G5 Unit 5 Shopping

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Grade 5 English

Term 1
Unit 5 Shopping

Name: _____________

What do you like/ hate about shopping?

Reading Comprehension

Text 1
Read the passage “Shopping” and answer following questions, then define
the underlined words using your dictionaries:

Advice to Travellers: Shopping in the UK

There are a few golden rules to follow when shopping in the UK. Abide by
these and your shopping trip should run smoothly:

1. Queuing – Yes, what you’ve heard is true! The British love to queue.
Whether they’re waiting to pay at the checkout or waiting to choose their
bananas, Brits tend to stand patiently in line for their turn, and pushing in is
frowned upon.

2. Saying thanks – The British are fond of saying ‘thank you’ when
shopping – perhaps a little too much! When they’re paying for their
groceries, people may thank the cashier three or four times - don’t be
surprised if you hear them do this! On the flip side, when customers forget
to thank them, cashiers can get quite annoyed.

3. Haggling – When at the market or when buying a large item such as

a house or a car, it is usually okay to try to persuade the seller to lower the
price of an item (to haggle). In a supermarket or clothes shop, however,
haggling usually only works if an item is faulty in some way.

4. Controlling children – When children misbehave in a supermarket (as

kids sometimes do), most parents tell their children off as quietly as
possible to avoid attracting attention to themselves.

5. Asking for help – If you’re walking round in circles and can’t find the
spaghetti, don’t lose all hope
– shop assistants tend to be very helpful. However, being too direct (e.g.
saying ‘I want spaghetti’) won’t go down too well. For best results, say
something like ‘Excuse me. Could you tell me where to find the spaghetti,

6. Trolley etiquette – If you are ever tempted to leave your trolley in the
middle of a supermarket aisle while you’re choosing your carrots, beware!
While most Brits would probably try to squeeze past your trolley wordlessly,
in extreme circumstances, blocking an aisle may cause ‘trolley rage’ among
other shoppers (this is quite similar to road rage).


A. Read the whole text quickly. Which of the social norms in the text did
you mention in your group discussion?



B. Find up to 5 words or phrases from the text that you would like to know
the meaning of. Write them in the grid below. Now find out the meaning
by using a dictionary, your mobile phone or asking other students.

Word or Phrase Meaning

Explain the meaning of at least two of your words to another student.

C. Read the text again and look at the statements below. Write ‘T’ if they
are true and ‘F’ if they are false.
1. ______This text is from a website .
2.______This text is written for British people.
3. ______In the UK, pushing into a queue is acceptable.
4.______If a customer doesn’t say “thank you”, a cashier may become
5.______It is usually okay to haggle in a supermarket.
6.______Most British parents tend to tell their children off loudly in public.
7.______Saying ‘I want spaghetti’ is likely to annoy a shop assistant.
8.______Blocking a supermarket aisle with a trolley will usually lead to
loud arguments with other customers.

Lesson 2
Reading Comprehension
Text 2
Read the passage “Shopping” and answer following questions, then define
the underlined words using your dictionaries:
Shopping is a necessary part of life which very few people can avoid. It is a
daily routine for some people. Some people shop for pleasure while other
people go shopping just to buy the necessary items in order to survive. The
weekend is usually a good time to go shopping because people have free
time from work. At this time the shops are usually very busy because
people try to get the best items for the lowest price before the item runs out
of stock.

Some people go shopping more regularly than other people to browse

products in shops even when they do not have much money. This is known
as window shopping and allows people to plan ahead and save for the
things they want to buy in the future or wait for the items to drop in price.
Some people spend a lot of time looking for bargains while others do not
think of the price and are happy to spend a lot. Some people believe that
the more expensive the item, the better the quality, but this is not always
true. It is sensible to buy items which are affordable, but some people use a
credit card or borrow money from the bank so that they can buy the items
they really want rather than wait for it.

Sometimes shopping can be stressful when choosing a gift to buy other

people for a special occasion. It is common to buy a gift voucher so that a
friend or loved one can go shopping themselves at their own convenience.
Shopping online is often popular with people who have a busy lifestyle.
People are able to order their necessary and luxury items from the comfort
of their own home, or even on the move. Delivery is usually free and items
are often cheaper than in shops on the high street. The only real problem is
that the item description and quality may be different than what they hoped
for. This could mean the customer may become disappointed with the item
they receive and will need to return it at their own cost. People who go to
shops to do their shopping often use self-service payment machines. This
usually saves time as the shopper does not need to join a long queue.
However, it can be frustrating when the machine has a problem and the
sales assistant is not always available to help.

A. Choose the best answers that go with the above reading passage.

1) Why is the weekend a good time to go shopping?

A) It is very busy on the weekend.
B) People are free from work.
C) Things are usually cheaper.
D) The shops are closed.

2) What are people doing when they go shopping just to have a look and
not to buy?
A) Bargain hunting
B) Window shopping
C) They do not have much money
D) Looking for the best quality

3) What do some people usually think about items of better quality?

A) They are cheaper
B) They are harder to find
C) They are more expensive
D) They are on sale

4) When can shopping be stressful?

A) When shops are about to close
B) When it is very busy
C) When buying a gift for someone
D) On the weekend

5) Is there sometimes a problem with online shopping?

A) No the shops are open 24 hours a day
B) Yes with the quality and description of the item
C) Yes there are too many queues
D) No there are no problems

Listen to a conversation in a shop to practice and improve your
listening skills.
Before listening do the preparation task first. Then listen to the audio
and do the exercises.
Preparation task Write the words in the correct group.

jumper green black large

red shirt trousers skirt

extra large medium blue small

Size Colour Clothes

Task 1
Put the questions in the order that you hear them.
_____ Where are the changing rooms?
_____ Would you like a bag for that?
_____ What size do you need?
_____ Can I help you?
_____ How much is this?
_____ Can I pay by credit card?
Task 2 Match the answers with the questions.

Yes, you can. Of course. It’s £29. I’m just looking, thanks.

Yes, please. They’re over there. Extra small, please.

1. Can I help you? ____________________

2. Where are the changing rooms? ____________________
3. What size do you need? ____________________
4. How much is this? ____________________
5. Can I pay by credit card? ____________________
6. Would you like a bag for that? ____________________

Lesson 4: GRAMMAR
Command Verbs

Verbs are action words. They show any form of action. Words such as
hold, stop, go, follow and many more. There are specific types of verbs
known as command verbs or imperative verbs. These verbs are used
to give commands. When used correctly these verbs sound like you are
bossing someone around.


Give me the book.

Don’t touch the stove

Take the dog for a walk

Think about writing an imperative sentence. The action word in the

imperative sentence is a command verb. Make sure you use the root form
of the verb to make it imperative. Think of it as the difference between
someone sitting and telling someone to sit. The second option is the
imperative or command form.

Command verbs may sound as if you are bossing someone around, but
when used they do not have to be mean or rude. A sentence such as
‘Please take out the trash’ is still imperative as it is giving a demand and
using a command verb, but is tempered with something such as please
so it does not come across as harsh.

There are actually four ways to use command verbs. These include as an
order, as instructions, as advice, or as invitations.
Order: Come over here immediately!
Instruction: First peel the potatoes, then boil them in water.
Advice: Do not go out after dark alone, it can be dangerous
Invitation: Sit down and try the cake, it is delicious.

Command Verbs 1
Underline each command verb in the sentences below.
Some may have more than one.
1.Stop yelling at your sister!

2. Go to the store and buy a loaf of bread and a dozen eggs.

3. Add three scoops of sugar to the cookies please.

4. Do not beg for a toy when we are in the store.

5. Bake a cake for the party if you do not mind.

6. Bring me a clean set of clothing so I can change after the race.

7. Behave like a gentlemen when we meet the new church members.

8. Always close the door when you come in so the bugs stay outdoors.

9. Chop up the vegetables I have laid on the table so we can make salsa.

10. Catch the dog and put him inside so we can leave for school.

11. When hiding in the woods crouch down behind something so the
animals do not get scared.

11. Crack the window so the room will air out, it smells like wet dog.

12. Cook dinner for yourself and your brother before I arrive home.

13. Please explain how to complete number three on the math worksheet.

14. Fetch the movie from the other room so we can watch it after dinner.

15. Fill up all the water balloons for the activities at the picnic.

16. Flip the pancakes when they are a nice golden color half way through.

17. Fold all three loads of laundry and put them away before bed.

18. She will get the cake two hours before the party begins.

19. At six o’clock go to the library to pick up your sister.

Command Verbs 2
10 | P a g e
Read each statement and use the provided command verb to write a new
sentence using that command verb.
1.Jumping on the trampoline can be lots of fun. (Jump)
Example: Jump on the trampoline, it can be fun.
2. I enjoy listening to music when I am upset because it calms me down.

3. Mixing up cake batter can be a real workout if you have to do it by

hand. (Mix)

4. I do not mind moving furniture as long as there are no stairs. (Move)

5. Will you be opening the mail before I leave? (Open)


6. I will be ordering several meals for the party this weekend. (Order)

7. Will you be painting the bedroom red or blue for the new baby? (Paint)

8. Picking up trash along the highway is a helpful way to spend an

afternoon. (Pick)

9. Playing outside is my favorite thing to do in the summer. (Play)


10. I was pouring milk into my cereal and dropped the jug. (Pour)

Command Verbs in Conversations 3

11 | P a g e
Look at the conversations that have been started. Use the provided
command verb to write out an appropriate sentence to finish the
1. Will you be going to the party this weekend? What do you need
me to do to help? (Buy)
2. I love sports. What is your favorite activity? (Jump)
3. When we go to the playground I want to try everything. What
should we do first? (Swing)
4. I want to start a business. I have no idea where to start. (Open)
5. I am not sure what to do today. I have no plans but want to do
something fun. (Go)
6. I have three full buckets of paint. I want to paint something, what do you
think? (Paint)
7. This math is much simpler than expected. Do you understand
how to work the problems? (Explain)

Lesson 5 – 6

12 | P a g e
Our weekly shopping can take hours if not planned properly .On the lines
below, write down steps on how to plan our weekly shopping so it takes
less time.

















Lesson 7 – 8: The Secret Garden

13 | P a g e
Focus: Plot - The events that make up a story or the main part of the story
Chapter 4
Read Chapter 4 then complete the activities below.
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What was the weather like in spring?
2. What noise did Mary start to hear in the night?
3. What did the boy look like?
4. Why did Colin’s father hate him?
5. What did Colin want Mary to talk about?
6. What did Colin want his servants to do?
7. Who was in the garden with Dickon?
8. What did Mary tell Dickon about?
9. Why was Colin angry?
10. What did Colin threaten to do if Mary didn’t visit him?

B. Say whether the following statements are true of false.

14 | P a g e
True False
1. Mary like working with Dickon in the garden.
2. Colin was Mary’s step-brother.
3. Colin was very depressed because he going to get a
4. Colin had never left his room.
5. Colin begged Mary to take him to the garden.
6. Mary sang a beautiful English lullaby for Colin.
7. She regularly visited Colin and told him about the
8. Both Mary and Colin were used to being listened to.
9. Mary was very angry with Colin because she didn’t like
the way he was talking to her.
10. The argument with Colin didn’t ruin the pleasant day
she had spend with Dickon.

C .Choose the correct form.

1. Colin has never leaved / left his room.

2. The boy begged / beged Mary to tell him more stories.

3. Mary was tired and she quickly has fallen / fell asleep.

4. The weather turned for the badder / the worse and Mary couldn’t sleep
at night.

5. Mary had never met / meted such a selfish boy before.


15 | P a g e
You have five minutes to prepare, then you will be called to speak in front
of the class.
TOPIC: Swimming
Discuss the following:
1. What’s your daily routine like?
2. What time do you get up?
3. What time do you start and finish school?
4. Do you do any activities after school? What do you do?
5. What time do you go to bed?

16 | P a g e

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