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A Quantitative Research
Presented to the Faculty of

Senior High School Department

STI College Cotabato

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Senior High School Practical Research


Mantawil, Amir Almajan K.

Ahmad, Farizah O.

Salik, Necole C.

Kasim, Norhaya U.

Salilaguia, Naima K.

Romaldon, Yvonne Kate D.

Ebrahim, Baby Alaiza A.

Pananggulon, Mahdie B.

Villa, Mary Ann O.

Macabalang, Cathlyn Janelle T.

Mohammad, Hassanah A.

Dalandag, Ameer Termizie T.


Research Adviser
January 2023

The chapter presents the introduction of the study, the review of related literature,

theoretical framework, conceptual framework, the statement of the problem, the significance of

the significance of the study and the definition of terms.


“Most schools, in all levels in the Philippines use tedious and time-consuming

attendance monitoring.” (Santos et al., 2021). Manual attendance systems, in which teachers

record student attendance and performance by hand, are a widespread practice in schools. It

involves the usage of paper or physical sign-in sheets to record student attendance, and it is still

being used in some schools and educational settings. These systems may be used in situations

where electronic attendance systems are not available or where a more traditional or personal

approach to attendance is preferred. However, research suggests these systems may have several

limitations and drawbacks. Therefore, it is important to examine the limitations and potential

solutions for improving the effectiveness of these systems.

According to Dellosa (2014), one potential limitation of manual attendance systems

is that they can be time-consuming for teachers. This can lead to decreased efficiency and

productivity, as teachers may spend a significant amount of time recording and updating student

records. In addition, manual systems are prone to errors in data entry, which can negatively

impact student performance and lead to unfair evaluations (PayPeople, 2022). For example, a

teacher may accidentally mark a student as absent who may have their attendance recorded
incorrectly. In which, it may cause confusion and frustration for students that will lead to a lower

attendance percentage and potentially affecting the student's grades.

Another potential negative effect of manual attendance is that it can create a sense

of disconnection between students and teachers. This can be particularly frustrating for students

who may feel that the time spent on attendance could be better spent on more meaningful or

engaging activities. With an electronic system, teachers can track attendance in real-time and

may be able to identify and address any attendance issues that may arise more easily. With a

manual system, it may be more difficult for teachers to get a clear picture of attendance patterns,

which can make it harder to identify and support students who may be struggling.

As much as taking of attendance affects the continuous learning of the students at a

limited time, it also increases teacher’s paper works. Using Manual Attendance also has some

problems to consider that may add to the teacher and student’s worries. Mostly, Teachers and

some assigned students experienced hand crumps due to a lot of students that are needed to

check individually and because of that, it is sometimes leading to an inaccurate taking of


Conducting this study enables STI College Cotabato’s learners and other schools to

know the challenges of manual attendance as perceived by grade 11 senior high school students

at STI College Cotabato and helps them solve problems by maximizing the attendance

management of students that causes stress to both students and teachers. Checking attendance

manually can be stressful for both students and teachers. It is time-consuming as manual
attendance such as logbooks, students' notebooks, and class records take time to do properly.

Manually checking attendance wastes time in determining who is absent or not, when that time

could be better spent on discussions. In these cases, the Identity Badge Detector is the best

modern technology to help reduce the amount of work that must be done. It is far better than the

usual manual attendance because, with our new product, it will not consume any time and will

lessen the teachers' and students' stress. This tool is automated with the best features to do its

tasks without human touch. There is a badge that has a QR code. Each student's badge has a QR

code that is specific to them and is used to detect the student's information and attendance. This

will be put on the student’s uniform. There is a screen where it will detect the student’s identity

badge and is set to be located outside the classroom. So, before the student enters the classroom,

they must let the badge detector scan their badge first for attendance. There is a monitor that

shows the student's attendance date and time, and it is where the faces of each student in that

section can be seen. When the badge detector has scanned their badge and attendance, it will

disappear from the monitor, indicating that they are present. The remaining faces of the students

left on the monitor will be marked as absent. The “Identity Badge Detector" a product developed

by researchers, can help to save time by streamlining the attendance-taking process.


Disadvantages of Utilizing Manual Attendance Tracking

The process of tracking students' attendance has always been a complicated task.

Over the years, several solutions have been developed to record the presence of students. As

teachers, they are constantly juggling multiple tasks throughout the day. Therefore, the last thing

teachers want to be worrying about is measuring their student's time and class attendance.

Student time and attendance monitoring is a necessity for every school or university. That said,

finding the best possible time and attendance system is often overlooked. Tracking and recording

class attendance is time-consuming, and sometimes it is challenging to take a step back and

investigate the several types of attendance systems out there. According to Ahmed (2021),

“Attendance” – is an unavoidable part of any class or lecture. Marking attendance is quite

important for several reasons. As significant as attendance is, it consumes a lot of class time and

does not contribute to student progress.

Since this generation lives in a digital world, manual attendance tracking must

continue to be developed. Several manual attendance monitoring systems are now available on

the market and are being used by various schools and institutions both inside and outside the

nation. Despite the remarkable benefits of the Manual Attendance Tracking System, numerous

researchers across the world published studies pointing out the drawbacks of using such an


Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
As stated in the study conducted by Taylor in the year 2021, all organizations use

attendance management to record their employee’s initial and final work timings. Some

organizations also save comprehensive records of attendance issues such as who calls in sick and

who arrives late. Manual time and attendance management systems rely on highly skilled

persons, but the problem is that humans are not perfect. With manual systems, it is excessive

pressure on management to be always correct in all details of employees’ work. It can be easy to

accidentally switch details and end up with false entries of data or in handwritten briefings. This

error might not end up only with false information but also create problems in the payroll

system. Reporting and checking that data can be time taking and expensive. There is a reason to

be considered before you automate time and attendance management, and these are those good

processes that must already be in working condition. Putting a new automated system in most

cases will not be successfully implemented where one has not existed before. The most effective

way to get a positive result from new automated attendance management software is where a

good manual time and attendance management system already exists, and a new system

automates these. It is also financially beneficial to implement automated time and attendance

management software that is too simple, easy to use and understand and requires no amount of

external manual work.

Therefore, for a school to enhance its services and deliver high-quality education, it

must find solutions to these issues of the manual attendance monitoring system. The notion of

increasing and refining this is essential since several studies from across the world have shown

the drawbacks of using a manual attendance monitoring system.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
The influence of Manual Attendance on Educational Outcomes

Students of today’s generation are way more particularly concerned with their

performance in school, as it reflects the time and effort they put into their studies. Good time

management in the classroom can help students stay focused on discussions without distractions

and can also increase their motivation to excel. This can ultimately lead to higher grades and

improved academic performance. The accuracy of manual attendance tracking in educational

institutions is an important factor that can impact students' academic performance. A study

published in 2018 and conducted in Bangladesh, entitled "The Effect of Attendance on Students'

Academic Performance," found that there is a strong correlation between class attendance and

academic performance. In which, it supports the claim that manual attendance tracking can have

a significant impact on academic performance. It is therefore important for attendance to be

recorded accurately in order to ensure that students' academic performance is not negatively

affected. Manual attendance systems have the potential for errors during the attendance-taking

process, which can lead to inaccurate student attendance. This is further compounded by the fact

that manual attendance systems are often time-consuming and laborious, as valuable lecture time

is dedicated to taking attendance. In addition, the manual process is prone to personal errors, as

noted by Lodha et al. (2015).

If a student is responsible for taking attendance, they may become so focused on the

lecture that they do not realize they have not yet checked attendance when the teacher asks for

the attendance list. This can be especially problematic if the lecture material is particularly

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
important or difficult to understand. However, manually checking attendance can be time-

consuming, which can lead the student to rush the task in order to keep up with the lecture. This

hastiness can result in errors where a student is marked as absent when they were actually

present, which can have negative consequences for their academic performance. Class

attendance is a significant predictor of course grades, and any errors in attendance tracking can

potentially impact a student's grades. Errors in attendance tracking caused by the use of manual

systems can negatively impact a student's academic performance, as shown in a study by

Kassarnig (2017). This study found that class attendance is a significant and positive predictor of

course grades. Thus, any errors in attendance tracking caused by the use of manual systems can

potentially lead to a decline in a student's grades. These errors can be particularly detrimental if a

student is mistakenly marked as absent when they were actually present. Now, the person who is

assigned to check the attendance may need to restart checking the attendance from the very

beginning, and this could be a big challenge if there are many students involved.

Consequently, to avoid these problems and help improve students' academic

performance, it may be helpful to consider implementing more efficient and reliable attendance

tracking systems, such as automated attendance Checker. These systems can help ensure accurate

attendance tracking, freeing up valuable lecture time and potentially reducing the risk of errors

that can negatively impact students' grades.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Minimizing Efforts of Teachers in Monitoring the Attendance

Teachers have a lot on their plate, and one of the main challenges they face is the

workload associated with tracking attendance. In addition to preparing lessons and grading

assignments, teachers must also keep track of who is present in their classes. This can be a time-

consuming and laborious task, taking away from the time that teachers could be spending on

other important responsibilities such as lesson planning, curriculum development, and

professional development. By finding ways to reduce the workload of teachers in tracking

attendance, it may be possible to free up more time for these other duties. Reducing Teachers

workload have a correlation with the students educational Outcome. As stated by Ahmed (2021)

“the considerable amount of teachers’ time saved can be utilized towards improving student

outcomes” Minimization the workload of teachers in tracking attendance can alleviate some of

the challenges they face when beginning class or leading discussions. While this may seem like a

minor issue to some, it can have a significant impact on teachers. To make things easier and

decrease the workload of teachers, it would be beneficial to streamline the attendance-tracking

process. In a traditional classroom setting, it is the teacher's responsibility to verify and monitor

students' attendance. By finding ways to minimize the effort required for this task, teachers can

focus more on their primary responsibilities of teaching and supporting student learning.

The teachers have an important responsibility to play in monitoring, verifying, and

maintaining attendance. This approach, in addition to being inconvenient for teachers, will have

an impact on students because time is spent manually signing, validating, and submitting the

attendance sheet. Minimizing the efforts of teachers holds a great deal to give them a hand. As

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
cited by Ahmed (2021) “No paperwork, no manual attendance, and no wastage of time lead to

reduced hassle and enables the already overburdened teacher to concentrate more on teaching.” It

requires little to no effort from the teacher, which means a reduced workload on the teacher. He’s

emphasizing that it “Reduced Hassles in Teaching Process” Attendance has always been

recorded manually from the beginning of time. Even while this strengthens and connects the

student-teacher relationship, it is time consuming and prone to human error. This can be

exhausting at times. Monitoring attendance can cause a wastage of time. It encourages teachers

to focus on their class discussion rather than to worry about their students’ attendance like

calling the names of each student, using their time to write and check the attendance in a paper.

Therefore, by finding ways to reduce the workload of teachers in tracking attendance,

it may be possible to free up more time for these other duties. There are various methods and

technologies that can help streamline the attendance-tracking process, including mobile

attendance applications and identity badge detectors. Implementing these solutions can help

teachers focus on the important task of teaching, rather than being bogged down by the

administrative burden of attendance tracking.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Usage of Manual Attendance that cause Poor Time Management in Classroom

Effective time management is a vital skill for students to develop in order to achieve

academic success and balance their responsibilities. By prioritizing tasks, increasing

productivity, reducing stress, meeting deadlines, and seeking help when needed, students can

effectively manage their time and succeed in the classroom. By effectively managing their time,

students can focus their attention and avoid wasting time on distractions, which allows them to

complete more in less time. Additionally, efficient time management can help students reduce

stress by allowing them to efficiently complete tasks and check them off their to-do list. This can

also lead to a sense of accomplishment and achievement as goals are fulfilled. Manual

attendance taking can impact time management in the classroom by taking up valuable class time

if teachers spend a significant amount of time taking attendance manually, which can take away

from time that could be spent on instruction, other activities, or discussion. It has a probability

that it can lead the students and teachers to have a poor time management as there is less time

available for other important tasks.

According to Jones (2018), Poor time management in the classroom is a common

problem that can have negative impacts on student learning and achievement. Previous research

has identified a variety of factors that contribute to poor time management in the classroom,

including teacher-centered instruction, student misbehavior, and a lack of clear goals or

objectives. One potential contributor to poor time management in the classroom is the use of

manual attendance methods, such as paper sign-in sheets or roll call. These methods can be time-

consuming for teachers, who must spend valuable class time taking attendance or following up

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
with absent students (Smith, 2020) Manual attendance methods, such as taking attendance by

hand, may be prone to errors or discrepancies, which can lead to additional time spent correcting

or verifying attendance records. This can be frustrating for teachers and students and may also

result in incorrect attendance records. Accurate attendance records are important for a number of

reasons, such as tracking student participation and determining grades.

As a result, manual attendance taking can be a significant factor in poor time

management in the classroom. It can take up valuable class time, be time-consuming for

teachers, and may be prone to errors, which can lead to additional time spent correcting or

verifying attendance records. To prevent poor time management caused by manual attendance, it

may be beneficial to implement an automated attendance system, such as Identity Badge

Detector. Automated attendance systems can improve efficiency and accuracy, helping to

prevent errors and save time. By using an automated attendance system, teachers can more

effectively manage their time and focus on other important tasks and responsibilities. This can

lead to better maximization of time management in the classroom and ultimately, improved

student learning and achievement.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Manual Attendance as a Stressor for the Learners and Instructors.

Stress is our body’s response to pressure. Many different situations or life events can

cause stress. It is often triggered when we experiences something new, unexpected or what threat

us our sense of self, or when we feel we have little control over a situation. We all deal with

stress differently. According to Boyinbode (2014) Taking student’s attendance manually often

comes with a lot of stress for students and lecturers. Taking student’s attendance manually is

inevitable that we will not be stressed.

Using manual attendance methods carries the risk of proxies and human error that

can cause stress. It can be challenging to track attendance manually, as there is a possibility of

making mistakes, such as wrongly recording a student's absences. If this happens, the student's

grades may be affected, leading to complaints and additional stress for the instructor. According

to the study of J.C. Shaw and B.L. Barker that was entitled “The impact of attendance tracking

methods on employee stress: A case study” in the year 2014. The study found that the use of

manual attendance tracking methods can cause stress for employees due to the added

responsibility of remembering to sign in and out and the potential for errors in the record-

keeping process. Employees may feel stressed due to the possibility of being marked as absent or

late if they forget to sign in or out, or if there are errors in the records. Additionally, employees

may feel stressed due to the extra time and effort required to manually track attendance, which

can take away from other tasks and responsibilities.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
It can be concluded that manual attendance can be a source of stress for both

students and instructors due to the risk of human error, the added responsibility of remembering

to sign in and out, and the extra time and effort required to track attendance manually. To

prevent stress caused by manual attendance, it is recommended to implement an automated

attendance system, provide clear guidelines and policies, encourage open communication, allow

for some flexibility in attendance policies, and provide support and resources for stress


Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Manual Attendance Takes Time for the Teacher to Teach

Continuous discussion helps keep students engaged in the material and

encourages active participation in the learning process. It promotes deep understanding by

allowing students to discuss concepts and ideas in depth, leading to a deeper level of learning.

Traditional taking of attendance can be time-consuming, and it takes up a significant portion of

class time, especially in larger classrooms with many students. This can cause delays in lesson

delivery and may be frustrating for teachers and students. Manual attendance taking can be

stressful task and may not directly contribute to student learning or progress. It can also be

burdensome for teachers to take attendance during a lecture.

Manual attendance taking is a common issue in classrooms and may cause delays

in the start of classes. According to a study by Smith (2020), teachers who took attendance

manually spent an average of 8 minutes per day on the task if the number of students are low,

and it takes 10 to 12 minutes when it comes to a bigger population of students in a classroom.

This time could have been used for instruction or other activities, such as engaging with students

or preparing materials. The study suggests that manual attendance taking can be time-consuming

for teachers and may take away from time that could be used for more important tasks.

Therefore, manual attendance taking can be a time-consuming and burdensome task

for teachers, and it may also cause delays in the start of classes. To avoid delaying class

discussions, one solution is to use an automated attendance system, which allows teachers to

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
quickly and easily take attendance without having to spend a lot of time on the task. This can

save time and allow teachers to focus on more important tasks, such as engaging with students

and delivering lessons. Additionally, using an electronic attendance system can also help to

reduce the risk of errors, such as misplacing paper attendance sheets or forgetting to mark a

student “present” Implementing an electronic attendance system can be a helpful and efficient

way to take attendance and avoid delays in class discussions.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Confusion on the Use of Manual Attendance on its Appearance

Class records are one of the most popular kinds of manual attendance used nationwide.

It stores vital information for every classes. Each grid is designed to provide ease of use and

space to write information; names, scores, and grades. However, it leads to the user to be

confused because of the small spaces it provides. Attendance checking papers are widely used in

the classroom by teachers when getting their students attendance. The purpose of this is to help

the students and teachers to collect, organize and synthesize information given to them in class,

but according to Handoyo (2018), “A lecturer may mistakenly register attendance of a student to

other student while conducting a rollcall, which often happens among students who share similar

names. “Attendance is paper based, which may sometimes cause errors when writing an

attendance resulting from confusion. Each student must take a few moments to locate their name

on the sheet, sign in their attendance, and pass the sheet to the next student. Due to the different

handwriting or the format of the attendance record, even teachers might find themselves

incorrectly checking someone else’s name. Some students may have trouble in re-engaging with

the lecture. Such distraction causes valuable lecture time to be lost.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

This study is anchored on the self-determination theory of Edward L. Deci and

Richard M. Ryan. The self-determination theory (SDT) is a psychological theory that explains

how people are motivated to engage in certain behaviors. According to SDT, there are three

basic psychological needs that must be satisfied in order for people to feel motivated and

engaged: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. When these needs are met, people are more

likely to feel self-determined and motivated to pursue their goals.

In relation to the challenges of manual attendance, it can be argued that the manual

system may not fully satisfy the basic psychological needs of both teachers and students. For

teachers, the process of manually recording attendance may not provide a sense of autonomy, as

they may feel constrained by the time-consuming and tedious nature of the task. Additionally,

the possibility of errors in data entry may lead to feelings of incompetence, as teachers may feel

that they are not effectively performing their duties. For students, the manual attendance system

may not provide a sense of relatedness, as they may feel that their attendance is not being

accurately tracked and that their performance is not being fairly evaluated.

Henceforth, it can be proposed that the challenges of manual attendance may be related

to a lack of satisfaction of the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence, and

relatedness. By addressing these needs, it may be possible to improve the effectiveness and

efficiency of the manual attendance system and increase motivation and engagement for both

teachers and students.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Existing Manual Attendance Challenges on Manual Attendance as

Perceived by Grade 11 Senior High
School Students of STI College

Usefulness Design/Appeal Materials

Only convenient Not Spacious Can be Easily

when someone is Enough Ripped

Messy Due to Can be Easily

Consumes Time Different Misplaced

Only has one Less Attractive Use Random

copy Because of Pen’s Paper

Cannot Avoid The format Requires Pen

Human Error Appear and Sheets

Can Be Pages are white, Consumes

Manipulated So it Easily Stains More Pages

Perception of Senior High School

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11
Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

This study aims to determine the challenges on manual attendance as perceived by the
Grade 11 Senior High School students at STI College Cotabato. Below are the objectives that
this study aims to answer.

1. What are the profile of the respondents with regards to their strand and sex?

2. Do the students experience being taken their attendance by the teacher using a manual

3. What kind/s of manual attendance did the students taken their attendance?

4. On what scale of observation do Grade 11 Senior High School of STI College Cotabato
have, about the Challenges of Manual Attendance?

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

The researchers believe that this study will not only raise the observation on the
challenges that might encounter in using the existing manual attendance and give knowledge on
why it is necessary to maximize the attendance management of the learners. Below are the
possible beneficiaries and the benefits that can be obtained by the help of this study.


In conducting this study, it will be beneficial to many institutions. Specifically, The STI
College Cotabato since this study indicates the perception of the Grade 11 Senior High School
students of the purpose of maximizing the time management and challenges they are facing on
existing manual attendance, and to discover on how an undisrupted and continuous learning
environment will improve the learners’ academic performance in school. If they will be to
assure and provide an undisrupted and continuous learning environment, it could be their one of
the best strength to ensure the clients that the institution provides an assiduous learning. The
school can provide an organized, accurate and effective attendance reports. To avoid the habitual
tardiness of the Student.

School Administrators

This research will be beneficial to the School administrators. It can be used not only by
students but also by educators to help organize records and monitor faculty members'
performance and attendance. On the other hand, administrators will be informed about students
who are frequently absent from all classes. They will also be informed that the challenges and
problems caused by manual attendance are disadvantageous to both students and educators.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

The result of the study will help teachers to avoid time consumption in every taking of
attendance using the existing manual attendance that puts, not only themselves but specially the
learners’ at a drawback. In this study the teacher will find out that taking of attendance in a
manual way is the most provider of their stress and understand how it affects the academic
performance of their students. Teachers will learn that in addition to the maximization of the
learners, attendance management provides more efficient learning; it also necessary in avoiding
the adaptation of neglecting the presence of the learners’ causing by not having enough time to
check the attendance. It also allows them for a fast preparation of attendance reports.


Researchers conducted this study so that the overall population of student, not just the
Grade 11 Senior High School student will be the only beneficiaries. Since this aims to increase
their perception about the challenges in using the manual attendance in schools. Moreover, this
will give leaners’ a precise and explicit perspective on why it is needed to maximize the
students’ attendance management in schools. Especially during class hours. In conducting this
study, it will cultivate them about the impact of using manual attendance in schools and to let
them visualize and apply solutions for it. Students can have an easy access to the system and to
lessen effort and time in checking their attendance.

Future Researchers

The findings and collected data of this study will be helpful and will guide them on the
perception of the students on the existing manual attendance and it will pave the way for more
expounded studies on similar fields.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Existing Manual Attendance

Existing manual attendance is a fundamental tool that are mostly used by the

teachers. It is designed to check and monitor the attendance of the students.

Identity Badge Detector

Identity badge detector is a modified machine that increases the amount of time

available for every teacher’s discussion and students’ learning. It has a monitor that

displays the students' names and faces, as well as a detector that detects the badges (QR

codes) of each student.

Maximize time of Student’s Learning

Maximize time of student’s learning refers to a situation in which students' time

is correctly and wisely used through every teaching session or discussion with the

prevention of poor attendance management in a classroom.

Poor Attendance Management

Poor attendance management is the ineffective use of time in tracking every

student’s attendance that may affect the learners’ academic performances.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato


This discusses the research methods and procedures used in this study. This chapter of

the study covers and specified the research design, respondents of the study, setting, measures

data gathering and statistical treatment.


The researchers used the Quantitative research design as an approach in the study. The

design was intended to collect and describe the perception of the students regarding the

challenges of the existing manual attendance. A survey with deep and heavy discussion will be

conducted on this study in order to originate its result, and it can be a huge help for the

researchers and also the readers of the study.


The researchers conducted a survey with the respondents that are composed of one

hundred ninety (190) Grade 11 Senior High School students from STI College Cotabato that

belongs to the academic track of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM),

Accountancy Business and Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Science (HUMSS),

Mobile App and Web Development (MAWD), and Tourism Operation (TOPER). This study

used a stratified sampling technique in choosing the selected respondents from all grade 11

senior high school students at STI College Cotabato.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

The researchers conducted the survey in each section’s respective classroom, guided

only by the selected researchers to avoid manipulation errors and have objective and accurate

results. The researchers have provided a hard copy of the survey questionnaire as a tool for every

selected participant in each strand and section to gather all the data and information of all one

hundred ninety (190) selected grade 11 senior high school students of STI College Cotabato.


In gathering the information and data for the research, the researchers used a survey

questionnaire that was conducted face-to-face at each strand and section’s classrooms. The

researchers used a descriptive quantitative survey to indicate the perception of grade 11 senior

high school students of STI College Cotabato on the existing manual attendance. The content of

the questionnaires is composed of several parts: the respondent’s profile, which contains the

respondent’s name (optional), sex (male or female), and strand, followed by a question that asks

for the respondent’s experience with existing manual attendance, which is answerable by yes or

no, and a question about what kind of manual attendance the students took, and lastly the scaling

part, which includes the challenges of the existing manual attendance that are categorized into

three parts. The usefulness, design/appeal, and its material used.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

A letter of request to conduct the study on all grade 11 students was created and

delivered to the academic head and assistant principal of STI College Cotabato to request

authorization to formally begin gathering information using a survey paper. After receiving

consent and permission, the questionnaires were distributed to the selected participants, who

were given enough time to answer the questions. At the end of the given time, the retrieval of the

questionnaire was done immediately. The data gathering served as a basis for further

enhancement of the research tool and to test its validity and reliability. The results of the survey

were utilized by the researchers as the foundation for assessing grade 11 students' perceptions in

order to decrease instructors' efforts in recording attendance. After data gathering, the researcher

collected it for tallying the scores and applying the statistical treatment to be used with the



The data gathered from the responses on the questionnaire were compiled, tallied, and

analyzed. The statistical tools used for the computation of mean and percentage and the

frequency of the gathered data were the frequency distribution, percentage, and weighted mean.

The formula P=F/N x 100, where P stands for percentage, F stands for frequency, and N stands

for the total number of responses, was used in calculating the percentage. In the survey's rating

part, researchers computed the mean or average number of responses and described whether it is

Not Observed (1.00-1.49), Sometimes Observed (1.50-2.49), Often Observed (2.50-3.49), or

Always Observed (3.50-4.00).

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
This chapter shows the overall results of the study that conducted through face-to-face survey.

Table 1. A. Profile of the respondents in terms of strand


STEM 72 38
HUMSS 76 40
ABM11P 19 10
MAWD11 16 8
TOPER11 7 4
TOTAL 190 100

Table 1 shows that among the seven (7) strands, HUMSS has the highest number of

frequencies with 76 respondents, followed by STEM with 72 respondents, MAWD with 16

respondents and TOPER has the lowest number of frequencies with 7 respondents.

Table 2. B. Profile of the respondents in terms of sex.

Male 79 42
Female 111 58

TOTAL 190 100

Table 2 shows that in sex category, there are a total of 79 male and 111 female respondents

which are equivalent to 100% from the overall frequency of each strand.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Table 3. Numbers of students who experienced being taken their attendance.
Yes 190 100

No 0 0

TOTAL 190 100

Table 3 shows that 100 percent out of 190 respondents of the overall frequency have

experienced being taken their attendance by the teacher, and none of them did not experience

being taken their attendance.

Table 4. Kinds of manual attendance did the teacher used.

Kinds of Manual Attendance Frequency Percentage

Logbook 34 16
Student’s Personal Notebook 39 18
Excel Attendance Sheet 56 26
Teacher’s Class Record 88 40
Others 1 0
TOTAL 218 100

Table 4 indicates what kind of manual attendance that the teacher used when checking

attendance. It represents that the majority of them experience being taken their attendance by a

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
teacher’s class record covering 40% of the 218 total frequency. Followed by Excel Attendance

Sheet, owning 26% and the least among them is the Logbook gaining 16% of the overall


Table 5. Usefulness of Manual Attendance


1. Manual Attendance is only convenient when the 3.2 OFTEN OBSERVED
teacher is around or someone is assigned to
conduct an attendance in class.

2. Manual Attendance consumes time to write and 3.28 OFTEN OBSERVED

check the attendance.

3. Manual attendance only has one copy and 3.28 OFTEN OBSERVED
requires hand effort to duplicate.

4. Manual attendance cannot avoid human error. 3.02 OFTEN OBSERVED

5. Manual Attendance can be manipulated by the 2.93 OFTEN OBSERVED


Table 5 indicates the means of the responses of the five (5) challenges on the usefulness

of the manual attendance that respondents experienced in monitoring the class attendance. Two

of the statements out of the 5 challenges gain a highest and with the same average number. With

the mean of 3.28 from 190 responses, respondents often observed that Manual Attendance

consumes time to write and check the attendance, and it only has one copy that it requires hand

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
effort to duplicate. Followed with 3.2 mean, that it proves students that they often observed that

Manual Attendance is only convenient when the teacher is around or someone is assigned to

conduct an attendance in class. Out of the 5 challenges, the statement number 5; manual

attendance can be manipulated by the user has the lowest mean of 2.93.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Table 6. Design and Appeal of Manual Attendance


1. Manual Attendance is not spacious enough, 2.93 OFTEN OBSERVED
so it is hard to write down the names of the
2. Due to different handwritings, manual 3.11 OFTEN OBSERVED
attendance might become less attractive.

3. Manual Attendance might look messy 3.3 OFTEN OBSERVED

because of pen’s ink.

4. The format of the manual attendance might 3.07 OFTEN OBSERVED

appear confusing.

5. Manual Attendance’s color of pages are just 3.2 OFTEN OBSERVED

plain white, so the stains are most likely

Table 6 provides the mean or average number of the responses of the five (5)

challenges on the usefulness of the manual attendance that respondents experienced in

monitoring the class attendance. With 3.3 average numbers from 190 responses, respondents

often observed that manual attendance might look messy because of pen’s ink. Followed with 3.2

mean, respondents often observed that 5. Manual Attendance’s color of pages are just plain

white, so the stains are most likely visible. Out of the 5 challenges, statement number 1; manual

attendance is not spacious enough, so it is hard to write down the names of the students has the

lowest mean of 2.93.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Table 7. Material Used in Manual Attendance


1. Manual Attendance can be easily ripped due 3.16 OFTEN OBSERVED
to paper materials.

2. Manual attendance is lightweight, so it can 3.18 OFTEN OBSERVED

easily be misplaced.

3. Manual Attendance sometimes uses random 3.14 OFTEN OBSERVED

paper to conduct attendance.

4. Manual attendance requires a pen and sheets. 3.44 OFTEN OBSERVED

5. Manual Attendance consumes more pages 3.34 OFTEN OBSERVED

when it comes to bigger classes.



Table 7 shows our five (5) challenges on the material used in manual attendance, the

statement number four (4) which is manual attendance requires a pen and sheets garner the

highest mean with 3.44. Followed by statement number five (5) which is manual attendance

consumes more pages when it comes to bigger classes with the mean of 3.34. However, the

statement number three (3) which is manual attendance sometimes uses random paper to conduct

attendance has the lowest mean of 3.14.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato


The chapter reviews and discusses the results of the survey about the perception of the

grade 11 Senior High School students of STI College Cotabato on the existing manual


Based on the study of the previous chapter, it demonstrates that out of 190 respondents

of the overall strands who have answered the survey, 111 (58%) are female and the remaining 79

(42%) are male. One hundred percent (100%) out of the 190 respondents have experience being

taken their attendance by the teacher, and none of them did not experience being taken their

attendance. The gathered data indicates that grade 11 Senior High School students’ perception

about the challenges of the usefulness, design and appeal, as well as the material used on the

manual attendance are often observed. Here are the main important results that has been found

from the data from the categories challenges of manual attendance from the previous chapter: (1 )

Class record (2) Manual attendance consumes time to write and check the attendance, (3) Manual

Attendance might look messy because of pen’s ink, and (4) manual attendance requires a pen and


Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
The Teacher's Attendance Record

A teacher's class record is a traditional manual attendance system utilized by most

teachers worldwide. It is a document that contains attendance data and other student information.

According to Dellosa (2014), the class record of the teachers is one of the most important things

that the student records were kept. It serves as the record book of all of the class performance of

the students. A class record is also known as a record book. Teachers have traditionally used a

manual system to keep records of students' performance. This involved writing down students'

marks in a notebook with the names of all the students. This system was used for a long time, but

it had many disadvantages. For example, it was time-consuming for teachers to spend hours

recording marks for each student, and the records were prone to being lost because they were

only on paper. Some teachers even delegated the task of recording marks to students, which led

to some students giving themselves and others undeserved marks, making the records unreliable.

In addition, paper-based records were prone to being lost or destroyed, leading to the loss of

important student records for educational institutions. The manual system of keeping student

records had many drawbacks that made it unreliable for both learners and instructors.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Consumption of Time in the Process of Manual Recording and Attendance Checking

Before lectures are discussed, classes typically begin with the traditional system of

manual attendance, a process in which the teacher collects and calls out each student's name,

verifying their presence and processing the attendance records. This process of monitoring

student attendance can be time-consuming, particularly in larger classes, as it consumes time that

should be allocated for discussion. Additionally, the process of checking attendance by calling

out names can be disrupted by students' behavior, such as making noise or causing a disturbance,

which can lead to the teacher having to discipline the class and waste even more time. According

to Patel and Priya (2014), there are two conventional methods for taking attendance - calling out

names or having students sign a sheet of paper - but both of these methods are time-consuming

and inefficient. This process can also be inconvenient for lecturers and impact students, as it

requires them to spend time manually signing, verifying, and submitting the attendance sheet.

This can consume the teacher's time that should be used for discussion and distract the student

responsible for checking attendance. Time is a crucial resource for everyone, and the process of

manually checking attendance can take a significant amount of time for some individuals,

depending on their capabilities, speed, and attention to detail. Some people may be more careful

and move slowly while writing and checking the attendance in order to avoid mistakes, which

can also consume a significant amount of time.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Pen’s Ink as a Cause of Untidy Manual Attendance

When writing, it is crucial to pay particular attention to the clarity of words,

phrases, and sentences because this will facilitate effective reading. Everybody has a particular

writing style, so handwritten work varies from person to person. Writing requires the use of an

instrument, and pens are frequently used for writing. It also comes in a variety of colors and

thicknesses. Information must be visually accessible, so its physical presentation is crucial. The

ink of a pen can affect the outcome of a handwritten work, affecting its stability and legibility. A

study conducted by Bowers et al. (n.d.), entitled "The Influence of Ink and Paper on the Stability

and Legibility of Handwritten Records", discusses the factors that can affect the legibility and

stability of handwritten records, including the type of ink and paper used. It supports up the idea

that a pen's ink can be the cause of a paper sheet looking untidy. A pen is required to complete a

manual attendance system, which could make it appear messy because the tool is prone to errors

and messiness. As examined by Snyder (n.d), he stated that “Since this method was paper-based,

it tended to be error-prone and messy.” The contents of the class record may be challenging to

read if the pen runs out of ink in the middle of taking attendance, causing the lines to appear

broken. Additionally, there will be a low likelihood of legibility if the ink stains, bleeds, or might

be leaking, causing the ink to spread and create a mess on the manual attendance paper.

According to Patel (2018), “Manual method includes pen and papers which consumes lot of time

and wastage of resources.” If the individual tasked with checking attendance loses their pen, they

might borrow or find another that is not as good as the first one, making the task appear

unorganized and undesirable.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Therefore, it can be said that an untidy-looking manual attendance sheet can be

caused by a variety of variables, one of which is the ink of the pen. Therefore, finding a means to

prevent this from occurring will help create a far better, structured, and more presentable

attendance record.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Necessity of Papers and Pens on Manual Taking of Attendance

The standard modality that most students and teachers have used for centuries in

using manual attendance is pen and sheets since both are the most accessible way to take notes.

Many people utilize them to record different information. As stated by Sachan, Srivastava &

Vanjale (2015), the generic way of taking attendance has always been the pen and paper method,

where either the teacher calls out the name of the student to mark their attendance or pass an

attendance sheet around for the student to mark their attendance. You take manual attendance

like how you used to do during classroom teaching. This can be done through pen and paper, but

the process will take some time in marking attendance. The use of paper and pens when checking

attendance will cause hand crams, especially when there are a lot of students involved.

Therefore, it will not be able to save paper. It is a challenge to manually check the attendance as

it requires the use of paper, pens, and other writing materials. The use of paper and pens in

writing the attendance record can be a hassle, as the appropriate papers cannot be easily found

everywhere and pens have several kinds, only a few of which are suitable for writing the

attendance record. Without the presence of these materials, you may not be able to check the

attendance properly, especially when it is needed ahead of time.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Scope and Limitations

The coverage of the study is the perception of the grade 11 senior high school

students of STI College Cotabato on the challenges that are categorized into three parts; such as

usefulness, design and appeal, and materials of the existing manual attendance. Specifically, the

perception of the 190 students coming from Grade 11 Senior High School which are officially

enrolled to the academic year 2022-2023. The study is broad, and some factors may and are not

mentioned. The research problem is applicable to all “however”, all enrolled student on the said

year level and strand of STI College Cotabato was selected and are expected to be the only

respondents of the study. The study was done through the utilization of a survey questionnaire

that was made and conducted through face-to-face in their respective classrooms, guided by the

selected researchers. The expected number of respondents were able to answer the survey. With

the total responses of 190 students out of the 190 respondents, the gathered data was used to

identify their perceptions on the challenges of utilizing existing manual attendance.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Implications Based on the result, knowing the challenges on the usefulness, design, and

material used of a manual attendance will help the Grade 11 Senior High School students of STI College

Cotabato to avoid encountering those problems that will occur while taking their attendance through

manual attendance. The respondents of the study often have observations about the challenges on the

manual attendance on each category. However, it is not enough to eradicate and solve the problem that

traditional attendance checking caused. With the use of the researcher's product, which is the Identity

Badge Detector, will help everyone to maximize their time during class hours without wasting several

minutes by just checking the attendance manually.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato


This section includes the summary of the results pointing out the important results with the

conclusion and the recommendations for possible courses of action and further studies.

Summary of the Findings

The findings imply that eliminating the challenges that occur with manual attendance by

utilizing an effective and useful technology device can help students and teachers have a better

and less hassle method of checking the attendance. Teachers and students are aware that using

manual attendance increases the chance of distraction during class hours. Eliminating the

challenges could be helpful to learners for them to be able to properly focus while their teacher is

discussing on the front. In addition, it could save so much time, it avoids manipulation of data, it

can avoid human error, and it would be more convenient. The challenges that occur with manual

attendance hinder teachers and students from achieving an accurate and precise attendance

record. Students have observed the usefulness, design, and materials of the manual attendance

system, but if more people would observe the situation that's happening, it would be a good start

for a change to a healthier and better method of checking the attendance.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Researchers concluded that manual attendance is indeed inefficient when recording

student attendance in a classroom. In terms of time and teacher’s workload, they are prone to

human error and fake attendance, which introduced inaccuracy into the recorded data. Several

issues are identified as follows; a) Time inefficiency, rollcall is a time-consuming procedure that

wastes lecture time by calling out the names of each enrolled student and recording their

attendance. Even if it does not necessarily halt or stop the ongoing lecture but the problem with

this approach is that during the lecture time it may distract the attention of the student, b.) Labor

intensiveness, this procedure is required for subsequent data processing, such as calculating

attendance percentages for each student or course. Such a procedure is time consuming and labor

intensive, especially for institutions with a large number of classes and students, c.) Human error,

students may sign the attendance sheet for other students who are absent from class. Because of

this inaccuracy, the data no longer accurately represents actual student attendance in a class and

thus fails to serve its purpose, and d.) Distraction, although it does not directly interrupt the

lecture, the sign-in sheet may be considered a distraction. In this paper, a reliable, secure, fast

and an efficient class attendance management system has been developed replacing a manual and

unreliable system. Maximizing student’s attendance reduces the errors that occur in the

traditional (manual) attendance taking system. The goal is to automate and create a system that

will benefit an organization such as an institute. Inside the classroom, the efficient and accurate

method of attendance can replace the old manual methods. This method is sufficiently secure,

dependable, and accessible.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Researchers suggest potential actions and future study topics based on the results and

conclusions of their analysis.

A. Courses of Action

Listed below are the possible actions that can be taken to avoid the occurrence of challenges to

the manual attendance and to achieve a better way of checking the attendance:

1. Teachers should be able to save time for class hours instead of calling the students one

by one to check their attendance.

2. Instead of losing concentration because they are paying close attention to their

classmates' attendance, students should concentrate on the teacher speaking and

discussing in front of them.

3. Checking of attendance should be more convenient where it doesn’t require someone to

manually operate the attendance record.

4. Attendance data should not be able to be easily manipulated by the user.

5. Attendance records should look organized and clean to avoid confusion that will often

lead to human error.

6. School should not waste several papers for attendance.

7. School should utilize a sufficient technical device like Identity Badge Detector

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
B. Further Studies

Enumerated below are the recommended studies that can be studied further.

1. Satisfaction of Grade 12 Senior High School Students on the implementation of

automated attendance system.

2. The impact of Poor attendance management to the student's behavior.

3. The Influence of Modernized Attendance System on the Academic Performance of

Grade 12 Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato.

4. A Case Study on how grade 12 Senior High School Students perceived the errors occurs

in traditional attendance tracking system.

5. A Case Study on the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

about the Effectiveness of Identity Badge Detector in Minimizing Manual Attendance.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Ahmed, M. (2021, January 05). Advantages of Student Automated Attendance Management

System for Schools and Colleges. Retrieved from


Ahmad, N., Mohamed, S. A., Ahmad, Z. U., Ahmat H., & Alias, F. A. (2020, June 30).

Enhancing Attendance and Student Exam Score Based on Mobile Attendance Application.


Bowers, J.D., Dille, D.H., & McPherson, J.G. (n.d). The Influence of Ink and Paper on the

Stability and Legibility of Handwritten Records. Journal of the American Medical Association,

267(3), 364-367.

DELLOSA, R. M. (2014). Design and Evaluation of the Electronic ClassRecord for LPULaguna.

Asia Pacific Journal of MultidisciplinaryResearch, 64-71.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Dr. B. Chellaprabha, S. Dhilipkumar, P. Ajesh, S. Giridha. (2018, April 24). A Fingerprint based

Attendance Management System using GSM. International journal of engineering research and

technology (IJERT). Retrieved from


Gottfried, M. A. (2010). Evaluating the relationship between student attendance and achievement

in urban elementary and middle schools: An instrumental variables approach. American

Educational Research Journal, 47(2): 434-465.

Kassarnig, V. (2017, November 8). Class Attendance, Peer Similarity, and Academic

Performance in Large Field Study. PLOS ONE.

Lodha, R., Gupta, S., Jain, H., & Narula, H. (2015). Bluetooth Smart Based Attendance

Management System. ScienceDirect.

Oghuvbu, E. P. (2010). Attendance and academic performance of students in secondary schools:

A correlational approach. Studies on Home and Community Science, 4(1): 21-25.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Oyewo Olugbenga Ayodeji, Olutayo Kehinde Boyinbode. (2020, February). Performance

Modelling of a Random Token Generating Class Attendance System. British Journal of Science,

18, 142. Retrieved from



Patel, S., Kumar, P., Garg, S., & Kumar, R. (2018, May 31). Face Recognition based smart

attendance system using IOT. Google Scholar.



Siti Hawa Apandi, R. M. (n.d.). Development of Attendance Management System: An

Experience. Retrieved from

Snyder, R. (n.d) Visually Taking Classroom Attendance Quickly and Efficiently Using a

Computer. Google Scholar.



Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendance As Perceived

by Grade 11 Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

I. Profile of the Respondent

Name: (Optional) Sex:


Direction: Put a check on the Circle that corresponds your answer on the following questions.

1. Have you experienced being taken your attendance by your teacher using a
manual Attendance? (If your answer is yes, please proceed to the next
question. If No, Skip question 2.)

o Yes
o No

2. What kind/s of manual attendance did your teachers use?

o Logbook
o Student’s Personal Notebook
o Excel Attendance Sheet (Usage of Teacher’s Laptop)
o Teacher’s Class Record
o Others, please specify_______

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
II. Challenges on the existing Manual Attendance

Instruction: Kindly rate the following Challenges on the existing Manual Attendance.
Put check ( ) in the box based on the number of your choice.

1 2 3 4

A. Usefulness Not Sometimes Often Always

Observed Observed Observed Observed

1. Manual Attendance is only

convenient when the teacher is
around, or someone is assigned to
conduct an attendance in class.

2. Manual Attendance consumes

Time to write and check the

3. Manual attendance only has one

copy and requires hand effort to

4. Manual attendance cannot avoid

human error.

5. Manual Attendance can be

manipulated by the user.

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
1 2 3 4

B. Design and Appeal Not Sometimes Often Always

Observed Observed Observed Observed

1. Manual Attendance is not

spacious enough, so it is hard to
write down the names of the

2. Due to different handwritings,

manual attendance might become
less attractive.

3. Manual Attendance might look

messy because of pen’s ink.

4. The format of the manual

attendance might appear

5. Manual Attendance's color of

pages are jut plain white, so the
stains are most likely visible..

1 2 3 4

C. Material Used Not Sometimes Often Always

Observed Observed Observed Observed

1. Manual Attendance can be easily

ripped due to paper materials.

2. Manual attendance is lightweight,

so it can easily be misplaced.

3. Manual Attendance sometimes uses

random paper to conduct

4. Manual attendance requires a pen

and sheets.

5. Manual Attendance consumes more

pages when it comes to bigger

Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11

Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato
Identity Badge Detector: Challenges on Manual Attendances as Perceived by Grade 11
Senior High School Students of STI College Cotabato

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