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Activity 2

Independent t-test
College students were given a Science test. On the basis of the scores on this test, two
groups of matched subjects formed. Students in group 1 were given the lecture method of
instruction, while students in group 2 were given a new, laboratory method of instruction. At
the end of the semester, the students were given a Science achievement test. Analyze the
results below to determine whether the new reading instructional program leads to
significantly higher Science achievement scores for group 2.

Reading Achievement Scores for Two Groups of Children

Group 1 Lecture Method Group 2 Laboratory Method
79 85
83 92
93 89
86 88
56 64
65 71
71 70
66 69
50 63

df= n1 + n2 -2
= 9 + 9 -2
= 16
Level of significance = 5%
Critical value (cv) = 2.120
1. State the null hypothesis.
2. Calculate the value of the appropriate statistics.
3. Write a conclusion.

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