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Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 bab 4


Ungkapan untuk menanyakan angka/nomor

 What number is it? 4 It is four. Atau This number is four

 Is it five ? 5 Yes it is five.

 Is it five ?
6 No it is not. It is no five. It is six.

 What is your favourite number? 6 My favourite number is


 What is your father’s favourite number? 1 My father’s

favourite number is one

Penggunaan tnada plus ( + )
Tanda plus digunakan untuk menjumlahkan bilangan atau angka
Contoh :
 2+9 dibaca : two plus nine

 5+4 dibaca : five plus four

 3+7 dibaca three plus seven

 five plus nine ditulis : 5 + 9
 eight plus two ditulis : 8 + 2
 three plus one ditulis : 3 + 1

Ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan angka/nomor

Perhatikan urutan angka berikut :

1 2 3 4 5

 The first number is? The first number is one. Atau one

 The second number is? The second number is two. Atau two

 The last number is? The last number is five. Atau five
 The number before 3 is? The number before 3 is two.
Atau two

 The number after 2 is? The number after is three.

Atau three

 The number between 4 and 6 is? The number

between 4 and six is five. Atau five

Arti Kata
 Number = angka
 Plus = tambah
 Minus = kurang
 After = setelah
 Before = sebelum
 Between = antara
 The First number = angka yang pertama
 The second number = angka yang kedua
 The last number = angka yang terakhir

Ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan jumlah

Look at the picture! How many books are there?
There are three books

Look at the picture! How many crayons are there?

There are five books
Gunakan “there are” jika menunjukkan benda yang
jumlahnya lebih dari 1

Look at the picture! How many bags are there?

There is one bag
Gunakan “there is” jika menunjukkan benda yang
jumlahnya hanya 1

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