is not just about dumping knowledge into the empty
minds of learners. Instead, it is about helping students create knowledge and meaning.

A. Constructivist

B. Essentialist

C. Existentialist

D. Pragmatist

Answer:A- The philosophy of Constructivism does not look at knowledge as just a big whole that the
learners will have to take in. Instead, it believes that learners must make meaning. When learners
construct meaning and when teachers guide them through the process, the constructivism philosophy
comes to light.

19. Who subscribe/s to the thought that values are subjective, meaning, certain people may subscribe to
one value while others may not?

1. Relativists



A. landlll

B. ll and lll

C. Iand ll

D. I,ll,and lll

Answer:C- Values to these believers are not transcendental or timeless. Instead, they accept the fact that
values can change depending on the circumstances in which people find themselves.

20. Principal Erika decided to forego the requirement of a strict dress code. Instead, she allowed her
students to wear anything they wanted as long as these do not disobey laws on public decency. She did
this for a better and freer expression of identity. This move is aligned with this philosophy.

A. Realism

B. Expressionism

C. Progressivism

D. Existentialism

Answer:D- This philosophy is very much aligned with allowing people (in this case, students) to express
themselves openly. Part of self-expression is through clothing. If the Principal allows this for self-
expression, she may be considered an existentialist.

The Teaching Profession

21. What type of education can best prepare a global teacher for a truly limitless and boundless world?

A. Formal Education

B. Inclusive Education

C. Alternative Education

D. Multicultural Education

Answer: D - According to James Banks (2001), the primary goal of multicultural education is to transform
the school so that exceptional students, and students from diverse cultural, social-class, racial, and
ethnic groups experience an equal opportunity to learn.

22. Which among the choices is guaranteed by the 1987 Constitution?

A. Priority Fiscal Allocation

B. Certificate Transfer Program

C. Building of More Classrooms

D. Hiring of New Teachers

Answer: A- Article XIV, Section 5 of the Constitution stipulates that "The State shall assign the highest
budgetary priority to education and ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the
best available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and

23. How many levels were added to basic education because of the K-12 reforms?

A. 1 level

B. 2 levels

C. 3 levels

D. 4 levels

Answer:C- Republic Act.10157 added Kindergarten, while Republic Act 10533 added Grades 11 and 12.

24. These two Presidents are responsible for the implementation of K-12 in the Philippines.

A. Ferdinand Marcos and Corazon Aquino

B. Joseph Estrada and Gloria Arroyo

C. Benigno Aquino III and Rodrigo Duterte

D. Gloria Arroyo and Benigno Aquino III

Answer:D- President Arroyo signed the ASEAN Economic Integration agreement in 2008, which required
a K-12 system for all ASEAN countries. In 2012, President Aquino signed Republic Act 10175 and in 2013,
Republic Act 10533, which added Kindergarten and Senior High School in the Philippine educational
system, respectively.

25. During the early years of the Ramos administration and even before that the Department of
Education, Culture, and Sports oversaw the entire educational system-from elementary to graduate
school. This changed that.

A. Enhanced Basic Education Act

B. Higher Education Act

C. An Act Professionalizing Teaching

D. Educational Act of 1982

Answer:B- The Higher Education Act of 1994 created the Commission on Higher Education, which
oversees all higher education and degree-granting institutions. DECS / DepEd was left with elementary
and secondary education.


The Teaching Profession

s. The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers provides guidelines on acceptable teaching behavior.
These are all tolerable except:

A. Claiming others' work to be yours

B. Occasional drinking that does not lead to drunkenness

C. Having a romantic relationship with a student

D. Discovering research findings that are damaging to the country

Answer: A- Claiming others' work as your own (plagiarism) is totally banned in the Code of Ethics for
Professional Teachers.

27. Teacher Tony is in a romantic relationship with his student. Is this allowed?

A. No, and he can be sued for harassment.

B. No, unless the principal allows.

C. Yes, as long as he ensures that gossip, scandal, and preferential treatment will not take place.

D. Yes, because in a democratic society, romantic relationships are out of the scope of school authority.

Answer:C- The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers does not prohibit romantic relationships between
teachers and students. Article VIII, Section 7 only requires teachers to ensure that scandal, gossip, and
preferential treatment of the learner will not happen.

28. Teacher Louise transferred to the public school because of the higher salary and potential for a
higher retirement pay. How does she view teaching?
A. As a profession

B. As a vocation

C. As a mission

D. As a side job

Answer: A- As a profession, teaching has financial and material rewards, mainly through salary, benefits,
and retirement pay, which are the reasons why Louise transferred to the public school from the private

29. The emphasis on joining professional organizations was found in this document.





Answer:.Ds- Domain 6 of the D-NCBTS introduced the phrase "Professional Engage men

which was absent in the original NCBTS. Thus, the new name of Domain6 is Community

Linkages and Professional Engagement, which gives focus on a teacher relating

community and fellow educators.


The Teaching Profession

30. Who among the following is not technically considered a "Teacher," if one were to refer to the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

A. Teacher Althea of Nursery-Section Apple

B. Professor Clarita of BSEd-Section 3

C. Mr. Joseph of Grade 12-Section Einstein

D. Miss Anavill of Grade 6-Section Tokyo

Answer: B- College and graduate school faculty members are not included in the definition of “Teacher"
in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers. Instead, teachers only refer to those in the pre-school up
to secondary-school levels.

31. Before the start of classes, Jillian made sure that she checked all the wooden armchairs of her
students to be certain that they were safe to use. In this situation, she was concerned with this domain
in the NCBTS.
A. Learning Environment

B. Social Regard for Learning

C. Community Linkages

D. Curriculum

Answer: A- Learning Environment (Domain 2) concerns itself with both the physical and social
environment. The school and the classroom are the main physical environments in which the students

32. Raphael was a studious learner, and he carried this trait over to his teaching career. Many students
saw this diligence, and they tried to emulate him. In this situation, Raphael succeeded in this NCBTS

A. Personal Growth and Professional Development

B. Community Linkages

C. Diversity of Learners

D. Social Regard for Learning

Answer:D- The domain Social Regard for Learning (only found in the original NCBTS) emphasizes the
need for teachers to be role models to their students.

33. In special education, quantitative marks are not as important as qualitative feedback, usually in the
form of anecdotal records. If Kaye does this very well, she will develop skills in this NCBTS domain.

A. Diversity of Learners

B. Planning, Assessing, and Reporting

C. Community Linkages

D. Social Regard for Learning

Answer:B- In the old NCBTS, this is called Planning, Assessing, and Reporting. In the new D-NCBTS / PPST,
it is retain as Domain 5, but is now called "Assessment and Reporting."


The Teaching Profession

34. In joining different programs for personal growth and professional development (Domain 7), what is
the most desirable drive that is expected from teachers?

A. Higher position or possible promotion according to the existing merit system

B. Prestige/stature as a degree holder in education

C. Aspiration to become a master teacher

D. Intrinsic desire to grow continuously

Answer:D- Between the two common forms of motivation (intrinsic and extrinsic), intrinsic motivation is
longer-lasting and more selfless, which are desirable traits.

35. During one parent-teacher conference, Principal Pilar received in her office a parent who was furious
at the grade her child received. During this meeting, Principal Pilar allowed the parent to pour out her
grievances. What trait did Principal Pilar show best?

A. Inspiration to the parent

B. Expert problem-solving skills

C. Just and fair arbiter/judge

D. Patient listener

Answer:D- As the situation only said that Principal Pilar allowed the parent to vent out her grievances,
the best answer is “patient listener." The situation did not mention anything about Principal Pilar's
actions after the parent vented out her grievances.

36. When Calvin uttered the line “I am only a teacher," what was the implication?

A. He is dissatisfied with his salary.

B. He is depressed.

C. He is having trouble with parents.

D. He is not proud to be a teacher.

Answer:D- The word "only" shows a low or small regard for being a teacher. According to Domain 7 of
the NCBTS / PPST, a teacher must be proud to be a teacher.

37. There are more elementary schools than high schools run by the government. This can be traced to
this era.

A. Pre-Hispanic

B. Spanish


D. Japanese

Answer:B- The Educational Decree of 1863 mandated the establishment of a primary school for boys and
girls in each town.

38. This DepEd program closely relates with Domain #6 of the NCBTS/D-NCBTS/PPST because it allows
parents, guardians, teachers, administrators, students, and residents to come together for the benefit of
the school.

A. K-12 Program
B. Brigada Eskwela

C. Graduation Ceremony

D. Parent-Teacher Conference

Answer:B- Although all choices are ways for the people to come together, the one where the school
benefits the most is Brigada Eskwela, where the community helps clean the school a week before classes


The Teaching Profession

39. Complete the analogy. PRC: License; CHEd:

A. Benefits

B. Hiring

C. Curriculum

D. Professional Development

Answer:C- The Commission on Higher Education monitors and regulates all higher education institutions
(such as colleges / schools of education). CHEd, by virture of Republic Act 7722, also has the power to set
the minimum standards for the curricula. As such, the curriculum of teacher education is part of the
responsibilities of CHEd.

40. Teacher Coleen is a faculty member of a private school. Which agency will she not have dealings

A. Department of Education

B. Civil Service Commission

D. Professional Regulation Commission

Answer:B- Civil Service Commission. This agency only covers government employees. Since Teacher
Coleen works in a private school and not a public school, she is not expected to have dealings with the

41. Among the challenges at present is to make sure that the students of the Philippines will be
internationally competitive and comparable once they graduate. This program directly addresses that

A. Enhanced Basic Education (K-12)

B. Every Child A Reader

C. Education Service Contracting

D. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education (MTB-MLE)

Answer:A- The Enhanced Basic Education (K-12) program, implemented by Republic Acts 10157 and
10533, address the longstanding criticism that our graduates only completed ten years of basic
education. The international arena requires at least twelve years of basic education, with one
kindergarten year.

42. Jenny was a fan of Howard Gardner's work on multiple intelligences. As such, she respects each
student she has. This is a good sign of progress in this NCBTS domain.

A. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

B. Diversity of Learners

C. Community Linkages and Professional Engagement

D. Curriculum and Planning

Answer:B- Howard Gardner's theory emphasizes that learners have different skills and abilities, and as
teachers, we must respect these and capitalize on them so that when we can


The Teaching Profession

43. Teacher Anavill is willing to share her time and talent with fellow teachers within the same school,
especially when there are tasks to be accomplished. She demonstrates behavior that is reflective of this
Career Stage.

A. Stage 1

B. Stage 2

C. Stage 3

D. Stage 4

Answer:C- Career Stage 3 (Highly Proficient Teachers) help colleagues within the same school. They
mature from Career Stage 1 (asking help) and Career Stage 2(being independent).

44. Congestion of students due to high density within one area is a problem faced by public schools.
Which is the closest remedy that is already being implemented to address this?

A. Tapping non-government organizations / foundations for Adopt-A-School Programs

B. Developing online instructional materials and modules

C. Two to three shifts of class (morning, afternoon, and/or evening)

D. Home-based teaching and learning

Answer: C- Most public schools implement two shifts-morning and afternoon-in their school days.
45. This law is the basis for all other laws on education.

A. Education Act of 1982

B. 1935 Constitution

C. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

D. 1987 Constitution

Answer:D - The 1987 Constitution is current Constitution being implemented in the Philippines. The
Constitution is the highest law of the land. No regulation / law /statute (before and after the current
Constitution) can be implemented if its provisions run contrary to those in the Constitution.

46. What continuing government program helps reduce the gap between low income status and quality

A. Education Service Contracting

B. National Achievement Test

C. National College Assessment Examination

D. Brigada Eskwela

Answer:A- The Education Service Contracting (ESC) scheme provides financial assistance to private
schools who will admit enrolees who are graduates of public elementary schools. Because of this grant,
private schools can offer subsidized tuition fee rates to these learners.


The Teaching Profession

47. What was President Corazon Aquino's main contribution to education?

A. Higher Education Act

B. Free Public Elementary Education Act

C. Free Public Secondary Education Act

D. Quality Access to Tertiary Education Act

Answer:C- President Corazon Aquino signed Republic Act 6655 or the Free Public Secondary Education
Act of 1988.

48. During the Senior High School transition from 2016 to 2018, many college teachers were transferred
to the Senior High School. Admittedly, not all of them had the necessary qualifications. Which
qualification did they usually lack?

A. Bachelor's degree

B.Master's degree
C. NBI clearance

D. Professional teacher's license

Answer: D - Many college professors are experts in their fields but because they were not really
education graduates, many did not have the license. The Department of Education gave them five years
to obtain their license should they wish to stay in the Senior High School.

49. This law ensures that education will receive priority fiscal allocation.

A. Magna Carta for Public School Teachers

B. General Appropriations Act

C. 1987 Constitution

D. Enhanced Basic Education Act

Answer:C- The 1987 Constitution, in Article XIV, mandates that education will receive the highest
budgetary allocation.

50. For a teacher to become qualified in the public school sector, this is essential.

A. Master's degree

B. High school diploma

C. Professional teacher's license

D. NBI clearance

Answer: C - After obtaining a bachelor's degree, a teacher must obtain a professional teacher's license in
order to be eligible to teach in the public schools.

The Teaching Profession

Independent Practice

1. What is the most commendable and ideal drive expected from teachers in participating programs for
professional development?

A. Optimal use of time and resources

B. Continuing professional growth

C. Support for training programs

D. Promotion and higher merit pay

2. When should teachers support one another the most?

A. At all times for whatever cause

B. When they dialogue with administration

C. When there is a rift among teachers

D. When the best interest of the learners is at stake in a controversy

3. Teacher Coleen was given only P2,200.00 to implement a school activity that would have required
P8,000.00. She successfully did this. What characteristic did she demonstrate?

A. committed

B. fair

C. effective

D. efficient

4. What best describes the "pwede na" mentality vs. excellence in service/work?

A. Arduous preparation

B. Committed work

C. Resignation to mediocrity

D. Striving to be the best

5. Of all the tasks of teachers, this is the one that relates most to conduct or deportment.

A. Planner

B. Values formator

C. Materials developer

D. Adviser

6. If Teacher Hannah knew early on that she wanted to teach and she does not see herself in another
profession, teaching for her is a.

A. profession

B. vocation

C. mission

D. distinction

7. lan was a master of his subject matter. He can deliver the lesson without any need for a reference
material because he memorized everything by heart. Which function of a teacher can he be expected to
excel in?

A. Facilitator
B. Lecturer


D. Values Formator

8. If teachers were to become true facilitators of learning, students must have a respectable degree of

A. autonomy/independence

B. obedience

C. communication skills

D. metacognition


The Teaching Profession

9. This role of the teacher requires the creation of well-constructed test instruments, evaluation
materials, and performance tasks, among others.

A. Lecturer

B. Assessor

C. Facilitator

D. Record Keeper

10. This role of a teacher complements that of the discipline coordinator's and guidance counselor's.

A. Values Formator

B. Disciplinarian

C. Counselor

D. Facilitator

11. These are regarded as basic roles of teachers except....

A. Planner

B. Materials Developer

C. Curriculum Specialist

D. Assessor

12. A teacher who follows the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers and conforms to societal and
cultural standards of goodness and virtue will be ideal for this role of a teacher.

A. Disciplinarian
B. Values Formator

C. Assessor

D. Lecturer

13. To help in becoming a global teacher, which language must be mastered?

A. Nihonggo

B. English

C. Mandarin

D. Portuguese

14. Which is the biggest adjustment for Filipino teachers who work in schools abroad?

A. Subject matter

B. Local culture and traditions

C. Teaching strategies

D. Rules on students' safety

15. With the big opportunity to teach outside the country, the global Filipino teacher faces the social
challenge of.

A. Teaching using indigenous tools

B. Having mastery of new subject matter

C. adjusting to cultural differences

D. meeting new students and peers

16. If multilateral/ multi-country parties agree on how to provide education, they will reach a/an

A. conflict

B. consensus

C. deadlock

D. understanding


The Teaching Profession

17. Which of the following is potentially controversial to implement due to prevailing religious and moral
sentiments in the Philippines?

A. Literacy assistance for out-of-school children/youth

B. Household campaign for healthful practice

C. Introducing cooperative thrift practices

D. Promoting contraceptives for planned parenthood

18. Transparency International, a global corruption watchdog, rates the Philippines as one of the most
corrupt nations in Asia. What educational program is relevant to this situation?

A. Values education

B. Cultural preservation program

C. Socio-economic development

D. Infrastructure modernization

19. With the influx of technology of the 21st century, how can students be best re-educated on the
ethical use of social media, such as Facebook and mobile texting?

A. Integrate social media competencies in the curriculum

B. Students monitoring peers

C. Punishment for violators

D. Seminar on social media

20. What enables the learner to fully contribute to a peaceful and just society based on the "Learning to
Do" pillar?

A. Knowledge

B. Insights

C. Skills

D. Values

21. A learner must first attain this for him/herself before being able to fully "learn to live together."

A. Find peace within oneself

B. Love his fellowmen

C. Attain an altruistic mind

D. Become self-actualized

22. This decree provided for the establishment of primary school for boys and girls in each town of the

A. Educational Decree of 1901

B. Educational Decree of 1863

C. Educational Decree of 1891

D. Educational Decree of 1983

23. The second objective for secondary education prepares the learner for this, based on Batas
Pambansa 232 or the Education Act of 1982.

A. workplace

B. technical-vocational education

C. college

D. graduate studies

24. The professionalization of teacher education made this a requirement for teachers.


A. master's degree

B. bachelor's degree

C. professional license

D. continuing professional education

The Teaching Profession

25. Nico conducted a research and found that LEPT takers had criticisms regarding the exam's
quality ,particularly the presence of grammatical errors and repeated questions. His findings are, then,
damaging to the State. What should he do, as stated in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

A. Publish his findings and present them.

B. Edit his findings and mask the negative results.

C. Withhold the findings and not publish them.

D. Bring the findings to the attention of the concerned government agency.

26. These are all beneficiaries of the Teacher Education Development Program except

A. Student of the College of Education

B. Retired Master Teacher

C. Teacher III in the Division of Manila Schools

D. Fresh Graduate of Bachelor of Special Needs Education

27. In terms of education and related government agencies, who is least related to the group?
A. Leonor Briones of DepEd

B. J.Prospero de Vera IV of CHEd

C. Nicanor Faeldon of TESDA

D. Teofilo Pilando of PRC

28. Inter-agency efforts (DepEd, CHED, PRC and CSC) can be best attained for the training and
development of teachers when there is.

A. Coordination

B. Streamlining

C. Agency integration

D. Cost-reduction

29. Vibon can now teach her subject matter competently, without supervision and aid from her more
experienced colleagues. She is now in this Career Stage.



C. 3

D. 4

30. A 6.1-magnitude earthquake struck Metro Manila on April 22, 2019. In order to adhere to Domain
#2, what is the best thing to do for schools the day after the earthquake?

A. Resume classes

B. Inspect the buildings for safety

C. Suspend classes for students but require staff to report

D. Relocate classes to another building

31. If the faculty roster has a healthy mix of teachers across the different career stages, what is one
program that can be implemented for continued growth of the faculty?

A. Senior to Junior Faculty Mentoring Program

B. Early Retirement Program

C. Faculty Development Programs for Master Teachers

D. Seminars for Newly Hired Faculty Members

32. Principal Yambao wants to continuously train his teachers. What must he institutionalize in school?
A. pre-service training

B. induction program

C. seminars, conferences, and workshops

D. in-service training

33. Who are the participants in a teacher induction program?

I. newly hired teachers

ll. retiring teachers

Ill. administrators

IV. support personnel


B. ll,lll


34. We will have an ideal teacher if this teacher successfully meets all of the criteria in this document.

A. Professionalization of Teachers Act

B. National Competency-Based Teacher Standards

C. Faculty Evaluation Checklist

D. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

35. When the old NCBTS was updated to become the D-NCBTS,this concern was introduced.

A. How well a teacher orchestrates a conducive learning environment

B. How well a teacher knows what he is teaching and how to teach it

C. How well a teacher relates with the community

D. How well a teacher plans his lessons in accordance with the curriculum guide

36. In the neighborhood, the teacher is looked up to as a source of wisdom and fairness and can
sometimes be called upon to settle disputes. If a teacher does this very well, she / he can be considered
promising in this domain.

A. 3

B. 4

C. 5

37. If a teacher progresses from Career Stage 1 to 4 over the years,he/she is deemed successful in this


B. 3

C. 5


38. Which is not true of Career Stage 1-Beginning Teachers?

A. They do not have the minimum qualifications to teach.

B. They need supervision.

C. They benefit from guidance from peers.

D. They have no ability to inspire students and peers.


The Teaching Profession

39.The emphasis on joining professional organizations was found in this document.





40. This domain of the NCBTS deals with how a teacher upgrades him/herself through, among others,
pursuing graduate studies, engaging in research, and updating through conferences and seminars.

A. Social Regard for Learning

B. Curriculum

C. Learning Environment

D. Personal Growth and Professional Development

41. Kindergarten Law is coded as

A. Republic Act 4670

B. Republic Act 10157

C. Republic Act 10533

D. Republic Act 9293

42. In the original version of the 2016 CPD Law, the number of required units is 45. With the release of
the Implementing Rules and Regulations, which statement is true?

A. The required number of units did not change.

B. The required number of units increased.

C. The required number of units decreased.

D. The IRR did not include Professional Teachers.

43. The Dean of the School of Engineering called for a faculty member who used a video clip in her
demonstration of how to install a building's foundation. The dean questioned the strategy and forbade
the faculty member to use such clip. What did the dean violate?

A. Teacher's creativity

B. Freedom of expression

C. Teacher's professional rights

D. Academic freedom

44. The Commission on Higher Education recently issued an order for all state universities and colleges to
change the start of their academic calendars to August, similar to how big universities did it years prior.
This is the reason behind that move.

A. Avoidance of the summer season

B. Avoidance of the rainy season

C. More time for parents to save for tuition expenses

D. Synchronization of school calendars in the ASEAN

45. Prior to the Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001, cultural agencies were under this

A. Department of Education

B. Department of Interior and Local Government

C. Department of Tourism

D. Department of Education, Culture, and Sports


The Teaching Profession

46. Once teachers graduate, this government agency certifies them as qualified to practice.

A. Commission on Higher Education

B. Civil Service Commission

C. Professional Regulation Commission

D. Department of Labor and Employment

47. The agency created by virtue of Republic Act 7722 takes charge of this area of education.

A. elementary education

B. alternative learning systems

C. higher education

D. distance learning

48. Manuel is studying in a law school. He has complaints about how the school is being run, so he
wishes to address these to the proper authorities. He will have to write to this authority.

A. Commission on Higher Education

B. Integrated Bar of the Philippines

C. Legal Education Board

D. Department of Education

49. Which among the following is a form of emotional bullying which should be stopped?

A. Ridiculing

B. Punching

C. Spanking

D. Pinching

50. The Philippines has 175 languages, and only one-Tagalog-was used as a medium of instruction.
Hence, the Department of Education introduced this program, first in 2009, to ensure that other
languages are also used.

A. Trilingual Project

B. Lingua Franca Project

C. Local Languages Education

D. Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual Education

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