Adobe Scan 16-Oct-2023

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~\ ~ ,,/~' ll
~~~,/). \ NO
~'t~~ , .,~~ ~- I

eeing a perso
having great
potential but
wasting it on
making m o n e v , · 1 ~ - - - - - -
bv fooling Alpha moonlong
if vou give me
monev, i can solve
vour everv
problem . small
problem needs 10

vours son will be

fine in {ew davs.

Random: pl%% help

me,i lost mv job ..
pl ease heal mv
husband from
pneumonia ...
hevv, i know vou {oolin
people. vou can generate
unlimited {ire because,
Alpha vou a {ire TENTOR user
not because vou can
communicate with god!
now give this monev back
o them .

so, can

vou can't
do it,
Holv sh;f ,~
he Rev
Famous pill
who solo
beat 100

vou give monev or

not. i have missio

thank you
by the

whv vou doing warm-up?

s mall intestine

✓ --.. ~

Rev!! don't

right . i let
,-------1 him go to
now don ' t
talk about

am not in

d rinking

ch-2 Origin+piller
the peace , a organisation

;&, ,,c::>
, ' _ ' -,.' ..~~~
which follows the ideology
of one world . the leader
, , , --' ' : '1~ of peace is in{initv , a man
0, who master everv martial
arts and sword skills


The group peace

conqueror the world
38% area. actually
this group made by
infinity father , who
knew that the best
method to end wars
The pitier , a

~ pille:r
and establish
which stops the
group peace
from conquering
o{world. the
pitier is
controlled by the
head pitier which
is elected by the
5 vice
head , and each

ler of hop of one have 10
pitier under
lady W them.
(pitier o powe (pitier of love)
piller is
bv Alpha
and Rev
father ... kol

Rev moonlong
work under
the vice head
of pitier of

and the'( control

vice pil/er (locc:11)
and thev each
control 100 pil/er .
if vou want to be
a vice piller , vou
need to seled bl(
a vice head pil/er
but if vou want to
vice head pil/er
vou need to be
complete 3 ss

In this world , two tvpes of energv {lows . one
rentor and second is tentor . onlv few people can
use the m , onlv '1 . bo/a can use rentor and from
that onlv 2 % can use tentor . . . . 'RENTOR a en ergv
s imilar to aura . in base for m of rentor user can
strong his/her particular are a s like hands. leg , etc .
also h e can use this {or healing. onlv if the


~ splitting
rentor shield

ln the master form of rentor, user can split his/her
rentor, control it independently. also can make a shield ,
basically can manipulate his rentor outside the body. also
can make rentor based object like a knife, but this
technique is very very hard of creating objects from
Each person have different colour of
rentor depending on their mental state,
personality, ideology. all most each one
of at same level expect black,
golden,white,green( last one)

if vour rentor colour

is vellow then vou are
a confident person
also vou take big

lovelv and mixed form of

happl/ several rentor

,,, ., people with

determine and dark desire
honest and with a
ruthless heart.
' ~ no one have this l
{jXJ!J?@ ~ extremelv
colour expect the true/ l
generation of first ¼
rare .... no data
t rentor user . . . this is
extremelv powerful.
TENTOR , a mvsterious power present in this world.
T entor have two tvpes one telekinesis ans second one
is elemental . Elemental contain some elements but some
user mal<e their futher , for eg electric to light, water
to ice. The rarest one, the darl< energv have different
different abilities, each particular user of darl< energv
have different abilities for example , person A have
abilitv to mal<e its self copv , but there alwavs a
disadvantage . . . remember.

Telekinesis Elemental



Telel<inesis, vou

~ wind
know'!'! . T entor
user can use onlv Y·
one tvpe .. in
elemental he/she
dark energy
can onlv vou one
element in whole
life . .
man , we get
penalty by head
office. if we get
penalty , our

like to pay
with .card

card, so those two are

the one . . . . I need to
dare , vou to
brother ...

- in
) militarl( , then
whl( vou

a peace
supporter and
also some one

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