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Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 000 (2019) 1−18

Clinical-Prostate cancer
Reconsideration of pelvic floor muscle training to prevent and treat
incontinence after radical prostatectomy
Paul W. Hodges, M.D., Ph.D.a,*, Ryan E. Stafford, Ph.D.a, Leanne Hall, Ph.D.a,
Patricia Neumann, Ph.D.b, Shan Morrison, BAppSc(Phty)c, Helena Frawley, Ph.D.d,
Stuart Doorbar-Baptist, M.Sc.e, Irmina Nahon, Ph.D.f, Jason Crow, M.Phy.St.g,
Judith Thompson, Ph.D.h, Anne P. Cameron, M.D.i
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Women’s and Men’s Health Physiotherapy, Melbourne, Australia
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Sydney Physiotherapy Solutions, Sydney, Australia
University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
Active Rehabilitation, Brisbane, Australia
Curtin University, Perth, Australia
Department of Urology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI

Received 4 October 2019; received in revised form 8 November 2019; accepted 2 December 2019

Urinary incontinence is common after radical prostatectomy. Pelvic floor muscle training provides a plausible solution. Although early trials
provided promising results, systematic reviews have questioned the efficacy of this intervention. A major consideration is that most clinical trials
in men have applied principles developed for pelvic floor muscle training for stress urinary incontinence in women, despite differences in anat-
omy between sexes and differences in the mechanisms for continence/incontinence. Literature regarding continence control in men has been
conflicting and often based on erroneous anatomy. New understanding of continence mechanisms in men, including the complex contribution of
multiple layers of striated pelvic floor muscles, and detailed consideration of the impact of radical prostatectomy on continence anatomy and
physiology, have provided foundations for a new approach to pelvic floor muscle training to prevent and treat incontinence after prostatectomy.
An approach to training can be designed to target the pathophysiology of incontinence. This approach relies on principles of motor learning and
exercise physiology, in a manner that is tailored to the individual patient. The aims of this review are to consider new understanding of conti-
nence control in men, the mechanisms for incontinence after radical prostatectomy, and to review the characteristics of a pelvic floor muscle
training program designed to specifically target recovery of continence after prostatectomy. Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Pelvic floor muscle training; Radical prostatectomy; Incontinence; Conservative management; Striated urethral sphincter

1. Introduction
cancer death [1]. Radical prostatectomy (RP) is a common
Prostate cancer is the most common noncutaneous can- curative treatment to prevent metastasis. Although mortality
cer in men (1 in 7) and the second most common cause of after RP is low (5-year survival—95% [1]), morbidity is
high. Depending on how continence is defined, almost 80%
Funding: This work is funded by the National Health and Medical of men experience incontinence after RP [2−4], and many
Research Council (NHMRC) of Australia (APP1146267) and a Physiother- are incontinent beyond 12 months [2]. This has a major
apy Research Fellowship from Queensland Health. PH is supported by a
impact on quality of life [5,6]. Robotic RP has not reduced
Senior Principal Research Fellowship from the NHMRC (APP1102905).
*Corresponding author. Tel.: +61-404-854-589. incontinence rates [7]. On the basis of success of pelvic floor
E-mail address: p.hodges@uq.edu.au (P.W. Hodges). muscle training (PFMT) in female stress urinary incontinence

1078-1439/Ó 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

[8], PFMT has been implemented in men undergoing RP. bladder, controlled by the autonomic nervous system
Although early outcomes were optimistic [9], and some clini- [18], and is responsible for tonic pressure to maintain
cal trials have provided positive outcomes [10,11], meta- continence; striated/skeletal pelvic floor muscles that
analysis of the available studies in recent systematic reviews are controlled by reflex and descending inputs to con-
show evidence of no efficacy [12]. Many trials have applied tribute to continence [19] and can be activated voluntar-
principles developed for stress incontinence in women, to ily; and coaptation of mucosal walls plus the urethral
men [13,14]. Yet the mechanisms for incontinence are differ- vasculature [20].
ent; in women the common mechanism is levator ani muscles Anatomy and function of the striated muscles has been
dysfunction secondary to pregnancy and vaginal birth [15], confusing. Although often depicted as a sheet-like muscular
whereas in men after RP, it is primarily related to removal of "urogenital diaphragm" [21], there are in fact multiple
prostatic urethra with its associated smooth muscle, and muscles that interact to constrict the urethra, and none fit-
potential damage to the striated urethral sphincter [16]. Fur- ting that description. The striated urethral sphincter (rhab-
ther, mechanisms for urinary continence differ in some dosphincter/external urethral sphincter) lies at the inferior
respects between sexes [17]. It is plausible to speculate that end of the prostate and generates the greatest urethral pres-
translation of treatment from women to men may not be sure of the striated muscles. It is omega shaped on the ante-
ideal. This review aims to consider a new understanding of rior and lateral sides of the urethra, attaching posteriorly to
continence in men, mechanisms for incontinence after RP, the posterior median raphe [18] and perineal body [17], and
and consider characteristics of PFMT designed to specifically on contraction draws the urethra posteriorly [18,22] against
target recovery of continence after RP. the plate formed by the perineal body and Denonvilliers’
fascia (rectogenital septum) that forms an incomplete parti-
2. New understanding of continence control in men tion between the rectum and urogenital organs [23] (Fig. 1).
The muscle is thickest distally where it surrounds the mem-
The concept is simple—urinary continence requires branous urethra and continues proximally with increasingly
the pressure in the urethra to exceed that in the bladder, sparse muscle fibres on the external surface of the prostate
but the solution is complex and incompletely under- [17,18,24]. It is innervated by branches of the pudendal
stood. Urethral pressure in men is controlled by multi- [24,25] and cavernous nerves [26]. Although, commonly
ple mechanisms that include: circumferential smooth excluded from descriptions of continence control in men,
muscle of urethra/bladder neck (internal urethral sphinc- the levator ani and bulbocavernosus (bulbospongiosus) also
ter/lissosphincter) that is thickest proximally near the constrict the urethra. The levator ani has 3 main parts:

Fig. 1. Anatomy of the smooth (internal urethral sphincter of the proximal prostatic urethra) and striated (striated urethral sphincter, puborectalis, bulboca-
vernosus) muscles that contribute to urinary continence in men. Thick arrows show the direction of displacement expected during contraction of each of the
striated muscles.
P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18 3

puborectalis—from the pubic rami and looping behind the phasic bursts of activity in advance of, and during, periods
rectum, with attachment of its inferior fibres to the postero- of increased demand when IAP rises. This has been shown
lateral aspect of the perineal body [17] where it sandwiches during coughing [41] and postural tasks where IAP increases
the striated urethral sphincter [26]; pubovisceralis— to control the trunk [22]. Those tasks also involve contrac-
includes external and internal layers extending posteriorly tion of bulbocavernosus and puborectalis, generally in a dis-
and superiorly from the pubic bone, tendinous arch, and tal-to-proximal sequence (i.e., striated urethral sphincter and
ischial spine down towards the rectococcygeal muscle pos- bulbocavernosus, before puborectalis). During micturition,
teriorly and puborectalis inferiorly [17], and iliococcygeus the detrusor contracts and the smooth and striated muscles
—from the obturator fascia (between the obturator canal of the urethra relax [37,38]. Together these observations
and ischial spine) to the anococcygeal ligament and coccyx indicate that the striated muscles all contribute to urethral
[27]. Bulbocavernosus extends to the perineal body superi- pressure control, and rather than en block activation, they
orly and cups the penile bulb inferiorly [17]. The ischioca- are activated differentially, but in a coordinated manner.
vernosus muscle courses from the ischial ramus to the crus
penis and contributes to maintenance of erection by com- 3. Impact of radical prostatectomy on urinary
pressing the veins of the crus [28]. continence
Puborectalis moves the anorectal junction (ARJ) and
urethrovesical junction forwards and upwards to compress RP removes or causes trauma to key elements of the con-
the urethra against the pubic symphysis [22]. It may also tinence mechanism. First, RP removes the proximal/pros-
support and elevate the urethra via its attachments to stri- tatic urethra including the surrounding smooth muscle, thus
ated urethral sphincter [29], although the nature of the reducing the contribution of autonomicaly controlled inter-
attachment between the muscles might not support this nal urethral sphincter to continence [16], and reducing the
assumption [26]. Bulbocavernosus compresses the bulb of urethral length (Fig. 3). Second, there is variable bladder
penis to constrict the urethra distal to the striated urethral neck removal/disruption [42], which can lead to funneling
sphincter, and in the opposite direction to striated urethral [42−44] (Fig. 3). Third, there is potential removal, damage
sphincter (i.e., dorsal-to-ventral) [22], to assist continence. and scarring of striated urethral sphincter [45,46] and/or its
Bulbocavernosus is also involved in ejaculation [30] and neurovascular supply [42] (striated urethral sphincter inner-
“milking” the urethra to remove residual urine after mictu- vation lies 0.3−1.3 cm from apex of prostate [47]) with
rition [31]. The external anal sphincter constricts the anus consequent reduction in pressure increase in the mid-ure-
to support the smooth muscle internal sphincter [32] with thra during voluntary pelvic floor muscle contraction [43].
no role in urethral constriction. The urinary continence Fourth, there is variable disruption of the supporting con-
equation is also impacted by bladder pressure which is nective tissue/ligaments [48]. Preservation [49] or restora-
increased by detrusor (smooth muscle) contraction and/or tion of passive support (e.g., puboprostatic ligaments;
increased intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) induced by con- posterior musculofascial support [50]) during RP might
traction of the abdominal and diaphragm muscles [33,34]. maintain better urethral support and capacity to maintain
Although function of the striated muscles has generally urethral compression. Fifth, there is modified detrusor con-
been predicted from their anatomy, recordings of activation tractility (e.g., detrusor overactivity (involuntary detrusor
of each striated muscle layer are beginning to emerge muscle contraction during filling) [51] or hypoactivity [52])
[35,36]. This is providing novel insight into the interplay that may be secondary to trauma/revascularization/irrita-
between muscles and their overlay on autonomic mecha- tion/denervation of the bladder during surgery [16], and
nisms. During the storage phase, detrusor muscle is inhib- reduced bladder capacity/compliance [52,53] for multiple
ited, and sympathetic drive maintains tonic activity of the reasons, including failure to hold urine in the bladder post-
internal urethral sphincter of the proximal urethra [37,38]. operatively [45]. A relationship between detrusor overactiv-
Although early reports suggested the striated urethral ity and poor striated urethral sphincter function, suggests
sphincter is composed solely of slow twitch muscle fibres, reflex contraction of the bladder is a responses to leakage of
inferring contribution to tonic compression [39], other data urine into the proximal urethral [54]. Sixth, although post-
highlight slow and fast twitch fibres [40]. This concurs with operative stricture/scaring at the anastomosis will reduce
observations of tonic and phasic activity of striated urethral flow, it will also reduce elasticity [55] and urethral closure
sphincter from electromyography (EMG) recordings made [56]. There will be variation between individuals regarding
with urethral catheter electrodes stabilized with suction the manner in which surgery impacts continence and the
onto the urethral mucosa adjacent to the striated urethral potential for recovery. Some preoperative anatomical fea-
sphincter [36]. Similar observations have been made with tures can predict outcome (e.g., larger prostate size risks
transperineal ultrasound imaging (Fig. 2), where posterior greater damage and poorer outcomes [57]; shorter membra-
displacement of the mid-urethra, distal to the prostate, has nous urethral length permits less length for striatal muscles
been validated against EMG recordings as a measure of stri- to compress and worse outcomes [58]; and lower preopera-
ated urethral sphincter muscle activation [35]. These meth- tive maximal urethral closure pressure predicts worse conti-
ods reveal tonic activation at rest [22], plus superimposed nence [59]).
4 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

Fig. 2. Transperineal ultrasound investigation of the striated pelvic floor muscles at (A) rest and (B) during contraction in a healthy man with no history of
prostate cancer. Arrows in the bottom right panel show the direction of displacement of pelvic landmarks induced by contraction of each muscle.

Finally, there are several variations of surgical technique [50,60,64,66−68], which needs to be considered when
that have been developed to improve continence outcomes. planning management.
These include: urethral sparing to preserve the smooth mus- Each surgical impact on the continence mechanism may
cular internal sphincter and proximal urethra [60]; nerve contribute to urinary incontinence after surgery. Rather than
sparing which preserves innervation of vascular structures, considering “why” men are incontinent after surgery, it is
but might impact continence by reduced disruption of intra- perhaps more relevant to question “how” is it possible for
pelvic branches of the pudendal nerve [61]; preservation of men to be continent after RP as there would need to be com-
the natural bladder neck to maintain proximal urethral pensation by the striated muscles to restore continence. Of
smooth muscle [62]; preservation of the anterior/pubopro- the potential mechanisms for incontinence, the literature
static ligaments to maintain passive support of the urethra identifies “sphincter insufficiency” as the leading cause (40%
[63]; and reconstruction of the posterior prostatic support to −88% [51,69]). This would be mediated by both loss of the
restore posterior support for the striated urethral sphincter smooth muscle of the prostatic urethra [51], and insufficient
and provide a rigid structure for the striated urethral sphinc- function of striated urethral sphincter (and other striated
ter (located anterior/lateral to the urethra) to compress the muscles). Although sphincter insufficiency is commonly con-
urethra [64] or combined anterior/posterior supports to sidered to be mediated by striated urethral sphincter injury
achieve combined benefits of both techniques [65]. There is [45,47,70−72], the observation that continence generally
some evidence, ranging from small trials to systematic improves over time, has been interpreted as evidence that the
reviews, to support the benefit of many of these approaches insufficiency is explained by interference with innervation or
P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18 5

Fig. 3. Transperineal ultrasound investigation of the striated pelvic floor muscles of (A) a healthy man with no history of prostate cancer and (B) a man after
radical prostatectomy, both at rest. Note the lower position of the bladder, funneling of the bladder neck, and shorter urethral length of the man after prosta-

supporting tissues [73]. Alternatively, it may not be compro- in men who are continent after RP are even greater than
mised activation of the sphincter but rather an inability of the that identified in men with no history of prostate cancer dur-
striated muscles to meet the additional demand to compen- ing coughing (Stafford et al., 2019 unpublished data). This
sate for loss of smooth muscle [74]. The latter may be further suggests that continence recovery depends on better than
compromised by trauma to/denervation of the striated ure- normal function of striated muscles, to compensate for
thral sphincter muscle. The other most common explanations smooth muscle loss with RP. However, when activation of
for incontinence are detrusor overactivity (13%−67% striated urethral sphincter is poor, exceptional contraction
[45,51,75]), but rarely as a sole cause of incontinence, and of bulbocavernosus and puborectalis is required to compen-
bladder neck funneling [43]. sate [74]. Other work shows that preoperative measures of
Recent work using transperineal ultrasound imaging has puborectalis shortening (bladder neck elevation) do not pre-
shown that men who have regained continence after RP dict postoperative continence [76] and PFMT focused on
have greater shortening/activation of the striated urethral strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles as assessed via
sphincter, bulbocavernosus, and puborectalis during volun- digital rectal examination (i.e., puborectalis contraction)
tary contractions and coughing than men who are inconti- does not improve postoperative maximal urethral closure
nent [74] (Stafford et al., 2019 unpublished data). Further, pressure [59]. Taken together, these data highlight treat-
shortening/activation of bulbocavernosus and puborectalis ment may be most effective if the striated urethral sphincter
6 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

is the focus of treatment, when possible. An additional chal- the urethra, but not if the instruction encourages contraction
lenge, which has also been observed in women with stress around the anus alone (Hall et al. 2019 unpublished data).
urinary incontinence [77], is counterintuitive descent of the The emphasis on maximal voluntary contraction of the
bladder neck (lengthening of puborectalis) during voluntary PFM might increase the strength of the PFM and could
pelvic floor muscle contractions and during coughing [74]. increase muscle stiffness, but is at odds with the require-
This is interpreted to indicate excessive IAP from recruit- ment to sustain low levels of tension and brief phasic burst
ment of abdominal muscles [74,78] or might be caused by tightly coupled with tasks that elevate IAP [36]. A training
excessive compliance of the pelvic floor. program directed to more functional control of the urethral
closure mechanisms may be required.
4. Recovery of continence after prostatectomy A final issue to consider is when to commence PFMT.
An important consideration is whether training should start
Considering the mechanisms presented above and differ- before or after surgery. From 1 perspective, as incontinence
ences in muscle contraction between men with and without is caused by the surgery, the pathophysiology cannot be
incontinence after RP, it is reasonable to hypothesize that assessed until after surgery and PFMT cannot be tailored
recovery of urinary continence would require; (i) enhanced until that is known. From another perspective, despite the
function of striated urethral sphincter (and other striated specific impact of surgery, it can be beneficial to train the
muscles puborectalis and bulbocavernosus) to compensate postoperative regime preoperatively, and begin to condition
for the lost or reduced contribution of smooth muscle. This the system to compensate for the loss of smooth muscle
would likely require enhanced capacity, involving both mechanisms that will occur with surgery. Similar “pre”-
neural and muscle fibre adaptations, for low intensity sus- habilitation is applied in other conditions (e.g., total joint
tained contraction or greater resting stiffness to compensate replacement [91]). Observation of 2 strategies for contrac-
for the reduced tonic contribution of the smooth muscles, tion of the striated urethral sphincter and puborectalis (1
and enhanced phasic recruitment for transient increases in that is biased to striated urethral sphincter; and 1 biased to
IAP; (ii) compensation by the greater than normal activa- puborectalis [19]) has led to the hypothesis that men with a
tion of puborectalis and bulbocavernosus if the striated ure- bias to puborectalis rather than striated urethral sphincter
thral sphincter is affected by surgery; (iii) reduced detrusor contraction, may require greater conditioning/training of
overactivity; and (iv) training of the bladder to maintain striated urethral sphincter to recover continence and this
volume and, therefore, compliance. may be best to commence preoperatively [92]. Although
These components that we propose as targets for inter- individual trials show outcomes both for [84,93] and against
vention, that are based on the pathophysiology of inconti- [94] commencement of training prior to surgery, a recent
nence after RP, differ markedly from the conventional systematic review showed that when meta-analysis is
intervention commonly implemented in trials of PFMT for undertaken separately on trials that commence before or
post-RP incontinence [79], which is based on the effective after surgery, only trials that commence preoperatively are
treatment for stress urinary incontinence in women [8]. For significantly more effective than control interventions(Hall
women, PFMT involves repeated maximal contraction of et al. 2019 unpublished data).
the levator ani [80], often with digital, EMG or pressure Taken together, it seems reasonable to speculate that the
examination via the vagina [81], and can include feedback variable success of PFMT for prevention and rehabilitation
[82] and electrical muscle stimulation via the vagina [83]. of incontinence after RP may be explained by failure to
Direct extrapolation to men has involved inclusion of design rehabilitation programs to address the pathophysiol-
assessment [14], feedback [84,85], and electrical stimula- ogy of incontinence. Targeted and tailored intervention
tion [85,86] via the anus, and a focus on brief maximal con- may achieve improved results. Although not yet tested in a
tractions [13,87,88] around the anus [14]. randomized controlled clinical trial (current trial is under-
Considering the pathophysiology of incontinence after way [92]), we propose such an intervention below.
RP, this intervention appears to focus on the incorrect
muscles. Digital rectal examination and biofeedback using 5. Pelvic floor muscle training tailored to
electrodes in the anus provides information of external anal pathophysiology of postprostatectomy incontinence to
sphincter [89] and potentially levator ani (including pubor- maintain or restore continence
ectalis) activity, but cannot provide information of the stri-
ated urethral sphincter and bulbocavernosus. Instructions to Considering the mechanisms for continence and inconti-
tighten around the anus, might generate some co-contrac- nence presented above, a program can be devised to specifi-
tion of all pelvic floor muscle (PFM), but the bias is to cally address the pathophysiology of incontinence
muscles that do not constrict the urethra [90]. A recent sys- (Table 1). Tailoring of the intervention to the individual
tematic review has shown that when separate meta-analyses man would require detailed assessment of striated muscle
are conducted with the trials grouped based features of the anatomy and capacity. PFMT is considered with respect to
training program, the treatment is more effective than con- 6 steps based on contemporary motor learning theory and
trol if the treatment includes instruction to contract around exercise physiology principles. Based on the requirement to
P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18 7

Table 1
Principles of application of pelvic floor muscle training program

1. Training commences preoperatively to being conditioning the striated pelvic floor muscles for their adapted role after radical prostatectomy
2. Training recommences postoperatively after catheter removal
3. Training targets the pathophysiology of incontinence after radical prostatectomy (i.e., enhanced striated urethral sphincter activation to compensate for
the loss/reduction of smooth muscle; discourage abdominal muscle contraction; compensation by bulbocavernosus and puborectalis if required; maintain
bladder compliance/reduce detrusor overactivity)
4. Training is guided by findings of assessment: targeted to features of striated muscle function that are compromised/deficient on assessment, but generally
biased to the striated urethral sphincter
5. Training is NOT focused on contraction of the anal muscles
6. Transperineal ultrasound imaging is used for assessment and feedback
7. Training uses principles of motor learning and exercise physiology
8. Training encourages improved/enhanced coordination of the striated pelvic floor muscles in function rather than unidimensional focus on muscle
9. Patients have a clearly defined home program
10. Regularly assess adherence to home program and consider methods to achieve behavior change to incorporate training into lifestyle
11. Training progresses to functional re-education as soon as possible

compensate for the reduced smooth muscle contribution to urethral sphincter or bulbocavernosus. Valid measures are
continence, it would be expected that training should aim also difficult to obtain from transabdominal ultrasound
to: (i) use motor learning principles to encourage a specific because there is no bony landmark for reference, and brac-
pattern of activation of striated muscles that is biased to ing of the abdominal muscles can move the transducer and
striated urethral sphincter; (ii) encourage enhanced low distort the measure [97]. The most comprehensive assess-
intensity tonic activation to maintain continence at rest, ment of striated muscles is provided by transperineal ultra-
with support of bulbocavernosus and puborectalis; (iii) sound imaging, which provides a noninvasive and validated
enhance capacity to increase activity both in anticipation of [35] method to evaluate and provide feedback of puborecta-
predictable increases in IAP, and quickly in response to lis, striated urethral sphincter and bulbocavernosus contrac-
increases that cannot be predicted; (iv) encourage automatic tion, simultaneously.
integration of activation of these muscles in to functional Application of transperineal ultrasound imaging to the
activities; (v) train strength and endurance for high intensity pelvic floor in men is presented in Fig. 4. Anatomical features
demands; and (vi) incorporate bladder training as required that can be assessed are; bladder neck position and shape
to maintain bladder volume and compliance. (e.g., funnel shaped bladder neck may compromise conti-
nence); bladder position relative to the ARJ position (e.g.,
5.1. Assessment of striated muscle contribution to low bladder position and disruption of the bladder neck may
continence place puborectalis behind the bladder such that contraction
might compresses the bladder rather than urethra); angle of
In addition to standard measures of continence status ARJ and distance from pubic symphysis (e.g., acute angle
(e.g., symptoms of urinary incontinence using question- and short distance, and limited capacity to move these struc-
naires and/or pad usage/24-hour pad test and/or bladder tures with contraction, may indicate increased tone of pubor-
diary, ability to stop urine flow mid-stream, analysis of epi- ectalis [98], which may interfere with continence or induce
sodes of stress incontinence [when, what tasks/activities], pain); and urethral length (e.g., short distance from bladder
frequency of voiding, continence at night, and symptoms of neck to penile bulb may indicate limited potential for striated
detrusor overactivity) treatment is guided by assessment of muscles to compress the urethra).
striated muscle contribution to continence. This requires Activation of striated pelvic floor muscles is quantified
methods to individually investigate the multiple muscles. by displacements of specific anatomical landmarks on the
Digital rectal examination or anal/rectal EMG can provide urethra (Table 2) that have been validated against EMG
information regarding resting tone and contraction of the recordings [35]. Assessment of each muscle can identify
external anal sphincter [89] and puborectalis [13,95], but capacity to contract the striated urethral sphincter, puborec-
this is insufficient to provide information regarding urethral talis, and bulbocavernosus voluntarily and automatically
mechanisms. Bulbocavernosus can be investigated with (e.g., cough), the ability to relax, and the endurance.
perineal palpation and superficial perineal EMG electrodes Although assessment of muscle thickness might provide
[96]. Scrotal lift and retraction of the penis towards the additional detail, function of the muscles cannot be inferred
abdomen occurs with instruction to stop the flow of urine, from this parameter, and its measurement parameter is diffi-
suggesting indirect evidence of contraction of striated ure- cult, if not impossible with ultrasound imaging as, unlike
thral sphincter [13]. Transabdominal ultrasound imaging motion induced by muscle contraction, muscle boundaries
provides information of bladder elevation (puborectalis) can be difficult to delineate. Comprehensive assessment
[95], but cannot provide evidence of activation of striated would involve measurement during a series of tasks
8 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

Fig. 4. Technique for imaging and analysis of pelvic floor muscles with transperineal ultrasound imaging in men. (A) Imaging technique with the transducer
placed in the mid sagittal line on the perineum between the anus and scrotum. (B) Placement of the axis system relative to the pubic symphysis and identifica-
tion of the pelvic landmarks used to measure activation of each of the striated muscles of the pelvic floor. (C) Measurement of displacement of pelvic land-
marks between rest and voluntary contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. ARJ = anorectal junction; BP = bulb of penis; MU = mid-urethra;
UVJ = urethrovesical junction.

(Table 3). Based on the assessment, priority features can be that requires improvement [102]. Instruction is critical for
identified for tailoring of the PFMT program. the patient to get the correct “idea” of the task. Recent work
has highlighted that recruitment of pelvic floor muscles can
5.2. Goal 1: Optimize pattern of pelvic floor muscle be biased to striated urethral sphincter by use of specific
contraction instructions such as “retract the penis” or “contract as if
stopping the flow of urine” [90]. It may be necessary to
A first goal to recover continence would be to optimize reduce excessive activation of puborectalis or external anal
the pattern of activation of the striated muscles with bias to sphincter if contraction of these muscles is dominant rather
striated urethral sphincter, as able, to encourage adequate than striated urethral sphincter, or abdominal muscles if
compensation for reduced contribution from smooth muscle there is depression of the urethrovesical junction, indicative
(see Table 4 for detailed description). This requires “motor of excessive IAP [74]. Reduced activation of the puborecta-
learning”, which is the relatively permanent change in per- lis might be particularly important if the action of this mus-
formance of a task as a result of practice [99]. Motor learn- cle compromises continence, such as might occur when the
ing can be broken into cognitive, associative, and automatic bladder position is too low or bladder neck shape is dis-
phases [100] and can be measured as acquisition, retention, rupted such that puborectalis increases pressure in the blad-
and transfer [101]. This first step of PFMT for incontinence der rather than the urethra. Feedback is important to obtain
after RP involves the cognitive phase to acquire the motor knowledge of performance [99]. This can be provided visu-
skill of activation of the striated pelvic floor muscles. As ally by transperineal ultrasound imaging as described
with learning any new skill, the initial cognitive phase above, or simple indirect forms of feedback such as palpa-
involves conscious practice of the component of the task tion of the perineum for bulbocavernosus or visible

Table 2
Landmarks and displacement used to quantify contraction of the individual striated pelvic floor muscles

Muscle Measurement point Measure of displacement with contraction

Striated urethral sphincter Mid-urethra—most prominent apex of dorsal movement Distance of displacement (between rest and contraction)
during contraction along a line drawn from the dorsal pole of the
symphysis pubis to most prominent apex in the
contracted image
Bulbocavernosus Bulb of penis—most dorsal aspect of bulb of penis Distance of anteroposterior displacement (between rest
and contraction) along a line drawn parallel to the
anteroposterior axis of symphysis pubis
Puborectalis Urethrovesical junction—dorsal edge of the urethra at Distance of displacement (between rest and contraction)
the urethrovesical junction along a line drawn parallel to anteroposterior axis of
Anorectal junction —apex of curve aligned to the symphysis pubis
ventral aspect of the rectum at the anorectal junction
Table 3
Tasks included in detailed assessment of striated pelvic floor muscle control with transperineal ultrasound imaging (TPUS)

Task Instructions Performance characteristics Ideal response Suboptimal features

Voluntary First, assessment with minimal Effort: gentle contraction at Striated urethral sphincter: TPUS— UVJ/ARJ depression/abdominal
activation instruction to test “raw” strategy. Basic 5%−20% with emphasis on Dorsal motion of mid-urethra (MU). pressurisation
instruction should be limited, such as precision rather than intensity Other assessment—Visual observation No motion of the MU
“gently contract the muscles of the Duration: up to »10 s or duration of of retraction of penis No BP compression (no “pinch” of
pelvic floor as if you are trying to ‘hold »3 breaths Bulbocavernosus: urethra)

P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18
on’ to delay urination” Patient position: either long sitting TPUS—Compression of bulb of penis Bias to anal/puborectalis contraction
Second, identify best strategy to activate with the trunk supported and thighs (BP). Other assessment—Palpation of Minimal displacement of bladder
urethral striated muscles, particularly slightly abducted or supine lying tension in perineum behind scrotum neck
striated urethral sphincter. Example with supported bent knees. May Puborectalis: TPUS—Bladder neck/ Inability to relax (particularly
instructions are; “Stop flow of urine” consider assessment in sitting, urethrovesical juntion elevation + ventral puborectalis)
or “Retract the penis” standing, lying motion of anorectal junction Inability to breathe while holding
Ensure that superficial/upper abdominal contraction

(obliquus externus abdominis and rectus Inability to hold for more than a
abdominis) and leg muscles are relaxed. brief contraction
Activation of deep/lower abdominal
muscles (e.g., transversus abdominis) is
acceptable, but should be gentle.
Observation/palpation abdominal
muscles can be used
Repeated Task 1: "Contract the pelvic floor Task 1: Rapid contraction and hold Rapid dorsal motion of MU (striated Depression of UVJ/ARJ
contraction £10 muscles rapidly and hold for 3−5 s for for 3−5 s; urethral sphincter), compression of bulb Slow/incomplete contraction
up to 10 repetitions” Task 2; Rapid contraction and rapid of penis (bulbocavernosus), and UVJ/ Slow/incomplete relaxation.
Task 2: “Contract the pelvic floor relaxation ARJ (puborectalis) elevation, with
muscles as quickly as possible for up Effort: moderate intervening rapid complete relaxation
to 10 repetitions” Duration: up to 10 repetitions
Cough “Do a single cough with moderate Effort: moderate Rapid/early dorsal displacement of MU Excessive depression of UVJ/ARJ
effort” before expulsion during pressurisation phase and/or
Sustained dorsal displacement of MU expulsion phase
during expulsive phase of cough Absence/ delayed dorsal
Mild depression of UVJ/ARJ is expected displacement of MU
during the expulsion phase, but not
Cough with “Contract the pelvic floor muscles, hold Effort: gentle precontraction and Preactivation of striated urethral sphincter Excessive depression of UVJ/ARJ
preactivation this and do a single cough with moderate effort cough (dorsal displacement of MU) Absence/ delayed dorsal
moderate effort” As for cough, but less depression of UVJ/ displacement of MU
Sustained hold to “Gently contract the pelvic floor Effort: maximum Dorsal motion of MU Inability to hold contraction
evaluate muscles, build this up to contract as Strong encouragement is required Compression of BP Flickering contraction—particularly
endurance hard as you can, then sustain that for as throughout the task Elevation of UVJ striated urethral sphincter
long as you can” Duration: until unable to continue. Ventral motion of ARJ Release and regain (“drop” and
Record duration of hold Sustained hold “catch”)
Depression of UVJ/ARJ

Table 4
Pelvic floor muscle training program to address pathophysiology of incontinence after radical prostatectomy

Training goal Aim Decision rule Assessment Treatment session Home program

Goal 1: Optimize Optimize pattern Commence Assess using transperineal Educate anatomy and actions of pelvic floor muscles Continue to use cue/instruction identified
pattern of pelvic with bias to preoperatively. ultrasound imaging and other Contraction of striated urethral sphincter with careful for the individual patient
floor muscle striated urethral Postoperatively techniques (e.g., observation; use of instructions; Gentle contraction intensity to begin to
contraction sphincter commence after palpation) “retract penis”; “shorten penis”; “pull the turtle’s head train optimal pattern of muscle
catheter removal Ideal response into its shell”; “stop the flow of urine”; “imaging activation—progress from 5% to 20%.

P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18
Smooth controlled contraction peeing up the wall” Hold—Start at 2−3 s, Progress to 10 s
biased to striated urethral Gentle contraction of transversus abdominis to enhance Relax smoothly.
sphincter (minor contraction awareness, but striated urethral sphincter contraction Sets of »5−10 repetitions
of bulbocavernosus, gentle must be confirmed Emphasis on quality, not intensity or
contraction only of Contraction of bulbocavernosus; “contract as if number of repetitions
puborectalis) squeezing out the last few drops” Consider using feedback at home; e.g.,
Hold for at least 2−3 s initially Gentle contraction of puborectalis; “stop flow of urine”; In front of a mirror to observe features

Continue breathing “contract to prevent passing wind” such as penile retraction, palpate
Discourage Trial of slowing/stopping of urination midstream to test tension in bulbocavernosus superficial
Bias to posterior contraction contraction of striated pelvic floor muscles to bulb of penis
(anal) Relaxation after contraction Positions—Sitting, standing, supine
Excessive activation of Breathing while holding the pelvic floor muscle Consider that some pelvic floor muscles
abdominal muscles contraction (e.g., puborectalis) could demonstrate
Breath holding. increased tone
Goal 2: Integrate Train preactivation Commence early Assess using transperineal Create priority list of tasks to work through Practice preactivation before tasks
pelvic floor before exertion Match intensity of ultrasound imaging and other Example tasks; Practice “leak and repeat”
muscle control Maintain hold for contraction and techniques (e.g., observation; Sit-to-stand Practice preactivation at different
into function longer periods, difficulty of task to palpation) Walk intensities
but with low patient’s capacity Evaluate pattern with voluntary Moving object on bench/table Match to demands of the task (e.g., high
intensity Progress to higher activation Turning/Bending/Squat intensity for cough/sit-to-stand; low
level functions as Evaluate rapid repeated Run intensity for step)
able contraction Cough—vary cough intensity to challenge capacity Maintain hold of activation for longer.
Evaluate cough Teach “leak and repeat” protocol (If you leak, STOP! Progress from low to high intensity
Evaluate cough with CONTRACT. REPEAT) functions
preactivation When leaking is experienced during a task (e.g., lifting) Match training intensity to the demands
Can add feedback with paper —Stop, consciously precontract, repeat without leak the patient is exposed in their function/
towel inside underwear/pad Practice several (at least 3) repetitions lifestyle
for quick assessment of urine
Goal 3: Bladder Commence advice Commence early Bladder diary Gradually hold urine for longer periods rather than Other advice;
training early maintain empty bladder. Decrease caffeine,
Priority for patients Example instructions; “Don’t try to keep the bladder Maintain hydration,
who experience empty by responding to every urge or urinating every Avoid constipation—diet/medication,
symptoms of urge. time you change a pad,” “Contract the pelvic floor Advice for voiding strategy (“Squeeze
Man aid men with muscles and say no to the urge. Put it off as long as out last few drops” at end of urination
continual drip possible without getting wet—even if only for a few to prevent postmicturition dribble).
induced by seconds initially”.
detrusor Aim to empty bladder 6 times per day and 1 time per
contraction night
(continued on next page)
Table 4 (Continued)

Training goal Aim Decision rule Assessment Treatment session Home program

Keep bladder chart/diary

Frequent, pelvic floor muscles contractions (e.g.,
duration of 10−15s to reduce detrusor activity)
Implement urge suppression techniques if experience
the feeling of urge to urinate; e.g., “Stay calm and
breath (panic makes things worse)”
“Sit down or stand still for 1 minute until urge

P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18
“Think of something to distract thoughts (e.g., count
backwards from 100; count backwards in 7 s)”
“Contract pelvic floor muscles to supress urge (can also
try gluteal muscle squeeze or curling the toes)”
Goal 4: Low Condition muscles Commence once Assess using transperineal Maintain optimal pattern Aim for functional use of holding at
intensity tonic striated urethral pattern of striated ultrasound imaging and other Contraction intensity—»10% effort times when greater likelihood of leak

hold training for sphincter to hold muscle activation is techniques (e.g., observation; Hold time—Progress from 10 s to 30−60 s Relax fully between repetitions
sustained tasks for longer periods optimal. palpation) Repetitions—up to 10. Commence in standing (sitting or lying
to compensate for Evaluate pattern with voluntary Frequency—start at 2−3 times per day; progress to might be necessary initially)
loss of smooth activation frequent holds during the day (e.g., 60−100 per day) Progress to contraction during
muscle Evaluate holding time to guide While driving, standing in a queue, etc. movement (e.g., walking)
Commence low home program Train breathing control while maintain
intensity. Evaluate with low and high tonic activation.
intensity activation.
Goal 5: High level Enhance strength of Commence once Assess using transperineal Training for strength—Brief high intensity contractions Increase load by:
strength and pelvic floor pattern of striated ultrasound imaging and other Contraction intensity—near maximal (MVC) effort Increase contraction intensity,
endurance muscles for high muscle activation is techniques (e.g., observation; Hold time—3−10 s Increase intra-abdominal pressure,
training for high intensity function optimal and hold palpation) Repetitions—8−12 incorporating tasks that involve lifting,
intensity Enhance endurance can be maintained Evaluate pattern with voluntary Sets—1−3 pushing, pulling,
of pelvic floor for at least 30 s activation Rest—2−3 min between sets Shorten rest,
muscles for high Evaluate holding time to guide Some contractions with rapid increase for ballistic Increase speed, reps, frequency/duration
intensity function home program tasks. Alternate between strength & endurance
Enhance speed of Training for endurance—Sustained moderate intensity Consider timing of training (later in day
PFM contraction Contraction intensity—70% effort may be more challenging and a
for ballistic Hold time—start with 5 s and progress to 20 s progression)
contractions Repetitions—early phase—more reps, shorter .holds
(10−20 reps of 5 s hold), later phase—less reps,
longer holds (20 s holds)
Rest—30 s−1 min between sets
Goal 6: High Train control for Commence once Assess using transperineal Whole body training program with high intra-
performance intermittent very strength and ultrasound imaging and other abdominal pressure demand and complex tasks
training for high demand endurance is techniques (e.g., observation; (physically demanding and cognitively distracting)
demand & Maintain improving and palpation) Examples;
unexpected continence despite continence can be Evaluate pattern with voluntary “Core” exercise with elevated intra-abdominal pressure,
challenges high intra- maintained with activation Pilates program may be appropriate,
abdominal moderate exertion Gym program with weight machines

12 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

retraction of the penis. Quality of practice, rather than quan- strategies to prevent/limit incontinence episodes; restriction
tity, is critical in the initial phase. Skill training leads to of fluid intake and/or emptying the bladder at every opportu-
greater changes in brain motor networks than strength train- nity. These strategies limit urine storage with potential to
ing [103] or unskilled practice [104] and no additional ben- reduce bladder volume and compliance, in addition to other
efit in the early stage of learning is achieved by excessive causes [113]. Men require training to gradually increase time
practice [105]. However, it is also clear that substantial rep- between urination, and may need to adopt strategies to reduce
etition over time is required to consolidate learning [106]. urge sensations [114] (see Table 4 for details). Advice to con-
sider reduction of consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and other
5.3. Goal 2: Integrate pelvic floor muscle control into diuretics has been suggested, but not yet strongly supported
function by randomized controlled trial (RCT) evidence [115].

Once striated muscle contraction can be performed with 5.5. Goal 4: Low intensity tonic hold training for sustained
an optimal pattern, motor learning principles mandate that tasks
this should be integrated into function (Table 4). Pelvic floor
muscles form the floor of the abdominal cavity and their As the striated muscles are required to compensate for the
activity is required to both control continence when IAP is loss of smooth muscle, the pathophysiology suggests that con-
increased, and also to contribute to modulation of IAP [34]. ditioning the striated muscles to maintain gentle tonic contrac-
As such, pelvic floor muscle activity is expected to increase tions for longer periods is an important treatment goal
with any task that involves increased IAP, including postural (Table 4). This would be challenging if there has been dener-
challenges (IAP is involved in postural control of the spine/ vation of the striated urethral sphincter. In healthy men, stri-
trunk [107]), coughing, and breathing [108], to name a few. ated urethral sphincter and puborectalis sustain some low-
Pelvic floor muscle activity can be initiated in advance of level tonic activity at rest, this can be superimposed with
tasks that are predictable (e.g., coughing [41], stepping [36]) higher amplitude activation as required by function [36]
and rapidly in response to unpredictable challenges [109], or (Hodges et al. 2019 unpublished data). In contrast, bulboca-
continuously when the challenge is ongoing [34]. During the vernosus tends to be recruited only in a phasic manner for
breathing cycle, activation of the pelvic floor muscles modu- additional support (Hodges et al. 2019 unpublished data).
lates with the changes in IAP [34]. After RP, men often com- Low load training of slow and tonic contractions can
plain of urine leakage with tasks such as coughing and sit-to- increase tonic muscle activation that transfers to functional
stand. Integration of pelvic floor muscle activation into these tasks for other muscles [102,116] in addition to increasing
tasks is essential. muscle strength and size [116]. For sustained activation, the
This is the associative phase of learning where the objec- intensity of contraction is important to consider because intra-
tive is retention and transfer of the skill into function. To muscular pressure increases linearly with activation [117],
achieve transfer to function it is essential to practice the and this in turn impedes muscle blood flow [118] and, conse-
new motor skill in a variety of contexts [110] (e.g., different quently, induces muscle fatigue [119]. As only low-level con-
body positions, at different times of the day) and to practice traction (<10% maximum voluntary contraction) enables
the task as close to functional use as possible in order to sufficient blood flow to maintain homeostasis [119], exercise
achieve transfer to function [111] and, ultimately, reach the for tonic activation should be targeted at this low percentage.
automatic phase of motor learning. A particular objective Improved capacity of striated muscles to maintain ure-
of this phase of training is to control urine leak on exertion. thral pressure might require both neural (shift to enhanced
For this, men should be encouraged to activate the PFM tonic activation) and muscle fibre adaptation (enhanced
with the optimized pattern in advance of performance of a capacity of slow twitch, fatigue-resistant muscle fibres),
task that would challenge continence, similar to the “knack” however, this has not yet been studied in detail. Progression
used in stress urinary incontinence in women [112]. A use- would involve incremental increases in holding time, and
ful strategy is “leak and repeat”—when a man experiences sustained holding during function. Tonic maintenance may
a loss of urine during a task (e.g., sit-to-stand; cough; step), be more difficult later in the day, and may require training
he should stop and repeat the task, but with optimized pre- for endurance in upright postures.
activation of the PFM, and then repeat several times to
encourage fixation of the motor pattern. It may be necessary 5.6. Goal 5: High level strength and endurance training for
to modify functional activities initially and progress as tol- high intensity function
erated as the capacity to control continence improves in
terms of longer periods and tasks with higher demand. Although not the primary goal of training in men (in con-
trast to the training objective in women with stress urinary
5.4. Goal 3: Bladder training incontinence [80]), the pelvic floor muscles must have suffi-
cient strength and endurance to meet demands of higher-level
Bladder training should commence early to maintain blad- function. The aim of strength and endurance training is to
der volume and compliance (Table 4). Men often adopt 2 enhance the capacity of the pelvic floor muscles to generate
P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18 13

force and to change muscle morphology (i.e., increase cross the timing and amplitude of activity of muscles around the
sectional area, enhance neural drive, increase muscle stiffness, abdominal cavity, including the pelvic floor, abdominal,
modify connective tissue, etc.) [80], which might further and diaphragm muscles [34]. There is some evidence of
enhance the passive compression of the urethra. As for any changes in timing and amplitude of activity of pelvic floor
skeletal muscle, training involves progressive overload [120]. and abdominal muscles in women with stress urinary incon-
This is challenging for the pelvic floor muscles because there tinence [124−126]. This has not yet been tested in men with
is no simple method to add resistance as would be applied to incontinence after RP. Training of whole-body exercises
the limbs. In this case training requires strong voluntary con- with high IAP and unexpected challenges may be required
traction or resistance applied by elevated IAP. Training in this (Table 4). This is also likely to aid integration of pelvic
manner has been shown to change the pelvic floor muscle floor muscle activation into function.
thickness and a more elevated position in women [121], but This phase in particular involves individualization of goal
when focused on anal contraction in men this does not setting. Men’s aspirations to return to work or recreational
improve maximal urethral closure pressure [59]. This latter activities will vary greatly and goals should reflect individual
point reinforces that the focus on striated urethral sphincter needs. This will in turn influence the requirements of a train-
should continue during strength training. ing program e.g., from sedentary to physically demanding
Training should follow the principles of exercise physiol- work and recreational tasks (e.g., manual labour, elite sport).
ogy with training parameters separately optimized for
strength and for endurance (Table 4) [120]. In general, 5.8. Additional considerations for recovery of continence
strength training involves few repetitions with greater load
and near maximum efforts, whereas endurance training Optimal recovery of continence is likely to also require
involves a greater number of repetitions of less intense con- consideration of several additional aspects. These include
tractions [120]. An additional consideration for endurance attention to adherence to exercise and adjunct issues that
training is that muscle fatigue includes both changes in the will influence general health and wellbeing.
muscle (peripheral fatigue) and reduced capacity to voluntar-
ily activate the muscle by the central nervous system (central
5.1.1. Adherence to exercise
fatigue) [122]. There is evidence that central fatigue develops
quickly in pelvic floor muscles (shown for the external anal A major barrier to success of any training program is
sphincter [123]), and this could limit the potential to impose adherence [127]. PFMT is no different. Some work has
a training load on the pelvic floor muscles, as the ability to been undertaken to enhance adherence to PFMT for women
strongly activate the muscle declines. [128−130] and these principles can be applied to men
(Table 5). Future work should consider whether different
strategies are required for men.
5.7. Goal 6: High performance training for demand and
unexpected challenges
5.1.2. Adjunct considerations
Pelvic floor muscles will generally require capacity for Management of bowel dysfunction: Bowel dysfunction is
occasional events with high demand, such as instances of common after RP [131,132] and may require management
high IAP. Whole body exercise challenges coordination of with diet, medication, or behavioral management.

Table 5
Patient-focused exercise adherence strategiesa

1. Use strategies to influence “intention to adhere”—educate and motivate commencing preoperatively

2. Offer sufficient accurate information to grow patient “knowledge”
3. Teach the “physical skills” of a correct PFM contraction, then enhance performance and develop patient confidence/self-efficacy
4. Promote positive and decrease negative “feelings about PFMT” and perceived benefits of the PFMT
5. Counter negative with positive PFMT role models
6. Identify barriers to adherence (e.g., no time, forget) and seek solutions
7. Enable constructive “cognitive analysis, planning, and attention” to problem solve common barriers to and enhance PFMT facilitators in daily life
8. Boost the “prioritisation” of PFMT in patients’ lives
9. Introduce "action planning" process;
 Goal setting—behavior
 Goal setting—outcome
 Track improvement
10. Discuss strategies to integrate PFMT into daily activities, e. g., precontract when perform task
11. Discuss strategies to make training enjoyable—particularly with higher level training—e.g., Consider joining exercise group for higher level training
12. Consider ways to remind patient—e.g., contract every time they go to perform an activity that might challenge their continence, etc.
13. Engage partner/family members in encouraging training
Also see Frawley et al. [130].
14 P.W. Hodges et al. / Urologic Oncology: Seminars and Original Investigations 00 (2019) 1−18

Maintenance of mental health: Mental health issues are despite training, include; (i) surgical trauma to striated ure-
prevalent in men undergoing RP [133]. This has an impact thral sphincter or its innervation that does not recover or
on quality of life and may impact adherence to manage- cannot be compensated by bulbocavernosus and puborecta-
ment. It is necessary to prepare for possible outcomes lis; (ii) scaring of the urethra that causes stiffening and pre-
before prostatectomy, provide reassurance, maintain posi- vents urethral closure; (iii) shape of bladder neck
tive attitude, provide emotional support, and address mental (funneling); (iv) short length of urethra with insufficient
health as a barrier to adherence [134]. length over which muscles can generate urethral pressure;
Reinforce general exercise: General exercise has well- (v) caudal location of the bladder such that the puborectalis
known benefits in prostate cancer including an up to 49% compresses the bladder rather than the urethra; and (vi)
reduction in mortality and 61% reduction in prostate cancer lack of recovery of automatic maintenance of striated mus-
death [135]. Any PFMT program should be accompanied cle contraction. These possibilities require investigation.
by reinforcement of the positive benefits of physical fitness
for cancer recovery and for health/wellbeing. The advice 7. Conclusion
for physical activity may need to be considered with respect
to exercise tolerance of pelvic floor muscles to maintain Although evidence for existing PFMT programs to pre-
continence. This may require pacing of exercise and regular vent and rehabilitate incontinence after RP is inconsistent,
rest periods while pelvic floor muscle control improves. new understanding of continence control in men and patho-
Rather than avoiding physical activity men should be edu- physiology of incontinence after RP provides a plausible
cated that they will be likely to experience urinary inconti- explanation and proposes opportunities to create more
nence with higher intensity exercise, which should diminish effective management. This paper reviewed the contempo-
as pelvic floor muscle function improves. rary understanding of continence and incontinence and pro-
Reinforce weight loss: Worse continence outcomes have poses a targeted program that can be tailored to match the
been observed in obese men [136]. Whether this can be needs of an individual patient.
improved by weight-loss requires investigation. Reinforce-
ment of weight control is likely to have other health benefits. Conflict of Interest
Erectile dysfunction and penile rehabilitation: RCT evi-
dence shows that PFMT can improve erectile function None.
[137], which may be related to improved vascular regula-
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